
English for international business

Lesson one



The modes of operation enterprises and governments can use when pursuing international business.


Get involved in international business through importing and exporting.


Merchandise exports, the major source of international revenue for all countries.


Service exports and imports are an increasingly more important mode of international business for all countries.


Earnings from foreign tourism have been an important source of foreign exchange earning for the United States.


License a foreign distributor to sell one’s products.


Earn royalties from allowing others to use their trademarks and other assets. H.二次大战后对外直接投资在全世界迅速扩展

After the second world war, foreign direct investment increased rapidly throughout the world.


A joint venture in which the enterprise from the host country holds a controlling interest.


Portfolio investment is the main form of foreign indirect investment.


Domestic enterprises which engage in service exports and imports through different means.


Multinational enterprises take a global approach to foreign markets and production. M.跨国公司在战后国际商务的发展中起积极作用

Multinational corporations played an essential role in the development of international business in the postwar era.


Research on different modes of international business conducted by academic circles. O.战后,越来越多国家的企业和政府参与除进出口贸易以外的各种方式的国际商务活动

In the postwar period, increasingly large numbers of enterprises and governments of different countries were involved in different modes of international business in addition to exporting and importing.


The tourist industry of this scenic country, which is of critical importance to the country’s economic growth, is likely to double and redouble its foreign exchange earnings in the coming year.


The multinational corporation doing auto business, which undertakes production and marketing on a global basis, has integrated its operations in China into its global business program in recent years.


Tn order to reduce costs and increase foreign sales, the multinational enterprises of many developed countries have transferred their equipment and personnel along with their capital to low-cost developing countries.


The commerce minister stated recently that our country must vigorously expand exports in exchange for the merchandise and services our country urgently needs and should also be active in attracting foreign investment fo so as to promote the rapid economic development of our country.

Lesson 3



Tremendous growth in many countries and regions, industrial and agricultural production


Resulting in industrial countries, the rapidly growing demand for food and raw materials


Increased to fifteen times the amount of industrial imports


Intense growth of agricultural exports in developing countries needs


Cotton and natural rubber and other natural raw materials needs to reduce


The development of synthetic substitutes production and increase in production G.有助于发展中国家的工业发展和经济增长

Help developing countries' industrial development and economic growth


The beneficial effects of the economic development of countries in international trade I.有助于欠发达国家制造业和制成品生产的发展

To help less developed countries, manufacturing and finished goods production J.刺激和促进发达与发展中国家间资本的流动

Stimulate and promote capital flows between developed and developing countries


Means of transmission of new technologies and new management skills


Huge benefits from international trade in less developed countries


The relationship between international trade and long-term economic development


To absorb advanced technology from developed countries at a faster rate

O.国际贸易的产生和发展,促进了各国再生产过程的正常运行和不断扩大,提高了生产力水平,并促进了生产国际化和资本国际化,其他方面的经济发展。(reproduction再生产,productive forces生产力,promote促进,contribute to有助于)

The emergence and development of international trade, promote the normal operation of the national process of reproduction, and continues to expand, improve level of productive forces, and to promote the internationalization of production and the internationalization of capital and other aspects of economic development.

P.凯恩斯及其追随者着重于出口对就业和收入的作用,他们认为贸易顺差可以扩大支付手段,压低利率,刺激物价上涨,增加投资,从而有助于国内危机的缓和与就业的扩大。(focus on专注于,means of payment支付手段,alleviation缓和) Keynes and his followers focused on the role of exports on employment and income, they think that the trade surplus can expand the means of payment, low interest rates to stimulate the rising prices, increased investment and thus contribute to the easing of domestic crisis and the expansion of employment.

Q.另一些经济学家认为,国际贸易的兴起和发展,会使商品的市场扩大,从而推动技术进步和生产过程的改善,促进产量增加,并使投资结构发生变化,从而促进整个国民经济的发展。(process of production生产过程,spur较高的,national economy国民经济)

Some economists argue that the rise and development of international trade, make the commodities market to expand, so as to promote technological progress and the improvement of the production process, to promote increased production and investment changes in the structure, thus contributing to the development of the national economy as a whole.

R.发展中国家发展对外贸易导致外汇收人增加和外国先进技术的引进,它在弥补这些国家资本短缺、促进它们的技术进步中起着重要的作用。(bring about实现,play a role in 发挥作用)

Development of foreign trade in developing countries led to the increase in foreign exchange income and the introduction of foreign advanced technology, it make up for the shortage of capital of these countries to promote their technical progress plays an important role.


