

#region 矩阵运算


/// 矩阵对应行列式的值




private double MatrixValue(double[,] MatrixList)


int Level = MatrixList.GetLength(1);

double[,] dMatrix = new double[Level, Level];

for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


dMatrix[i, j] = MatrixList[i, j];



int sign = 1;

for (int i = 0, j = 0; i


//判断改行dMatrix[i, j]是否为0,若是,则寻找i 后的行(m,m>i,切dMatrix[m, j]!=0)进行交换 if (dMatrix[i, j] == 0)


if (i == Level - 1)


return 0;


int m = i + 1;

//获取一个dMatrix[m, j]不为为0的行

for (; dMatrix[m, j] == 0; m++)


if (m == Level - 1)


return 0;




//把i 行和m 行调换

double temp;

for (int n = j; n


temp = dMatrix[i, n];

dMatrix[i, n] = dMatrix[m, n];

dMatrix[m, n] = temp;


sign *= (-1);



double tmp;

for (int s = Level - 1; s > i; s--)


tmp = dMatrix[s, j];


for (int t = j; t


dMatrix[s, t] -= dMatrix[i, t] * (tmp / dMatrix[i, j]);




double result = 1;

for (int i = 0; i


if (dMatrix[i, i] != 0)


result *= dMatrix[i, i];




return 0;



return sign * result;



/// 矩阵减法






private double[] SubMatrix(double[] A1, double[] A2)



int a1 = A1.GetLength(0);

int a2 = A2.GetLength(0);

if (a1 != a2)


return null;



double[] B = new double[a1];

for (int i = 0; i


B[i] = A1[i] - A2[i];


return B;



/// 矩阵乘法





private double[,] MultiplyMatrix(double[,] firstMatrix, double[,] secondMatrix)


double[,] resultMatrix = new double[firstMatrix.GetLength(0), secondMatrix.GetLength(1)]; //判断相乘矩阵是否合法,即第一个矩阵的列要等于第二个矩阵的行

if (firstMatrix.GetLength(1) != secondMatrix.GetLength(0))


return null;



for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex


for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex



resultMatrix[rowIndex, colIndex] = 0;

for (int i = 0; i



resultMatrix[rowIndex, colIndex] += firstMatrix[rowIndex, i] * secondMatrix[i, colIndex]; }



return resultMatrix;



/// 求逆矩阵




private double[,] Athwart(double[,] dMatrix)



int Level = dMatrix.GetLength(1);

double[,] dReverseMatrix = new double[Level, 2 * Level]; //初始化矩阵Level×(2*Level)

for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


if (j


dReverseMatrix[i, j] = dMatrix[i, j];




if (j - Level == i)


dReverseMatrix[i, j] = 1;




dReverseMatrix[i, j] = 0;





for (int i = 0, j = 0; i

if (dReverseMatrix[i, j] == 0)


if (i == Level - 1)


return null;


int m = i + 1;

for (; dMatrix[m, j] == 0; m++)


if (m == Level - 1)


return null;


if (m == Level)


return null;




//把i 行和m 行相加

for (int n = j; n


dReverseMatrix[i, n] += dReverseMatrix[m, n]; }



double temp = dReverseMatrix[i, j];

if (temp != 1)


//把i 行数据,变成以1开始的一行数据

for (int n = j; n


if (dReverseMatrix[i, n] != 0)


dReverseMatrix[i, n] /= temp;




//把i 行后的所有行的j 列变成0

for (int s = Level - 1; s > i; s--)


temp = dReverseMatrix[s, j];

for (int t = j; t


dReverseMatrix[s, t] -= (dReverseMatrix[i, t] * temp); }



//把矩阵Level×(2*Level)前Level×Level 转变为单位矩阵 for (int i = Level - 2; i >= 0; i--)


for (int j = i + 1; j


if (dReverseMatrix[i, j] != 0)

double tmp = dReverseMatrix[i, j];

for (int n = j; n


dReverseMatrix[i, n] -= (tmp * dReverseMatrix[j, n]); }





double[,] dReturn = new double[Level, Level]; for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


dReturn[i, j] = dReverseMatrix[i, j + Level]; }


return dReturn;



第二份: 1using System; 2using System.IO;

3using System.Diagnostics;



6namespace Adjust


8{ ///

9 /// Matrix 的摘要说明。

10 /// 实现矩阵的基本运算 11 ///

12 public class Matrix 1314

15 //构造方阵

16 public Matrix(int row)

17 { { 18 m_data = new double [row,row]; 19

20 }

21 public Matrix(int row, int col) 22 {

23 m_data = new double [row,col]; 24 }

25 //复制构造函数

26 public Matrix(Matrix m)

27 {

28 int row = m.Row;

