

March 28, 2011

Visa Section

Royal Thai Consulate-General, Shanghai

People’s Republic of China

Dear Sirs,

The Kingdom of Thailand draws more visitors than any other country in Southeast Asia with its irresistible combination of breathtaking nature beauty, inspiring temples, renown ed hospitality, robust cuisine and ruins of fabulous ancient kingdoms. My student Chen J ie just is the one of those who are very interested in the naturescape and culture of y our country. She planned to have a visit to Thailand at the begin of April.

Chen Jie was born on 15-August-1993 and has been studying in our school for more th an two years. She will resume her studying as soon as she come back from Thailand. I would like to request your assistance in providing visas to Chen Jie. Thanks so much for your help with this matter.


Zhou Guoliang



March 28, 2011

Visa Section

Royal Thai Consulate-General, Shanghai

People’s Republic of China

Dear Sirs,

The Kingdom of Thailand draws more visitors than any other country in Southeast Asia with its irresistible combination of breathtaking nature beauty, inspiring temples, renown ed hospitality, robust cuisine and ruins of fabulous ancient kingdoms. My student Chen J ie just is the one of those who are very interested in the naturescape and culture of y our country. She planned to have a visit to Thailand at the begin of April.

Chen Jie was born on 15-August-1993 and has been studying in our school for more th an two years. She will resume her studying as soon as she come back from Thailand. I would like to request your assistance in providing visas to Chen Jie. Thanks so much for your help with this matter.


Zhou Guoliang



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  • In English and block letter (必须用大写英文字母填写) APPLICATION FOR VISA 泰王国驻成都总领事馆 女士小姐Former Name(if any)曾用名(若有) Nationality国籍 N ...查看

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  • 签证英文担保书
  • 不 可 撤 销 担 保 函 致:广东中信国际旅行社有限公司深圳分公司 兹有我司北京圃美多绿色食品有限公司(以下称乙方)委托广东中信国际旅行社有限公 乙方保证以上申请人提供的签证资料情况属实,并且在签证停留有效期内按时归国,不 滞留境外,不违 ...查看
