诗人生平: 1787年他进剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,大学毕业后去法国,住在布卢瓦。他对法国革命怀有热情,认为这场革命表现了人性的完美,将拯救帝制之下处于水深火热中的人民。在布卢瓦他结识了许多温和派的吉伦特党人。1792年华兹华斯回到伦敦,仍对革命充满热情。但他的舅父对他的政治活动表示不满,不愿再予接济。正在走投无路时,一位一直同情并钦佩他的老同学去世,留给他900英镑。于是在1795年10月,他与多萝西一起迁居乡间,实现接近自然并探讨人生意义的宿愿。多萝西聪慧体贴,给他创造了写作条件。
In 1787 he entered St John's college, University of Cambridge, go to France after graduation from the University, lived in blois. He is passionate about the French Revolution, that this revolution showed the perfect human nature, will save the monarchy under the suffering people. In Blois he met many moderates the Gironde party. In 1792, Wordsworth returned to London, full of passion for the revolution still. But his uncle to his political activities dissatisfied, not wish again to increase. Is be driven into a corner, one has sympathy and admiration of his old classmates died, leaving him 900 pounds. So in 1795 October, he moved to the country and to achieve long-cherished wish Dorothea, close to nature and to explore the meaning of life. Dorothea wise and considerate, created the conditions for his writing. 创作生涯: 1798年9月至1799年春,华兹华斯同多萝西去德国小住
,创作了《采干果》、《露斯》和短诗《露西》组诗,同时开始写作长诗《序曲》。1802年10月,华兹华斯和相识多年的玛丽 · 郝金生结婚。 In 1798 September to the spring of 1799, Wordsworth and Dorothea went to Germany for William WordsworthThe creation of the "recovery", dried fruit, "Rose" and "Lucy" short poems, and began writing long poem "prelude". In 1802 October, Wordsworth and longtime Marie married Hao Jinsheng
This time, Wordsworth wrote many to the relationship between nature and life as the theme of the poem, the central idea is that nature is the source of joy in life and wisdom. In 1803 Wordsworth in Scotland, wrote "the Solitary Reaper" and travel notes poems. In 1807 he published two volumes of poetry, the poetry anthology published from 1797 to 1807, the end of his life the most exuberant 10 years
华兹华斯与柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)、骚塞(Robert Southey)同被称为“湖畔派”诗人(Lake Poets)。他们也是英国文学中最早出现的浪漫主义作家。他们喜爱大自然,描写宗法制农村生活,厌恶资本主义的城市文明和冷酷的金钱关系,他们远离城市,隐居在昆布兰湖区和格拉斯米尔湖区,由此得名“湖畔派”。
Wordsworth and Karl Coleridge (Samuel Taylor Coleridge), Southey (Robert Southey) and known as the "Lake Poets" (Lake Poets). They also appeared the earliest
English literature of the romantic writers. They love the nature, describing patriarchal rural life, money and hated capitalist city civilization and cold, they are far away from the city, live in seclusion in the Cumberland lake and Glass lake, hence the name "Lake school".
“湖畔派”三诗人中成就最高者为华兹华斯。他于1789年和柯勒律治合作发表了《抒情歌谣集》,华兹华斯和柯尔律治从拥护法国革命变成反对, 于是前者寄情山水, 在大自然里找慰藉;后者神游异域和古代,以梦境为归宿。两人的诗歌合集, 题名《抒情歌谣集》, 于1798年出版,《抒情歌谣集》宣告了浪漫主义新诗的诞生。两年后再版,华兹华斯加了一个长序,在这篇序中,华兹华斯详细阐述了他的浪漫主义文学主张,主张以平民的语言抒写平民的事物、思想与感情,被誉为浪漫主义诗歌的宣言。
"Lake Poets" in the highest achievements of three poet Wordsworth. In 1789 he and Coleridge published "Lyrical Ballads", Wordsworth and Karl Coleridge from support the French Revolution into opposition, so the former landscape gardening, find solace in nature; the latter in the foreign and ancient, as dreams as the destination. Two poetry collections, entitled "Lyrical Ballads", published in 1798, "Lyrical Ballads" proclaimed the birth of romantic poetry. Two years after the second edition,
Wordsworth added a long sequence, in this order, Wordsworth elaborates his romanticism, advocating the vulgar language express civilian things, thoughts and feelings, is known as the romantic poetry of the declaration.