29 int col = m.Col;

30 m_data = new double [row,col]; 31

33 for (int j=0;j

36 }


38 /*

39 //分配方阵的大小

40 //对于已含有内存的矩阵,将清空数据 41 public void SetSize(int row) 42 {

43 m_data = new double[row,row]; 44 }



47 //分配矩阵的大小

48 //对于已含有内存的矩阵,将清空数据 49 public void SetSize(int row,int col) 50 {

51 m_data = new double[row,col]; 52 }

53 */

55 //unit matrix:设为单位阵 56 public void SetUnit() 57 { 58 for (int i=0;i

61 }


63 //设置元素值

64 public void SetValue(double d) 65 {

66 for (int i=0;i

69 }


71 // Value extraction :返中行数 72 public int Row

73 {

74 get

75 {

77 return m_data.GetLength(0); 78 } 79 } 80 81 //返回列数 82 public int Col

83 {

84 get

85 {

86 return m_data.GetLength(1); 87 }

88 }


90 //重载索引

91 //存取数据成员

92 public double this [int row, int col] 93 {

94 get

95 {

96 return m_data[row,col]; 97 }

98 set 99 { 100 m_data[row,col] = value; 101 } 102 } 103

104 //primary change

105 // 初等变换 对调两行:rirj

106 public Matrix Exchange(int i, int j)

107 {

108 double temp;


110 for (int k=0;k

111 {

112 temp = m_data[i,k];

113 m_data[i,k] = m_data[j,k];

114 m_data[j,k] = temp;

115 }

116 return this ;

117 }



121 Matrix Multiple(int index, double mul) 122 { 123 for (int j=0;j

124 {

125 m_data[index,j] *= mul;

126 }

127 return this ;

128 }



131 //初等变换 第src 行乘以mul 加到第index 行

132 Matrix MultipleAdd(int index, int src, double mul)

133 {

134 for (int j=0;j

135 {

136 m_data[index,j] += m_data[src,j]*mul;

137 }


139 return this ;

140 }


143 public Matrix Transpose() 144 { 145 Matrix ret = new Matrix(Col,Row); 146

147 for (int i=0;i

148 for (int j=0;j

149 {

150 ret[j,i] = m_data[i,j];

151 }

152 return ret;

153 }


155 //binary addition 矩阵加

156 public static Matrix operator + (Matrix lhs,Matrix rhs)

157 {

158 if (lhs.Row != rhs.Row) //异常

159 {

160 System.Exception e = new Exception("相加的两个矩阵的行数不等"); 161 throw e;

162 }

163 if (lhs.Col != rhs.Col) //异常

164 { 165 System.Exception e = new Exception("相加的两个矩阵的列数不等"); 166 throw e; 167 } 168

169 int row = lhs.Row;

170 int col = lhs.Col;

171 Matrix ret=new Matrix(row,col);


173 for (int i=0;i

174 for (int j=0;j

175 {

176 double d = lhs[i,j] + rhs[i,j];

177 ret[i,j] = d;

178 }

179 return ret;


181 }


183 //binary subtraction 矩阵减

184 public static Matrix operator - (Matrix lhs,Matrix rhs)

185 {

186 if (lhs.Row != rhs.Row) //异常 187 { 188 System.Exception e = new Exception("相减的两个矩阵的行数不等"); 189 throw e;

190 }

191 if (lhs.Col != rhs.Col) //异常

192 {

193 System.Exception e = new Exception("相减的两个矩阵的列数不等"); 194 throw e;

195 }


197 int row = lhs.Row;

198 int col = lhs.Col;

199 Matrix ret=new Matrix(row,col);


201 for (int i=0;i

202 for (int j=0;j

203 {

204 double d = lhs[i,j] - rhs[i,j];

205 ret[i,j] = d;

206 }

207 return ret;

209 210 211 //binary multiple 矩阵乘 212 public static Matrix operator * (Matrix lhs,Matrix rhs)

213 {

214 if (lhs.Col != rhs.Row) //异常

215 {

216 System.Exception e = new Exception("相乘的两个矩阵的行列数不匹配"); 217 throw e;

218 }


220 Matrix ret = new Matrix (lhs.Row,rhs.Col);

221 double temp;

222 for (int i=0;i

223 {

224 for (int j=0;j

225 {

226 temp = 0;

227 for (int k=0;k

228 {

229 temp += lhs[i,k] * rhs[k,j];

231 ret[i,j] = temp; 232 } 233 } 234 235 return ret;

236 }



239 //binary division 矩阵除

240 public static Matrix operator / (Matrix lhs,Matrix rhs)

241 {

242 return lhs * rhs.Inverse();

243 }


245 //unary addition 单目加

246 public static Matrix operator + (Matrix m)

