
SWOT Analysis

of Dove

1. A Brief Introduction of DOVE

There are two meanings of its creative name. One of the meanings is “peace”. Leo Stefanos, the Greek-American founder of DOVE, after witnessing his son racing down the street after an ice cream truck, developed the DOVEBAR out of concern for his children’s safety. It took Leo several months to refine the recipe, naming the new treat after his south side candy shop, chosen for its “peace” quality. Besides, the word “DOVE” also represented “Do you love me?” It conveys the message of true love. Dove was created in 1956 by Leo Stefanos, The DOVE of ice cream bars were only sold locally in Chicago until 1985 when distribution began in selected cities around the country. In 1986, the company was acquired by Mars, Incorporated. 2008 The Dove brand introduced a first-in-category innovative new packing format for his premium tablet bar collection

Dove chocolate enters into Chinese market in 1989.It become the leading brand in Chinese domestic market in 1995.From then on, “taste its strong atmosphere of milk , just like silk fly around you ” has become its classic advertising slogan.

2-1 strength

2-1-1 High market awareness

Dove owns a good brand image and high market awareness with 35%market share and 80% publicity in China. Its main product, “Silky Smooth Milk” still a short-term product in the current wholesale market, with smooth entry into the secondary and thirdly cities, it has a huge contribution to the sale volume. 2-1-2 Exquisite product with high quality

Made with 100% pure cocoa butter, DOVE Chocolate has an amazing scent, a glossy color and a rich taste, surpassing any other bars. Always silky smooth on the tongue with a complex flavor, each DOVE Chocolate product starts with only the best cacao beans. The perfect combination of chocolate liquor and cocoa butter, DOVE has a balanced taste that it is never too sweet or too bitter. 2-1-3 Product diversity

Considering the consumers’ demand, DOVE has produced different tastes, shapes, sizes of chocolates. According to customers’ needs, they can book a kind of chocolate in advance. DOVE also provides various styles, handmade chocolates taste to meet customers’ different requirements.

2-1-4 Promotion strategy especially its refreshing advertisement On publicity, DOVE uses different ways, like posters, banners, advertisements, etc. in order to attract customers’ eyes and make good impression on them. Its message “taste its good atmosphere of milk, just like silk fly around you ”was once widely known.DOVE invites many famous stars as prolocutors to promote their products every year. The latest story is a romantic encounter in bookstore acted by Guocaijie and Fangzuming.

2-2 weakness

2-2-1 Price is high to the customer in the target market

According to the statistics we found from the internet.

Investigate the relation between income and sending chocolates.

According to the table, 25% people whose income under 500 yuan, and 35% people whose income between 500-1000 yuan will choose to send chocolates, most part of other interviewees will not send . It illustrates that the interviewees sending chocolates focused on low-income groups.

What consumers think should be improved?

According to the table, the price that consumers think should be improved

occupy 53%, followed by taste and packaging. It illustrate Dove’s price is high to the customer.

2-2-2 The food safety problem

It has happened more than once that foreign bodies were found in its products. The media has exposed “green head fly” and “ring-pull ”incidents in 2004 and 2006. Recently, in 2013.1.2 a live maggot was found in Dove’s chocolate , but the company made its official apologize quickly.

2-3 Opportunity

2-3-1 Attract target consumers through the internet.

With the development of knowledge economy , the network has provided a good platform for the marketing of products. It would be the most appropriate way to reach consumers especially to portray Dove ’s new persona and voice. Social networking opportunities on Facebook, Microblog and Y ouTube can convey Dove ’s new brand image that would engage user-generated content and interaction through discussions, virtual DOVE Promises, or swap gifts. And most people surfing the internet are young, they happen to be the target consumers of Dove .

2-3-2 A new factory built

Dove has paid more attention to the Chinese market. A new factory was recently built in Hubei province to control the cost more efficiently, so it can be predicted that the larger scale of operation will bring about increasing sales in later years.

2-4 Threat

2-4-1 Fierce competition in domestic market to rob market share Dove 、Cadbury 、Hershey and Kinde these four brands have taken over 80% market share in Chinese market.In chocolate industry ,the largest competitor of Dove is Cadbury and Kinde. In 2003, Kinde surpassed Cadbury and ranked second . The market occupancy of Dove in 2011 reached 60.2%, which is always the leading company in Chinese market. In the past five years , the growth rate of Chinese chocolate market has attained 80%,former candy manufacturer like “Golden Monkey” set foot in, meanwhile “Mozart ” a famous Austria high-end brand came into the country . The competition will be more fierce in the future.

What brands do consumers buy chocolates of ?

As shown in table, Dove remains the number one brand to consumers, 86% interviewee chose Dove as the brand they would buy chocolates of, but it has faced encirclement from the other imported brands like Kinde and Cadbury, 60% and 45% of interviewees chose these two brands.

2-4-2 The potential impact of substitutes

The sell of different kinds of candies is a huge threat to Dove. Let us focus on analyzing “Milo Nugget” produced by Nestle. Nestle is Europe's largest manufacturer of candy, holding 16% market share. Except for immediate consumption, candies can be stored for a long time and enjoyed by kids or be a good choice of holiday gifts, which bring the convenience to consumers. Furthermore in order to make customers assure, Nestle strongly reflects the health and rich nutrition of its products, which will

bringhuge threat to chocolate producers and great competitiveness to chocolate gifts of Dove.


On the basis of strict inspection of food safety , Dove can expand its scale of production in China to more effectively lower cost and drive prices down.

