

AAdams, John Quincy (by himself), 1767 - 1848

Alexander the Great (unknown)

Gracie Allen and George Burns (themselves)

Susan B. Anthony (unknown)

[edit] BClyde Barrow (unknown) - 1909-1934

Outlaw, bank robber and partner of Bonnie Parker

Hilaire Belloc (unknown) - 1870-1953

Jakob Bernoulli (by himself) - 1654-1705

Referring to the accompanying inscription of a logarithmic spiral, which remains the same after mathematical transformations. He considered it a symbol of ressurrection. CLARIFICATION: Bernoulli called the logarithmis spiral Spira mirabilis,

Mel Blanc (by himself)

William Bligh (unknown)

To The Memory Of

William Bligh, Esquire F.R.S.

Vice Admiral Of The Blue,

The Celebrated Navigator

Who First Transplanted The Breadfruit Tree

From Otahette To The West Indies,

Bravely fought The Battles Of His Country

And Died Beloved, Respected, And Lamented

On The 7th Day Of December, 1817

Aged 64

Ludwig Boltzmann (by himself) - 1844-1906

John Brown (unknown)

John Brown is filling his last cavity.

Charles Bukowski (by himself)

Samuel Butler (by Samuel Wesley) - 1612-1680

See him, when starv'd to death, and turn'd to dust,

Presented with a monumental bust.

The poet's fate is here in emblem shown,

He ask'd for bread, and he received a stone.

[edit] CAl Capone (by himself)

Andrew Carnegie (unknown)

George Washington Carver (unknown)

Walter Chiari (by himself)

Winston Churchill (unknown) I am ready to meet my Maker.

Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (by himself)

And read with gentle breast. Beneath this sod

A poet lies, or that which once seem'd he.

O, lift one thought in prayer for S.T.C.;

That he who many a year with toil of breath

Found death in life, may here find life in death!

Mercy for praise - to be forgiven for fame

He ask'd, and hoped, through Christ. Do thou the same!

Ian Curtis (Himself)

[edit] DRodney Dangerfield (himself) - 1921-2004

Bette Davis (unknown)

Jefferson Davis (unknown)

An American Soldier

And Defender of the Constitution

Emily Dickinson (herself)

John Donne (Himself)

whose name is Rising.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (unknown)

The great artificer

Made my mate.

Diophantus of Alexandria (unknown)

[edit] EWyatt Earp (unknown) Nothing's So Sacred As Honor


Nothing's So Loyal As Love.

Eazy-E (Eric Wright) We loved him a lot. But God loved him more.

Robert Emmet (Himself) - 1778-1803

men, can do justice to my character; when my country takes her place among the nations of the earth, then, and not till then, let my epitaph be written. I have done.

Edward I of England (unknown)

[edit] FW.C. Fields (unknown)- 1880-1946

In a 1925 article in Vanity Fair Fields had proposed the epitaph

F. Scott Fitzgerald (himself; from The Great Gatsby)

the current, borne back

ceaselessly into the past.

Benjamin Franklin (himself)

Like the Cover of an old Book

Its Contents torn out

And stripped of its Lettering & guilding

Lies here food for worms

For, it will as he believed appear once more

In a new and more elegant edition

Corrected and improved by the Author.

Robert Frost (himself)

R. Buckminster Fuller (himself)

[edit] GRene Gagnon (unknown)

He Raised Our Flag In Battle

And Showed A Measure Of His

Pride At A Place Called

Where Courage Never Died

John Gay (himself)

I thought so once, and now I know it.

Jackie Gleason (himself)

Mane Garrincha

Mahatma Gandhi

Kenneth Grahame (Anthony Hope, his cousin)

Michael Grzimek

[edit] HHenry II (by Ralph of Diceto)

To me Diverse realms were subject, I was duke and count of many provinces. Eight feet of ground is now enough for me, whom many kingdoms failed to satisfy. Who reads these lines, let him reflect, upon the narrowness of death. And in my case behold, the image of our mortal lot. This scanty tomb doth now suffice, For whom the Earth was not enough.