247 {

248 Matrix ret = new Matrix(m);

249 return ret;

250 }


252 //unary subtraction 单目减 253 public static Matrix operator - (Matrix m) 254 { 255 Matrix ret = new Matrix(m);

256 for (int i=0;i

257 for (int j= 0;j

258 {

259 ret[i,j] = -ret[i,j];

260 }


262 return ret;

263 }


265 //number multiple 数乘

266 public static Matrix operator * (double d,Matrix m)

267 {

268 Matrix ret = new Matrix(m);

269 for (int i=0;i

270 for (int j=0;j

271 ret[i,j] *= d;


273 return ret;

275 276 //number division 数除 277 public static Matrix operator / (double d,Matrix m)

278 {

279 return d*m.Inverse();

280 }


282 //功能:返回列主元素的行号

283 //参数:row 为开始查找的行号

284 //说明:在行号[row,Col)范围内查找第row 列中绝对值最大的元素,返回所在行号 285 int Pivot(int row)

286 {

287 int index=row;


289 for (int i=row+1;i

290 {

291 if (m_data[i,row] > m_data[index,row])

292 index=i;

293 }


295 return index;

297 298 //inversion 逆阵:使用矩阵的初等变换,列主元素消去法 299 public Matrix Inverse() 300 { 301 if (Row != Col) //异常, 非方阵

302 {

303 System.Exception e = new Exception("求逆的矩阵不是方阵"); 304 throw e;

305 }

306StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("..\\annex\\close_matrix.txt"); 307 Matrix tmp = new Matrix(this );

308 Matrix ret =new Matrix(Row); //单位阵

309 ret.SetUnit();


311 int maxIndex;

312 double dMul;


314 for (int i=0;i

315 {

316 maxIndex = tmp.Pivot(i);


319 { 320 System.Exception e = new Exception("求逆的矩阵的行列式的值等于0,"); 321 throw e;

322 }


324 if (maxIndex != i) //下三角阵中此列的最大值不在当前行,交换

325 {

326 tmp.Exchange(i,maxIndex);

327 ret.Exchange(i,maxIndex);


329 }


331 ret.Multiple(i,1/tmp[i,i]);


333 tmp.Multiple(i,1/tmp[i,i]);


335 for (int j=i+1;j

336 {

337 dMul = -tmp[j,i]/tmp[i,i];

338 tmp.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

339 ret.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

341 } 342sw.WriteLine("tmp=\r\n"+tmp); 343sw.WriteLine("ret=\r\n"+ret); 344 }//end for 345 346

347sw.WriteLine("**=\r\n"+ this *ret);


349 for (int i=Row-1;i>0;i--)

350 {

351 for (int j=i-1;j>=0;j--)

352 {

353 dMul = -tmp[j,i]/tmp[i,i];

354 tmp.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

355 ret.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

356 }

357 }//end for





362sw.WriteLine("***=\r\n"+ this *ret); 363sw.Close(); 364 365 return ret; 366 367 }//end Inverse



370 #region /*

371 //inversion 逆阵:使用矩阵的初等变换,列主元素消去法

372 public Matrix Inverse()

373 {

374 if(Row != Col) //异常, 非方阵

375 {

376 System.Exception e = new Exception("求逆的矩阵不是方阵");

377 throw e;

378 }

379 ///////////////

380 StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("..\\annex\\matrix_mul.txt"); 381 ////////////////////

382 ///

383 Matrix tmp = new Matrix(this);

384 Matrix ret =new Matrix(Row); //单位阵 385 ret.SetUnit(); 386 387 int maxIndex; 388 double dMul;


390 for(int i=0;i

391 {


393 maxIndex = tmp.Pivot(i);


395 if(tmp.m_data[maxIndex,i]==0)

396 {

397 System.Exception e = new Exception("求逆的矩阵的行列式的值等于0,"); 398 throw e;

399 }


401 if(maxIndex != i) //下三角阵中此列的最大值不在当前行,交换

402 {

403 tmp.Exchange(i,maxIndex);

404 ret.Exchange(i,maxIndex);


407 408 ret.Multiple(i,1/tmp[i,i]); 409 410 ///////////////////////// 411 //sw.WriteLine("nul \t"+tmp[i,i]+"\t"+ret[i,i]);

412 ////////////////

413 tmp.Multiple(i,1/tmp[i,i]);

414 //sw.WriteLine("mmm \t"+tmp[i,i]+"\t"+ret[i,i]);

415 sw.WriteLine("111111111 tmp=\r\n"+tmp);

416 for(int j=i+1;j

417 {

418 dMul = -tmp[j,i];

419 tmp.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

420 ret.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);


422 }

423 sw.WriteLine("[1**********]2=\r\n"+tmp);