代化的实现。(along with随着,sophisticated复杂的,contribute to有助于,achievement成就)

Over the years, while foreign investment, China's effort to develop foreign trade, import large quantities of sophisticated machinery and equipment and cutting-edge technology, a large number of exporting a variety of industrial and agricultural products, to promote economic development and social modernization.


Lesson 4



The impact of nontariff barriers to trade on international operations


Resort to nontariff trade barriers for protection of its uncompetitive industries


Devote considerable attention to the removal of barriers to international trade.


Impede the free flow of merchandise and services between nations.


Laws and regulations designed to relax restrictions on imports.


Impose import quotas on some products from developing countries.


Give preference to manufacturers producing important export commodities. H.估计每年达200亿美元的该国农产品出口销售额

The export sales of that country’s agricultural products estimated at $20 billion per year.


Discriminate against medium- and low- level textiles from developing countries. J.把某些国家排除在得到优惠的国家之外

Exclude some countries from the rank of countries which are given preference. K.干扰各国间正常的交易和经贸关系

Interfere with the normal transactions and economic and trade relations between nations.


Object to countervailing duties on imports from that Asian country imposed by the United States.


Distortions arising from import restrictions which reduce potential gains from trade. N.约略计算外国商品需求曲线的弹性

A rough calculation of the elasticity of the demand curve for foreign goods.


Nontariff trade barriers, which refer to the protectionist measures characterized by quantitative import restrictions, are used by developed countries and some

developing countries to interfere with and impede the free flow of merchandise and services between nations.


Since the mid-1970s, as a result of the outbreak of the global economic crises, accompanied by the intensification of contention for international markets, the

developed countries have been forced to resort to nontariff trade barriers designed to restrict imports, in an attempt to overcome their difficulties.


Like tariff trade barriers, nontariff trade barriers have the effects of restricting imports and bringing about price increases in the domestic market of an importing country, thus imposing a heavy burden on the people of western developed countries. R.近年来,美国实施的一些贸易政策和条例对中国加以歧视,并对中国向美国出口的一些产品实行严格限制。

In recent years, some trade policies and regulations carried out by the United States have discriminated against China and imposed severe restrictions on some of its exports to the United States.


It is likely that in the future the United States and other Western countries will still impose restrictions on the exports of China’s textiles and other labor-intensive products, to which China will strongly object.

Lesson 5



Initiate the processing of an export order according to the established company policy.


A careful check and log of origin that the order was received by exporter.


The exporter must understand fully what the foreign customer actually wants.


Conduct a careful check on the foreign importer’s credit


Obtain a credit report on the credit sanding of the buyer


Buyer and seller negotiate the sales terms and conditions


The obligations of buyers and seller stated in the export contract.


The terms such as product, price and method of delivery stated in the export contract. I.出口货物在商定的交货地点合理交付

Reasonably deliver the export goods at the negotiated point of delivery. J.出口货物在商定的发货地点准时发货

Ship on tie the export goods at the negotiated point o shipment.


Title to the export goods is transferred at the point of delivery.


Obtain an import license in order to conform to the importing country’s import regulations.


Process the goods through customs after they have arrived at the point of destination N.完成出口交易所需要的各种单证的获得

Obtain the documents that are required to complete the export transaction


In order to move efficiently the goods to importing country, the export firm must perform three essential functions involving a series of activities in the export transaction.


Before an export transaction is carried out, the exporter must either conduct a check on the new customer’s financial and credit standing through an international credit report or revise the old customer’s credit standing and payment record.


As an important component of the export process, the exporter and importer negotiate the sales terms and conditions, the obligations of both parties, and other terms of the sales contract.


An agreement that the exporter and importer have entered into on sales terms and conditions becomes a binding contract, which is a firm commitment that is acceptable to both buyer and seller after it is confirmed by both parties in writing.


In the whole export process, the importer is often required to obtain an import license and sometimes also a foreign exchange permit in order that the goods conform to the importing country’s import regulations and smoothly reach the importer. Lesson 8



The exporting company has encompassed the movement and handling of products outward to points of consumption or use


Five basic modes of transportation: ocean, air, rail, truck, and inland water


The choice of the modes of transportation is determined by a combination of cost,

time and security.