他认为“所有的好诗都是强烈情感的自然流露”(poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings),主张诗人“选用人们真正用的语言”来写“普通生活里的事件和情境”,而反对以18世纪格雷为代表的“诗歌词藻”。
他进而论述诗和诗人的崇高地位, 认为“诗是一切知识的开始和终结, 它同人心一样不朽”,而诗人则是“人性的最坚强的保护者,是支持者和维护者。他所到之处都播下人的情谊和爱”。
He believes that "all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings), advocate the poet "chooses people language used to write" true "ordinary life events and
circumstances", and against Gray in eighteenth Century on behalf of the "poetry rhetoric". He discussed the lofty position of poetry and poets, that "poetry is the beginning of all knowledge and end it with heart, like an immortal", while the poet is "human nature is the most strong protector, supporters and the maintenance. He went all over the people's friendship and love".
Since then, Wordsworth's poetry has the further development in depth and breadth, in the description of natural scenery, civilians that contains a
profound lesson, entrusted with the philosophical thinking self reflection and exploration of life. The long poem "was completed in 1805, was published in 1850 Overture" is his most representative works.
Wordsworth poetry the most exuberant period is from 1797 to 1807 10 years. The work is not much, in 1843 was named "poet laureate" have nothing works. However, throughout his life, his poetry achievement is outstanding, worthy of following Shakespeare, Milton after the generation of everyone
创作主张(Creative ideas)
Wordsworth is the leader of the "Lake Poets", in the thought had change radically the worship of nature -- a longing for the beginning of the French Revolution became into in the landscape, in the art of poetry achieved epoch-making innovation, and called him the first modern poet.
他是诗歌方面的大理论家,虽然主要论著只是《抒情歌谣集》第二版(一八00) 的序言,但那篇小文却含有能够摧毁十八世纪古典主义的炸药。
He is the poetry of Dali home, although the main works only "Lyrical Ballads" version second (one eight of 00) of the preamble, but the text had to destroy the eighteenth Century classical explosive.
他说诗必须含有强烈的情感,这就排除了一切应景、游戏之作;诗必须用平常而生动的真实语言写成,这就排除了“诗歌词藻”与陈言套语;诗的作用在于使读者获得敏锐的判别好坏高下的能力,这样就能把他们从“狂热的小说、病态而愚蠢的德国式悲剧和无聊的夸张的韵文故事的洪流”里解脱出来; He said that poetry must contain strong emotions, which precludes all
occasion, game for; poetry must be written with common and vivid language, which precludes the "poetry rhetoric" and Chen Yan language; poetry's role is to enable readers to get the ability to discriminate good from bad high
sensitive, so you can take them from "the cult of the novel, sick and stupid German tragedy and boring exaggerated Fabliau torrent" free
He believes that poetry is not easy thing, but "all knowledge of the beginning and the end, my heart like an immortal", while the poet is "human nature strongest defenders, supporters and the maintenance, he went all over the
people's friendship and love". This lofty poetry theories of the past have been? But the theory is not enough to convince the people, the need for new poetry to reflect its!
(1) 抒情诗: 《抒情歌谣集》、《丁登寺旁》
(2) 长诗: 《序曲》(The Prelude )
(3) 自传体叙事诗 :《革命与独立》
主要特点 华兹华斯的小诗清新, 长诗清新而又深刻,一反新古典主义平板、典雅的风格,开创了新鲜活泼的浪漫主义诗风。他的十四行诗雄奇, 他的《序曲》(1805)首创用韵文来写自传式的”一个诗人的心灵的成长“,无论在内容和艺术上都开了一代新风。华兹华斯关于自然的诗歌优美动人, 他的这类诗歌的一个突出特点就是--寓情于境, 情景交融. 这种风格的体现是作者通过对诗歌的题材、诗歌所用的语言以及对诗歌所用的格律、诗体和作者对诗歌词汇的选择体现出来的. Wordsworth's poem is fresh, fresh and profound poem, a new classical flat, elegant style, to create a fresh and lively romantic poetry. His sonnets Xiongqi, his "Overture" (1805) initiated a verse to write autobiographical "the poet's spiritual growth", both in content and art have opened a new generation of wind. Wordsworth poem about the nature of the beautiful and moving, a prominent feature of his this kind of Poetry -- the feeling in the environment, scenery. The style is based on the subject of poetry, poetry in the language of poetry and the poetry of the metrical verse, and author of poetry reflected the choice of words.
