



Heavy rains have swept Huzhou and Shenzhen over the past two days due to Typhoon Kong-Rey that swept South China. The national meteorological bureau says the typhoon has now changed direction and it is moving in a northeasterly direction away from the mainland.

Around 125 mm of rain has been recorded in Huzhou, with local weather authorities releasing a red alert. Many streets have been inundated. The rain weakened by 11:00 am and the alert was lifted. Heavy rains have also swept Shenzhen since last night. Some vehicles have been stranded in the rising waters. Local authorities are working to drain the water and clear roads.



The Chongyang Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, so it is knowns as the Double Ninth Festival.About 2000 years ago, people used to climb a high plateform outside the capital city of Chang’an on the occasion of the Chongyang Festival. The custom evolved into its present form, when people go climbing to get some exercise as well as enjoy the autumn scenery. Since nine is the highest odd digit, people take two of them together to signify longevity. Therefore, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month has become a special day for people to pay their respects to the elderly and a day for the elderly to enjoy themselves. It has also been declared China’s day for the elderly.



Jining, located in the southwest of Shandong, China, is one of the key industrial cites of the

province. It covers an area of 11,000 square kiolmeters, with a population of 8.3131million. Jining, the birthplace of Confucianism and Mencius, the great thinkers and educators well known in the world, has long been praised as “the Hometown of Confucius and Mencius, the Land of

Proprieties: as well as the cradel of Confucianism. Confucius Temple, Confucius Mansion and Confucius Cemetery in Qufu have been included on the list of World Culture Heritage by UNESCO. The annually celebrated “China (Qufu) International Confucius Cultural Festival”

attracts both domestic and foreign friends to this holy city.


北京民间流传着一句话:“卢沟桥上(Lugou Bridge)的石狮子—数不清。”特别有趣的是关于石狮子的传说。有的说,,石狮子中有一个总是在晃动,看不清,没法数。有的说,有几个石狮子是藏起来的,看不清,数不着。如果真的数清了狮子的数目,全桥的狮子就会跑光了。当然,这些都是传说。但是,桥上的石狮子也真多,过去确实没有人数清过。直到1961年,文化部门才把它数清了,一共是485个。

A saying in Beijing goes: “The stone lions on Lugou Bridge are too many to be counted.” The stories told about them are most interesting. One says that one of the stone lions is always swaying so that it can’t be seen clearly and counted. Another says that it is impossible to count the lions exactly because some are hidden and can’t be seen. And if an exact count was really made, all the lions would run away. There are mere legends, no doubt. But there are such a lot of stone lions on the bridge that nobody made an accurate count in the past. It was not until 1961 that the cultural offices ascertained their exact number as altogether 485.



Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young starstruck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fullfil their dreams. Hollywood suggests luxurious houses with vast palm-fringed swimming pools, cocktail bars and furnishings fit for a millionaire. That is to say that big movie stars are creatures of Hollywood, and many spent their fortunes on yachts, Rolls Royces and diamonds. A few of them lost their glamour quite suddenly and were left with nothing but emptiness and colossal debts.


古老又雄伟的长城绵延6350公里,穿越九个省份,自治区和直辖市。在这个人工屏障大量的战略要地建了许多关隘。居庸关边便是其中之一。八达岭则是通往居庸关的前哨阵地。战略上居庸关位于北京西北部。它曾经是进入古代首都的门户。八达岭海拔超过1000米。居庸关和八达岭之间的部分是典型的明长城建筑。 The ancient and imposing Great Wall extends 6,350 kilometers through nine provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. Passes have been built through this artificial barrier at a number of stategic posts. The Juyong Pass is one among them . Badaling is an outpost to Juyong. The Juyong Pass is strategically posed to the

northwest of Beijing. It used to be the gateway to the ancient captical. Badaling rises high to over 1,000 meters above sea level. The section of the Great Wall between the Juyong Pass and Badaling is a typical Ming product.