Relatively low transportation costs and handling large shipments are two basic characteristics of ocean transportation.


Are transport which is fastest growing and increasingly important in international freight transportation


Rail and truck shipments which constitute a relatively small portion of the export trade of the United States.


Inland water transportation which carries large quantities of goods among some countries in Europe.


The exact freight transportation route is finally selected by the exporter fully acquainted with shipping conditions


Protect goods from loss or damage to then during their physical movement from seller to buyer


Reimburse the owner of goods being transported to overseas markets for any losses or damages incurred


Benefit from the safe arrival of the cargo or get injured by its loss, damage, or detention


The exporting firm maintains an open policy with a reliable marine insurance company


The airline provides a limited amount of insurance coverage on shipments of some goods


The exporter must furnish marine insurance when he quotes a CIF price to a buyer


In export trade, railroad transportation which is characterized by large shipments and high speed of transportation and is not subject to seasonal changes and climatic conditions, can be undertaken regularly, systematically, accurately and throughout the year.


Air transportation, which ensures the quick and punctual arrival at a destination of goods of small size, light weight and high value as well as those of timeliness, has

accounted for an increasing share in the transportation in international trade.


The insurance is obligated to compensate for a total loss or partial loss or damage to goods incurred in an accident to the carrier in the process of transportation in international trade.


The insurer is not obligated to compensate for any losses or costs accounted for by decreases in the prices and delays in the transportation of goods insured in the process of international air transportation.


The departmental manager of an exporting firm, who is acquainted with shipping and insurance matters, arranges for shipping and insurance of export goods after receiving an order for goods from abroad.

Lesson 9



Meet requirements for international commercial payment transactions and government regulations controlling exporting


Various documents required for each export shipment and the parties involved in it


Incomplete or improperly prepared documents lead to delays in shipment


Fines and confiscation of goods resulting from errors in some documents E.向国外发货需要在出口港提交的出口申报单

An export declaration presented at the port of exit which is required for the shipment of goods abroad


The destination of export goods, a full description of them and their declared value G.商业发票上所标明的货物商标和包装数量

The trademark and the number of packages of the merchandise shown on the commercial invoice


The specified price per unit of the merchandise and the total price of the shipment I.商业发票所标明的报价的性质的付款条件

The nature of the price quotation and the term of payment shown on the commercial invoice


An export declaration used to collect statistical data on exports


A consular invoice made out to the exporter by the government representative of

the importer’s country

L.装箱单逐项记载的装运货物中的货箱或集装箱内容on the packing list The contents of cases or containers in a shipment sated, item by item, M.为证明货物原产地而由某一机构签发的单证

Documents certifying the place of origin of the merchandise issued by a certain agency


Various special inspection certificates issued by different authorities at the request of the importer


In export transactions, the export firm is required to present various documents issued by itself and other units or government agencies, which represents the partial fulfillment of export contractual obligations


A commercial invoice, which is a list of delivery sent to the importer by the exporter and with which the latter receives payment from the former, is the major document for the delivery of goods and clearance of accounts between the seller and the buyer.


An ocean bill of lading, a document issued by the captain or an agent of the

carrier, certifies the receipt of the specified goods and ensures the shipment of them to the named destination and the delivery of them to the consignee.


Special inspection certificates are those issued by the commodity inspection agency after its inspection and identification of the content of containers or means of transport in the shipment of import and export goods.


The adoption by the customs of the importing country of different policies toward and different kinds of tariff treatment for imports from different countries is based on certificate of origin, which is designed to certify the place of origin or production of the merchandise.

Lesson 10



Apart from the credit standing of your trade partner, the choice of commercial payment is also determined by capital burden, market condition as well as expenses and formality.


From exporter’s position, letter of credit is the most beneficial terms of payment for him except for cash in advance since he can receive the payment only provided he present the proper documents to the named bank.


With the issuance of L/C, the buyer must pay if the seller presents the proper documents. Therefore, the buyer has to assume the seller’s credit risk due to the seller’s failure to comply with the terms in the contract sometimes.


Bill of exchange is an instrument drawn by the exporter on importer as the drawee and ordering the importer to pay, unconditionally at sight or within a fixed period of time, the stated amount to the named payee.


Cash in advance is the most beneficial to exporter as he almost assumes no credit risk from the buyer because of shipment after the receipt of payment and also can complete the transaction without investment in his own capital.

