7.University applicants who had worked at a job would 重。而现在,他们刚刚离校,却找不到自己孜孜以求的第 第二章 不得不面对有生以来的第一次失业。 对于这种 1.In circuits requiring capacitance the necessary capacitance receive preference over those who had not.报考大学的人, 一个职业, 情况,无论是家庭还是学校都没有为帮助他们做好准备。 is provided by a device called a capacitor.在需要电容的线 有工作经验的优先录取。 路中,所需的电容由称为电容器的元件提供。 8.He is very handsome.他很潇洒。 第六章 2.What would happen provided there were a conducting wire 9.Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a 1.Some electronic computers can do calculations.500,000 times faster than any person can.有些电子计算机,其运算 between two points of unequal potential?如果在电位不等的 standstill.车未停稳,切勿上下。 两点间有一根导线,那么情况将会是怎样的呢? 10.In twelve Yenan years the Chinese Communists had fitted 速度为人的 500 000 倍。 3.You must remember that we are here to serve the society themselves to the land the rhythm of its seasons, mood of 2.The atomic weight of oxygen is 16 times as heavy as that the that we are building a New Society.The bureaucracy has its peasants.十二年的延安岁月,中国共产党人已经适应 of hydrogen.氧的原子量是氢的 16 倍。(或译为:氧的原 this rare opportunity to prove it ’ S worth to build a 了当地的风土和季节,也适应了农民潭的气质。 子量比氢的大 15 倍。) progressive nation.你们必须记住,我们是为社会服务的, 第四章 3.The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.地球的大小为 我们正在建设一个新社会,这是全体政府官员显示其才 1 . We can never speak without emotion of China’s 月球的 49 倍。 telecommunications satellite.一谈到我国的电信卫星,我 4.In 1 999 the output value of this city’s light industry 干,建设一个进步国家的好机会。 4.There was.no provocation.for such an angry letter.写 们总是激动万分。 multiplied six times as against 1987.1999 年与 1987 年相 这一封怒气冲冲的信简直是毫无道理。 2. much was known of the electronic computer ten years 比,该市的轻工业总产值增长了五倍。 Not 5.We took brief, restless naps,struggled to understand the ago. 年前关于电子计算机还知道得不多。“not much” 5.There is a three times increase of our institute’s area as 10 ( intermittent broadcasting of Radio Prague.我们忐忑不安, 译成部分否定“不多"。) compared with last year。现在我们学院的面积比去年增加 朦朦胧胧地打了几个盹, 竭力想听懂布拉格电台断断续续 3. The speed ofradio waves is too great for US to measure in 了两倍。 simple units.无线电波
的速度太大,我们不能用普通的单 6.The output of diesel oil for farm use has been increased by 的广播。 1.Like charges repel;unlike charges attract.相同的电荷 位来计量。 a factor of five these years.这几年,农用柴油的产量增加 相斥,不同的电荷相吸。 4. Very few of the everyday things around US are really pure 了四倍。 2.Ohm’S law is very useful for the industry because it states of matter.我们周围的日常用物中几乎没有什么东 7.This year the production of walking — tractors has , enables one to calculate the current,voltage or resistance of 西是纯态的。 increased by three times.今年,手扶拖拉机的产量增加了 any circuit ,if the values of the other two factors are 5.Proton has a positive charge and electron a negative 三倍。 known.欧姆定律对工业来说是十分有用的,因为它使人 charge hut neutron has neither.质子带正电荷,电子带负 8.This wire is half as long again as that one.这根导线的长 们能算出任何电路中的电流、 电压或电阻, 条件是已知其 电荷,而中子则两种电荷都不带。 度是那根导线的一倍半。(或:这根导线比那根导线长一 1.Nothing is hard in this world,if you dare to scale the 半。) 中两个因数。 3.Although the recession has reached every comer of the heights.世上无难事,只要肯攀登。 9.One night on the moon is longer than that on the earth by a planet,the impact is uneven.虽然这场经济衰退波及全球 2.There exist neither perfect insulators nor perfect factor of 14.月球上的一个黑夜的时长是地球上一个黑夜 的每个角落,但各地受到的影响不尽相同。 conductors.既没有完全的绝缘体,也没有完全的导体。 的 14 倍。(或:月球上的一个黑夜比地球上的一个黑夜长 4. “Outside the stadium something of a carnival atmosphere 3.Neither problem has been solved.两个问题哪个也没解 13 倍。) prevails , ’ he wrote in the ’ American Journal of 决。 10.The production of machine tools has been trebled in our Sociology. “体育馆外边呈现出一种狂欢节似的气氛” 4.All metals are not good conductors. , 并非所有金属都是良 factory.我厂的机床产量已提高到原来的三倍。 他在《美国社会学杂志》上写道。 导体。 11.The length of the plastic pipe is a three times reduction 5. When the switch is closed,charges from the source will 5.Thus,friction is not always an evil.这样说来,摩擦并 over that of the metal one.这根塑料管的长度比那根金属 distribute themselves on the plates,that is,a current will 非总是不好的。 管的长度缩短了 2/3。 flow. 当开关接通时, 来自电源的电荷自行分布在极板上, 6.Not many ofthings are ofuse in form in which they are 12.The weight of the new machine tool was decreased by a 也就是
说,电流就流动了。 found. 不是许多东西在处于被发现的形式时就是有用的。 factor of ten.新车床的重量减少了 9/l0. 6.Men Can think,feel,and sympathize with each other 7.There is no material but will deform more or less under the 13.The can—sealing machine works fifty percent faster than through their favorite author. They 1ive in him together, and action of forces. 各种材料在力的作用下多少会有些变形。 that one.这台封罐机比那台封罐机的工作速度快一半 he in them.人们可以通过共同爱好的作家的作品而达到 8.Socialism is beyond doubt superior to capitalism.社会主 (50%)。 思想感情上的一致。 他们的思想和感情都在他的作品中得 义无疑优越于资本主义。 14.There is a 15% increase of students as compared with in 到反映,而他的思想感情又在他们的身上体现出来。 9.I don ’ t think electrons Can transfer energy in any our college last year.我们学院的学生数比去年增加了 7.But I suspected that if I tried to release the wolf,she would circumstance.我想,并非在任何情况下,电子都能传送 15%。 tum aggressive and try to tear me to pieces.可是我想,要 能量。 15.The height of the small bridge should be cut to 50%.那座 是我去放这只狼, 她会凶狠地扑过来, 要把我撕成碎片的。 10.Without scientific experiment and without new 小桥的高度应降低到原来的一半(50%)。 8.Words once reserved for rest-room wa11s are now techniques , there can be no great increase in labour 第九章 common stuff in films, plays,books and even on productivity,and our socialist system will not be able to 一、将下列句子翻译成英语,注意汉语重“意合’,英语 ’ television. 曾经是不登大雅之堂的言语, 如今充斥于电影、 display its superiority to the full.. ..不搞科学实验,不采 重“形合”的特点。 戏剧、书籍之中,甚至充斥在电视上。 用新技术, 就不能大幅度地提高劳动生产率, 就不能充分 1.你来了, 我马上就走。 will go as soon as you come here. 1 9. Semi — conductors have been already found . wide 显示我国社会主义制度的优越性。 2.想吃什么, 只管告诉我。 Whatever you like to eat, tell just application in radio engineering , automation , electrical 第五章 me. engineering and many other branches of science and 1.Conductors have very small resistances,and the smaller the 3.跑了和尚,跑不了庙。The monks may run away,but the technology.半导体己广泛应用于无线电工程、自动化、 resistance,the better the conductor.导体的电阻小,电阻越 temple cannot run away. 不怕没柴烧。 long as the green mountains As 电气工程以及许多其他科技分支中。 小,导体越好。 4.留得青山在, 10.In some cases,deserts,are the creation of dest
