南水北调水源地 环境污染问题 英文版



关键词:水源区;南水北调中线工程;水土资源污染现状 The water resource areas of the middle route project of south-to-north water transfer diversion are located in the borders of Henan, Hubei, Shanxi and other provinces, whose economic development is relatively backward. Many serious ecological problems have appeared in the region since the reform and opening, such as, the destruction of surface vegetation; soil erosion; the pollution of soil and water resources. How to keep good water quality and eliminate gradually the potential causes of the pollution of water and soil becomes the key work to the current protection and construction. To strengthen the protection of the ecological environment of the channel origin of the medium

route project is not only the premise to keep water and soil resources from pollution, but also the basis method to coordinate the interests of various aspects of water source areas. focusing on the current pollution situation of soil and water resources of canal head of the middle route project, this paper analyzes the causes of pollution and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, which is hoped to be beneficial to related research and decisions.

Key words: water source areas; the middle route project of south-to-north water transfer diversion; current pollution situation of soil and water resources



关键词:水源区;南水北调中线工程;水土资源污染现状 The water resource areas of the middle route project of south-to-north water transfer diversion are located in the borders of Henan, Hubei, Shanxi and other provinces, whose economic development is relatively backward. Many serious ecological problems have appeared in the region since the reform and opening, such as, the destruction of surface vegetation; soil erosion; the pollution of soil and water resources. How to keep good water quality and eliminate gradually the potential causes of the pollution of water and soil becomes the key work to the current protection and construction. To strengthen the protection of the ecological environment of the channel origin of the medium

route project is not only the premise to keep water and soil resources from pollution, but also the basis method to coordinate the interests of various aspects of water source areas. focusing on the current pollution situation of soil and water resources of canal head of the middle route project, this paper analyzes the causes of pollution and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, which is hoped to be beneficial to related research and decisions.

Key words: water source areas; the middle route project of south-to-north water transfer diversion; current pollution situation of soil and water resources


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