高中英语人教版必修二 Unit 4 课文内容

必修二 Unit 4 课文内容

1. △ “No +n., no +n.”句式

本句属于“No +n., no +n.”句式,该句式表示“没有„„,就没有„„”。

No pains, no gains. 一分耕耘,一分收获。

No money, no talk. 没钱免谈。

No fire, no smoke. 无风不起浪。

No cross, no crown. 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。

2. 本句是由what 引出的感叹句,补充完整是But what an experience it was!

△ what 引出的感叹句


What + a/an (+形容词) + 可数名词单数 (+主语 + 谓语)!

What + 形容词 + 不可数名词/可数名词复数 (+ 主语 +谓语)!

What a wonderful time we had yesterday!

What fine weather (it is)!

What pretty girls (they are)!

△ how 引出的感叹句

How + 形容词 + a/an + 可数名词单数 (+ 主语 + 谓语)!

How + 形容词/副词 (+ 主语 + 谓语)!(其中的主语一般由“the + 名词”引出) How + 主语 + 谓语!

How clever a boy (he is)!

How beautiful a park (it is)!

How fast the boy runs!

How interesting!


⑴ Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell ______ close you may be to victory.

A. how B. what C. which D. where

⑵ _______ difficult questions they are! I can’t answer them.

A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

⑶ _______ beautiful your new dress is!

A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

⑷ I miss my friend very much. _______ I want to see her!

A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

⑸ 单句改错

① I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize how silly mistakes I had made. ② I think parents should be taught to understand what important education is to their

children ’s future.

3. 本句是含有if 引导的条件状语从句的复合句,从句中的动词不定式作表语,表示预


△ 动词不定式作表语


⑴ 表示事态发展的结果、预期的结果等

This experience was to change his life.

The next step is to make sure that you know exactly what is required.

⑵ 表示计划、安排、决定等

They are to get married in May.

⑶ 表示命令、意愿、劝告、禁止等。

No one is to know.

Children are not to smoke.


⑴ The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune ________.

A. is made B. would make C. was to be made D. had made

⑵ 完成句子


To do it is _________________. (ruin)


△ “百分数或分数+ of + 名词/代词”结构作主语

本句的主语属于“百分数或分数+ of + 名词/代词”结构,该结构作主语时,谓语动词的

数取决于of 后面的名词/代词。

Two thirds of the workers in the factory are men.

Eighty percent of his books have been sold.

One third of the work has been done.


One third of the country ______ covered with trees and the majority of the citizens ______

black people.

A. is; are B. is; is C. are; are D. are; is


△ “keep + 宾语 + 宾补”结构

keep someone or something safe 为“keep + 宾语 + 宾补”结构,宾语为someone or

something ,宾补由形容词safe 充当。此结构表示“使„„保持„„”。其中宾语可以是名词或代词,宾补可以由形容词、介词短语、副词、现在分词或过去分词等来充当。 Don ’t keep the door open.

His father kept him away from school.

My mother always keeps me at home on Saturday evening.

The other students in the class kept their eyes closed.

He always keeps me waiting for a long time.

△ 在“keep sb./sth. + doing/done/adj.”结构中,doing 强调它与sb./sth.之间为逻辑上的主

谓关系且它所表示的动作一直在进行;done 强调它与sb./sth.之间是逻辑上的动宾关系且它表示的动作已完成;adj. 强调sb./sth.的状态。


⑴ Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself ______ of his own


A. reminding B. to remind C. reminded D. remind ⑵ 用括号内动词的适当形式填空

① I ’m sorry to keep you ________ (wait) so long.

② Keep your mouth ________ (shut) and your ears open.

6. 句中with black and white ... stomachs为“with + 宾语 + 宾补”结构,即with 的复合结

构。在此,宾补由现在分词短语going beneath their stomachs充当,该结构在句中作定语,修饰some zebra。

△ with 的复合结构


⑴ with + 宾语 + 形容词/副词/介词短语

Do you know the lady with a baby in her arms? (作定语)

Jack left his room with all the lights on. (作伴随状语)

⑵ with + 宾语 + 名词

She died with her son yet a baby. (伴随状语)

⑶ with + 宾语 + 现在分词。现在分词可表示主动和动作正在进行。

He lay on the grass with his eyes looking at the sky. (伴随状语)

⑷ with + 宾语 + 过去分词。过去分词可表示被动和动作已经完成。

With his hair cut, he looked much younger.