ruction of 2.There have been many great changes in China since are there,one should not worry about firewood. liberation.解放以来中国发生了许多巨大的变化。 virgin forest.沙漠有时是人类毁坏原始森林造成的。 5.有一天,他为了一件要紧的事,要搭火车到上海去。他 第三章 3.The same signs and symbols of mathematics are used 从从容容地走到火车站,迟了两分钟,火车已经开走了。 1.In the evening,after the banquets, the concerts and the table throughout the world. 全世界都使用同样的数学记号和符 One day,he wanted to go to Shanghai by train on urgent tennis exhibition, he would work on repairing the radio 号。 business.But he arrived at the railway station unhurriedly receiver.晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表 4.Ice is not as dense as water and therefore it floats.冰的密 only to find the train already gone,because he was two 演之后,他还得修理无线电接收机。 度比水小,因此能浮在水面上。 minutes late. 2.He felt the patriot rise within his breast,and after all 5.Gases are different from solids in that the former have 6.送牛奶的同志,进门就夸“好香’ ’!这使我们全家都感 气体不同于固体, 到骄傲。It filled the whole family with pride whenever the 因 preparations were made,he decided to leave the U.S.at greater compressibility than the latter. once by plane for our great motherland.他感到一种爱国热 为气体比固体有更大的压缩性。 milkman exclaims on entering our gate. “What a sweet 情在胸中激荡。 一切准备工作就绪以后, 他就决定立即乘 6. We must advocate hard struggle,which is our intrinsic smell!” 机离开美国,回到我们伟大的祖国来。 political characteristic.我们要提倡艰苦奋斗,艰苦奋斗是 7.现在你们是大学生了,作文题目可以由你们自己拟,每 3.Product technology will shift from the present scale merit 我们的政治本色。 学期至少要交七八篇文章,多多益善。Now that you’re technology to technology using microprocessors or 7.Anyone who thinks that rational knowledge need not be university students,you may write on any subject of your minicomputers.产品制造技术将从目前的等级优值(从大 derived from perceptual knowledge is an idealist.如果以为 own choice. You must hand in for each semester at least 批量生产中得益的)技术转移到使用微处理机或小型计算 理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。 seven or eight compositions.The more,the better. 机(控制而适合于多品种小批量生产)的技术。 8.The sun heats the earth,which makes it possible for plants 8.在宁静的环境,悠闲的心情中静静地读书,是人生中最 4.After people have learned that magnets attract things, to grow.太阳晒热大地,这就使植
物有可能生长。 有味的享受。It is the greatest joy of life for one to spend his centuries passed before they took note of the fact that 9.There is nothing that does not contain contradiction; leisure time reading in quiet surroundings. magnets sometimes also repel things.人们早已知道了磁铁 without contradiction nothing would exist. 没有什么事物是 9.是好的建议,谁来提都无关紧要。If the suggestion is 能吸引别的物体, 又过了几百年, 才注意到磁铁有时也排 不包含矛盾的,没有矛盾就没有世界。 advisable,it is no matter who gives it. 斥别的物体这一事实。 10.Will you tell us something about your teaching plan for 10.老人也好,年轻人也好,都应定期体检以了解自己的 5. I said to her, you have read these stories,tell—the— next week? 你愿意谈谈你下周的教学计划吗? “If 健康状况。People,old and young,ought to take physical m in your own words. ”But she covered her face with her 11.He took out from his pocket the last piece of boiled ox— examinations at regular intervals so as to know about their hands as if to protect her eyes.我对她说: “如果你已读过 hide and gave it to me. 他从口袋里拿出最后一块煮熟了的 own health. 这些故事,用你自己的话讲出来。 ”但她用手蒙住脸,好 牛皮给我。 二、讨论题。对比原文,看下列译文对语序进行了哪些调 像要保护自己的眼睛。 12.The Cubans fought SO bravely that the invasion was 整?为什么要这样处理? 1.Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man; crushed in seventy—two hours.古巴人打得很勇敢,他们 1.明天晚上在 203 房间开会。The meeting is to be held in writing an exact man.读书使人充实,谈话使人敏捷,写 在七十二小时内就把敌人的入侵粉碎了。 Room 203 tomorrow evening. 作使人准确。 13.The more we can do for you, the happier we will be. 我们 2. 他 连 大 衣 也 忘 了 拿 就 跑 了 。 He rushed off,even 2.After all preparations were made,the planes were flown 为你们做得越多,越感到高兴。 forgetting to take his overcoat. across the Pacific to SanFrancisco.一切准备工作就绪以 14.Solutions of the problem of old age have to be considered 3.他们的目的是找寻途径来满足农民“变低产田为高产 后,飞机就飞越太平洋去旧金山。 against a historical back ground of slow but substantial 田”的要求。Their aim is to find ways to satisfy the 3.We must enable everyone who receives education to changes in Chinese family structure,caused by rising living peasants’demand“to change low—yielding land to develop morally,intellectually and physically.我们应该使 standards and family planning.由于人民生活水平的不断 high-yielding land. ” 受教育者在德育、智育、体育几个方面都得到发展 提高以及计
划生育, 中国的家庭结构发生着缓慢却又具有 4.他不是那种鲁莽行事的人。He is not a man to act rashly. 4.Do you agree with me in doing translation strictly 实质性的变化, 必须根据这 『H 一历史背景考虑人到老年 5.我来到厦门中学教书,完全是一种意外的收获。It has been an unexpected piece of luck for me to become a teacher according to the principles studied? 你赞成不赞成我的看 的问题。 法:在进行翻译的过程中,应该严格遵守所学的规则。 15.Having just left school or technical institute,where they at Xiamen Middie Sch001. 5.To him,the birds sang,the squirrel chattered and the had their place and a task to fulfil and where they were 6.教室里传来了朗朗的读书声。There came the sound of flowers bloomed.鸟儿向他唱歌,松鼠对他叽咕,花儿也 known and esteemed by their colleagues, those young people reading aloud in the classroom. 为他开放。 who do not land that first job they were SO eagerly looking 7.行李压得扁担嘎吱响。The shoulder pole cracked under 6.Before you hand in your paper,you have to read it over forward to have to face up for the first time to the weight of the luggage. and see ifthere is anything in it to be corrected and unemployment,a situation for which neither family nor 三、用意译法将下列句子翻译成英语。 revised.交卷前,必须检查几遍,看有没有需要修改的地 school has prepared them.青年人在学校或技术学院都各 1.穷困时,就一个人跑去马路上喝西北风,躲在亭子间里 方。 得其所, 各有自己需要完成的任务, 受到同学的了解和尊 喝自来水。When I’m broke,I’11 go strolling around the
streets alone on an empty stomach,or shut myself up in my 8.Shanghai police seized a gang of train tickets( 黄 牛 ) 1.他心直口快,总是愿意和任何人交朋友,所以很快就 small room with nothing to eat. scalpers——at Shanghai Railway Station yesterday. 赢得了大家的信任。His outspokenness and readiness to 2.路是这般遥远,望过去似乎就在半里以内,而走起来时 三、下面的句子有歧义,找出原因,并根据不同的语境给 make friends with anyone soon won their trust. 经过了不知多少的草棚茅舍,还没有到达目的地。The 出相应的译文。 2. 我知道你要说服他放弃那个计划是很困难的。 know it I place was farther than it seemed.We had to walk past 1.我校图书馆收藏了鲁迅的书。Our school library collects is difficult for you to persuade him out of the plan. numerous straw sheds and cottages before we got there. the books owning by Lu Xun. Our school library collects 3.他想去试一试,看看能不能举起这个箱子。He wanted Or: 3.儿女有时悄悄地溜进我的书房,拨拨 117,听那下面一 the books written by Lu Xun. to try if he could lift