425 }//end for



429 for(int i=Row-1;i>0;i--) 430 { 431 for(int j=i-1;j>=0;j--) 432 { 433 dMul = -tmp[j,i];

434 tmp.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

435 ret.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

436 }

437 }//end for


439 //////////////////////////



442 sw.WriteLine("tmp = \r\n" + tmp.ToString());


444 sw.Close();

445 ///////////////////////////////////////

446 ///

447 return ret;


449 }//end Inverse

451*/ 452 453 #endregion 454 455 //determine if the matrix is square:方阵

456 public bool IsSquare()

457 {

458 return Row==Col;

459 }


461 //determine if the matrix is symmetric 对称阵

462 public bool IsSymmetric()



465 if (Row != Col)

466 return false ;


468 for (int i=0;i

469 for (int j=i+1;j

470 if ( m_data[i,j] != m_data[j,i])

471 return false ; {

473 return true ; 474 } 475 476 //一阶矩阵->实数 477 public double ToDouble()

478 {

479 Trace.Assert(Row==1 && Col==1);


481 return m_data[0,0];

482 }


484 //conert to string

485 public override string ToString()



488 string s="";

489 for (int i=0;i

490 { {

491 for (int j=0;j

492 s += string .Format("{0} ",m_data[i,j]);


495 } 496 return s;


498 }



501 //私有数据成员

502 private double [,] m_data;


504 }//end class Matrix


/// 矩阵的乘

public bool MatrixMultiply(double[,] a, double[,] b, ref double[,] c)


if (a.GetLength(1) != b.GetLength(0))

return false;

if (a.GetLength(0) != c.GetLength(0) || b.GetLength(1) != c.GetLength(1)) return false;

for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


c[i, j] = 0;

for (int k = 0; k


c[i, j] += a[i, k] * b[k, j];




return true;


/// 矩阵的加

public bool MatrixAdd(double[,] a, double[,] b, ref double[,] c)


if (a.GetLength(0) != b.GetLength(0) || a.GetLength(1) != b.GetLength(1)

|| a.GetLength(0) != c.GetLength(0) || a.GetLength(1) != c.GetLength(1)) return false;

for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


c[i, j] = a[i, j] + b[i, j];



return true;


/// 矩阵的减

public bool MatrixSubtration(double[,] a, double[,] b, ref double[,] c)


if (a.GetLength(0) != b.GetLength(0) || a.GetLength(1) != b.GetLength(1)

|| a.GetLength(0) != c.GetLength(0) || a.GetLength(1) != c.GetLength(1)) return false;

for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


c[i, j] = a[i, j] - b[i, j];



return true;


/// 矩阵的行列式的值

public double MatrixSurplus(double[,] a)


int i, j, k, p, r, m, n;

m = a.GetLength(0);

n = a.GetLength(1);

double X, temp = 1, temp1 = 1, s = 0,s1 = 0;

if(n == 2)


for (i = 0; i

for (j = 0; j

if ((i + j) % 2 > 0) temp1 *= a[i, j];

else temp *= a[i, j];





for (k = 0; k


for (i = 0, j = k; i

temp *= a[i, j];

if (m - i > 0)


for (p = m - i, r = m - 1; p > 0; p--, r--)

temp *= a[r, p - 1];


s += temp;

temp = 1;


for (k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--)


for (i = 0, j = k; i = 0; i++, j--)

temp1 *= a[i, j];

if (m - i > 0)


for (p = m - 1, r = i; r

temp1 *= a[r, p];


s1 += temp1;

temp1 = 1;


X = s - s1;


return X;


/// 矩阵的转置

public bool MatrixInver(double[,] a, ref double[,] b)


if (a.GetLength(0) != b.GetLength(1) || a.GetLength(1) != b.GetLength(0)) return false;

for (int i = 0; i

for (int j = 0; j

b[i, j] = a[j, i];

return true;


/// 矩阵的逆

public bool MatrixOpp(double[,] a, ref double[,] b)


double X = MatrixSurplus(a);

if (X == 0) return false;

X = 1 / X;

double[,] B = new double[a.GetLength(0), a.GetLength(1)];

double[,] SP = new double[a.GetLength(0), a.GetLength(1)];

double[,] AB = new double[a.GetLength(0), a.GetLength(1)];

for (int i = 0; i

for (int j = 0; j


for (int m = 0; m

for (int n = 0; n

B[m, n] = a[m, n];


for (int x = 0; x

B[i, x] = 0;

for (int y = 0; y

B[y, j] = 0;

B[i, j] = 1;

SP[i, j] = MatrixSurplus(B);

AB[i, j] = X * SP[i, j];



MatrixInver(AB, ref b);

return true;