⑸ with + 宾语 + 不定式。不定式表示动作尚未发生。

She knew that with him to help her, she could and would succeed.


The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog ______ them.

A. to follow B. following C. followed D. follows


The film is being shown in the small villages these days.

The plan is not being discussed at the meeting now.

Are these flowers being watered now?

Which hotel are you being served now?

△ 因为被动语态的基本结构为be done ,进行时态的被动语态结构为am/is/are + being +

done ,不少学生会误解为“am/is/are + been + doing”。

【误】Don ’t put your hands into the washing machine when it is been operating.

【正】Don ’t put your hands into the washing machine when it is being operated.

【误】Look, the railway is been building.

【正】Look, the railway is being built,

2. 用法

⑴ 表示此刻正在进行的被动动作。

Many young people are being interviewed in that room.

⑵ 表示现阶段正在进行的被动动作。

Many interesting experiments are being carried out these days.


① They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house ______.

A. is being rebuilt B. has been rebuilt

C. is rebuilt D. has rebuilt

② The church tower which _______ will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.

A. has restored B. has been restored

C. is restoring D. is being restored

⑶ 表示一种经常性的被动行为,常和always, constantly 等表示频度的副词连用,这种用罚常常带有赞扬或厌恶等感情色彩。

He is always being praised by the leader.

I feel very puzzled that the goods in our shop are always being stolen.

2. 现在进行时的被动语态的注意事项

⑴ take care of, look after, talk about, think of等动词短语用于现在进行时的被动语态时,其中介词不可省略。

【误】What else is being thought?

【正】What else is being thought of?

⑵ 不及物动词(短语)、非延续性动词、表示存在意义/所属关系/静态特征的动词以及系动词不用于现在进行时的被动语态中。

【误】The book is being belonged to him.

【正】The book belongs to him.


Food supplies in the flood-stricken area _______. We must act immediately before there’s none left.

A. have run out B. are running out

C. have been run out D. are being run out

⑶ 一些表示状态、心理活动、拥有、存在等的动词,如have, want, need, love, realize等,一般不用于进行时态的被动语态,而常用一般现在时的被动语态表示此时此刻或目前主语正在承受谓语动词表示的动作。

【误】Mary, come here. You’re being wanted on the phone.

【正】Mary, come here. You’re wanted on the phone.

With the population increasing more land is needed.

The actor is still loved by many young people.

⑷ 少数动词的进行时态可以表示被动意义,如print, cook, fry, hang, make等。

The magazines are printing.

The beef is cooking.

⑸ “be + under/in/on +n.”可以表示现在进行时的被动意义。

The suggestion is under discussion ( = is being discussed) at the meeting.

The computer is in use ( = is being used) now.

These high-tech products are on display ( =are being displayed) these days.


⒈ A lot of people often forget that oral exams ______ to test communicative ability.

A. design B. are designed C. are designing D. are being designed

⒉ It is reported that many a new house ______ at present in the disaster area.

A. are being built B. were being built

C. was being built D. is being built

⒊ This book ______ published by the end of this year.

A. will be B. will C. is being D. will have been

⒋ Everyone agrees that the police ______ for the tragedy that some tourists were killed.

A. are to blame B. are to be blame

C. are being blame D. have blamed

⒌ My arrival is timed perfectly; it is the second weekend of November, when the largest world wine auction ______.

A. held B. is being held

C. is held D. is to hold

⒍ In the scene we can see that the man stops from time to time as if to find whether he ______.

A. is following B. has followed

C. had been followed D. is being followed

⒎ Nobody knows exactly how many American children ______ at home now.

A. will teach B. taught

C. are being taught D. are teaching

⒏ I ’m sorry, sir. Your radio isn’t ready yet. It ______ in the factory.

A. is being repaired B. is repaired

C. has been repaired D. has repaired

⒐ – Do you like this kind of material?

– Yes, it ______ very soft.

A. is feeling B. is being felt

C. feels D. is felt

⒑ With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth ______ each year.