他不仅创立理论,而且本人就实践理论。他与柯尔律治合作的《抒情歌谣集》这本小书所开始的,不止是他们两人的文学生涯,而是一整个英国浪漫主义诗歌运动。对于中国读者,华兹华斯却不是一个十分熟悉的名字。能读英文的人当然都看过他的若干小诗,如《孤独的割麦女》(The Solitary Reaper) ,但不懂英文的人却对他的诗没有多少印象,原因之一是他的诗不好译——哲理诗比叙事诗难译,而华兹华斯写得朴素、清新,也就更不好译了。原因之二是,他曾被评为“反动的浪漫主义”的代表,因此不少人未读他的作品,就已对其人有了反感。还有一个原因可能是:他那类写大自然的诗在我国并不罕见,他的思想也类似老庄,因此人们对他无新奇感。但他是值得一读的。除了历史上的重要性之外,他有许多优点,例如写得明白如话,但是内容并不平淡,而是常有神来之笔,看似普通的道理,却是同高度的激情结合的。法国大革命就曾深深激动了他,使他后来写下这样的名句:
He not only founded theory, and I will practice theory. He and Karl Coleridge cooperation "Lyrical Ballads" this little book started, more than two of them in the career of literature, but a whole English Romantic poetry movement. For Chinese readers, but Wordsworth is not a very familiar name. Can read English of course people have seen several of his poems, such as "the Solitary Reaper" (The Solitary Reaper), but do not know English but not much of an impression on his poems, is one of the reasons for his poetry doesn't translate well -- philosophy than narrative poem difficult to translate, and Wordsworth to write simple, fresh, also be more bad translation. The two reason is, he has been rated as "represent the reactionary
romanticism", so many people did not read his works, he has to have the person off. Another reason may be: that kind of writing of his nature poetry is not rare in our country, and his thoughts are like Zhuangzi, so people told him no novelty. But he is worth reading. Besides the historical importance, he has many advantages, such as clear writing such as words, but the content is not flat, but there is often an inspired passage, look be like common sense, but it is the same level of the combination of passion. The French Revolution was deeply moved him, so that he later wrote the famous:
Happy, live in the dawn,
The young man is like heaven
Wordsworth's poetry theory has shaken the British classical poetics rule, a strong impetus to the development of the reform of English poetry and the romantic
movement, thus the Anglo-American critics of Wordsworth's "Lyrical Ballads order" called the British Romantic manifesto.
历写成的,体现了诗人关于诗歌应描写" 平静中回忆起来的情感(emotion recollected in tranquility)这一诗学主张。全诗可以分成两大部分;写景和抒情。诗的开篇以第一人称叙述,格调显得低沉忧郁。诗人一方面竭力捕捉回忆的渺茫信息,另一方面又觉得独自漂游,可以自由自在地欣赏大自然所赋予的美景。他把自己比作一朵流云,随意飘荡,富有想象的诗句暗示诗人有一种排遣孤独、向往自由的心情。在他的回忆中,水仙花缤纷茂密,如繁星点点在微风中轻盈飘舞 。
"I wandered lonely as a cloud" is one of the representative Wordsworth lyric, written in 1804. The poem is the poet and his sister said to go out play was deeply attracted by the charm of nature of this experience, embodies the poet of poetry should describe "emotion recollected in tranquility (emotion recollected in tranquility) this poetics. The poem can be divided into two parts; the scene and lyrical. The poem begins with the first person narrative, style is deep blue. Slim information poet hand tried to catch memory, on the other hand, feel all alone drift, can take one's ease to enjoy the natural beauty. He likened himself to a cloud, random drift, imaginative poems that poets have a kind of loneliness, longing for the freedom of heart. In his memory, the colorful thick, like stars in the breeze and light.