Richard Hind

Who was neither ingenious, sober, nor kind.

Winifred Holtby (by herself) - 1898-1935

[edit] I

[edit] JThomas Jefferson (by himself)

and father of the University of Virginia

President of the USA, these are not mentioned. He had said that he wanted to be remembered for what he gave to America, and not what America had given to him.

Jesse James (by his mother)

George Johnson (unknown)

Hanged by mistake, 1882

He was right

We was wrong

But we strung him up

And now he's gone

Carl Jung (unknown)

deus aderit

Jeremiah Johnson (unknown)

John Jones (by Himself)

[edit] KNikos Kazantzakis (by himself)

John Keats (by himself and his friends) - 1795-1821

E-ach drop has fallen from some mourner's cheek;

A-sacred tribute; such as heroes seek,

T-hough oft in vain - for dazzling deeds of slaughter

S-leep on! Not honoured less for Epitaph so meek!

Kent (by himself)

I was well at night and dead at nine in the morning

Martin Luther King, Jr.

[edit] LKing Leonidas of Sparta

Brandon Lee

Vivien Leigh Now boast thee, death,

in thy possesion lies

A lass unparallel'd From Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare

Jack Lemmon (by himself)

Primo Levi 174517 It was his number in Auschwitz.

Charles Lindbergh and Anne Lindbergh


dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea

John Locke (unknown) Stop Traveller! Near this place lieth John Locke. If you ask what kind of a man he was, he answers that he lived content with his own small fortune. Bred a scholar, he made his learning subservient only to the cause of truth. This thou will learn from his writings, which will show thee everything else concerning him, with greater truth, than the suspect praises of an epitaph. His virtues, indeed, if he had any, were too little for him to propose as matter of praise to himself, or as an example to thee. Let his vices be buried together. As to an example of manners, if you seek that, you have it in the Gospels; of vices, to wish you have one nowhere; if mortality, certainly, (and may it profit thee), thou hast one here and everywhere.

Jack London (Psalm 118:22)

Howard Phillips Lovecraft (unknown)

Bela Lugosi (his children)

[edit] MRob Roy MacGregor (unknown)

Roger Maris (unknown) 1935-1985

Against all Odds

Dean Martin (by himself) w:1917-1995

Groucho Marx (by himself)

Karl Marx (unknown)

interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.

Leonard Matlovich (by himself) - 1943- 1988

John Laird McCaffery (

Free your body and soul

Unfold your powerful wings

Climb up the highest mountains

Kick your feet up in the air

You may now live forever

Or return to this earth

Unless you feel good where you are!

---Missed by your friends

unknown. However, the Montreal Mirror quoted the gravestone's engraver as saying that the stone was ordered by McCaffery's

H. L. Mencken (by himself) - 1880-1956

Spike Milligan (by himself) - 1918-2002 Dúirt mé leat go raibh mé breoite. Translation from Irish:

Lester Moore (unknown)

Lester Moore

four slugs

from a 44

no Les

no more

Jim Morrison (unknown) - 1943-1971

Matthew Mudd (unknown) from Massachusetts:

Death did him no hurt;

When alive he was only Mudd,

But now he's only dirt.

Audie Murphy (unknown)



PH & 2 OLC

[edit] NIsaac Newton (Alexander Pope) On his tombstone,

God said, 'Let Newton be!' and all was light.

Joshua A. Norton

Emperor of the United States


Protector of Mexico

Frank Nitti (unknown)

[edit] OOsho

[edit] PBonnie Parker (Unknown) 1910-1934

the sunshine and the dew, so this old

world is made brighter by the lives

of folks like you.

Dorothy Parker - 1893-1967

Penn and Teller (by themselves)

Fernando Pessoa (himself)

James Louis Petigru (unknown) - 1789-1863

In the respect of his People,

In the affection of his Family,

His was the highest place.