A. is washing away B. is being washed away

C. are washing away D. are being washed away

必修二 Unit 4 课文内容

1. △ “No +n., no +n.”句式

本句属于“No +n., no +n.”句式,该句式表示“没有„„,就没有„„”。

No pains, no gains. 一分耕耘,一分收获。

No money, no talk. 没钱免谈。

No fire, no smoke. 无风不起浪。

No cross, no crown. 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。

2. 本句是由what 引出的感叹句,补充完整是But what an experience it was!

△ what 引出的感叹句


What + a/an (+形容词) + 可数名词单数 (+主语 + 谓语)!

What + 形容词 + 不可数名词/可数名词复数 (+ 主语 +谓语)!

What a wonderful time we had yesterday!

What fine weather (it is)!

What pretty girls (they are)!

△ how 引出的感叹句

How + 形容词 + a/an + 可数名词单数 (+ 主语 + 谓语)!

How + 形容词/副词 (+ 主语 + 谓语)!(其中的主语一般由“the + 名词”引出) How + 主语 + 谓语!

How clever a boy (he is)!

How beautiful a park (it is)!

How fast the boy runs!

How interesting!


⑴ Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell ______ close you may be to victory.

A. how B. what C. which D. where

⑵ _______ difficult questions they are! I can’t answer them.

A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

⑶ _______ beautiful your new dress is!

A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

⑷ I miss my friend very much. _______ I want to see her!

A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

⑸ 单句改错

① I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize how silly mistakes I had made. ② I think parents should be taught to understand what important education is to their

children ’s future.

3. 本句是含有if 引导的条件状语从句的复合句,从句中的动词不定式作表语,表示预


△ 动词不定式作表语


⑴ 表示事态发展的结果、预期的结果等

This experience was to change his life.

The next step is to make sure that you know exactly what is required.

⑵ 表示计划、安排、决定等

They are to get married in May.

⑶ 表示命令、意愿、劝告、禁止等。

No one is to know.

Children are not to smoke.


⑴ The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune ________.

A. is made B. would make C. was to be made D. had made

⑵ 完成句子


To do it is _________________. (ruin)


△ “百分数或分数+ of + 名词/代词”结构作主语

本句的主语属于“百分数或分数+ of + 名词/代词”结构,该结构作主语时,谓语动词的

数取决于of 后面的名词/代词。

Two thirds of the workers in the factory are men.

Eighty percent of his books have been sold.

One third of the work has been done.


One third of the country ______ covered with trees and the majority of the citizens ______

black people.

A. is; are B. is; is C. are; are D. are; is


△ “keep + 宾语 + 宾补”结构

keep someone or something safe 为“keep + 宾语 + 宾补”结构,宾语为someone or

something ,宾补由形容词safe 充当。此结构表示“使„„保持„„”。其中宾语可以是名词或代词,宾补可以由形容词、介词短语、副词、现在分词或过去分词等来充当。 Don ’t keep the door open.

His father kept him away from school.

My mother always keeps me at home on Saturday evening.

The other students in the class kept their eyes closed.

He always keeps me waiting for a long time.

△ 在“keep sb./sth. + doing/done/adj.”结构中,doing 强调它与sb./sth.之间为逻辑上的主

谓关系且它所表示的动作一直在进行;done 强调它与sb./sth.之间是逻辑上的动宾关系且它表示的动作已完成;adj. 强调sb./sth.的状态。


⑴ Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself ______ of his own


A. reminding B. to remind C. reminded D. remind ⑵ 用括号内动词的适当形式填空

① I ’m sorry to keep you ________ (wait) so long.

② Keep your mouth ________ (shut) and your ears open.

6. 句中with black and white ... stomachs为“with + 宾语 + 宾补”结构,即with 的复合结

构。在此,宾补由现在分词短语going beneath their stomachs充当,该结构在句中作定语,修饰some zebra。

△ with 的复合结构


⑴ with + 宾语 + 形容词/副词/介词短语

Do you know the lady with a baby in her arms? (作定语)

Jack left his room with all the lights on. (作伴随状语)

⑵ with + 宾语 + 名词

She died with her son yet a baby. (伴随状语)

⑶ with + 宾语 + 现在分词。现在分词可表示主动和动作正在进行。

He lay on the grass with his eyes looking at the sky. (伴随状语)

⑷ with + 宾语 + 过去分词。过去分词可表示被动和动作已经完成。

With his hair cut, he looked much younger.