诗人生平: 1787年他进剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,大学毕业后去法国,住在布卢瓦。他对法国革命怀有热情,认为这场革命表现了人性的完美,将拯救帝制之下处于水深火热中的人民。在布卢瓦他结识了许多温和派的吉伦特党人。1792年华兹华斯回到伦敦,仍对革命充满热情。但他的舅父对他的政治活动表示不满,不愿再予接济。正在走投无路时,一位一直同情并钦佩他的老同学去世,留给他900英镑。于是在1795年10月,他与多萝西一起迁居乡间,实现接近自然并探讨人生意义的宿愿。多萝西聪慧体贴,给他创造了写作条件。
In 1787 he entered St John's college, University of Cambridge, go to France after graduation from the University, lived in blois. He is passionate about the French Revolution, that this revolution showed the perfect human nature, will save the monarchy under the suffering people. In Blois he met many moderates the Gironde party. In 1792, Wordsworth returned to London, full of passion for the revolution still. But his uncle to his political activities dissatisfied, not wish again to increase. Is be driven into a corner, one has sympathy and admiration of his old classmates died, leaving him 900 pounds. So in 1795 October, he moved to the country and to achieve long-cherished wish Dorothea, close to nature and to explore the meaning of life. Dorothea wise and considerate, created the conditions for his writing. 创作生涯: 1798年9月至1799年春,华兹华斯同多萝西去德国小住
,创作了《采干果》、《露斯》和短诗《露西》组诗,同时开始写作长诗《序曲》。1802年10月,华兹华斯和相识多年的玛丽 · 郝金生结婚。 In 1798 September to the spring of 1799, Wordsworth and Dorothea went to Germany for William WordsworthThe creation of the "recovery", dried fruit, "Rose" and "Lucy" short poems, and began writing long poem "prelude". In 1802 October, Wordsworth and longtime Marie married Hao Jinsheng
This time, Wordsworth wrote many to the relationship between nature and life as the theme of the poem, the central idea is that nature is the source of joy in life and wisdom. In 1803 Wordsworth in Scotland, wrote "the Solitary Reaper" and travel notes poems. In 1807 he published two volumes of poetry, the poetry anthology published from 1797 to 1807, the end of his life the most exuberant 10 years
华兹华斯与柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)、骚塞(Robert Southey)同被称为“湖畔派”诗人(Lake Poets)。他们也是英国文学中最早出现的浪漫主义作家。他们喜爱大自然,描写宗法制农村生活,厌恶资本主义的城市文明和冷酷的金钱关系,他们远离城市,隐居在昆布兰湖区和格拉斯米尔湖区,由此得名“湖畔派”。
Wordsworth and Karl Coleridge (Samuel Taylor Coleridge), Southey (Robert Southey) and known as the "Lake Poets" (Lake Poets). They also appeared the earliest
English literature of the romantic writers. They love the nature, describing patriarchal rural life, money and hated capitalist city civilization and cold, they are far away from the city, live in seclusion in the Cumberland lake and Glass lake, hence the name "Lake school".
“湖畔派”三诗人中成就最高者为华兹华斯。他于1789年和柯勒律治合作发表了《抒情歌谣集》,华兹华斯和柯尔律治从拥护法国革命变成反对, 于是前者寄情山水, 在大自然里找慰藉;后者神游异域和古代,以梦境为归宿。两人的诗歌合集, 题名《抒情歌谣集》, 于1798年出版,《抒情歌谣集》宣告了浪漫主义新诗的诞生。两年后再版,华兹华斯加了一个长序,在这篇序中,华兹华斯详细阐述了他的浪漫主义文学主张,主张以平民的语言抒写平民的事物、思想与感情,被誉为浪漫主义诗歌的宣言。
"Lake Poets" in the highest achievements of three poet Wordsworth. In 1789 he and Coleridge published "Lyrical Ballads", Wordsworth and Karl Coleridge from support the French Revolution into opposition, so the former landscape gardening, find solace in nature; the latter in the foreign and ancient, as dreams as the destination. Two poetry collections, entitled "Lyrical Ballads", published in 1798, "Lyrical Ballads" proclaimed the birth of romantic poetry. Two years after the second edition,
Wordsworth added a long sequence, in this order, Wordsworth elaborates his romanticism, advocating the vulgar language express civilian things, thoughts and feelings, is known as the romantic poetry of the declaration.