Allan Pinkerton (unknown)


AAdams, John Quincy (by himself), 1767 - 1848

Alexander the Great (unknown)

Gracie Allen and George Burns (themselves)

Susan B. Anthony (unknown)

[edit] BClyde Barrow (unknown) - 1909-1934

Outlaw, bank robber and partner of Bonnie Parker

Hilaire Belloc (unknown) - 1870-1953

Jakob Bernoulli (by himself) - 1654-1705

Referring to the accompanying inscription of a logarithmic spiral, which remains the same after mathematical transformations. He considered it a symbol of ressurrection. CLARIFICATION: Bernoulli called the logarithmis spiral Spira mirabilis,

Mel Blanc (by himself)

William Bligh (unknown)

To The Memory Of

William Bligh, Esquire F.R.S.

Vice Admiral Of The Blue,

The Celebrated Navigator

Who First Transplanted The Breadfruit Tree

From Otahette To The West Indies,

Bravely fought The Battles Of His Country

And Died Beloved, Respected, And Lamented

On The 7th Day Of December, 1817

Aged 64

Ludwig Boltzmann (by himself) - 1844-1906

John Brown (unknown)

John Brown is filling his last cavity.

Charles Bukowski (by himself)

Samuel Butler (by Samuel Wesley) - 1612-1680

See him, when starv'd to death, and turn'd to dust,

Presented with a monumental bust.

The poet's fate is here in emblem shown,

He ask'd for bread, and he received a stone.

[edit] CAl Capone (by himself)

Andrew Carnegie (unknown)

George Washington Carver (unknown)

Walter Chiari (by himself)

Winston Churchill (unknown) I am ready to meet my Maker.

Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (by himself)

And read with gentle breast. Beneath this sod

A poet lies, or that which once seem'd he.

O, lift one thought in prayer for S.T.C.;

That he who many a year with toil of breath

Found death in life, may here find life in death!

Mercy for praise - to be forgiven for fame

He ask'd, and hoped, through Christ. Do thou the same!

Ian Curtis (Himself)

[edit] DRodney Dangerfield (himself) - 1921-2004

Bette Davis (unknown)

Jefferson Davis (unknown)

An American Soldier

And Defender of the Constitution

Emily Dickinson (herself)

John Donne (Himself)

whose name is Rising.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (unknown)

The great artificer

Made my mate.

Diophantus of Alexandria (unknown)

[edit] EWyatt Earp (unknown) Nothing's So Sacred As Honor


Nothing's So Loyal As Love.

Eazy-E (Eric Wright) We loved him a lot. But God loved him more.

Robert Emmet (Himself) - 1778-1803

men, can do justice to my character; when my country takes her place among the nations of the earth, then, and not till then, let my epitaph be written. I have done.

Edward I of England (unknown)

[edit] FW.C. Fields (unknown)- 1880-1946

In a 1925 article in Vanity Fair Fields had proposed the epitaph

F. Scott Fitzgerald (himself; from The Great Gatsby)

the current, borne back

ceaselessly into the past.

Benjamin Franklin (himself)

Like the Cover of an old Book

Its Contents torn out

And stripped of its Lettering & guilding

Lies here food for worms

For, it will as he believed appear once more

In a new and more elegant edition

Corrected and improved by the Author.

Robert Frost (himself)

R. Buckminster Fuller (himself)

[edit] GRene Gagnon (unknown)

He Raised Our Flag In Battle

And Showed A Measure Of His

Pride At A Place Called

Where Courage Never Died

John Gay (himself)

I thought so once, and now I know it.

Jackie Gleason (himself)

Mane Garrincha

Mahatma Gandhi

Kenneth Grahame (Anthony Hope, his cousin)

Michael Grzimek

[edit] HHenry II (by Ralph of Diceto)

To me Diverse realms were subject, I was duke and count of many provinces. Eight feet of ground is now enough for me, whom many kingdoms failed to satisfy. Who reads these lines, let him reflect, upon the narrowness of death. And in my case behold, the image of our mortal lot. This scanty tomb doth now suffice, For whom the Earth was not enough.

