
常用前缀 表示否定、反向意义的前缀negative prefixes and reversal prefixes 前缀 (加在何种词性上)

un- (接v. a. participle) in-, il-, im-, ir- (接n. a.) non- dis- (接v. a. 抽象n.) de-(接v. 抽象n.) a- an-元音意义 the opposite of; not the opposite of; not not the opposite of; not

相反的动作 lacking in 例词 unfair, unexpected, unassuming (谦逊的,不装腔作势的), untie

unwrap, unlock

inactive, injustice impractical, illegal,

irregular, irresistible




Disloyal (不忠的), dislike, disallow

defrost ,除霜, 解冻decentralize

amoral, 与道德无关的, 超

前(接n. a.) 道德的anarchy 无政府状态, 混乱

表降格、转贬意义的前缀pejorative prefixes 前缀 (加在意义 例词 何种词性上)

mis- (接v. 抽wrongly, Misinform (告诉错象n.) astray 误消息),


misconduct (对…处理不当)

mal-(接v. a. badly maltreat, malformed, 抽象n.) malpractice pseudo- (接n. false, pseudo-student 假学生 a.) imitation 表程度或大小的前缀prefixes of degree or size

前缀 (加意义 例词 在何种词性上)

arch- (接highest, arch-criminal 罪魁祸首 n.) worst arch-enemy


super- (接above, supernatural, n. a.) more than, superman,

extra- (接a.) out- (接v.) sur- (接n.) sub- (接a.) over- (接v. a. pp.) under- (接v. pp.) hyper- (接a.)

ultra- (接a.) better especially to do faster, longer over and above

lower than, less than too much too little extremely beyond, excessive supermarket

extra-strong, extraordinary outrun, outgrow,



subhuman, substandard

subheading, suburb

overeat, overdressed, overconfident,


underdeveloped, under-privileged hyper-critical ultraviolet, ultrafashionable

mini- (接little n.)

maxi- (接large n.)

mini-skirt maxi-skirt

表态度的前缀prefixes of orientation and attitude 前缀 (加意义 例词 在何种词性上)

co- (接v. with, joint cooperate, copilot n.)

contra- (接in contraflow 逆流 v. 抽象n.) opposition


counter- in counteract,

(接v. 抽象opposition counterrevolution n.) to

anti- (接n. against anti-missile, a. ad.) anti-social,

anti-clockwise, anti-government

pro- (接n. on the side pro-communist

a.) of

表示位置的前缀locative prefixes 前缀 (加在何种词性上)

super- (接n.)

sub- (接v. n. a.) intra- intro-(接v. n. a.)

inter- (接v. n. a.) fore- (接v. n. a.)

tele- (接v. n. a.)

trans- (接v. n. a.) 意义 over beneath, lesser in rank in, into between, among in front of far, far away across, from one place to 例词 super-structure subway, subconscious,


introduce international, intermarry,


forehead telecommunication transport, transplant


表示时间、顺序的前缀prefixes of time and order

前缀 (加在何意义 例词 种词性上)

fore- (接v. 抽before foretell, 象n.) foreknowledge pre- (接n. a.) before pre-war,

pre-marital, prepare

post- (接n. a.) after post-war,


ex- (接n.) former ex-husband

re- (接v. 抽象again, rebuild, re-evaluate, n.) back reconsider 表示能改变词性的前缀 前缀 (加在何种意义

词性上) be- (接v. n. a.) 构成动词 en- (接n. a.)


例词 becalm,

bewitch enslave, enlarge

a- (接v.)

构成形容词,afloat, 副词 asleep

表示数字的前缀number prefixes

前缀 (加在何种意义 例词

词性上) semi- (hemi-) uni- (mono-) bi- (di-) tri- quadr- (tetra-) penta- (quinqu-) sex- (hexa-) sept- oct-

half one two three four five six seven eight semicircle,


unilateral, uniform,


biceps, dioxide,


triangle, triple quadruple,

tetrameter 四音步句

quinquagenarian 五十

岁一辈的人, pentagon

sexennial 持续六年的

(每六年一次的) , hexameter 六步格, 六步格的诗 septangle

octagon, octave

nona- dec-

centi- (hecto-) milli-

poly- (multi-) nine nonagon,

nonagenarian ten decimal

100 centigrade 摄氏的, 百

分度的, hectometer 1000 millipede 百足虫 many polygon, multiple

其他前缀miscellaneous prefixes 前缀 (加在何意义 例词 种词性上) auto- self autobiography,


mid- middle midnight,


midway, midland mid-term, midwife

neo- new, neo-Fascism,

revived neo-Darwinism

pan- all, pan-American,

worldwide pan-European

proto- first, prototype


original deputy


常用前缀 表示否定、反向意义的前缀negative prefixes and reversal prefixes 前缀 (加在何种词性上)

un- (接v. a. participle) in-, il-, im-, ir- (接n. a.) non- dis- (接v. a. 抽象n.) de-(接v. 抽象n.) a- an-元音意义 the opposite of; not the opposite of; not not the opposite of; not