English for international business

Lesson one



The modes of operation enterprises and governments can use when pursuing international business.


Get involved in international business through importing and exporting.


Merchandise exports, the major source of international revenue for all countries.


Service exports and imports are an increasingly more important mode of international business for all countries.


Earnings from foreign tourism have been an important source of foreign exchange earning for the United States.


License a foreign distributor to sell one’s products.


Earn royalties from allowing others to use their trademarks and other assets. H.二次大战后对外直接投资在全世界迅速扩展

After the second world war, foreign direct investment increased rapidly throughout the world.


A joint venture in which the enterprise from the host country holds a controlling interest.


Portfolio investment is the main form of foreign indirect investment.


Domestic enterprises which engage in service exports and imports through different means.


Multinational enterprises take a global approach to foreign markets and production. M.跨国公司在战后国际商务的发展中起积极作用

Multinational corporations played an essential role in the development of international business in the postwar era.


Research on different modes of international business conducted by academic circles. O.战后,越来越多国家的企业和政府参与除进出口贸易以外的各种方式的国际商务活动

In the postwar period, increasingly large numbers of enterprises and governments of different countries were involved in different modes of international business in addition to exporting and importing.


The tourist industry of this scenic country, which is of critical importance to the country’s economic growth, is likely to double and redouble its foreign exchange earnings in the coming year.


The multinational corporation doing auto business, which undertakes production and marketing on a global basis, has integrated its operations in China into its global business program in recent years.


Tn order to reduce costs and increase foreign sales, the multinational enterprises of many developed countries have transferred their equipment and personnel along with their capital to low-cost developing countries.


The commerce minister stated recently that our country must vigorously expand exports in exchange for the merchandise and services our country urgently needs and should also be active in attracting foreign investment fo so as to promote the rapid economic development of our country.

Lesson 3



Tremendous growth in many countries and regions, industrial and agricultural production


Resulting in industrial countries, the rapidly growing demand for food and raw materials


Increased to fifteen times the amount of industrial imports


Intense growth of agricultural exports in developing countries needs


Cotton and natural rubber and other natural raw materials needs to reduce


The development of synthetic substitutes production and increase in production G.有助于发展中国家的工业发展和经济增长

Help developing countries' industrial development and economic growth


The beneficial effects of the economic development of countries in international trade I.有助于欠发达国家制造业和制成品生产的发展

To help less developed countries, manufacturing and finished goods production J.刺激和促进发达与发展中国家间资本的流动

Stimulate and promote capital flows between developed and developing countries


Means of transmission of new technologies and new management skills


Huge benefits from international trade in less developed countries


The relationship between international trade and long-term economic development


To absorb advanced technology from developed countries at a faster rate

O.国际贸易的产生和发展,促进了各国再生产过程的正常运行和不断扩大,提高了生产力水平,并促进了生产国际化和资本国际化,其他方面的经济发展。(reproduction再生产,productive forces生产力,promote促进,contribute to有助于)

The emergence and development of international trade, promote the normal operation of the national process of reproduction, and continues to expand, improve level of productive forces, and to promote the internationalization of production and the internationalization of capital and other aspects of economic development.

P.凯恩斯及其追随者着重于出口对就业和收入的作用,他们认为贸易顺差可以扩大支付手段,压低利率,刺激物价上涨,增加投资,从而有助于国内危机的缓和与就业的扩大。(focus on专注于,means of payment支付手段,alleviation缓和) Keynes and his followers focused on the role of exports on employment and income, they think that the trade surplus can expand the means of payment, low interest rates to stimulate the rising prices, increased investment and thus contribute to the easing of domestic crisis and the expansion of employment.

Q.另一些经济学家认为,国际贸易的兴起和发展,会使商品的市场扩大,从而推动技术进步和生产过程的改善,促进产量增加,并使投资结构发生变化,从而促进整个国民经济的发展。(process of production生产过程,spur较高的,national economy国民经济)

Some economists argue that the rise and development of international trade, make the commodities market to expand, so as to promote technological progress and the improvement of the production process, to promote increased production and investment changes in the structure, thus contributing to the development of the national economy as a whole.

R.发展中国家发展对外贸易导致外汇收人增加和外国先进技术的引进,它在弥补这些国家资本短缺、促进它们的技术进步中起着重要的作用。(bring about实现,play a role in 发挥作用)

Development of foreign trade in developing countries led to the increase in foreign exchange income and the introduction of foreign advanced technology, it make up for the shortage of capital of these countries to promote their technical progress plays an important role.