Richard Hind

Who was neither ingenious, sober, nor kind.

Winifred Holtby (by herself) - 1898-1935

[edit] I

[edit] JThomas Jefferson (by himself)

and father of the University of Virginia

President of the USA, these are not mentioned. He had said that he wanted to be remembered for what he gave to America, and not what America had given to him.

Jesse James (by his mother)

George Johnson (unknown)

Hanged by mistake, 1882

He was right

We was wrong

But we strung him up

And now he's gone

Carl Jung (unknown)

deus aderit

Jeremiah Johnson (unknown)

John Jones (by Himself)

[edit] KNikos Kazantzakis (by himself)

John Keats (by himself and his friends) - 1795-1821

E-ach drop has fallen from some mourner's cheek;

A-sacred tribute; such as heroes seek,

T-hough oft in vain - for dazzling deeds of slaughter

S-leep on! Not honoured less for Epitaph so meek!

Kent (by himself)

I was well at night and dead at nine in the morning

Martin Luther King, Jr.

[edit] LKing Leonidas of Sparta

Brandon Lee

Vivien Leigh Now boast thee, death,

in thy possesion lies

A lass unparallel'd From Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare

Jack Lemmon (by himself)

Primo Levi 174517 It was his number in Auschwitz.

Charles Lindbergh and Anne Lindbergh


dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea

John Locke (unknown) Stop Traveller! Near this place lieth John Locke. If you ask what kind of a man he was, he answers that he lived content with his own small fortune. Bred a scholar, he made his learning subservient only to the cause of truth. This thou will learn from his writings, which will show thee everything else concerning him, with greater truth, than the suspect praises of an epitaph. His virtues, indeed, if he had any, were too little for him to propose as matter of praise to himself, or as an example to thee. Let his vices be buried together. As to an example of manners, if you seek that, you have it in the Gospels; of vices, to wish you have one nowhere; if mortality, certainly, (and may it profit thee), thou hast one here and everywhere.

Jack London (Psalm 118:22)

Howard Phillips Lovecraft (unknown)

Bela Lugosi (his children)

[edit] MRob Roy MacGregor (unknown)

Roger Maris (unknown) 1935-1985

Against all Odds

Dean Martin (by himself) w:1917-1995

Groucho Marx (by himself)

Karl Marx (unknown)

interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.

Leonard Matlovich (by himself) - 1943- 1988

John Laird McCaffery (

Free your body and soul

Unfold your powerful wings

Climb up the highest mountains

Kick your feet up in the air

You may now live forever

Or return to this earth

Unless you feel good where you are!

---Missed by your friends

unknown. However, the Montreal Mirror quoted the gravestone's engraver as saying that the stone was ordered by McCaffery's

H. L. Mencken (by himself) - 1880-1956

Spike Milligan (by himself) - 1918-2002 Dúirt mé leat go raibh mé breoite. Translation from Irish:

Lester Moore (unknown)

Lester Moore

four slugs

from a 44

no Les

no more

Jim Morrison (unknown) - 1943-1971

Matthew Mudd (unknown) from Massachusetts:

Death did him no hurt;

When alive he was only Mudd,

But now he's only dirt.

Audie Murphy (unknown)



PH & 2 OLC

[edit] NIsaac Newton (Alexander Pope) On his tombstone,

God said, 'Let Newton be!' and all was light.

Joshua A. Norton

Emperor of the United States


Protector of Mexico

Frank Nitti (unknown)

[edit] OOsho

[edit] PBonnie Parker (Unknown) 1910-1934

the sunshine and the dew, so this old

world is made brighter by the lives

of folks like you.

Dorothy Parker - 1893-1967

Penn and Teller (by themselves)

Fernando Pessoa (himself)

James Louis Petigru (unknown) - 1789-1863

In the respect of his People,

In the affection of his Family,

His was the highest place.

Allan Pinkerton (unknown)


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