Abstract: the yunnan province is one of the provinces serious soil and water loss. In recent years, through all kinds of soil and water conservation measures in yunnan province, in the water and soil conservation has made some achievements. This paper mainly introduces the yunnan province in recent years of soil and water loss in the present situation, development trend and soil and water areas division, and put forward the soil and water conservation measures, such as strengthening propaganda, improve the consciousness, strengthen the law enforcement efforts, and increasing investment, overall planning, comprehensive management, and expounds the soil and water conservation and development in yunnan province.
Keywords: soil and water conservation, divided into three, development trend, prevention and control measures, development goals
一 水土流失的现状
从1986年至今,云南省已经展开了三次全省水土流失遥感普查工作,最近的一次水土流失遥感普查是在2006年完成的。据最近的一次遥感调查结果显示,全省水土流失面积为13.417万km2,占云南省土地总面积的35.04%。从表1可以看出,云南省的水土流失现状主要表现为轻度侵蚀和中度侵蚀,总共占了全省水土流失面积的91.37%。全省年土壤侵蚀总量为50 813 万t ,是全国年流失土壤50亿吨的十分之一,平均侵蚀模数为1 326 t/( km2·a) ,年均侵蚀深为0. 98 mm[4]。
表1 云南省水土流失侵蚀强度分级的状况[4]
Abstract: the yunnan province is one of the provinces serious soil and water loss. In recent years, through all kinds of soil and water conservation measures in yunnan province, in the water and soil conservation has made some achievements. This paper mainly introduces the yunnan province in recent years of soil and water loss in the present situation, development trend and soil and water areas division, and put forward the soil and water conservation measures, such as strengthening propaganda, improve the consciousness, strengthen the law enforcement efforts, and increasing investment, overall planning, comprehensive management, and expounds the soil and water conservation and development in yunnan province.
Keywords: soil and water conservation, divided into three, development trend, prevention and control measures, development goals
一 水土流失的现状
从1986年至今,云南省已经展开了三次全省水土流失遥感普查工作,最近的一次水土流失遥感普查是在2006年完成的。据最近的一次遥感调查结果显示,全省水土流失面积为13.417万km2,占云南省土地总面积的35.04%。从表1可以看出,云南省的水土流失现状主要表现为轻度侵蚀和中度侵蚀,总共占了全省水土流失面积的91.37%。全省年土壤侵蚀总量为50 813 万t ,是全国年流失土壤50亿吨的十分之一,平均侵蚀模数为1 326 t/( km2·a) ,年均侵蚀深为0. 98 mm[4]。
表1 云南省水土流失侵蚀强度分级的状况[4]