
A car cleaning company in Kuala Lumpur has been shut down after it was found offering regular customers free sex after every ninth car wash.

According to The Malay Mail, the car wash firm in Sunway Mentari was open for three months and had formed a partnership with a local massage parlour, enabling customers to redeem free sex from the brothel as part of their customer loyalty scheme.

When police stormed the parlour as part of just another routine operation, they found several stamped loyalty cards that had been used by the company's customers to cash-in on the car wash deal.

Malaysian officer Emmi Shah Fadhil said that the bust had been unexpected.

"It was supposed to be just another routine operation," Fadhil told the publication.

The police squad that raided the massage parlour were told of the deal during the raid, and they found five customers taking advantage of the offer.

"To get the extra 'offer', customers must send their cars for washing nine times within a certain period," Fadhil said.

"The tenth car wash will entitle them to free sex," Fadhil added.

In Malaysia, prostitution is an illegal occupation and as a result of the raid nine Vietnamese women aged between 18 and 28 years were arrested.马来西亚吉隆坡一家洗车行近日因被查出为洗车九次的老主顾免费提供一次性服务而遭关闭。









A car cleaning company in Kuala Lumpur has been shut down after it was found offering regular customers free sex after every ninth car wash.

According to The Malay Mail, the car wash firm in Sunway Mentari was open for three months and had formed a partnership with a local massage parlour, enabling customers to redeem free sex from the brothel as part of their customer loyalty scheme.

When police stormed the parlour as part of just another routine operation, they found several stamped loyalty cards that had been used by the company's customers to cash-in on the car wash deal.

Malaysian officer Emmi Shah Fadhil said that the bust had been unexpected.

"It was supposed to be just another routine operation," Fadhil told the publication.

The police squad that raided the massage parlour were told of the deal during the raid, and they found five customers taking advantage of the offer.

"To get the extra 'offer', customers must send their cars for washing nine times within a certain period," Fadhil said.

"The tenth car wash will entitle them to free sex," Fadhil added.

In Malaysia, prostitution is an illegal occupation and as a result of the raid nine Vietnamese women aged between 18 and 28 years were arrested.马来西亚吉隆坡一家洗车行近日因被查出为洗车九次的老主顾免费提供一次性服务而遭关闭。










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