up the box. 响是某点某分某秒的声儿。My kids would sometimes steal 2.他谁都不认识。 knew nobody. He Or: one knew him. 4.他模糊地听得行人在那里说铁路已断火车不开的话。 No into my study and dial 11 7 to listen to the voicereporting the 3.开刀的是他朋友。His friend operated on a patient.Or: On the way, heard passers-by commenting on the fact that he trains were no longer running. exact time. His friend underwent an operation. 4.不过,尽管花草自己会奋斗,我若置之不理,任其自生 4.这只小白兔差一点没活。This white rabbit was still 5.他心中似乎很安慰,有似乎有点儿怅惘,顿了一顿, 自灭,它们多数还是会死了的。Although such flowers are alive.Or:This white rabbit died. 终于前去买了一张三等票就走入车厢里坐着。 felt both He able to weather through by themselves,I,however,never 五、翻译下列成语。 relieved and depressed. After a slight hesitation he bought ignore them or abandon them to their own fate, otherwise 惊师动众 bother many people for something 朝思暮想 himself a third-class ticket and boarded the train. for most of them will probably end up dead. yearn day and night 惊涛骇浪 raging waves 隔墙有耳 6. 猴子总是乱摇瓶子, 很费力气而不能必得。 monkey The 5.要绝对避免危险就莫要做人。Enjoying absolute safety is walls have ears 破釜沉舟 burn one’S boat 一帆风顺 always shook the bottle frantically, with great effort but humanly impossible. plain sailing without necessarily achieving the desired result. 6.近几年来,父亲和我都是东奔西走,家中光景是一日不 煽风点火 fan the flame 空中楼阁 castles in the air 7.十年前启动的星火计划在发展高新技术产业和促进研 如一日。In recent years,both father and I have been living 六、 完成下列句子的翻译, 注意英汉成语的不同表达方式。 究成果商品化方面已取得了初步成就。 Torch Program, The an unsettled life,and the circumstances of our family going 1.滥伐林木,无异于杀鸡取卵。 launched 10 years ago,has brought about initial success in from bad to worse. Denudation(滥伐)of forests is tantamount(等价)to killing developing new and high-tech industries and promoting the 7.小时候我有一个愿望:我愿在你的庇荫下做一世的孩 the goose that lays golden eggs。 commercialization of research results. 子 。现在只 有让梦 来满足 这个愿望 了。 When 1 was 2.还从来没有人敢在我的家里违抗我的命令, 我这可真是 8.我们的“广播剧院”节目长达 150 分钟,经常在演出 young.1 wished I could remain a kid forever under your 养虎遗患。 时进行实况转播。Our “Radio Theatre”, lasting about 150 wing.Now I call I have never seen the individual who has dared to question minutes, often giyes li
Ve broadcasts while a performance is fulfill this wish only in my dreams. my authority in my own house—have nourished a viper in in process. 8.过去,从斋堂进北京靠羊肠小道,需要六七天的时间。 my bosom. 五、将下列句子翻译成英语,注意动词的译法。 1. In the past,it took six or seven days to go from Zhaitang to 3.这就是鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。 我已经替你找到了一个好工作。 have got a good job for I Beijing through a winding trail. This is:two dogs strive for a bone,and a third runs away you. 四、阅读下列原文和译文,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 with it. 2.那位老人拄着拐杖走路。The old man walked with a stick. 房墙上开窗子是后来的事。随着窗子的开凿和扩大, 4.跟他谈花道等于对牛弹琴。 人类文明的曙光也随着扩大。 To talk to him about the art of flower arrangement is like 3. 他们打算在拂晓时对这座城市发起进攻。 They proposed 窗子,自从它出现的那天起,它就成为阳光的眼睛, casting pearls beflore swine to attack the city at dawn. 空气的港口,成了自然和社会的纽带。 5.她教起书来如鱼得水。 4.我们在工作中要善于和群众商量。We must be good at 随着时间流逝,层楼的加多,窗子也越来越多了。看 She has taken to teaching like a duck to water. consulting the masses in our work. 到高层的建筑, 就会惊叹窗子是房屋最鲜明的象征。 没有 6.他和其余的人一样同我作对,他们都是一丘之貉。 5. 那位职业网球手因在比赛前服用兴奋剂(stimulant)被取 He has been against me like the rest,and they are but birds 消了进入决赛的资格。That professional tennis player was 窗子的房子,几乎也就没法把它唤作屋子了。 有谁未曾享受过开窗的喜悦呢?打开窗子, 突然见到青 of one feather. disqualified from entering the finals because he had taken 山闯了进来, 打开窗子, 看到柳色的清新, 小燕的飞来…… 第十一章 some stimulant before the match. Making (make)a window in the wall was (be)a much 一、讨论题。 6.工人们坚持取消旧的规定,建立新的规章制度。The later invention.As the popularity of windows grew (grow), 1.幸亏是这些青年妇女,白洋淀长大的,她们摇的小船 workers insisted on the abolishment of the old rules and the so did the civilization of man develop. 飞快。It was lucky that all these young wives had grown up establishment of the new regulations. ever since its birth, been (be)the eye to by the river:Their boat went like the wind. has 只要看一眼这封信, 你就明白自己上当了。 glance of A The window, 7. the sun, port for taking (take)in fresh air, a tie between 2. a and 用劳动实现自己的理想, 用理想指导自己的劳动。 You this letter will convince you that you ha
ve been taken in. nature and human society. realize your ideas through labor and you guide your labor by 8.最近中国取消了对国内外游客实行不同票价的做法, With the passage of time and increase of tall buildings, ideas. 使任何人在参观景点(scenic spots)时都享受同等待遇。 more and more windows have appeared (appear).Now,at 3.早上我起来的时候,小屋里射进两三方斜斜的太阳。 China recently canceled different ticket prices for domestic the sight of a multi—storey building,one cannot help When I got up in the morning. I found several beams of and foreign tourists. Everyone can now enjoy equal treatment when they visit scenic spots. exclaiming at how the window is (be)so symbolic of the sunlight penetrating through the window into my house. house. Without a window, house could hardly be called as 4.树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是渴睡人 六、 a 我想说一个猴子的故事给大家听。 汤姆孙 《科学大纲》 such. 的眼。Here and there a few rays from street-lamps filtered 上叙说一个科学家研究动物心理, 养着几只猩猩、 猴子做 Who hasn ’ t experienced (not experience)great through the trees,listless as the eyes of one who is dozing. 实验。以一个高的玻璃瓶,拔去木塞(cork),放两粒花生 delight in opening a window?The moment you 5.即便永远不再有人去触动它们,你仍然可以凭想象听 米进去,花生米自然落到瓶底,从玻璃外面可以看见,递 open(open)it , you will be (be)immediately struck by 见它们可能发出的决然不同的鸣响。 给猴子。猴子接过,乱摇许久,偶然摇出花生米来,才得 此科学家又放进花生米如前, 而指教它只须将瓶子 imposing blue mountains , fresh green willows , little Even though they are never touched by anybody, you can 取食。 swallows flying towards you… still imagine the vastly different sounds they can possibly 一倒转, 花生米立刻出来。 但是猴子总是不理会他的指教。 五、将下列句子翻译成英语,注意冠词的用法。 produce. I would like to share with you a story of the monkey. In 春来夏去, 我家男人却忙起了工作和会议。 next year Thompson’s The Outline of Science there is a story about a The 1.在兽类中我最爱虎。Of all animals,I like the tiger best. 6. 2.他抓住小偷的衣领。He grasped the thief by the collar. saw my husband burying himself in work and meetings. scientist who kept several chimpanzees and monkeys in 3.这颜色悦目。This color is pleasant to the eye. 7. 空旷的山野上, 荡起了她甜甜的笑声。 the wilderness, order to study animal psycholigy. He took a glass bottle, In removed its cork and put two peanuts inside the bottle. 4.我们的胜利对世界上被压迫的民族是极大的鼓舞。Our her sweet sounds of laughter rose and fel
l like waves. victory was a great inspiration to the oppressed peoples of 8.热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和 Needless to say, the peanuts dropped to the bottom of the the world. 发 展 贸易 关系 。Customers from various countries and bottle and were easily seen from the outside. He then passed 5.中国人民正在建设社会主义新文化。The Chinese people regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop the bottle to a monkey, who shook it frantically for a long are building up a new socialist culture. business contacts. while and was only able to get the peanuts when they 6.我收到了笔友从澳大利亚寄来的信。I received a letter 二、翻译下列句子,注意重新确定句子的主语。 accidentally fell out. The scientist then put some peanuts into from my pen friend in Australia. 1.天上挂着一轮明月。A bright round moon hangs in the the bottle again as he had done before and showed the 7.学生会将举办晚会来欢迎美国朋友。The Student Union sky. monkey that it only needed to turn the bottle upside down is going to hold a party to welcome our friends from the 2.我们家里住过一些年轻的战士。Some young soldiers for the peanuts to drop out. But the monkey always ignored United States. once stayed in our house. his instructions. 8.书籍到了我的手里,我的习惯是先看序文,次看目录。 3.明年要出版更多的书籍。A great number of new books 第十二章 As soon as a new book comes to hand,I always read the will be published next year. 