代化的实现。(along with随着,sophisticated复杂的,contribute to有助于,achievement成就)

Over the years, while foreign investment, China's effort to develop foreign trade, import large quantities of sophisticated machinery and equipment and cutting-edge technology, a large number of exporting a variety of industrial and agricultural products, to promote economic development and social modernization.


Lesson 4



The impact of nontariff barriers to trade on international operations


Resort to nontariff trade barriers for protection of its uncompetitive industries


Devote considerable attention to the removal of barriers to international trade.


Impede the free flow of merchandise and services between nations.


Laws and regulations designed to relax restrictions on imports.


Impose import quotas on some products from developing countries.


Give preference to manufacturers producing important export commodities. H.估计每年达200亿美元的该国农产品出口销售额

The export sales of that country’s agricultural products estimated at $20 billion per year.


Discriminate against medium- and low- level textiles from developing countries. J.把某些国家排除在得到优惠的国家之外

Exclude some countries from the rank of countries which are given preference. K.干扰各国间正常的交易和经贸关系

Interfere with the normal transactions and economic and trade relations between nations.


Object to countervailing duties on imports from that Asian country imposed by the United States.


Distortions arising from import restrictions which reduce potential gains from trade. N.约略计算外国商品需求曲线的弹性

A rough calculation of the elasticity of the demand curve for foreign goods.


Nontariff trade barriers, which refer to the protectionist measures characterized by quantitative import restrictions, are used by developed countries and some

developing countries to interfere with and impede the free flow of merchandise and services between nations.


Since the mid-1970s, as a result of the outbreak of the global economic crises, accompanied by the intensification of contention for international markets, the

developed countries have been forced to resort to nontariff trade barriers designed to restrict imports, in an attempt to overcome their difficulties.


Like tariff trade barriers, nontariff trade barriers have the effects of restricting imports and bringing about price increases in the domestic market of an importing country, thus imposing a heavy burden on the people of western developed countries. R.近年来,美国实施的一些贸易政策和条例对中国加以歧视,并对中国向美国出口的一些产品实行严格限制。

In recent years, some trade policies and regulations carried out by the United States have discriminated against China and imposed severe restrictions on some of its exports to the United States.


It is likely that in the future the United States and other Western countries will still impose restrictions on the exports of China’s textiles and other labor-intensive products, to which China will strongly object.

Lesson 5



Initiate the processing of an export order according to the established company policy.


A careful check and log of origin that the order was received by exporter.


The exporter must understand fully what the foreign customer actually wants.


Conduct a careful check on the foreign importer’s credit


Obtain a credit report on the credit sanding of the buyer


Buyer and seller negotiate the sales terms and conditions


The obligations of buyers and seller stated in the export contract.


The terms such as product, price and method of delivery stated in the export contract. I.出口货物在商定的交货地点合理交付

Reasonably deliver the export goods at the negotiated point of delivery. J.出口货物在商定的发货地点准时发货

Ship on tie the export goods at the negotiated point o shipment.


Title to the export goods is transferred at the point of delivery.


Obtain an import license in order to conform to the importing country’s import regulations.


Process the goods through customs after they have arrived at the point of destination N.完成出口交易所需要的各种单证的获得

Obtain the documents that are required to complete the export transaction


In order to move efficiently the goods to importing country, the export firm must perform three essential functions involving a series of activities in the export transaction.


Before an export transaction is carried out, the exporter must either conduct a check on the new customer’s financial and credit standing through an international credit report or revise the old customer’s credit standing and payment record.


As an important component of the export process, the exporter and importer negotiate the sales terms and conditions, the obligations of both parties, and other terms of the sales contract.


An agreement that the exporter and importer have entered into on sales terms and conditions becomes a binding contract, which is a firm commitment that is acceptable to both buyer and seller after it is confirmed by both parties in writing.


In the whole export process, the importer is often required to obtain an import license and sometimes also a foreign exchange permit in order that the goods conform to the importing country’s import regulations and smoothly reach the importer. Lesson 8



The exporting company has encompassed the movement and handling of products outward to points of consumption or use


Five basic modes of transportation: ocean, air, rail, truck, and inland water


The choice of the modes of transportation is determined by a combination of cost,

time and security.


