

蜀绣也称" 川绣" ,中国四大名绣之一。中国非物质文化遗产保护项目之一。蜀绣具有悠久的历史。早在汉代(公元前(206~公元220年),蜀绣之名就已誉满天下,汉朝政府还在成都专门设置" 锦官" 进行管理。汉以后至五代十国时期(公元907~960年),四川相对安定的局面为蜀绣的发展创造了有利的条件,社会需求的不断增大,刺激了蜀绣业的飞速发展。到了宋代(公960~1279年),蜀绣的发展达到鼎盛时期,绣品在工艺、产销量和精美程度上都独步天下。清朝(公元1644~1911年)中叶以后,蜀绣逐渐形成行业,当时各县官府均设" 劝工局" 以鼓励蜀绣生产。新中国成立后,在四川设立了成都蜀绣厂,使蜀绣工艺的发展进入了一个新阶段,技术上不断创新,品种日益增多。

蜀绣起源于川西民间,在长期的发展过程中,由于受地理环境、风俗习惯、文化艺术等方面的影响,逐渐形成了严谨细腻、光亮平整、构图疏朗、浑厚圆润、色彩明快的独特风格。蜀绣作品的选材丰富,有花草树木、飞禽走兽、山水鱼虫、人物肖像等。针法包括12大类共169种,常用的针法有晕针、铺针、滚针、截针、掺针、沙针、盖针等,讲究" 针脚整齐,线片光亮,紧密柔和,车拧到家" 。绣品的种类繁多,包括被面、枕套、衣、鞋和画屏等,既有巨幅条屏,又有袖珍小件,是观赏性与实用性兼备的精美艺术品。

Shu Embroidery

Also called Chuan embroidery, Shu embroidery is the general name for embroidery products in areas around Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Shu embroidery enjoys a long history. As early as the Han Dynasty, Shu embroidery was already famous. The central government even designated an office in this area for its administration. During the Five Dynasties and Ten States periods (907-960), a peaceful society and large demand provided advanced conditions for the rapid development of the Shu Embroidery industry. Shu embroidery experienced its peak development in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), ranking first in both production and excellence. In the mid-Qing Dynasty, the Shu embroidery industry was formed. After the founding of the People's Republic of China,Shu embroidery factories were set up and the craft entered a new phase of development, using innovative techniques and a larger variety of forms.

Originating among the folk people in the west of Sichuan Province, Shu embroidery formed its own unique characteristics: smooth, bright, neat and influenced by the geographical environment, customs and cultures. The works

incorporated flowers, leaves, animals, mountains, rivers and human figures as their themes. Altogether, there are 122 approaches in 12 categories for weaving. The craftsmanship of Shu embroidery involves a combination of fine arts, aesthetics and practical

uses, such as the facings of quits, pillowcases, coats, shoots and screen covers.


蜀绣也称" 川绣" ,中国四大名绣之一。中国非物质文化遗产保护项目之一。蜀绣具有悠久的历史。早在汉代(公元前(206~公元220年),蜀绣之名就已誉满天下,汉朝政府还在成都专门设置" 锦官" 进行管理。汉以后至五代十国时期(公元907~960年),四川相对安定的局面为蜀绣的发展创造了有利的条件,社会需求的不断增大,刺激了蜀绣业的飞速发展。到了宋代(公960~1279年),蜀绣的发展达到鼎盛时期,绣品在工艺、产销量和精美程度上都独步天下。清朝(公元1644~1911年)中叶以后,蜀绣逐渐形成行业,当时各县官府均设" 劝工局" 以鼓励蜀绣生产。新中国成立后,在四川设立了成都蜀绣厂,使蜀绣工艺的发展进入了一个新阶段,技术上不断创新,品种日益增多。

蜀绣起源于川西民间,在长期的发展过程中,由于受地理环境、风俗习惯、文化艺术等方面的影响,逐渐形成了严谨细腻、光亮平整、构图疏朗、浑厚圆润、色彩明快的独特风格。蜀绣作品的选材丰富,有花草树木、飞禽走兽、山水鱼虫、人物肖像等。针法包括12大类共169种,常用的针法有晕针、铺针、滚针、截针、掺针、沙针、盖针等,讲究" 针脚整齐,线片光亮,紧密柔和,车拧到家" 。绣品的种类繁多,包括被面、枕套、衣、鞋和画屏等,既有巨幅条屏,又有袖珍小件,是观赏性与实用性兼备的精美艺术品。

Shu Embroidery

Also called Chuan embroidery, Shu embroidery is the general name for embroidery products in areas around Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Shu embroidery enjoys a long history. As early as the Han Dynasty, Shu embroidery was already famous. The central government even designated an office in this area for its administration. During the Five Dynasties and Ten States periods (907-960), a peaceful society and large demand provided advanced conditions for the rapid development of the Shu Embroidery industry. Shu embroidery experienced its peak development in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), ranking first in both production and excellence. In the mid-Qing Dynasty, the Shu embroidery industry was formed. After the founding of the People's Republic of China,Shu embroidery factories were set up and the craft entered a new phase of development, using innovative techniques and a larger variety of forms.

Originating among the folk people in the west of Sichuan Province, Shu embroidery formed its own unique characteristics: smooth, bright, neat and influenced by the geographical environment, customs and cultures. The works

incorporated flowers, leaves, animals, mountains, rivers and human figures as their themes. Altogether, there are 122 approaches in 12 categories for weaving. The craftsmanship of Shu embroidery involves a combination of fine arts, aesthetics and practical

uses, such as the facings of quits, pillowcases, coats, shoots and screen covers.


  • 蜀绣发展的现状和原因
  • 第一章 蜀绣发展的现状和原因 蜀绣集中于四川成都,在晋代被称为蜀中之宝.最早关于蜀绣的文字记载是出于西汉文学家杨雄的<绣补>一诗,表达了作者对蜀绣的高度赞誉.据记载蜀国最早的君王蚕丛已经懂得养殖桑蚕.汉末三国时期蜀绣已经驰名天下 ...查看

  • [蜀绣]阅读答案
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  • 针尖上的传承与创新
  • 摘 要:本文从蜀绣的历史渊源和传统技艺的角度出发,研究蜀绣的传承与创新.蜀绣针法的变化和丰富,是蜀绣成为国内四大名绣的原因之一.这里对蜀绣针法作了梳理和总结,提出了一些在新的历史时期如何传承与发展这一传统技艺的思考,目的在于展现一代代的手工 ...查看

  • 中国四大名绣首次联袂亮相广州
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  • 苏绣简介 2
  • 刺绣: 刺绣,又名"针绣",俗称"绣花".以绣针引彩线(桑蚕丝线),按设计的花样,在织物(丝绸.布帛)上刺缀运针,以绣迹构成纹样或文字,是我国优秀的民族传统工艺之一.苏绣.粤绣.湘绣.蜀绣为中国四大名 ...查看

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  • 刺绣的种类有哪些
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