一、讨论题. preface first and then the table of contents. 4.河上新架了一座桥。A new bridge was built across the 1.我们认为中子不带电。We do not consider that neutrons 第十章 fiver. have charges. 一、翻译下列词语。 5.一想到要出国深造,他就激动不已。The idea that he 2.两个方案都行不通。Neither plan is practicable. 1.长江三峡工程 the Yangtze River Three Gorges Proj ect would go abroad for further study made him greatly excited. 3.我与父亲不相见已二年余了,我最不能忘记的是他的 2.和平演变 peaceful evolution towards capitalism 6.我没想到你会反对。It never occurred to me that you 背影。It is more than two years since I last saw father,and 3.海峡两岸 two/both sides of the Taiwan Straits would object. what I Can never forget is the sigh of his back. 4.百年老店 century—old shop 7. 光以直线传播是众所周知的事情。 is a well-known fact 4.欲速则不达。More haste, less speed. It 5.党群关系 Party—masses relationship that light travels in straight lines. 5.他穷得养不起老婆。He is too poor to keep a wife. 6.背景音乐 background music 8.该地区有丰富的自然资源。There are plenty of natural 6.我抓住他的袖子,再也说不出一句话来。I took hold of 7.黑色收入 illegal/un
der—the—table income resources in that area. his sleeve, unable to utter a word. 8.朝阳工业 sunrise industry 三、翻译下列句子,注意适当增补句子的主语。 7.生活的经验固然会曲人忘记许多事情。但是有些记忆 二、完成下列句子的翻译。 1.人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。It is impossible to judge 经过了多少时间的磨洗也不会消灭。Lots of things are apt 1.We want solid results,not(表面文章) show. people from their appearance, impossible to measure the to fade from memory as one’s life experiences and 2.The Chinese people (炎黄子孙)——on both sides of the ocean by pints. accumulate. some memories will withstand the wear and But Straits will be reunited sooner or later. 2. 不懂就是不懂, 不要装懂。 must not pretend to know tear of time. We 3.Hope Project (希望工程)——is a program to collect when we do not know. 8.不破不立,不塞不流,不止不行,它们之间的斗争是 money from all sectors of society to support education in 3.胎又瘪了。We have got another flat tire. 生死斗争。There is no construction without destruction,no poor areas. 4.好像要下雨了。It looks like rain. flowing without damming,and no motion without rest;the 4 .Beijing Opera , Chinese medicine and traditional 5. 要实现统一, 就要有个适当方式。 There must be a proper two are locked in life-and-death struggle. 二、 用所给词汇翻译下列句子, 将汉语的否定形式译为英 Chinese painting ( 京 剧 、 中 医 和 国 画 ) — — are three way to realize reunification. quintessential forms of Chinese culture. 6.故宫耗时 14 年,整个工程于 1420 年结束。The 语的肯定形式。 5. theme song of this movie was sung by(一位歌坛新秀) construction of the Forbidden City took 14 years, and was 1. The 她的解释不能让人满意。 (far) Her explanation is far from a new star singer. finished in 1420. satisfactory. 6.He is such a green—eyed monster (有红眼病)——that 7.家庭和健康之间存在着密不可分的关系。There exists 2.他不愿离开家乡。(reluctant) He is reluctant to leave his — he is always jealous of other people’s between a family and health an intimate and inseparable hometown. achievement. relationship. 3.第一批炸弹没有击中目标。(miss) The first bombs 7 . The two universities , with the city ’ S Education 8. 他们上周讨论的就是这本小说。 is this novel that they missed the target. It Commission as their(红娘) go—between,have signed an talked about last week. 4.心不在焉可能会产生恶果。(absence) Absence ofⅡund — agreement of academic exchanges. 四、讨论题。 may have bad results.
5.测试表明,这台机器没有毛病。(in order) The test her hand. showed that the machine was in order. 6.市政府采取各
种措施招商。The city government takes 6.我简直无法了解他们所说的话。(hardly) I can hardly many measures to invite investment. understand them. 7. 明天我要去书店买书。 will go to the bookshop to buy a I 7.他们宁死而决不投降。(before) They would die before book tomorrow. surrendering. 8.他走了几步,突然站住了,伸手到衣兜里摸了摸。He 8.他有勇无谋。(more…than) He is more brave than wise. walked several meters,stopped and fumbled in his pocket. 三、将下列句子翻译成英语,注意使用英语被动语态。 五、翻译下列句子,注意兼语式谓语的译法。 1.教室禁止吸烟。Smoking is not permitted in classrooms. 1. 他们让史密斯先生率领远征队。 They had Mr.Smith lead 2.有人给你打电话。You are wanted on the phone. the expedition team. 3.大米主要产在南方。Rice is chiefly grown in the south. 2.我将设法让他去搬行李。I shall leave him to carry the 4.他一生致力于做学问。His entire life was devoted to luggage. learning. 3.我写信要他马上来。I wrote to him to come at once. 5.这事必须马上做。This must be done at once. 4.我讨厌他穿着红衬衫。I dislike him wearing a red shirt. 6.书到后应立即付款。You are supposed to pay fight after 5.我听说汤姆被选为球队的教练。I heard of Tom having the books are delivered. been chosen to be the coach of the team. 7.大家认为这样做是不妥当的。It is generally considered 6.他希望自己的儿子成为像爱迪生或华盛顿那样的人。 unadvised to act that way. He wished his son to be an Edison or a Washington. 8. 在竞争中, 不是你击败他, 就是他击败你。 competition. 7.招商团吸引了许多东南亚客商来中国洽谈项目。The In either you defeat him or are defeated by him. delegation of inviting investment has attracted many 四、讨论题。 businessmen from Southeast Asia to China to hold talks on 1.首先要努力扩大消费需求。在目前情况下,这比增加 different projects. 投资需求更重要。 要继续增加城乡居民特别是低收入者的 8.我们不能强迫人们接受我们的观点。We can’t compel 收入,努力提高人民群众生活水平。First of all, we should people to accept OUl"viewpoint. strive to expand consumption demand.Given the current situation, this is more important than greater investment We demand. should continue to increase the income of urban and rural residents, especially those with low income, and work hard tO raise the living standards of the population. 2.要坐轮船坐飞机,自然也有办法。只要往各方去请托, 找关系,或者干脆买张黑票。先说黑票,且不谈付出超过 定额的钱,力有不及,心有不甘,单单一个“黑”字,就 叫你不愿领教。It stands to reason that I can go by
steamer or aircraft if I care to. can simply go around fishing for help I or personal connections.or just buy a “black” ticket.But I will have to pay more than the regular price for a “black” ticket. which I can ill afford and which I disdain to do.And the very word “black” generates in me a feeling of repulsion. 五、将下列句子翻译成英语,注意选择主语。 1. 无论做什么事, 健康的身体是基本条件。 Whatever you do, you need a sound body first of a11. 2.小心别着凉了。Take care not tO catch cold. 3. 与自然斗争, 其乐无穷。It is a great joy to battle against nature. 描金的(gilded)盘子里还放着当天的报纸。 the gilded On 4. tray lay the morning newspaper. 5.似乎不会再有麻烦事了。There seems to be no more trouble. 6. 不会让你带这么多行李。 won’t be allowed to take so You much luggage with you. 7.只有播种才有收获。One must sow before he can reap. 8.端午节(Dragon Boat Festival)吃粽子。People eat zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. 第十三章 一、翻译下列句子,注意“是”字的译法。 1. 该恐怖组织声称这起爆炸事件是他们干的。 terrorist The group has claimed responsibility for the bombing. 2.这是一本英语学习者的必读书。This is a must book for the English learners. 3.他父亲是这家报纸的编委。His father is an editorial member of this newspaper. 4.我们体育健儿的目标是:冲出亚洲,走向世界。Our athletes’aim is to rush out of Asia toward the world. 5. 迪斯科是一种起源于美国黑人和墨西哥人的民间舞蹈。 Disco is a kind of folk dance originating from American blacks and Mexicans. 6.这个故事好是好,就是长了点。It is a good story all fight,but it’S a bit too long. 7.今天天气是好。It is certainly fine today. 8 她对你只能是感激。She can hardly be other than grateful to you. 二、翻译下列句子,注意“把”字的译法。 1.他把门漆成红色。He painted the door red. 2. 吵闹声把我从沉睡中唤醒了。 noise roused me out of The a sound sleep. 3. 你最好在月底前把工作做完。 You had better finish your work by the end of this month. 4. 这天气把人热得坐不住。 The heat of weather makes one unable to sit still. 5.他把那个小女孩吓得哭了起来。He scared the little girl to tears. 6.他们把我们当作贵宾来款待。They treated US as distinguished guests. 7.把收音机关掉。Turn offthe radio. 8.他所做的一切把我感动得流下了眼泪。I was moved to tears by what he had done. 三、 二十年的实践已证明, 我们进行改革开放的方向是正 确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳妥的,方式是渐进的,取 得的成就是巨大的。The practice in the past twenty years has proved that we are right in direction,firm in convictio
n, steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out reform and opening up and we have made tremendous achievements. 四、翻译下列句子,注意连动式谓语的译法。 1.去给你妈妈打个电话。Go and ring up your mother 2. 她拉过一把椅子坐下。 drew up a chair and sit down. She 3.你起来吃早餐吧。Get up and have your breakfast. 4.暑假里她乘火车到西安去参观。She went to Xi’an for a visit during the summer vacation. 5. 她手里拿着一本书回来了。 came back with a book in She
7.University applicants who had worked at a job would 重。而现在,他们刚刚离校,却找不到自己孜孜以求的第 第二章 不得不面对有生以来的第一次失业。 对于这种 1.In circuits requiring capacitance the necessary capacitance receive preference over those who had not.报考大学的人, 一个职业, 情况,无论是家庭还是学校都没有为帮助他们做好准备。 is provided by a device called a capacitor.在需要电容的线 有工作经验的优先录取。 路中,所需的电容由称为电容器的元件提供。 8.He is very handsome.他很潇洒。 第六章 2.What would happen provided there were a conducting wire 9.Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a 1.Some electronic computers can do calculations.500,000 times faster than any person can.有些电子计算机,其运算 between two points of unequal potential?如果在电位不等的 standstill.车未停稳,切勿上下。 两点间有一根导线,那么情况将会是怎样的呢? 10.In twelve Yenan years the Chinese Communists had fitted 速度为人的 500 000 倍。 3.You must remember that we are here to serve the society themselves to the land the rhythm of its seasons, mood of 2.The atomic weight of oxygen is 16 times as heavy as that the that we are building a New Society.The bureaucracy has its peasants.十二年的延安岁月,中国共产党人已经适应 of hydrogen.氧的原子量是氢的 16 倍。(或译为:氧的原 this rare opportunity to prove it ’ S worth to build a 了当地的风土和季节,也适应了农民潭的气质。 子量比氢的大 15 倍。) progressive nation.你们必须记住,我们是为社会服务的, 第四章 3.The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.地球的大小为 我们正在建设一个新社会,这是全体政府官员显示其才 1 . We can never speak without emotion of China’s 月球的 49 倍。 telecommunications satellite.一谈到我国的电信卫星,我 4.In 1 999 the output value of this city’s light industry 干,建设一个进步国家的好机会。 4.There was.no provocation.for such an angry letter.写 们总是激动万分。 multiplied six times as against 1987.1999 年与 1987 年相 这一封怒气冲冲的信简直是毫无道理。 2. much was known of the electronic computer ten years 比,该市的轻工业总产值增长了五倍。 Not 5.We took brief, restless naps,struggled to understand the ago. 年前关于电子计算机还知道得不多。“not much” 5.There is a three times increase of our institute’s area as 10 ( intermittent broadcasting of Radio Prague.我们忐忑不安, 译成部分否定“不多"。) compared with last year。现在我们学院的面积比去年增加 朦朦胧胧地打了几个盹, 竭力想听懂布拉格电台断断续续 3. The speed ofradio waves is too great for US to measure in 了两倍。 simple units.无线电波
的速度太大,我们不能用普通的单 6.The output of diesel oil for farm use has been increased by 的广播。 1.Like charges repel;unlike charges attract.相同的电荷 位来计量。 a factor of five these years.这几年,农用柴油的产量增加 相斥,不同的电荷相吸。 4. Very few of the everyday things around US are really pure 了四倍。 2.Ohm’S law is very useful for the industry because it states of matter.我们周围的日常用物中几乎没有什么东 7.This year the production of walking — tractors has , enables one to calculate the current,voltage or resistance of 西是纯态的。 increased by three times.今年,手扶拖拉机的产量增加了 any circuit ,if the values of the other two factors are 5.Proton has a positive charge and electron a negative 三倍。 known.欧姆定律对工业来说是十分有用的,因为它使人 charge hut neutron has neither.质子带正电荷,电子带负 8.This wire is half as long again as that one.这根导线的长 们能算出任何电路中的电流、 电压或电阻, 条件是已知其 电荷,而中子则两种电荷都不带。 度是那根导线的一倍半。(或:这根导线比那根导线长一 1.Nothing is hard in this world,if you dare to scale the 半。) 中两个因数。 3.Although the recession has reached every comer of the heights.世上无难事,只要肯攀登。 9.One night on the moon is longer than that on the earth by a planet,the impact is uneven.虽然这场经济衰退波及全球 2.There exist neither perfect insulators nor perfect factor of 14.月球上的一个黑夜的时长是地球上一个黑夜 的每个角落,但各地受到的影响不尽相同。 conductors.既没有完全的绝缘体,也没有完全的导体。 的 14 倍。(或:月球上的一个黑夜比地球上的一个黑夜长 4. “Outside the stadium something of a carnival atmosphere 3.Neither problem has been solved.两个问题哪个也没解 13 倍。) prevails , ’ he wrote in the ’ American Journal of 决。 10.The production of machine tools has been trebled in our Sociology. “体育馆外边呈现出一种狂欢节似的气氛” 4.All metals are not good conductors. , 并非所有金属都是良 factory.我厂的机床产量已提高到原来的三倍。 他在《美国社会学杂志》上写道。 导体。 11.The length of the plastic pipe is a three times reduction 5. When the switch is closed,charges from the source will 5.Thus,friction is not always an evil.这样说来,摩擦并 over that of the metal one.这根塑料管的长度比那根金属 distribute themselves on the plates,that is,a current will 非总是不好的。 管的长度缩短了 2/3。 flow. 当开关接通时, 来自电源的电荷自行分布在极板上, 6.Not many ofthings are ofuse in form in which they are 12.The weight of the new machine tool was decreased by a 也就是
说,电流就流动了。 found. 不是许多东西在处于被发现的形式时就是有用的。 factor of ten.新车床的重量减少了 9/l0. 6.Men Can think,feel,and sympathize with each other 7.There is no material but will deform more or less under the 13.The can—sealing machine works fifty percent faster than through their favorite author. They 1ive in him together, and action of forces. 各种材料在力的作用下多少会有些变形。 that one.这台封罐机比那台封罐机的工作速度快一半 he in them.人们可以通过共同爱好的作家的作品而达到 8.Socialism is beyond doubt superior to capitalism.社会主 (50%)。 思想感情上的一致。 他们的思想和感情都在他的作品中得 义无疑优越于资本主义。 14.There is a 15% increase of students as compared with in 到反映,而他的思想感情又在他们的身上体现出来。 9.I don ’ t think electrons Can transfer energy in any our college last year.我们学院的学生数比去年增加了 7.But I suspected that if I tried to release the wolf,she would circumstance.我想,并非在任何情况下,电子都能传送 15%。 tum aggressive and try to tear me to pieces.可是我想,要 能量。 15.The height of the small bridge should be cut to 50%.那座 是我去放这只狼, 她会凶狠地扑过来, 要把我撕成碎片的。 10.Without scientific experiment and without new 小桥的高度应降低到原来的一半(50%)。 8.Words once reserved for rest-room wa11s are now techniques , there can be no great increase in labour 第九章 common stuff in films, plays,books and even on productivity,and our socialist system will not be able to 一、将下列句子翻译成英语,注意汉语重“意合’,英语 ’ television. 曾经是不登大雅之堂的言语, 如今充斥于电影、 display its superiority to the full.. ..不搞科学实验,不采 重“形合”的特点。 戏剧、书籍之中,甚至充斥在电视上。 用新技术, 就不能大幅度地提高劳动生产率, 就不能充分 1.你来了, 我马上就走。 will go as soon as you come here. 1 9. Semi — conductors have been already found . wide 显示我国社会主义制度的优越性。 2.想吃什么, 只管告诉我。 Whatever you like to eat, tell just application in radio engineering , automation , electrical 第五章 me. engineering and many other branches of science and 1.Conductors have very small resistances,and the smaller the 3.跑了和尚,跑不了庙。The monks may run away,but the technology.半导体己广泛应用于无线电工程、自动化、 resistance,the better the conductor.导体的电阻小,电阻越 temple cannot run away. 不怕没柴烧。 long as the green mountains As 电气工程以及许多其他科技分支中。 小,导体越好。 4.留得青山在, 10.In some cases,deserts,are the creation of dest
