



一、Listen and number.听录音,标序号。(10分)

( )twenty-one ( )twenty-three ( )twenty-six ( )forty ( )twenty-eight ( )twenty-two ( )twenty-four ( )twenty-seven ( )twenty-five ( )twenty-nine

二、Listen and choose the right answer. 听录音,选择合适的答语。(10分) ( )1.A.Twenty-nine words. B. Twenty-six words. ( )2.A.Fifty students. B. Thirty students.

( )3.A.We have five classes today. B.We have six classes today. ( )4.A.They are maths, Chinese, English and PE in the morning. B. They are maths, Chinese, English and music in the morning. ( )5.A.I like Chinese and English. B.I like Chinese and art.

三、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出他们喜欢的课程。(20分) 1.Name:Zhang Jing

( )Chinese ( )English ( )Maths ( )Computer ( )Science ( )Art ( )Music ( )PE 2.Name:Zhao Hui

四年级 英语 第1页,共4页

( )Chinese ( )English ( )Maths ( )Computer ( )Science ( )Art ( )Music ( )PE 3.Name:Li Fang

( )Chinese ( )English ( )Maths ( )Computer ( )Science ( )Art ( )Music ( )PE 4.Name:Yao Kun

( )Chinese ( )English ( )Maths ( )Computer ( )Science ( )Art ( )Music ( )PE

四.Listen and choose. 听录音,选择。(10分) ( ) 1.A.7:00 B. 7:30

( )2.A.Apple,bread and an egg. B.Milk,bread and an egg ( )3.A.Maths B.Chinese ( )4.A.11:00 B.12:00

( )5.A.There’s a table ,four mugs and a cake . B. There’s a table ,four chairs and a cake . 笔试部分

一、Choose the right answer. 选择填空。(20分)

( )1.It’s time_____ the first class. A.to B. for C.at

( )2.David,put______your pencils, books and all the school things first. A. up B. away C. on

( )3.How many______ do you have today? A. class B. classes C. lesson

四年级 英语 第2页,共4页

( )4.Wake up, Micky. It’s time to_______. A. get up B. go to bed C. getting ( )5.There _________ a big clock on the wall. A.is B.am C. are

( )6.Kate,can you ____ the table and chairs with me? A. clean B. mop C. wash

( )7.There ____ four balloons and a TV in the living room. A.is B.am C. are

( )8.Wow! Can I have a look _____ the computer? A. after B. for C.at

( )9.We have art and PE classes ____ the afternoon. A. in B. on C. at

( )10. It’s a birthday gift ____ my grandfather. A. on B. from C. at

二、Read and choose the right answer.根据问句,找出答语。(12分) ( )1.How many students are there in your class? ( )2.What’s in the kitchen? ( )3.What’s the time?

( )4.What do we have for breakfast? ( )5.May I ask you some questions? ( )6.What subjects do you like? A. It’s six o’clock. B. There are forty.

C. We have bread, milk, and chicken. D. There is a cake and some bread. E. Yes, please.

四年级 英语 第3页,共4页

F. I like maths, English and music.

三、Form the sentences. 连词组句。(8分) 1. wall, is, the, What, on (?)

________________________________________________ 2. bed, time, is, go, It, to, to (.)

_________________________________________________ 3. teacher, is, This, maths, Miss Green, our (.) _________________________________________________ 4. to, class, Welcome, my (.)

________________________________________________ 四、Read and choose. 阅读并选择。(10分)

Look, this is my brother’s room. It is very nice and big. In the room, we can see a white desk. A pencil-box is on the desk. It’s yellow. There is a pen and two pencils in the pencil-box. There is a light behind (在……的后面) the pencil-box. And there is a chair near(在……的附近) the desk. He has a football. It’s under (在……的下面) his bed. There are some books on the desk. Do you like my brother’s room?

( )1. This room is _____.