More new products should be created to meet people’s needs, especially the healthy food conforming to modern diet concept ,the idea of infusing Chinese elements also popular. As majority of target consumers it owns are the young, so network marketing


《德芙巧克力市场调查分析》 重庆工商大学08级广告专业的学生。

SWOT Analysis

of Dove

1. A Brief Introduction of DOVE

There are two meanings of its creative name. One of the meanings is “peace”. Leo Stefanos, the Greek-American founder of DOVE, after witnessing his son racing down the street after an ice cream truck, developed the DOVEBAR out of concern for his children’s safety. It took Leo several months to refine the recipe, naming the new treat after his south side candy shop, chosen for its “peace” quality. Besides, the word “DOVE” also represented “Do you love me?” It conveys the message of true love. Dove was created in 1956 by Leo Stefanos, The DOVE of ice cream bars were only sold locally in Chicago until 1985 when distribution began in selected cities around the country. In 1986, the company was acquired by Mars, Incorporated. 2008 The Dove brand introduced a first-in-category innovative new packing format for his premium tablet bar collection

Dove chocolate enters into Chinese market in 1989.It become the leading brand in Chinese domestic market in 1995.From then on, “taste its strong atmosphere of milk , just like silk fly around you ” has become its classic advertising slogan.

2-1 strength

2-1-1 High market awareness

Dove owns a good brand image and high market awareness with 35%market share and 80% publicity in China. Its main product, “Silky Smooth Milk” still a short-term product in the current wholesale market, with smooth entry into the secondary and thirdly cities, it has a huge contribution to the sale volume. 2-1-2 Exquisite product with high quality

Made with 100% pure cocoa butter, DOVE Chocolate has an amazing scent, a glossy color and a rich taste, surpassing any other bars. Always silky smooth on the tongue with a complex flavor, each DOVE Chocolate product starts with only the best cacao beans. The perfect combination of chocolate liquor and cocoa butter, DOVE has a balanced taste that it is never too sweet or too bitter. 2-1-3 Product diversity

Considering the consumers’ demand, DOVE has produced different tastes, shapes, sizes of chocolates. According to customers’ needs, they can book a kind of chocolate in advance. DOVE also provides various styles, handmade chocolates taste to meet customers’ different requirements.

2-1-4 Promotion strategy especially its refreshing advertisement On publicity, DOVE uses different ways, like posters, banners, advertisements, etc. in order to attract customers’ eyes and make good impression on them. Its message “taste its good atmosphere of milk, just like silk fly around you ”was once widely known.DOVE invites many famous stars as prolocutors to promote their products every year. The latest story is a romantic encounter in bookstore acted by Guocaijie and Fangzuming.

2-2 weakness

2-2-1 Price is high to the customer in the target market

According to the statistics we found from the internet.

Investigate the relation between income and sending chocolates.

According to the table, 25% people whose income under 500 yuan, and 35% people whose income between 500-1000 yuan will choose to send chocolates, most part of other interviewees will not send . It illustrates that the interviewees sending chocolates focused on low-income groups.

What consumers think should be improved?

According to the table, the price that consumers think should be improved

occupy 53%, followed by taste and packaging. It illustrate Dove’s price is high to the customer.

2-2-2 The food safety problem

It has happened more than once that foreign bodies were found in its products. The media has exposed “green head fly” and “ring-pull ”incidents in 2004 and 2006. Recently, in 2013.1.2 a live maggot was found in Dove’s chocolate , but the company made its official apologize quickly.

2-3 Opportunity

2-3-1 Attract target consumers through the internet.

With the development of knowledge economy , the network has provided a good platform for the marketing of products. It would be the most appropriate way to reach consumers especially to portray Dove ’s new persona and voice. Social networking opportunities on Facebook, Microblog and Y ouTube can convey Dove ’s new brand image that would engage user-generated content and interaction through discussions, virtual DOVE Promises, or swap gifts. And most people surfing the internet are young, they happen to be the target consumers of Dove .

2-3-2 A new factory built

Dove has paid more attention to the Chinese market. A new factory was recently built in Hubei province to control the cost more efficiently, so it can be predicted that the larger scale of operation will bring about increasing sales in later years.

2-4 Threat

2-4-1 Fierce competition in domestic market to rob market share Dove 、Cadbury 、Hershey and Kinde these four brands have taken over 80% market share in Chinese market.In chocolate industry ,the largest competitor of Dove is Cadbury and Kinde. In 2003, Kinde surpassed Cadbury and ranked second . The market occupancy of Dove in 2011 reached 60.2%, which is always the leading company in Chinese market. In the past five years , the growth rate of Chinese chocolate market has attained 80%,former candy manufacturer like “Golden Monkey” set foot in, meanwhile “Mozart ” a famous Austria high-end brand came into the country . The competition will be more fierce in the future.

What brands do consumers buy chocolates of ?

As shown in table, Dove remains the number one brand to consumers, 86% interviewee chose Dove as the brand they would buy chocolates of, but it has faced encirclement from the other imported brands like Kinde and Cadbury, 60% and 45% of interviewees chose these two brands.

2-4-2 The potential impact of substitutes

The sell of different kinds of candies is a huge threat to Dove. Let us focus on analyzing “Milo Nugget” produced by Nestle. Nestle is Europe's largest manufacturer of candy, holding 16% market share. Except for immediate consumption, candies can be stored for a long time and enjoyed by kids or be a good choice of holiday gifts, which bring the convenience to consumers. Furthermore in order to make customers assure, Nestle strongly reflects the health and rich nutrition of its products, which will

bringhuge threat to chocolate producers and great competitiveness to chocolate gifts of Dove.


On the basis of strict inspection of food safety , Dove can expand its scale of production in China to more effectively lower cost and drive prices down.

More new products should be created to meet people’s needs, especially the healthy food conforming to modern diet concept ,the idea of infusing Chinese elements also popular. As majority of target consumers it owns are the young, so network marketing


《德芙巧克力市场调查分析》 重庆工商大学08级广告专业的学生。


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