#region 矩阵运算


/// 矩阵对应行列式的值




private double MatrixValue(double[,] MatrixList)


int Level = MatrixList.GetLength(1);

double[,] dMatrix = new double[Level, Level];

for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


dMatrix[i, j] = MatrixList[i, j];



int sign = 1;

for (int i = 0, j = 0; i


//判断改行dMatrix[i, j]是否为0,若是,则寻找i 后的行(m,m>i,切dMatrix[m, j]!=0)进行交换 if (dMatrix[i, j] == 0)


if (i == Level - 1)


return 0;


int m = i + 1;

//获取一个dMatrix[m, j]不为为0的行

for (; dMatrix[m, j] == 0; m++)


if (m == Level - 1)


return 0;




//把i 行和m 行调换

double temp;

for (int n = j; n


temp = dMatrix[i, n];

dMatrix[i, n] = dMatrix[m, n];

dMatrix[m, n] = temp;


sign *= (-1);



double tmp;

for (int s = Level - 1; s > i; s--)


tmp = dMatrix[s, j];


for (int t = j; t


dMatrix[s, t] -= dMatrix[i, t] * (tmp / dMatrix[i, j]);




double result = 1;

for (int i = 0; i


if (dMatrix[i, i] != 0)


result *= dMatrix[i, i];




return 0;



return sign * result;



/// 矩阵减法






private double[] SubMatrix(double[] A1, double[] A2)



int a1 = A1.GetLength(0);

int a2 = A2.GetLength(0);

if (a1 != a2)


return null;



double[] B = new double[a1];

for (int i = 0; i


B[i] = A1[i] - A2[i];


return B;



/// 矩阵乘法





private double[,] MultiplyMatrix(double[,] firstMatrix, double[,] secondMatrix)


double[,] resultMatrix = new double[firstMatrix.GetLength(0), secondMatrix.GetLength(1)]; //判断相乘矩阵是否合法,即第一个矩阵的列要等于第二个矩阵的行

if (firstMatrix.GetLength(1) != secondMatrix.GetLength(0))


return null;



for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex


for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex



resultMatrix[rowIndex, colIndex] = 0;

for (int i = 0; i



resultMatrix[rowIndex, colIndex] += firstMatrix[rowIndex, i] * secondMatrix[i, colIndex]; }



return resultMatrix;



/// 求逆矩阵




private double[,] Athwart(double[,] dMatrix)



int Level = dMatrix.GetLength(1);

double[,] dReverseMatrix = new double[Level, 2 * Level]; //初始化矩阵Level×(2*Level)

for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


if (j


dReverseMatrix[i, j] = dMatrix[i, j];




if (j - Level == i)


dReverseMatrix[i, j] = 1;




dReverseMatrix[i, j] = 0;





for (int i = 0, j = 0; i

if (dReverseMatrix[i, j] == 0)


if (i == Level - 1)


return null;


int m = i + 1;

for (; dMatrix[m, j] == 0; m++)


if (m == Level - 1)


return null;


if (m == Level)


return null;




//把i 行和m 行相加

for (int n = j; n


dReverseMatrix[i, n] += dReverseMatrix[m, n]; }



double temp = dReverseMatrix[i, j];

if (temp != 1)


//把i 行数据,变成以1开始的一行数据

for (int n = j; n


if (dReverseMatrix[i, n] != 0)


dReverseMatrix[i, n] /= temp;




//把i 行后的所有行的j 列变成0

for (int s = Level - 1; s > i; s--)


temp = dReverseMatrix[s, j];

for (int t = j; t


dReverseMatrix[s, t] -= (dReverseMatrix[i, t] * temp); }



//把矩阵Level×(2*Level)前Level×Level 转变为单位矩阵 for (int i = Level - 2; i >= 0; i--)


for (int j = i + 1; j


if (dReverseMatrix[i, j] != 0)

double tmp = dReverseMatrix[i, j];

for (int n = j; n


dReverseMatrix[i, n] -= (tmp * dReverseMatrix[j, n]); }





double[,] dReturn = new double[Level, Level]; for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


dReturn[i, j] = dReverseMatrix[i, j + Level]; }


return dReturn;



第二份: 1using System; 2using System.IO;

3using System.Diagnostics;



6namespace Adjust


8{ ///

9 /// Matrix 的摘要说明。

10 /// 实现矩阵的基本运算 11 ///

12 public class Matrix 1314

15 //构造方阵

16 public Matrix(int row)

17 { { 18 m_data = new double [row,row]; 19

20 }

21 public Matrix(int row, int col) 22 {

23 m_data = new double [row,col]; 24 }

25 //复制构造函数

26 public Matrix(Matrix m)

27 {

28 int row = m.Row;

29 int col = m.Col;

