
《Oliver Twist》 is one of my favourite novels, the characters and the delicate stories move me deeply. 《Oliver Twist 》, a realistic novel wrote by English writer Dickens is published in 1838. In this novel, Nancy’s character is complex and ambiguous, and she is just like a unit of angle and evil.

On the one hand, she has done numerous crimes under control of Fagin as a young female thief. The first thing which can prove her evil is her effort in the process of recapturing Oliver Twist. Her twice courses of action can prove that the evil inside of her characteristics. On the other hand, she tries all her best to help Oliver out from the thief gang with the awareness of disgrace in herself and evil in her fellow gang, gradually, she wakes up and regrets, stands up and defenses against evil and oppression. Nancy’s good nature mainly embodies in her protection of little Oliver. These words are enough to show her kindness to shock the readers. At last, she overcomes evil by making the sublimating of spirit and breakthrough of nature. It’s just this double nature that well reflects the reality at that time.

Nancy in Oliver Twist has also become the most typical image in the literature field. Nancy is not just a signal of simple character but a vivid and unique figure which leaves deepest impression to readers. The significance lies in a scathing indictment of the capitalist society. In despite of the happy ending of Oliver painted a layer of bright color for the novel, it will never cover up critical significance of Na ncy’s double character.

《Oliver Twist》 is one of my favourite novels, the characters and the delicate stories move me deeply. 《Oliver Twist 》, a realistic novel wrote by English writer Dickens is published in 1838. In this novel, Nancy’s character is complex and ambiguous, and she is just like a unit of angle and evil.

On the one hand, she has done numerous crimes under control of Fagin as a young female thief. The first thing which can prove her evil is her effort in the process of recapturing Oliver Twist. Her twice courses of action can prove that the evil inside of her characteristics. On the other hand, she tries all her best to help Oliver out from the thief gang with the awareness of disgrace in herself and evil in her fellow gang, gradually, she wakes up and regrets, stands up and defenses against evil and oppression. Nancy’s good nature mainly embodies in her protection of little Oliver. These words are enough to show her kindness to shock the readers. At last, she overcomes evil by making the sublimating of spirit and breakthrough of nature. It’s just this double nature that well reflects the reality at that time.

Nancy in Oliver Twist has also become the most typical image in the literature field. Nancy is not just a signal of simple character but a vivid and unique figure which leaves deepest impression to readers. The significance lies in a scathing indictment of the capitalist society. In despite of the happy ending of Oliver painted a layer of bright color for the novel, it will never cover up critical significance of Na ncy’s double character.


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