ruction of 2.There have been many great changes in China since are there,one should not worry about firewood. liberation.解放以来中国发生了许多巨大的变化。 virgin forest.沙漠有时是人类毁坏原始森林造成的。 5.有一天,他为了一件要紧的事,要搭火车到上海去。他 第三章 3.The same signs and symbols of mathematics are used 从从容容地走到火车站,迟了两分钟,火车已经开走了。 1.In the evening,after the banquets, the concerts and the table throughout the world. 全世界都使用同样的数学记号和符 One day,he wanted to go to Shanghai by train on urgent tennis exhibition, he would work on repairing the radio 号。 business.But he arrived at the railway station unhurriedly receiver.晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表 4.Ice is not as dense as water and therefore it floats.冰的密 only to find the train already gone,because he was two 演之后,他还得修理无线电接收机。 度比水小,因此能浮在水面上。 minutes late. 2.He felt the patriot rise within his breast,and after all 5.Gases are different from solids in that the former have 6.送牛奶的同志,进门就夸“好香’ ’!这使我们全家都感 气体不同于固体, 到骄傲。It filled the whole family with pride whenever the 因 preparations were made,he decided to leave the U.S.at greater compressibility than the latter. once by plane for our great motherland.他感到一种爱国热 为气体比固体有更大的压缩性。 milkman exclaims on entering our gate. “What a sweet 情在胸中激荡。 一切准备工作就绪以后, 他就决定立即乘 6. We must advocate hard struggle,which is our intrinsic smell!” 机离开美国,回到我们伟大的祖国来。 political characteristic.我们要提倡艰苦奋斗,艰苦奋斗是 7.现在你们是大学生了,作文题目可以由你们自己拟,每 3.Product technology will shift from the present scale merit 我们的政治本色。 学期至少要交七八篇文章,多多益善。Now that you’re technology to technology using microprocessors or 7.Anyone who thinks that rational knowledge need not be university students,you may write on any subject of your minicomputers.产品制造技术将从目前的等级优值(从大 derived from perceptual knowledge is an idealist.如果以为 own choice. You must hand in for each semester at least 批量生产中得益的)技术转移到使用微处理机或小型计算 理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。 seven or eight compositions.The more,the better. 机(控制而适合于多品种小批量生产)的技术。 8.The sun heats the earth,which makes it possible for plants 8.在宁静的环境,悠闲的心情中静静地读书,是人生中最 4.After people have learned that magnets attract things, to grow.太阳晒热大地,这就使植
物有可能生长。 有味的享受。It is the greatest joy of life for one to spend his centuries passed before they took note of the fact that 9.There is nothing that does not contain contradiction; leisure time reading in quiet surroundings. magnets sometimes also repel things.人们早已知道了磁铁 without contradiction nothing would exist. 没有什么事物是 9.是好的建议,谁来提都无关紧要。If the suggestion is 能吸引别的物体, 又过了几百年, 才注意到磁铁有时也排 不包含矛盾的,没有矛盾就没有世界。 advisable,it is no matter who gives it. 斥别的物体这一事实。 10.Will you tell us something about your teaching plan for 10.老人也好,年轻人也好,都应定期体检以了解自己的 5. I said to her, you have read these stories,tell—the— next week? 你愿意谈谈你下周的教学计划吗? “If 健康状况。People,old and young,ought to take physical m in your own words. ”But she covered her face with her 11.He took out from his pocket the last piece of boiled ox— examinations at regular intervals so as to know about their hands as if to protect her eyes.我对她说: “如果你已读过 hide and gave it to me. 他从口袋里拿出最后一块煮熟了的 own health. 这些故事,用你自己的话讲出来。 ”但她用手蒙住脸,好 牛皮给我。 二、讨论题。对比原文,看下列译文对语序进行了哪些调 像要保护自己的眼睛。 12.The Cubans fought SO bravely that the invasion was 整?为什么要这样处理? 1.Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man; crushed in seventy—two hours.古巴人打得很勇敢,他们 1.明天晚上在 203 房间开会。The meeting is to be held in writing an exact man.读书使人充实,谈话使人敏捷,写 在七十二小时内就把敌人的入侵粉碎了。 Room 203 tomorrow evening. 作使人准确。 13.The more we can do for you, the happier we will be. 我们 2. 他 连 大 衣 也 忘 了 拿 就 跑 了 。 He rushed off,even 2.After all preparations were made,the planes were flown 为你们做得越多,越感到高兴。 forgetting to take his overcoat. across the Pacific to SanFrancisco.一切准备工作就绪以 14.Solutions of the problem of old age have to be considered 3.他们的目的是找寻途径来满足农民“变低产田为高产 后,飞机就飞越太平洋去旧金山。 against a historical back ground of slow but substantial 田”的要求。Their aim is to find ways to satisfy the 3.We must enable everyone who receives education to changes in Chinese family structure,caused by rising living peasants’demand“to change low—yielding land to develop morally,intellectually and physically.我们应该使 standards and family planning.由于人民生活水平的不断 high-yielding land. ” 受教育者在德育、智育、体育几个方面都得到发展 提高以及计
划生育, 中国的家庭结构发生着缓慢却又具有 4.他不是那种鲁莽行事的人。He is not a man to act rashly. 4.Do you agree with me in doing translation strictly 实质性的变化, 必须根据这 『H 一历史背景考虑人到老年 5.我来到厦门中学教书,完全是一种意外的收获。It has been an unexpected piece of luck for me to become a teacher according to the principles studied? 你赞成不赞成我的看 的问题。 法:在进行翻译的过程中,应该严格遵守所学的规则。 15.Having just left school or technical institute,where they at Xiamen Middie Sch001. 5.To him,the birds sang,the squirrel chattered and the had their place and a task to fulfil and where they were 6.教室里传来了朗朗的读书声。There came the sound of flowers bloomed.鸟儿向他唱歌,松鼠对他叽咕,花儿也 known and esteemed by their colleagues, those young people reading aloud in the classroom. 为他开放。 who do not land that first job they were SO eagerly looking 7.行李压得扁担嘎吱响。The shoulder pole cracked under 6.Before you hand in your paper,you have to read it over forward to have to face up for the first time to the weight of the luggage. and see ifthere is anything in it to be corrected and unemployment,a situation for which neither family nor 三、用意译法将下列句子翻译成英语。 revised.交卷前,必须检查几遍,看有没有需要修改的地 school has prepared them.青年人在学校或技术学院都各 1.穷困时,就一个人跑去马路上喝西北风,躲在亭子间里 方。 得其所, 各有自己需要完成的任务, 受到同学的了解和尊 喝自来水。When I’m broke,I’11 go strolling around the
streets alone on an empty stomach,or shut myself up in my 8.Shanghai police seized a gang of train tickets( 黄 牛 ) 1.他心直口快,总是愿意和任何人交朋友,所以很快就 small room with nothing to eat. scalpers——at Shanghai Railway Station yesterday. 赢得了大家的信任。His outspokenness and readiness to 2.路是这般遥远,望过去似乎就在半里以内,而走起来时 三、下面的句子有歧义,找出原因,并根据不同的语境给 make friends with anyone soon won their trust. 经过了不知多少的草棚茅舍,还没有到达目的地。The 出相应的译文。 2. 我知道你要说服他放弃那个计划是很困难的。 know it I place was farther than it seemed.We had to walk past 1.我校图书馆收藏了鲁迅的书。Our school library collects is difficult for you to persuade him out of the plan. numerous straw sheds and cottages before we got there. the books owning by Lu Xun. Our school library collects 3.他想去试一试,看看能不能举起这个箱子。He wanted Or: 3.儿女有时悄悄地溜进我的书房,拨拨 117,听那下面一 the books written by Lu Xun. to try if he could lift
