
Assessments to the Next Three Days

The other day I saw the movie the Next Three Days and

it gave me a deep impression.

What shocked me was the deep loves between the

families. First, the love between the couples was the deepest feeling. We can easily conclude that they were willing to sacrifice for each other if necessary. The husband was crazy so much that he didn’t consider the serious consequences in order to break his wife out of the prison. He also did not think how their parents and son to life if they were both arrested. The only belief was to save his wife out of the suffering and make her free. I was surprised at his deep love to his wife and his concerned thoughts. The process of escaping was dangerous very much and made every audience nervous about them.

There was a detail that moved me very much in the

movie. The father said that the relation between the husband and his father was not good, but we can also saw the concerning to his son. He did understand his son ’s crazy conduct to do illegal things in order to save wife and did not persuade him not to do it.

So I loved this movie very much because their loves to

each other enriched my feelings.

Assessments to the Next Three Days

The other day I saw the movie the Next Three Days and

it gave me a deep impression.

What shocked me was the deep loves between the

families. First, the love between the couples was the deepest feeling. We can easily conclude that they were willing to sacrifice for each other if necessary. The husband was crazy so much that he didn’t consider the serious consequences in order to break his wife out of the prison. He also did not think how their parents and son to life if they were both arrested. The only belief was to save his wife out of the suffering and make her free. I was surprised at his deep love to his wife and his concerned thoughts. The process of escaping was dangerous very much and made every audience nervous about them.

There was a detail that moved me very much in the

movie. The father said that the relation between the husband and his father was not good, but we can also saw the concerning to his son. He did understand his son ’s crazy conduct to do illegal things in order to save wife and did not persuade him not to do it.

So I loved this movie very much because their loves to

each other enriched my feelings.


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