30 m_data = new double [row,col]; 31

33 for (int j=0;j

36 }


38 /*

39 //分配方阵的大小

40 //对于已含有内存的矩阵,将清空数据 41 public void SetSize(int row) 42 {

43 m_data = new double[row,row]; 44 }



47 //分配矩阵的大小

48 //对于已含有内存的矩阵,将清空数据 49 public void SetSize(int row,int col) 50 {

51 m_data = new double[row,col]; 52 }

53 */

55 //unit matrix:设为单位阵 56 public void SetUnit() 57 { 58 for (int i=0;i

61 }


63 //设置元素值

64 public void SetValue(double d) 65 {

66 for (int i=0;i

69 }


71 // Value extraction :返中行数 72 public int Row

73 {

74 get

75 {

77 return m_data.GetLength(0); 78 } 79 } 80 81 //返回列数 82 public int Col

83 {

84 get

85 {

86 return m_data.GetLength(1); 87 }

88 }


90 //重载索引

91 //存取数据成员

92 public double this [int row, int col] 93 {

94 get

95 {

96 return m_data[row,col]; 97 }

98 set 99 { 100 m_data[row,col] = value; 101 } 102 } 103

104 //primary change

105 // 初等变换 对调两行:rirj

106 public Matrix Exchange(int i, int j)

107 {

108 double temp;


110 for (int k=0;k

111 {

112 temp = m_data[i,k];

113 m_data[i,k] = m_data[j,k];

114 m_data[j,k] = temp;

115 }

116 return this ;

117 }



121 Matrix Multiple(int index, double mul) 122 { 123 for (int j=0;j

124 {

125 m_data[index,j] *= mul;

126 }

127 return this ;

128 }



131 //初等变换 第src 行乘以mul 加到第index 行

132 Matrix MultipleAdd(int index, int src, double mul)

133 {

134 for (int j=0;j

135 {

136 m_data[index,j] += m_data[src,j]*mul;

137 }


139 return this ;

140 }


143 public Matrix Transpose() 144 { 145 Matrix ret = new Matrix(Col,Row); 146

147 for (int i=0;i

148 for (int j=0;j

149 {

150 ret[j,i] = m_data[i,j];

151 }

152 return ret;

153 }


155 //binary addition 矩阵加

156 public static Matrix operator + (Matrix lhs,Matrix rhs)

157 {

158 if (lhs.Row != rhs.Row) //异常

159 {

160 System.Exception e = new Exception("相加的两个矩阵的行数不等"); 161 throw e;

162 }

163 if (lhs.Col != rhs.Col) //异常

164 { 165 System.Exception e = new Exception("相加的两个矩阵的列数不等"); 166 throw e; 167 } 168

169 int row = lhs.Row;

170 int col = lhs.Col;

171 Matrix ret=new Matrix(row,col);


173 for (int i=0;i

174 for (int j=0;j

175 {

176 double d = lhs[i,j] + rhs[i,j];

177 ret[i,j] = d;

178 }

179 return ret;


181 }


183 //binary subtraction 矩阵减

184 public static Matrix operator - (Matrix lhs,Matrix rhs)

185 {

186 if (lhs.Row != rhs.Row) //异常 187 { 188 System.Exception e = new Exception("相减的两个矩阵的行数不等"); 189 throw e;

190 }

191 if (lhs.Col != rhs.Col) //异常

192 {

193 System.Exception e = new Exception("相减的两个矩阵的列数不等"); 194 throw e;

195 }


197 int row = lhs.Row;

198 int col = lhs.Col;

199 Matrix ret=new Matrix(row,col);


201 for (int i=0;i

202 for (int j=0;j

203 {

204 double d = lhs[i,j] - rhs[i,j];

205 ret[i,j] = d;

206 }

207 return ret;

209 210 211 //binary multiple 矩阵乘 212 public static Matrix operator * (Matrix lhs,Matrix rhs)

213 {

214 if (lhs.Col != rhs.Row) //异常

215 {

216 System.Exception e = new Exception("相乘的两个矩阵的行列数不匹配"); 217 throw e;

218 }


220 Matrix ret = new Matrix (lhs.Row,rhs.Col);

221 double temp;

222 for (int i=0;i

223 {

224 for (int j=0;j

225 {

226 temp = 0;

227 for (int k=0;k

228 {

229 temp += lhs[i,k] * rhs[k,j];

231 ret[i,j] = temp; 232 } 233 } 234 235 return ret;

236 }



239 //binary division 矩阵除

240 public static Matrix operator / (Matrix lhs,Matrix rhs)

241 {

242 return lhs * rhs.Inverse();

243 }


245 //unary addition 单目加

246 public static Matrix operator + (Matrix m)

247 {

248 Matrix ret = new Matrix(m);

249 return ret;

