



【 abstract 】 along with our country economy level of increasing quickly, advanced information management technology in construction enterprises are in a wide range of applications. The popularity of the information management technology, marked the traditional construction enterprise of material management way behind has retired from the stage of history. Building enterprise should conform to the development of The Times demand, and actively introduce advanced software and use of data management, continuous strengthen their own material management skills, the rapid increase market competition ability, and in the development of national economy to provide strong support. This paper expounds on the construction enterprise information management of the importance of draw out the necessity of the application of material management software, and finally puts forward some kind of promote material management software in the construction engineering construction enterprise of the applications of the effective measures, the hope can give construction enterprise workers some help at work, or improve construction enterprise information management level and quality.

【 key words 】 construction engineering construction enterprise, the application of the material management software, necessity, effective measures to discuss

1. 建筑施工企业资料管理工作的重要性





【 abstract 】 along with our country economy level of increasing quickly, advanced information management technology in construction enterprises are in a wide range of applications. The popularity of the information management technology, marked the traditional construction enterprise of material management way behind has retired from the stage of history. Building enterprise should conform to the development of The Times demand, and actively introduce advanced software and use of data management, continuous strengthen their own material management skills, the rapid increase market competition ability, and in the development of national economy to provide strong support. This paper expounds on the construction enterprise information management of the importance of draw out the necessity of the application of material management software, and finally puts forward some kind of promote material management software in the construction engineering construction enterprise of the applications of the effective measures, the hope can give construction enterprise workers some help at work, or improve construction enterprise information management level and quality.

【 key words 】 construction engineering construction enterprise, the application of the material management software, necessity, effective measures to discuss

1. 建筑施工企业资料管理工作的重要性



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