





The valve train is one of the most important mechanisms in a internal combustion engine, whether the performances are good or bad, that affecting the power performance, economic performance, emissions performance of the engine, as well as affecting the

reliability and wear performances of the whole engine. Along with the requests of the engine’s high power, super-speed, people demand a higher index. That is, when the engine runs under a high speed, it can still work steadily and dependably, which demand that the valve train system should have a high performance. Cam profile is the hard core of the valve train, which design is one of the important ways to carry out valve train optimal design. Simulation calculation and experimentation research are two important ways to carry out research and development on valve train of internal-combustion engine.

Key words:Internal combustion engine; Valve train; Cam profile;







The valve train is one of the most important mechanisms in a internal combustion engine, whether the performances are good or bad, that affecting the power performance, economic performance, emissions performance of the engine, as well as affecting the

reliability and wear performances of the whole engine. Along with the requests of the engine’s high power, super-speed, people demand a higher index. That is, when the engine runs under a high speed, it can still work steadily and dependably, which demand that the valve train system should have a high performance. Cam profile is the hard core of the valve train, which design is one of the important ways to carry out valve train optimal design. Simulation calculation and experimentation research are two important ways to carry out research and development on valve train of internal-combustion engine.

Key words:Internal combustion engine; Valve train; Cam profile;



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