up the box. 响是某点某分某秒的声儿。My kids would sometimes steal 2.他谁都不认识。 knew nobody. He Or: one knew him. 4.他模糊地听得行人在那里说铁路已断火车不开的话。 No into my study and dial 11 7 to listen to the voicereporting the 3.开刀的是他朋友。His friend operated on a patient.Or: On the way, heard passers-by commenting on the fact that he trains were no longer running. exact time. His friend underwent an operation. 4.不过,尽管花草自己会奋斗,我若置之不理,任其自生 4.这只小白兔差一点没活。This white rabbit was still 5.他心中似乎很安慰,有似乎有点儿怅惘,顿了一顿, 自灭,它们多数还是会死了的。Although such flowers are alive.Or:This white rabbit died. 终于前去买了一张三等票就走入车厢里坐着。 felt both He able to weather through by themselves,I,however,never 五、翻译下列成语。 relieved and depressed. After a slight hesitation he bought ignore them or abandon them to their own fate, otherwise 惊师动众 bother many people for something 朝思暮想 himself a third-class ticket and boarded the train. for most of them will probably end up dead. yearn day and night 惊涛骇浪 raging waves 隔墙有耳 6. 猴子总是乱摇瓶子, 很费力气而不能必得。 monkey The 5.要绝对避免危险就莫要做人。Enjoying absolute safety is walls have ears 破釜沉舟 burn one’S boat 一帆风顺 always shook the bottle frantically, with great effort but humanly impossible. plain sailing without necessarily achieving the desired result. 6.近几年来,父亲和我都是东奔西走,家中光景是一日不 煽风点火 fan the flame 空中楼阁 castles in the air 7.十年前启动的星火计划在发展高新技术产业和促进研 如一日。In recent years,both father and I have been living 六、 完成下列句子的翻译, 注意英汉成语的不同表达方式。 究成果商品化方面已取得了初步成就。 Torch Program, The an unsettled life,and the circumstances of our family going 1.滥伐林木,无异于杀鸡取卵。 launched 10 years ago,has brought about initial success in from bad to worse. Denudation(滥伐)of forests is tantamount(等价)to killing developing new and high-tech industries and promoting the 7.小时候我有一个愿望:我愿在你的庇荫下做一世的孩 the goose that lays golden eggs。 commercialization of research results. 子 。现在只 有让梦 来满足 这个愿望 了。 When 1 was 2.还从来没有人敢在我的家里违抗我的命令, 我这可真是 8.我们的“广播剧院”节目长达 150 分钟,经常在演出 young.1 wished I could remain a kid forever under your 养虎遗患。 时进行实况转播。Our “Radio Theatre”, lasting about 150 wing.Now I call I have never seen the individual who has dared to question minutes, often giyes li
Ve broadcasts while a performance is fulfill this wish only in my dreams. my authority in my own house—have nourished a viper in in process. 8.过去,从斋堂进北京靠羊肠小道,需要六七天的时间。 my bosom. 五、将下列句子翻译成英语,注意动词的译法。 1. In the past,it took six or seven days to go from Zhaitang to 3.这就是鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。 我已经替你找到了一个好工作。 have got a good job for I Beijing through a winding trail. This is:two dogs strive for a bone,and a third runs away you. 四、阅读下列原文和译文,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 with it. 2.那位老人拄着拐杖走路。The old man walked with a stick. 房墙上开窗子是后来的事。随着窗子的开凿和扩大, 4.跟他谈花道等于对牛弹琴。 人类文明的曙光也随着扩大。 To talk to him about the art of flower arrangement is like 3. 他们打算在拂晓时对这座城市发起进攻。 They proposed 窗子,自从它出现的那天起,它就成为阳光的眼睛, casting pearls beflore swine to attack the city at dawn. 空气的港口,成了自然和社会的纽带。 5.她教起书来如鱼得水。 4.我们在工作中要善于和群众商量。We must be good at 随着时间流逝,层楼的加多,窗子也越来越多了。看 She has taken to teaching like a duck to water. consulting the masses in our work. 到高层的建筑, 就会惊叹窗子是房屋最鲜明的象征。 没有 6.他和其余的人一样同我作对,他们都是一丘之貉。 5. 那位职业网球手因在比赛前服用兴奋剂(stimulant)被取 He has been against me like the rest,and they are but birds 消了进入决赛的资格。That professional tennis player was 窗子的房子,几乎也就没法把它唤作屋子了。 有谁未曾享受过开窗的喜悦呢?打开窗子, 突然见到青 of one feather. disqualified from entering the finals because he had taken 山闯了进来, 打开窗子, 看到柳色的清新, 小燕的飞来…… 第十一章 some stimulant before the match. Making (make)a window in the wall was (be)a much 一、讨论题。 6.工人们坚持取消旧的规定,建立新的规章制度。The later invention.As the popularity of windows grew (grow), 1.幸亏是这些青年妇女,白洋淀长大的,她们摇的小船 workers insisted on the abolishment of the old rules and the so did the civilization of man develop. 飞快。It was lucky that all these young wives had grown up establishment of the new regulations. ever since its birth, been (be)the eye to by the river:Their boat went like the wind. has 只要看一眼这封信, 你就明白自己上当了。 glance of A The window, 7. the sun, port for taking (take)in fresh air, a tie between 2. a and 用劳动实现自己的理想, 用理想指导自己的劳动。 You this letter will convince you that you ha
ve been taken in. nature and human society. realize your ideas through labor and you guide your labor by 8.最近中国取消了对国内外游客实行不同票价的做法, With the passage of time and increase of tall buildings, ideas. 使任何人在参观景点(scenic spots)时都享受同等待遇。 more and more windows have appeared (appear).Now,at 3.早上我起来的时候,小屋里射进两三方斜斜的太阳。 China recently canceled different ticket prices for domestic the sight of a multi—storey building,one cannot help When I got up in the morning. I found several beams of and foreign tourists. Everyone can now enjoy equal treatment when they visit scenic spots. exclaiming at how the window is (be)so symbolic of the sunlight penetrating through the window into my house. house. Without a window, house could hardly be called as 4.树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是渴睡人 六、 a 我想说一个猴子的故事给大家听。 汤姆孙 《科学大纲》 such. 的眼。Here and there a few rays from street-lamps filtered 上叙说一个科学家研究动物心理, 养着几只猩猩、 猴子做 Who hasn ’ t experienced (not experience)great through the trees,listless as the eyes of one who is dozing. 实验。以一个高的玻璃瓶,拔去木塞(cork),放两粒花生 delight in opening a window?The moment you 5.即便永远不再有人去触动它们,你仍然可以凭想象听 米进去,花生米自然落到瓶底,从玻璃外面可以看见,递 open(open)it , you will be (be)immediately struck by 见它们可能发出的决然不同的鸣响。 给猴子。猴子接过,乱摇许久,偶然摇出花生米来,才得 此科学家又放进花生米如前, 而指教它只须将瓶子 imposing blue mountains , fresh green willows , little Even though they are never touched by anybody, you can 取食。 swallows flying towards you… still imagine the vastly different sounds they can possibly 一倒转, 花生米立刻出来。 但是猴子总是不理会他的指教。 五、将下列句子翻译成英语,注意冠词的用法。 produce. I would like to share with you a story of the monkey. In 春来夏去, 我家男人却忙起了工作和会议。 next year Thompson’s The Outline of Science there is a story about a The 1.在兽类中我最爱虎。Of all animals,I like the tiger best. 6. 2.他抓住小偷的衣领。He grasped the thief by the collar. saw my husband burying himself in work and meetings. scientist who kept several chimpanzees and monkeys in 3.这颜色悦目。This color is pleasant to the eye. 7. 空旷的山野上, 荡起了她甜甜的笑声。 the wilderness, order to study animal psycholigy. He took a glass bottle, In removed its cork and put two peanuts inside the bottle. 4.我们的胜利对世界上被压迫的民族是极大的鼓舞。Our her sweet sounds of laughter rose and fel