他认为“所有的好诗都是强烈情感的自然流露”(poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings),主张诗人“选用人们真正用的语言”来写“普通生活里的事件和情境”,而反对以18世纪格雷为代表的“诗歌词藻”。
他进而论述诗和诗人的崇高地位, 认为“诗是一切知识的开始和终结, 它同人心一样不朽”,而诗人则是“人性的最坚强的保护者,是支持者和维护者。他所到之处都播下人的情谊和爱”。
He believes that "all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings), advocate the poet "chooses people language used to write" true "ordinary life events and
circumstances", and against Gray in eighteenth Century on behalf of the "poetry rhetoric". He discussed the lofty position of poetry and poets, that "poetry is the beginning of all knowledge and end it with heart, like an immortal", while the poet is "human nature is the most strong protector, supporters and the maintenance. He went all over the people's friendship and love".
Since then, Wordsworth's poetry has the further development in depth and breadth, in the description of natural scenery, civilians that contains a
profound lesson, entrusted with the philosophical thinking self reflection and exploration of life. The long poem "was completed in 1805, was published in 1850 Overture" is his most representative works.
Wordsworth poetry the most exuberant period is from 1797 to 1807 10 years. The work is not much, in 1843 was named "poet laureate" have nothing works. However, throughout his life, his poetry achievement is outstanding, worthy of following Shakespeare, Milton after the generation of everyone
创作主张(Creative ideas)
Wordsworth is the leader of the "Lake Poets", in the thought had change radically the worship of nature -- a longing for the beginning of the French Revolution became into in the landscape, in the art of poetry achieved epoch-making innovation, and called him the first modern poet.
他是诗歌方面的大理论家,虽然主要论著只是《抒情歌谣集》第二版(一八00) 的序言,但那篇小文却含有能够摧毁十八世纪古典主义的炸药。
He is the poetry of Dali home, although the main works only "Lyrical Ballads" version second (one eight of 00) of the preamble, but the text had to destroy the eighteenth Century classical explosive.
他说诗必须含有强烈的情感,这就排除了一切应景、游戏之作;诗必须用平常而生动的真实语言写成,这就排除了“诗歌词藻”与陈言套语;诗的作用在于使读者获得敏锐的判别好坏高下的能力,这样就能把他们从“狂热的小说、病态而愚蠢的德国式悲剧和无聊的夸张的韵文故事的洪流”里解脱出来; He said that poetry must contain strong emotions, which precludes all
occasion, game for; poetry must be written with common and vivid language, which precludes the "poetry rhetoric" and Chen Yan language; poetry's role is to enable readers to get the ability to discriminate good from bad high
sensitive, so you can take them from "the cult of the novel, sick and stupid German tragedy and boring exaggerated Fabliau torrent" free
He believes that poetry is not easy thing, but "all knowledge of the beginning and the end, my heart like an immortal", while the poet is "human nature strongest defenders, supporters and the maintenance, he went all over the
people's friendship and love". This lofty poetry theories of the past have been? But the theory is not enough to convince the people, the need for new poetry to reflect its!
(1) 抒情诗: 《抒情歌谣集》、《丁登寺旁》
(2) 长诗: 《序曲》(The Prelude )
(3) 自传体叙事诗 :《革命与独立》
主要特点 华兹华斯的小诗清新, 长诗清新而又深刻,一反新古典主义平板、典雅的风格,开创了新鲜活泼的浪漫主义诗风。他的十四行诗雄奇, 他的《序曲》(1805)首创用韵文来写自传式的”一个诗人的心灵的成长“,无论在内容和艺术上都开了一代新风。华兹华斯关于自然的诗歌优美动人, 他的这类诗歌的一个突出特点就是--寓情于境, 情景交融. 这种风格的体现是作者通过对诗歌的题材、诗歌所用的语言以及对诗歌所用的格律、诗体和作者对诗歌词汇的选择体现出来的. Wordsworth's poem is fresh, fresh and profound poem, a new classical flat, elegant style, to create a fresh and lively romantic poetry. His sonnets Xiongqi, his "Overture" (1805) initiated a verse to write autobiographical "the poet's spiritual growth", both in content and art have opened a new generation of wind. Wordsworth poem about the nature of the beautiful and moving, a prominent feature of his this kind of Poetry -- the feeling in the environment, scenery. The style is based on the subject of poetry, poetry in the language of poetry and the poetry of the metrical verse, and author of poetry reflected the choice of words.