250 }


252 //unary subtraction 单目减 253 public static Matrix operator - (Matrix m) 254 { 255 Matrix ret = new Matrix(m);

256 for (int i=0;i

257 for (int j= 0;j

258 {

259 ret[i,j] = -ret[i,j];

260 }


262 return ret;

263 }


265 //number multiple 数乘

266 public static Matrix operator * (double d,Matrix m)

267 {

268 Matrix ret = new Matrix(m);

269 for (int i=0;i

270 for (int j=0;j

271 ret[i,j] *= d;


273 return ret;

275 276 //number division 数除 277 public static Matrix operator / (double d,Matrix m)

278 {

279 return d*m.Inverse();

280 }


282 //功能:返回列主元素的行号

283 //参数:row 为开始查找的行号

284 //说明:在行号[row,Col)范围内查找第row 列中绝对值最大的元素,返回所在行号 285 int Pivot(int row)

286 {

287 int index=row;


289 for (int i=row+1;i

290 {

291 if (m_data[i,row] > m_data[index,row])

292 index=i;

293 }


295 return index;

297 298 //inversion 逆阵:使用矩阵的初等变换,列主元素消去法 299 public Matrix Inverse() 300 { 301 if (Row != Col) //异常, 非方阵

302 {

303 System.Exception e = new Exception("求逆的矩阵不是方阵"); 304 throw e;

305 }

306StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("..\\annex\\close_matrix.txt"); 307 Matrix tmp = new Matrix(this );

308 Matrix ret =new Matrix(Row); //单位阵

309 ret.SetUnit();


311 int maxIndex;

312 double dMul;


314 for (int i=0;i

315 {

316 maxIndex = tmp.Pivot(i);


319 { 320 System.Exception e = new Exception("求逆的矩阵的行列式的值等于0,"); 321 throw e;

322 }


324 if (maxIndex != i) //下三角阵中此列的最大值不在当前行,交换

325 {

326 tmp.Exchange(i,maxIndex);

327 ret.Exchange(i,maxIndex);


329 }


331 ret.Multiple(i,1/tmp[i,i]);


333 tmp.Multiple(i,1/tmp[i,i]);


335 for (int j=i+1;j

336 {

337 dMul = -tmp[j,i]/tmp[i,i];

338 tmp.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

339 ret.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

341 } 342sw.WriteLine("tmp=\r\n"+tmp); 343sw.WriteLine("ret=\r\n"+ret); 344 }//end for 345 346

347sw.WriteLine("**=\r\n"+ this *ret);


349 for (int i=Row-1;i>0;i--)

350 {

351 for (int j=i-1;j>=0;j--)

352 {

353 dMul = -tmp[j,i]/tmp[i,i];

354 tmp.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

355 ret.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

356 }

357 }//end for





362sw.WriteLine("***=\r\n"+ this *ret); 363sw.Close(); 364 365 return ret; 366 367 }//end Inverse



370 #region /*

371 //inversion 逆阵:使用矩阵的初等变换,列主元素消去法

372 public Matrix Inverse()

373 {

374 if(Row != Col) //异常, 非方阵

375 {

376 System.Exception e = new Exception("求逆的矩阵不是方阵");

377 throw e;

378 }

379 ///////////////

380 StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("..\\annex\\matrix_mul.txt"); 381 ////////////////////

382 ///

383 Matrix tmp = new Matrix(this);

384 Matrix ret =new Matrix(Row); //单位阵 385 ret.SetUnit(); 386 387 int maxIndex; 388 double dMul;


390 for(int i=0;i

391 {


393 maxIndex = tmp.Pivot(i);


395 if(tmp.m_data[maxIndex,i]==0)

396 {

397 System.Exception e = new Exception("求逆的矩阵的行列式的值等于0,"); 398 throw e;

399 }


401 if(maxIndex != i) //下三角阵中此列的最大值不在当前行,交换

402 {

403 tmp.Exchange(i,maxIndex);

404 ret.Exchange(i,maxIndex);


407 408 ret.Multiple(i,1/tmp[i,i]); 409 410 ///////////////////////// 411 //sw.WriteLine("nul \t"+tmp[i,i]+"\t"+ret[i,i]);

412 ////////////////

413 tmp.Multiple(i,1/tmp[i,i]);

414 //sw.WriteLine("mmm \t"+tmp[i,i]+"\t"+ret[i,i]);

415 sw.WriteLine("111111111 tmp=\r\n"+tmp);

416 for(int j=i+1;j

417 {

418 dMul = -tmp[j,i];

419 tmp.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

420 ret.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);


422 }

423 sw.WriteLine("[1**********]2=\r\n"+tmp);