A. small and nice B. nice and big ( )2. This desk is _____. A. yellow B. white ( )3. The light is ______ the pencil-box. A. behind B.under ( )4. The football is _____ the bed. A. near B. under ( )5. There are _______ on the desk. A. some pencil-boxes B. some books

四年级 英语 第4页,共4页




一、Listen and number.听录音,标序号。(10分)

( )twenty-one ( )twenty-three ( )twenty-six ( )forty ( )twenty-eight ( )twenty-two ( )twenty-four ( )twenty-seven ( )twenty-five ( )twenty-nine

二、Listen and choose the right answer. 听录音,选择合适的答语。(10分) ( )1.A.Twenty-nine words. B. Twenty-six words. ( )2.A.Fifty students. B. Thirty students.

( )3.A.We have five classes today. B.We have six classes today. ( )4.A.They are maths, Chinese, English and PE in the morning. B. They are maths, Chinese, English and music in the morning. ( )5.A.I like Chinese and English. B.I like Chinese and art.

三、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出他们喜欢的课程。(20分) 1.Name:Zhang Jing

( )Chinese ( )English ( )Maths ( )Computer ( )Science ( )Art ( )Music ( )PE 2.Name:Zhao Hui

四年级 英语 第1页,共4页

( )Chinese ( )English ( )Maths ( )Computer ( )Science ( )Art ( )Music ( )PE 3.Name:Li Fang

( )Chinese ( )English ( )Maths ( )Computer ( )Science ( )Art ( )Music ( )PE 4.Name:Yao Kun

( )Chinese ( )English ( )Maths ( )Computer ( )Science ( )Art ( )Music ( )PE

四.Listen and choose. 听录音,选择。(10分) ( ) 1.A.7:00 B. 7:30

( )2.A.Apple,bread and an egg. B.Milk,bread and an egg ( )3.A.Maths B.Chinese ( )4.A.11:00 B.12:00

( )5.A.There’s a table ,four mugs and a cake . B. There’s a table ,four chairs and a cake . 笔试部分

一、Choose the right answer. 选择填空。(20分)

( )1.It’s time_____ the first class. A.to B. for C.at

( )2.David,put______your pencils, books and all the school things first. A. up B. away C. on

( )3.How many______ do you have today? A. class B. classes C. lesson

四年级 英语 第2页,共4页

( )4.Wake up, Micky. It’s time to_______. A. get up B. go to bed C. getting ( )5.There _________ a big clock on the wall. A.is B.am C. are

( )6.Kate,can you ____ the table and chairs with me? A. clean B. mop C. wash

( )7.There ____ four balloons and a TV in the living room. A.is B.am C. are

( )8.Wow! Can I have a look _____ the computer? A. after B. for C.at

( )9.We have art and PE classes ____ the afternoon. A. in B. on C. at

( )10. It’s a birthday gift ____ my grandfather. A. on B. from C. at

二、Read and choose the right answer.根据问句,找出答语。(12分) ( )1.How many students are there in your class? ( )2.What’s in the kitchen? ( )3.What’s the time?

( )4.What do we have for breakfast? ( )5.May I ask you some questions? ( )6.What subjects do you like? A. It’s six o’clock. B. There are forty.

C. We have bread, milk, and chicken. D. There is a cake and some bread. E. Yes, please.

四年级 英语 第3页,共4页

F. I like maths, English and music.

三、Form the sentences. 连词组句。(8分) 1. wall, is, the, What, on (?)

________________________________________________ 2. bed, time, is, go, It, to, to (.)

_________________________________________________ 3. teacher, is, This, maths, Miss Green, our (.) _________________________________________________ 4. to, class, Welcome, my (.)

________________________________________________ 四、Read and choose. 阅读并选择。(10分)

Look, this is my brother’s room. It is very nice and big. In the room, we can see a white desk. A pencil-box is on the desk. It’s yellow. There is a pen and two pencils in the pencil-box. There is a light behind (在……的后面) the pencil-box. And there is a chair near(在……的附近) the desk. He has a football. It’s under (在……的下面) his bed. There are some books on the desk. Do you like my brother’s room?

( )1. This room is _____.

A. small and nice B. nice and big ( )2. This desk is _____. A. yellow B. white ( )3. The light is ______ the pencil-box. A. behind B.under ( )4. The football is _____ the bed. A. near B. under ( )5. There are _______ on the desk. A. some pencil-boxes B. some books

四年级 英语 第4页,共4页


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