
A Christmas Carol

高俊杰 1230100033 文学二班

Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world’s most memorable frictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. His works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. Charles Dickens’s writing style is florid and poetic , with a strong comic touch. Through his works, Dickens retained sympathy for the common people and skepticism for the fine folk. Anyway , he was the greatest English realist of the time with a striking force and truthfulness to bourgeois civilization and sufferings of the common people.

A Christmas Carol is a ghost story that happened on Christmas Eve. It was divided into five staves. The protagonist’s name is Scrooge. In the first stave, Scrooge was a greedy and stingy businessman who has no place in his life for kindness, compassion and charity. Even when he was facing the corpse of his business partner, Marley, he also thought his money in his mind. In the next three staves, there were three spirits visited Scrooge. This three spirits represented the past, the present and the future. Three spirits took Scrooge to the scenes of his

boyhood, nowadays and the future. They helped Scrooge recognized the happiness of philanthropism and the bad effect of stingy and selfish. At last, Scrooge started with a new slate.

The success of this novel is benefited from the doctrine of Christianism. For example, every people have the soul, and the soul can separate from the body, even can remain forever. Except this one , there also have the transmigration, the Karma and the God’s omnipotence. What’s essential is that the changing of Scrooge’s humanity can reflect the doctrine of redemption. Therefore, the religious culture in westerns run through the whole novel. It’s the point that Dickens made use of to spread his philanthropism.

The Christmas culture also can be found in this novel. Such as, at the Christmas Eve, family ate together, poor children sung the Christmas song and some charity held the donations. Moreover, compared to Santa nowadays, the ghost of present’s appearance have some similarities in clothing and voice. What’s important is some plots in novel became the traditions in Christmas Day. For instance, the family dinner party, turkey and the Christmas trees. Even the greeting of “Happy Christmas” also came from this novel.

Facing the materialistic and anomic society, Dickens appeal

the philanthropism. He hoped that the religious culture can clear the people’s mind, solve the problem of society and punish the guilty and support the goodness. The building of Scrooge’s image and the changing of his humanity embodied the philanthropism. The author didn’t lash Scrooge’s cold-blood, selfish and greedy and sentence him to death. Instead, the author used the philanthropism to redeem Scrooge, and made him self-examinate and struggle. Besides, from this novel , the author wanted to pursuit the harmony between people and the humanity reversion. It also was reflection of author’s philanthropism.

Nowadays, the Christmas Day is one of most important holidays in western country. Its true value isn’t on itself, but on the Christmas spirits. The Christmas spirits means harmony, happiness, blessing, and love. We can reduce the hatred and give others forgiveness and love from the Christmas spirits. A Christmas Carol just convey this Christmas spirits into every reader’s heart. The poor shouldn’t lose their personality and dignity. And the rich also should be generous and full of love.

A Christmas Carol not only have itself artistic value, but also bring readers some revelations. Money doesn’t mean happiness. No matter how ignorant and prejudiced we are, we

should have the courage to change ourselves and reselect our life. Everyone is not perfect. They have the rights to make mistakes, just like everyone have the rights to correct. Every people have psilanthropism in their heart. As long as we explore and use it sincerely, we will be a great person. Scrooge redeem himself from the God’s salvation. Maybe every man is his own god in life. As long as we keep hope and make effort, we also can realize the true meaning of Christmas spirits and life.

A Christmas Carol

高俊杰 1230100033 文学二班

Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world’s most memorable frictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. His works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. Charles Dickens’s writing style is florid and poetic , with a strong comic touch. Through his works, Dickens retained sympathy for the common people and skepticism for the fine folk. Anyway , he was the greatest English realist of the time with a striking force and truthfulness to bourgeois civilization and sufferings of the common people.

A Christmas Carol is a ghost story that happened on Christmas Eve. It was divided into five staves. The protagonist’s name is Scrooge. In the first stave, Scrooge was a greedy and stingy businessman who has no place in his life for kindness, compassion and charity. Even when he was facing the corpse of his business partner, Marley, he also thought his money in his mind. In the next three staves, there were three spirits visited Scrooge. This three spirits represented the past, the present and the future. Three spirits took Scrooge to the scenes of his

boyhood, nowadays and the future. They helped Scrooge recognized the happiness of philanthropism and the bad effect of stingy and selfish. At last, Scrooge started with a new slate.

The success of this novel is benefited from the doctrine of Christianism. For example, every people have the soul, and the soul can separate from the body, even can remain forever. Except this one , there also have the transmigration, the Karma and the God’s omnipotence. What’s essential is that the changing of Scrooge’s humanity can reflect the doctrine of redemption. Therefore, the religious culture in westerns run through the whole novel. It’s the point that Dickens made use of to spread his philanthropism.

The Christmas culture also can be found in this novel. Such as, at the Christmas Eve, family ate together, poor children sung the Christmas song and some charity held the donations. Moreover, compared to Santa nowadays, the ghost of present’s appearance have some similarities in clothing and voice. What’s important is some plots in novel became the traditions in Christmas Day. For instance, the family dinner party, turkey and the Christmas trees. Even the greeting of “Happy Christmas” also came from this novel.

Facing the materialistic and anomic society, Dickens appeal

the philanthropism. He hoped that the religious culture can clear the people’s mind, solve the problem of society and punish the guilty and support the goodness. The building of Scrooge’s image and the changing of his humanity embodied the philanthropism. The author didn’t lash Scrooge’s cold-blood, selfish and greedy and sentence him to death. Instead, the author used the philanthropism to redeem Scrooge, and made him self-examinate and struggle. Besides, from this novel , the author wanted to pursuit the harmony between people and the humanity reversion. It also was reflection of author’s philanthropism.

Nowadays, the Christmas Day is one of most important holidays in western country. Its true value isn’t on itself, but on the Christmas spirits. The Christmas spirits means harmony, happiness, blessing, and love. We can reduce the hatred and give others forgiveness and love from the Christmas spirits. A Christmas Carol just convey this Christmas spirits into every reader’s heart. The poor shouldn’t lose their personality and dignity. And the rich also should be generous and full of love.

A Christmas Carol not only have itself artistic value, but also bring readers some revelations. Money doesn’t mean happiness. No matter how ignorant and prejudiced we are, we

should have the courage to change ourselves and reselect our life. Everyone is not perfect. They have the rights to make mistakes, just like everyone have the rights to correct. Every people have psilanthropism in their heart. As long as we explore and use it sincerely, we will be a great person. Scrooge redeem himself from the God’s salvation. Maybe every man is his own god in life. As long as we keep hope and make effort, we also can realize the true meaning of Christmas spirits and life.


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