相反的动作 lacking in 例词 unfair, unexpected, unassuming (谦逊的,不装腔作势的), untie

unwrap, unlock

inactive, injustice impractical, illegal,

irregular, irresistible




Disloyal (不忠的), dislike, disallow

defrost ,除霜, 解冻decentralize

amoral, 与道德无关的, 超

前(接n. a.) 道德的anarchy 无政府状态, 混乱

表降格、转贬意义的前缀pejorative prefixes 前缀 (加在意义 例词 何种词性上)

mis- (接v. 抽wrongly, Misinform (告诉错象n.) astray 误消息),


misconduct (对…处理不当)

mal-(接v. a. badly maltreat, malformed, 抽象n.) malpractice pseudo- (接n. false, pseudo-student 假学生 a.) imitation 表程度或大小的前缀prefixes of degree or size

前缀 (加意义 例词 在何种词性上)

arch- (接highest, arch-criminal 罪魁祸首 n.) worst arch-enemy


super- (接above, supernatural, n. a.) more than, superman,

extra- (接a.) out- (接v.) sur- (接n.) sub- (接a.) over- (接v. a. pp.) under- (接v. pp.) hyper- (接a.)

ultra- (接a.) better especially to do faster, longer over and above

lower than, less than too much too little extremely beyond, excessive supermarket

extra-strong, extraordinary outrun, outgrow,



subhuman, substandard

subheading, suburb

overeat, overdressed, overconfident,


underdeveloped, under-privileged hyper-critical ultraviolet, ultrafashionable

mini- (接little n.)

maxi- (接large n.)

mini-skirt maxi-skirt

表态度的前缀prefixes of orientation and attitude 前缀 (加意义 例词 在何种词性上)

co- (接v. with, joint cooperate, copilot n.)

contra- (接in contraflow 逆流 v. 抽象n.) opposition


counter- in counteract,

(接v. 抽象opposition counterrevolution n.) to

anti- (接n. against anti-missile, a. ad.) anti-social,

anti-clockwise, anti-government

pro- (接n. on the side pro-communist

a.) of

表示位置的前缀locative prefixes 前缀 (加在何种词性上)

super- (接n.)

sub- (接v. n. a.) intra- intro-(接v. n. a.)

inter- (接v. n. a.) fore- (接v. n. a.)

tele- (接v. n. a.)

trans- (接v. n. a.) 意义 over beneath, lesser in rank in, into between, among in front of far, far away across, from one place to 例词 super-structure subway, subconscious,


introduce international, intermarry,


forehead telecommunication transport, transplant


表示时间、顺序的前缀prefixes of time and order

前缀 (加在何意义 例词 种词性上)

fore- (接v. 抽before foretell, 象n.) foreknowledge pre- (接n. a.) before pre-war,

pre-marital, prepare

post- (接n. a.) after post-war,


ex- (接n.) former ex-husband

re- (接v. 抽象again, rebuild, re-evaluate, n.) back reconsider 表示能改变词性的前缀 前缀 (加在何种意义

词性上) be- (接v. n. a.) 构成动词 en- (接n. a.)


例词 becalm,

bewitch enslave, enlarge

a- (接v.)

构成形容词,afloat, 副词 asleep

表示数字的前缀number prefixes

前缀 (加在何种意义 例词

词性上) semi- (hemi-) uni- (mono-) bi- (di-) tri- quadr- (tetra-) penta- (quinqu-) sex- (hexa-) sept- oct-

half one two three four five six seven eight semicircle,


unilateral, uniform,


biceps, dioxide,


triangle, triple quadruple,

tetrameter 四音步句

quinquagenarian 五十

岁一辈的人, pentagon

sexennial 持续六年的

(每六年一次的) , hexameter 六步格, 六步格的诗 septangle

octagon, octave

nona- dec-

centi- (hecto-) milli-

poly- (multi-) nine nonagon,

nonagenarian ten decimal

100 centigrade 摄氏的, 百

分度的, hectometer 1000 millipede 百足虫 many polygon, multiple

其他前缀miscellaneous prefixes 前缀 (加在何意义 例词 种词性上) auto- self autobiography,


mid- middle midnight,


midway, midland mid-term, midwife

neo- new, neo-Fascism,

revived neo-Darwinism

pan- all, pan-American,

worldwide pan-European

proto- first, prototype


original deputy



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