⑸ with + 宾语 + 不定式。不定式表示动作尚未发生。

She knew that with him to help her, she could and would succeed.


The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog ______ them.

A. to follow B. following C. followed D. follows


The film is being shown in the small villages these days.

The plan is not being discussed at the meeting now.

Are these flowers being watered now?

Which hotel are you being served now?

△ 因为被动语态的基本结构为be done ,进行时态的被动语态结构为am/is/are + being +

done ,不少学生会误解为“am/is/are + been + doing”。

【误】Don ’t put your hands into the washing machine when it is been operating.

【正】Don ’t put your hands into the washing machine when it is being operated.

【误】Look, the railway is been building.

【正】Look, the railway is being built,

2. 用法

⑴ 表示此刻正在进行的被动动作。

Many young people are being interviewed in that room.

⑵ 表示现阶段正在进行的被动动作。

Many interesting experiments are being carried out these days.


① They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house ______.

A. is being rebuilt B. has been rebuilt

C. is rebuilt D. has rebuilt

② The church tower which _______ will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.

A. has restored B. has been restored

C. is restoring D. is being restored

⑶ 表示一种经常性的被动行为,常和always, constantly 等表示频度的副词连用,这种用罚常常带有赞扬或厌恶等感情色彩。

He is always being praised by the leader.

I feel very puzzled that the goods in our shop are always being stolen.

2. 现在进行时的被动语态的注意事项

⑴ take care of, look after, talk about, think of等动词短语用于现在进行时的被动语态时,其中介词不可省略。

【误】What else is being thought?

【正】What else is being thought of?

⑵ 不及物动词(短语)、非延续性动词、表示存在意义/所属关系/静态特征的动词以及系动词不用于现在进行时的被动语态中。

【误】The book is being belonged to him.

【正】The book belongs to him.


Food supplies in the flood-stricken area _______. We must act immediately before there’s none left.

A. have run out B. are running out

C. have been run out D. are being run out

⑶ 一些表示状态、心理活动、拥有、存在等的动词,如have, want, need, love, realize等,一般不用于进行时态的被动语态,而常用一般现在时的被动语态表示此时此刻或目前主语正在承受谓语动词表示的动作。

【误】Mary, come here. You’re being wanted on the phone.

【正】Mary, come here. You’re wanted on the phone.

With the population increasing more land is needed.

The actor is still loved by many young people.

⑷ 少数动词的进行时态可以表示被动意义,如print, cook, fry, hang, make等。

The magazines are printing.

The beef is cooking.

⑸ “be + under/in/on +n.”可以表示现在进行时的被动意义。

The suggestion is under discussion ( = is being discussed) at the meeting.

The computer is in use ( = is being used) now.

These high-tech products are on display ( =are being displayed) these days.


⒈ A lot of people often forget that oral exams ______ to test communicative ability.

A. design B. are designed C. are designing D. are being designed

⒉ It is reported that many a new house ______ at present in the disaster area.

A. are being built B. were being built

C. was being built D. is being built

⒊ This book ______ published by the end of this year.

A. will be B. will C. is being D. will have been

⒋ Everyone agrees that the police ______ for the tragedy that some tourists were killed.

A. are to blame B. are to be blame

C. are being blame D. have blamed

⒌ My arrival is timed perfectly; it is the second weekend of November, when the largest world wine auction ______.

A. held B. is being held

C. is held D. is to hold

⒍ In the scene we can see that the man stops from time to time as if to find whether he ______.

A. is following B. has followed

C. had been followed D. is being followed

⒎ Nobody knows exactly how many American children ______ at home now.

A. will teach B. taught

C. are being taught D. are teaching

⒏ I ’m sorry, sir. Your radio isn’t ready yet. It ______ in the factory.

A. is being repaired B. is repaired

C. has been repaired D. has repaired

⒐ – Do you like this kind of material?

– Yes, it ______ very soft.

A. is feeling B. is being felt

C. feels D. is felt

⒑ With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth ______ each year.

A. is washing away B. is being washed away

C. are washing away D. are being washed away