Heavy rains have swept Huzhou and Shenzhen over the past two days due to Typhoon Kong-Rey that swept South China. The national meteorological bureau says the typhoon has now changed direction and it is moving in a northeasterly direction away from the mainland.

Around 125 mm of rain has been recorded in Huzhou, with local weather authorities releasing a red alert. Many streets have been inundated. The rain weakened by 11:00 am and the alert was lifted. Heavy rains have also swept Shenzhen since last night. Some vehicles have been stranded in the rising waters. Local authorities are working to drain the water and clear roads.



The Chongyang Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, so it is knowns as the Double Ninth Festival.About 2000 years ago, people used to climb a high plateform outside the capital city of Chang’an on the occasion of the Chongyang Festival. The custom evolved into its present form, when people go climbing to get some exercise as well as enjoy the autumn scenery. Since nine is the highest odd digit, people take two of them together to signify longevity. Therefore, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month has become a special day for people to pay their respects to the elderly and a day for the elderly to enjoy themselves. It has also been declared China’s day for the elderly.



Jining, located in the southwest of Shandong, China, is one of the key industrial cites of the

province. It covers an area of 11,000 square kiolmeters, with a population of 8.3131million. Jining, the birthplace of Confucianism and Mencius, the great thinkers and educators well known in the world, has long been praised as “the Hometown of Confucius and Mencius, the Land of

Proprieties: as well as the cradel of Confucianism. Confucius Temple, Confucius Mansion and Confucius Cemetery in Qufu have been included on the list of World Culture Heritage by UNESCO. The annually celebrated “China (Qufu) International Confucius Cultural Festival”

attracts both domestic and foreign friends to this holy city.


北京民间流传着一句话:“卢沟桥上(Lugou Bridge)的石狮子—数不清。”特别有趣的是关于石狮子的传说。有的说,,石狮子中有一个总是在晃动,看不清,没法数。有的说,有几个石狮子是藏起来的,看不清,数不着。如果真的数清了狮子的数目,全桥的狮子就会跑光了。当然,这些都是传说。但是,桥上的石狮子也真多,过去确实没有人数清过。直到1961年,文化部门才把它数清了,一共是485个。

A saying in Beijing goes: “The stone lions on Lugou Bridge are too many to be counted.” The stories told about them are most interesting. One says that one of the stone lions is always swaying so that it can’t be seen clearly and counted. Another says that it is impossible to count the lions exactly because some are hidden and can’t be seen. And if an exact count was really made, all the lions would run away. There are mere legends, no doubt. But there are such a lot of stone lions on the bridge that nobody made an accurate count in the past. It was not until 1961 that the cultural offices ascertained their exact number as altogether 485.



Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young starstruck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fullfil their dreams. Hollywood suggests luxurious houses with vast palm-fringed swimming pools, cocktail bars and furnishings fit for a millionaire. That is to say that big movie stars are creatures of Hollywood, and many spent their fortunes on yachts, Rolls Royces and diamonds. A few of them lost their glamour quite suddenly and were left with nothing but emptiness and colossal debts.


古老又雄伟的长城绵延6350公里,穿越九个省份,自治区和直辖市。在这个人工屏障大量的战略要地建了许多关隘。居庸关边便是其中之一。八达岭则是通往居庸关的前哨阵地。战略上居庸关位于北京西北部。它曾经是进入古代首都的门户。八达岭海拔超过1000米。居庸关和八达岭之间的部分是典型的明长城建筑。 The ancient and imposing Great Wall extends 6,350 kilometers through nine provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. Passes have been built through this artificial barrier at a number of stategic posts. The Juyong Pass is one among them . Badaling is an outpost to Juyong. The Juyong Pass is strategically posed to the

northwest of Beijing. It used to be the gateway to the ancient captical. Badaling rises high to over 1,000 meters above sea level. The section of the Great Wall between the Juyong Pass and Badaling is a typical Ming product.


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