Relatively low transportation costs and handling large shipments are two basic characteristics of ocean transportation.


Are transport which is fastest growing and increasingly important in international freight transportation


Rail and truck shipments which constitute a relatively small portion of the export trade of the United States.


Inland water transportation which carries large quantities of goods among some countries in Europe.


The exact freight transportation route is finally selected by the exporter fully acquainted with shipping conditions


Protect goods from loss or damage to then during their physical movement from seller to buyer


Reimburse the owner of goods being transported to overseas markets for any losses or damages incurred


Benefit from the safe arrival of the cargo or get injured by its loss, damage, or detention


The exporting firm maintains an open policy with a reliable marine insurance company


The airline provides a limited amount of insurance coverage on shipments of some goods


The exporter must furnish marine insurance when he quotes a CIF price to a buyer


In export trade, railroad transportation which is characterized by large shipments and high speed of transportation and is not subject to seasonal changes and climatic conditions, can be undertaken regularly, systematically, accurately and throughout the year.


Air transportation, which ensures the quick and punctual arrival at a destination of goods of small size, light weight and high value as well as those of timeliness, has

accounted for an increasing share in the transportation in international trade.


The insurance is obligated to compensate for a total loss or partial loss or damage to goods incurred in an accident to the carrier in the process of transportation in international trade.


The insurer is not obligated to compensate for any losses or costs accounted for by decreases in the prices and delays in the transportation of goods insured in the process of international air transportation.


The departmental manager of an exporting firm, who is acquainted with shipping and insurance matters, arranges for shipping and insurance of export goods after receiving an order for goods from abroad.

Lesson 9



Meet requirements for international commercial payment transactions and government regulations controlling exporting


Various documents required for each export shipment and the parties involved in it


Incomplete or improperly prepared documents lead to delays in shipment


Fines and confiscation of goods resulting from errors in some documents E.向国外发货需要在出口港提交的出口申报单

An export declaration presented at the port of exit which is required for the shipment of goods abroad


The destination of export goods, a full description of them and their declared value G.商业发票上所标明的货物商标和包装数量

The trademark and the number of packages of the merchandise shown on the commercial invoice


The specified price per unit of the merchandise and the total price of the shipment I.商业发票所标明的报价的性质的付款条件

The nature of the price quotation and the term of payment shown on the commercial invoice


An export declaration used to collect statistical data on exports


A consular invoice made out to the exporter by the government representative of

the importer’s country

L.装箱单逐项记载的装运货物中的货箱或集装箱内容on the packing list The contents of cases or containers in a shipment sated, item by item, M.为证明货物原产地而由某一机构签发的单证

Documents certifying the place of origin of the merchandise issued by a certain agency


Various special inspection certificates issued by different authorities at the request of the importer


In export transactions, the export firm is required to present various documents issued by itself and other units or government agencies, which represents the partial fulfillment of export contractual obligations


A commercial invoice, which is a list of delivery sent to the importer by the exporter and with which the latter receives payment from the former, is the major document for the delivery of goods and clearance of accounts between the seller and the buyer.


An ocean bill of lading, a document issued by the captain or an agent of the

carrier, certifies the receipt of the specified goods and ensures the shipment of them to the named destination and the delivery of them to the consignee.


Special inspection certificates are those issued by the commodity inspection agency after its inspection and identification of the content of containers or means of transport in the shipment of import and export goods.


The adoption by the customs of the importing country of different policies toward and different kinds of tariff treatment for imports from different countries is based on certificate of origin, which is designed to certify the place of origin or production of the merchandise.

Lesson 10



Apart from the credit standing of your trade partner, the choice of commercial payment is also determined by capital burden, market condition as well as expenses and formality.


From exporter’s position, letter of credit is the most beneficial terms of payment for him except for cash in advance since he can receive the payment only provided he present the proper documents to the named bank.


With the issuance of L/C, the buyer must pay if the seller presents the proper documents. Therefore, the buyer has to assume the seller’s credit risk due to the seller’s failure to comply with the terms in the contract sometimes.


Bill of exchange is an instrument drawn by the exporter on importer as the drawee and ordering the importer to pay, unconditionally at sight or within a fixed period of time, the stated amount to the named payee.


Cash in advance is the most beneficial to exporter as he almost assumes no credit risk from the buyer because of shipment after the receipt of payment and also can complete the transaction without investment in his own capital.


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