425 }//end for



429 for(int i=Row-1;i>0;i--) 430 { 431 for(int j=i-1;j>=0;j--) 432 { 433 dMul = -tmp[j,i];

434 tmp.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

435 ret.MultipleAdd(j,i,dMul);

436 }

437 }//end for


439 //////////////////////////



442 sw.WriteLine("tmp = \r\n" + tmp.ToString());


444 sw.Close();

445 ///////////////////////////////////////

446 ///

447 return ret;


449 }//end Inverse

451*/ 452 453 #endregion 454 455 //determine if the matrix is square:方阵

456 public bool IsSquare()

457 {

458 return Row==Col;

459 }


461 //determine if the matrix is symmetric 对称阵

462 public bool IsSymmetric()



465 if (Row != Col)

466 return false ;


468 for (int i=0;i

469 for (int j=i+1;j

470 if ( m_data[i,j] != m_data[j,i])

471 return false ; {

473 return true ; 474 } 475 476 //一阶矩阵->实数 477 public double ToDouble()

478 {

479 Trace.Assert(Row==1 && Col==1);


481 return m_data[0,0];

482 }


484 //conert to string

485 public override string ToString()



488 string s="";

489 for (int i=0;i

490 { {

491 for (int j=0;j

492 s += string .Format("{0} ",m_data[i,j]);


495 } 496 return s;


498 }



501 //私有数据成员

502 private double [,] m_data;


504 }//end class Matrix


/// 矩阵的乘

public bool MatrixMultiply(double[,] a, double[,] b, ref double[,] c)


if (a.GetLength(1) != b.GetLength(0))

return false;

if (a.GetLength(0) != c.GetLength(0) || b.GetLength(1) != c.GetLength(1)) return false;

for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


c[i, j] = 0;

for (int k = 0; k


c[i, j] += a[i, k] * b[k, j];




return true;


/// 矩阵的加

public bool MatrixAdd(double[,] a, double[,] b, ref double[,] c)


if (a.GetLength(0) != b.GetLength(0) || a.GetLength(1) != b.GetLength(1)

|| a.GetLength(0) != c.GetLength(0) || a.GetLength(1) != c.GetLength(1)) return false;

for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


c[i, j] = a[i, j] + b[i, j];



return true;


/// 矩阵的减

public bool MatrixSubtration(double[,] a, double[,] b, ref double[,] c)


if (a.GetLength(0) != b.GetLength(0) || a.GetLength(1) != b.GetLength(1)

|| a.GetLength(0) != c.GetLength(0) || a.GetLength(1) != c.GetLength(1)) return false;

for (int i = 0; i


for (int j = 0; j


c[i, j] = a[i, j] - b[i, j];



return true;


/// 矩阵的行列式的值

public double MatrixSurplus(double[,] a)


int i, j, k, p, r, m, n;

m = a.GetLength(0);

n = a.GetLength(1);

double X, temp = 1, temp1 = 1, s = 0,s1 = 0;

if(n == 2)


for (i = 0; i

for (j = 0; j

if ((i + j) % 2 > 0) temp1 *= a[i, j];

else temp *= a[i, j];





for (k = 0; k


for (i = 0, j = k; i

temp *= a[i, j];

if (m - i > 0)


for (p = m - i, r = m - 1; p > 0; p--, r--)

temp *= a[r, p - 1];


s += temp;

temp = 1;


for (k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--)


for (i = 0, j = k; i = 0; i++, j--)

temp1 *= a[i, j];

if (m - i > 0)


for (p = m - 1, r = i; r

temp1 *= a[r, p];


s1 += temp1;

temp1 = 1;


X = s - s1;


return X;


/// 矩阵的转置

public bool MatrixInver(double[,] a, ref double[,] b)


if (a.GetLength(0) != b.GetLength(1) || a.GetLength(1) != b.GetLength(0)) return false;

for (int i = 0; i

for (int j = 0; j

b[i, j] = a[j, i];

return true;


/// 矩阵的逆

public bool MatrixOpp(double[,] a, ref double[,] b)


double X = MatrixSurplus(a);

if (X == 0) return false;

X = 1 / X;

double[,] B = new double[a.GetLength(0), a.GetLength(1)];

double[,] SP = new double[a.GetLength(0), a.GetLength(1)];

double[,] AB = new double[a.GetLength(0), a.GetLength(1)];

for (int i = 0; i

for (int j = 0; j


for (int m = 0; m

for (int n = 0; n

B[m, n] = a[m, n];


for (int x = 0; x

B[i, x] = 0;

for (int y = 0; y

B[y, j] = 0;

B[i, j] = 1;

SP[i, j] = MatrixSurplus(B);

AB[i, j] = X * SP[i, j];



MatrixInver(AB, ref b);

return true;



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