


8月10日上午8时,宁德核电项目部2013年新员工欢迎仪式在生活区培训教室隆重举行。项目经理吴庆礼、施工经理朱道平、项目部主要部门负责人及30名2013年新员工参加了本次欢迎仪式,仪式由综合部副经理郎旭坤主持。 仪式首先由朱经理对30名新员工的到来表示热烈的欢迎。在每位新员工作了简短的自我介绍后,吴总发表了热情洋溢的讲话,并结合个人经历和项目部实际情况与新员工进行了深入的沟通,在交流中吴总着重强调了以下几点: 一是要尽快适应工作环境,及早的勾划个人职业生涯规划。面对电建企业的特性,希望每位新员工对今后个人的成长进行规划,勤奋踏实地工作,切忌好高骛远,要一步一个脚印的完成每阶段的规划目标。





Ningde Nuclear Project Department Held the Welcome Ceremony for New

Staff of 2013

At 8:00am on August 10th, 2013, Ningde Nuclear project

department held the welcome ceremony for new staff of 2013 . The

construction manager Zhu Daoping,and 30 new staff of 2013 attended the ceremony. Lang Xukun hosted the ceremony.

After the brief self-introduction of each new staff, Zhu Daopingmade an ebullient speech. He firstly proposed a warm welcome to the 30 members of Ningde Nuclear team on behalf of project department. Then, Manager Zhu deeply communicated with new staff combined with his personal growth and the situation of project. He emphasized following points in the communication.

Firstly, adapt to the working environment rapidly and draw the outline of personal career planning as soon as possible. From the moment entering into SEPCOIII, it is necessary to change the thought from being a student to an employee. Facing to the feature of power construction enterprise, everyone should plan the personal growth in the future and work hard and steadfastly. Don’t aim too high but achieve the object in each stage step by step. So the various ability would be trained and improved in the Ningde Nuclear team.

Secondly, foster correct world outlook, views on life and values, continuously sublimate and show personal accomplishment and ethics in actual difficulties and work pressure. After entering company, each staff should undertake more important responsibility and mission. First of all, seriously study Employee Handbook and Enterprise Culture Outline. Taking the culture as pilot, promote the cognitive ability and moral cultivation. And restrain yourself with the standard of Employee Handbook in daily work. Learn from the excellent member around, find self-disadvantage and study others’ advantage. Form and solidify correct outlook on life and values.

Thirdly, to keep positive and healthy mentality, seriously study the advanced management experience of nuclear, and transform into your own knowledge and skills. The richness of knowledge does not represent

the increase of skills. Only if think and observe positively in the work, knowledge and action should go hand in hand, then knowledge would switch to skill. Hence, it requires everyone to think systematically, practice positively, transform rapidly. Improve work skill and become the talent that company needs rapidly.

Fourthly, everyone from all over the country should treasure the opportunity of living and working together. In the work, learn to cooperate and work with others with absolute sincerity. In the life, help each other to enjoy the family warmness of SEPCOIII. Meanwhile, the project department would positively create well environment and conditions for the new staff to grow healthily.

Last but not least, Manager Liu warned new staff to realize the contrast between ideal and reality, and do not let the contrast crush the dream you owned. Keep calm attitude and exuberant passion in the work. Continuously improve in the process of conquering difficulties. Face the future, grasp the chance and meet the challenge.

After the Welcome ceremony, the project will according to the new Staff training plan, the organization carries out the safety, quality and other focus on training work.



8月10日上午8时,宁德核电项目部2013年新员工欢迎仪式在生活区培训教室隆重举行。项目经理吴庆礼、施工经理朱道平、项目部主要部门负责人及30名2013年新员工参加了本次欢迎仪式,仪式由综合部副经理郎旭坤主持。 仪式首先由朱经理对30名新员工的到来表示热烈的欢迎。在每位新员工作了简短的自我介绍后,吴总发表了热情洋溢的讲话,并结合个人经历和项目部实际情况与新员工进行了深入的沟通,在交流中吴总着重强调了以下几点: 一是要尽快适应工作环境,及早的勾划个人职业生涯规划。面对电建企业的特性,希望每位新员工对今后个人的成长进行规划,勤奋踏实地工作,切忌好高骛远,要一步一个脚印的完成每阶段的规划目标。





Ningde Nuclear Project Department Held the Welcome Ceremony for New

Staff of 2013

At 8:00am on August 10th, 2013, Ningde Nuclear project

department held the welcome ceremony for new staff of 2013 . The

construction manager Zhu Daoping,and 30 new staff of 2013 attended the ceremony. Lang Xukun hosted the ceremony.

After the brief self-introduction of each new staff, Zhu Daopingmade an ebullient speech. He firstly proposed a warm welcome to the 30 members of Ningde Nuclear team on behalf of project department. Then, Manager Zhu deeply communicated with new staff combined with his personal growth and the situation of project. He emphasized following points in the communication.

Firstly, adapt to the working environment rapidly and draw the outline of personal career planning as soon as possible. From the moment entering into SEPCOIII, it is necessary to change the thought from being a student to an employee. Facing to the feature of power construction enterprise, everyone should plan the personal growth in the future and work hard and steadfastly. Don’t aim too high but achieve the object in each stage step by step. So the various ability would be trained and improved in the Ningde Nuclear team.

Secondly, foster correct world outlook, views on life and values, continuously sublimate and show personal accomplishment and ethics in actual difficulties and work pressure. After entering company, each staff should undertake more important responsibility and mission. First of all, seriously study Employee Handbook and Enterprise Culture Outline. Taking the culture as pilot, promote the cognitive ability and moral cultivation. And restrain yourself with the standard of Employee Handbook in daily work. Learn from the excellent member around, find self-disadvantage and study others’ advantage. Form and solidify correct outlook on life and values.

Thirdly, to keep positive and healthy mentality, seriously study the advanced management experience of nuclear, and transform into your own knowledge and skills. The richness of knowledge does not represent

the increase of skills. Only if think and observe positively in the work, knowledge and action should go hand in hand, then knowledge would switch to skill. Hence, it requires everyone to think systematically, practice positively, transform rapidly. Improve work skill and become the talent that company needs rapidly.

Fourthly, everyone from all over the country should treasure the opportunity of living and working together. In the work, learn to cooperate and work with others with absolute sincerity. In the life, help each other to enjoy the family warmness of SEPCOIII. Meanwhile, the project department would positively create well environment and conditions for the new staff to grow healthily.

Last but not least, Manager Liu warned new staff to realize the contrast between ideal and reality, and do not let the contrast crush the dream you owned. Keep calm attitude and exuberant passion in the work. Continuously improve in the process of conquering difficulties. Face the future, grasp the chance and meet the challenge.

After the Welcome ceremony, the project will according to the new Staff training plan, the organization carries out the safety, quality and other focus on training work.


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