他不仅创立理论,而且本人就实践理论。他与柯尔律治合作的《抒情歌谣集》这本小书所开始的,不止是他们两人的文学生涯,而是一整个英国浪漫主义诗歌运动。对于中国读者,华兹华斯却不是一个十分熟悉的名字。能读英文的人当然都看过他的若干小诗,如《孤独的割麦女》(The Solitary Reaper) ,但不懂英文的人却对他的诗没有多少印象,原因之一是他的诗不好译——哲理诗比叙事诗难译,而华兹华斯写得朴素、清新,也就更不好译了。原因之二是,他曾被评为“反动的浪漫主义”的代表,因此不少人未读他的作品,就已对其人有了反感。还有一个原因可能是:他那类写大自然的诗在我国并不罕见,他的思想也类似老庄,因此人们对他无新奇感。但他是值得一读的。除了历史上的重要性之外,他有许多优点,例如写得明白如话,但是内容并不平淡,而是常有神来之笔,看似普通的道理,却是同高度的激情结合的。法国大革命就曾深深激动了他,使他后来写下这样的名句:
He not only founded theory, and I will practice theory. He and Karl Coleridge cooperation "Lyrical Ballads" this little book started, more than two of them in the career of literature, but a whole English Romantic poetry movement. For Chinese readers, but Wordsworth is not a very familiar name. Can read English of course people have seen several of his poems, such as "the Solitary Reaper" (The Solitary Reaper), but do not know English but not much of an impression on his poems, is one of the reasons for his poetry doesn't translate well -- philosophy than narrative poem difficult to translate, and Wordsworth to write simple, fresh, also be more bad translation. The two reason is, he has been rated as "represent the reactionary
romanticism", so many people did not read his works, he has to have the person off. Another reason may be: that kind of writing of his nature poetry is not rare in our country, and his thoughts are like Zhuangzi, so people told him no novelty. But he is worth reading. Besides the historical importance, he has many advantages, such as clear writing such as words, but the content is not flat, but there is often an inspired passage, look be like common sense, but it is the same level of the combination of passion. The French Revolution was deeply moved him, so that he later wrote the famous:
Happy, live in the dawn,
The young man is like heaven
Wordsworth's poetry theory has shaken the British classical poetics rule, a strong impetus to the development of the reform of English poetry and the romantic
movement, thus the Anglo-American critics of Wordsworth's "Lyrical Ballads order" called the British Romantic manifesto.
历写成的,体现了诗人关于诗歌应描写" 平静中回忆起来的情感(emotion recollected in tranquility)这一诗学主张。全诗可以分成两大部分;写景和抒情。诗的开篇以第一人称叙述,格调显得低沉忧郁。诗人一方面竭力捕捉回忆的渺茫信息,另一方面又觉得独自漂游,可以自由自在地欣赏大自然所赋予的美景。他把自己比作一朵流云,随意飘荡,富有想象的诗句暗示诗人有一种排遣孤独、向往自由的心情。在他的回忆中,水仙花缤纷茂密,如繁星点点在微风中轻盈飘舞 。
"I wandered lonely as a cloud" is one of the representative Wordsworth lyric, written in 1804. The poem is the poet and his sister said to go out play was deeply attracted by the charm of nature of this experience, embodies the poet of poetry should describe "emotion recollected in tranquility (emotion recollected in tranquility) this poetics. The poem can be divided into two parts; the scene and lyrical. The poem begins with the first person narrative, style is deep blue. Slim information poet hand tried to catch memory, on the other hand, feel all alone drift, can take one's ease to enjoy the natural beauty. He likened himself to a cloud, random drift, imaginative poems that poets have a kind of loneliness, longing for the freedom of heart. In his memory, the colorful thick, like stars in the breeze and light.