l like waves. victory was a great inspiration to the oppressed peoples of 8.热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和 Needless to say, the peanuts dropped to the bottom of the the world. 发 展 贸易 关系 。Customers from various countries and bottle and were easily seen from the outside. He then passed 5.中国人民正在建设社会主义新文化。The Chinese people regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop the bottle to a monkey, who shook it frantically for a long are building up a new socialist culture. business contacts. while and was only able to get the peanuts when they 6.我收到了笔友从澳大利亚寄来的信。I received a letter 二、翻译下列句子,注意重新确定句子的主语。 accidentally fell out. The scientist then put some peanuts into from my pen friend in Australia. 1.天上挂着一轮明月。A bright round moon hangs in the the bottle again as he had done before and showed the 7.学生会将举办晚会来欢迎美国朋友。The Student Union sky. monkey that it only needed to turn the bottle upside down is going to hold a party to welcome our friends from the 2.我们家里住过一些年轻的战士。Some young soldiers for the peanuts to drop out. But the monkey always ignored United States. once stayed in our house. his instructions. 8.书籍到了我的手里,我的习惯是先看序文,次看目录。 3.明年要出版更多的书籍。A great number of new books 第十二章 As soon as a new book comes to hand,I always read the will be published next year. 一、讨论题. preface first and then the table of contents. 4.河上新架了一座桥。A new bridge was built across the 1.我们认为中子不带电。We do not consider that neutrons 第十章 fiver. have charges. 一、翻译下列词语。 5.一想到要出国深造,他就激动不已。The idea that he 2.两个方案都行不通。Neither plan is practicable. 1.长江三峡工程 the Yangtze River Three Gorges Proj ect would go abroad for further study made him greatly excited. 3.我与父亲不相见已二年余了,我最不能忘记的是他的 2.和平演变 peaceful evolution towards capitalism 6.我没想到你会反对。It never occurred to me that you 背影。It is more than two years since I last saw father,and 3.海峡两岸 two/both sides of the Taiwan Straits would object. what I Can never forget is the sigh of his back. 4.百年老店 century—old shop 7. 光以直线传播是众所周知的事情。 is a well-known fact 4.欲速则不达。More haste, less speed. It 5.党群关系 Party—masses relationship that light travels in straight lines. 5.他穷得养不起老婆。He is too poor to keep a wife. 6.背景音乐 background music 8.该地区有丰富的自然资源。There are plenty of natural 6.我抓住他的袖子,再也说不出一句话来。I took hold of 7.黑色收入 illegal/un
der—the—table income resources in that area. his sleeve, unable to utter a word. 8.朝阳工业 sunrise industry 三、翻译下列句子,注意适当增补句子的主语。 7.生活的经验固然会曲人忘记许多事情。但是有些记忆 二、完成下列句子的翻译。 1.人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。It is impossible to judge 经过了多少时间的磨洗也不会消灭。Lots of things are apt 1.We want solid results,not(表面文章) show. people from their appearance, impossible to measure the to fade from memory as one’s life experiences and 2.The Chinese people (炎黄子孙)——on both sides of the ocean by pints. accumulate. some memories will withstand the wear and But Straits will be reunited sooner or later. 2. 不懂就是不懂, 不要装懂。 must not pretend to know tear of time. We 3.Hope Project (希望工程)——is a program to collect when we do not know. 8.不破不立,不塞不流,不止不行,它们之间的斗争是 money from all sectors of society to support education in 3.胎又瘪了。We have got another flat tire. 生死斗争。There is no construction without destruction,no poor areas. 4.好像要下雨了。It looks like rain. flowing without damming,and no motion without rest;the 4 .Beijing Opera , Chinese medicine and traditional 5. 要实现统一, 就要有个适当方式。 There must be a proper two are locked in life-and-death struggle. 二、 用所给词汇翻译下列句子, 将汉语的否定形式译为英 Chinese painting ( 京 剧 、 中 医 和 国 画 ) — — are three way to realize reunification. quintessential forms of Chinese culture. 6.故宫耗时 14 年,整个工程于 1420 年结束。The 语的肯定形式。 5. theme song of this movie was sung by(一位歌坛新秀) construction of the Forbidden City took 14 years, and was 1. The 她的解释不能让人满意。 (far) Her explanation is far from a new star singer. finished in 1420. satisfactory. 6.He is such a green—eyed monster (有红眼病)——that 7.家庭和健康之间存在着密不可分的关系。There exists 2.他不愿离开家乡。(reluctant) He is reluctant to leave his — he is always jealous of other people’s between a family and health an intimate and inseparable hometown. achievement. relationship. 3.第一批炸弹没有击中目标。(miss) The first bombs 7 . The two universities , with the city ’ S Education 8. 他们上周讨论的就是这本小说。 is this novel that they missed the target. It Commission as their(红娘) go—between,have signed an talked about last week. 4.心不在焉可能会产生恶果。(absence) Absence ofⅡund — agreement of academic exchanges. 四、讨论题。 may have bad results.
5.测试表明,这台机器没有毛病。(in order) The test her hand. showed that the machine was in order. 6.市政府采取各
种措施招商。The city government takes 6.我简直无法了解他们所说的话。(hardly) I can hardly many measures to invite investment. understand them. 7. 明天我要去书店买书。 will go to the bookshop to buy a I 7.他们宁死而决不投降。(before) They would die before book tomorrow. surrendering. 8.他走了几步,突然站住了,伸手到衣兜里摸了摸。He 8.他有勇无谋。(more…than) He is more brave than wise. walked several meters,stopped and fumbled in his pocket. 三、将下列句子翻译成英语,注意使用英语被动语态。 五、翻译下列句子,注意兼语式谓语的译法。 1.教室禁止吸烟。Smoking is not permitted in classrooms. 1. 他们让史密斯先生率领远征队。 They had Mr.Smith lead 2.有人给你打电话。You are wanted on the phone. the expedition team. 3.大米主要产在南方。Rice is chiefly grown in the south. 2.我将设法让他去搬行李。I shall leave him to carry the 4.他一生致力于做学问。His entire life was devoted to luggage. learning. 3.我写信要他马上来。I wrote to him to come at once. 5.这事必须马上做。This must be done at once. 4.我讨厌他穿着红衬衫。I dislike him wearing a red shirt. 6.书到后应立即付款。You are supposed to pay fight after 5.我听说汤姆被选为球队的教练。I heard of Tom having the books are delivered. been chosen to be the coach of the team. 7.大家认为这样做是不妥当的。It is generally considered 6.他希望自己的儿子成为像爱迪生或华盛顿那样的人。 unadvised to act that way. He wished his son to be an Edison or a Washington. 8. 在竞争中, 不是你击败他, 就是他击败你。 competition. 7.招商团吸引了许多东南亚客商来中国洽谈项目。The In either you defeat him or are defeated by him. delegation of inviting investment has attracted many 四、讨论题。 businessmen from Southeast Asia to China to hold talks on 1.首先要努力扩大消费需求。在目前情况下,这比增加 different projects. 投资需求更重要。 要继续增加城乡居民特别是低收入者的 8.我们不能强迫人们接受我们的观点。We can’t compel 收入,努力提高人民群众生活水平。First of all, we should people to accept OUl"viewpoint. strive to expand consumption demand.Given the current situation, this is more important than greater investment We demand. should continue to increase the income of urban and rural residents, especially those with low income, and work hard tO raise the living standards of the population. 2.要坐轮船坐飞机,自然也有办法。只要往各方去请托, 找关系,或者干脆买张黑票。先说黑票,且不谈付出超过 定额的钱,力有不及,心有不甘,单单一个“黑”字,就 叫你不愿领教。It stands to reason that I can go by
steamer or aircraft if I care to. can simply go around fishing for help I or personal connections.or just buy a “black” ticket.But I will have to pay more than the regular price for a “black” ticket. which I can ill afford and which I disdain to do.And the very word “black” generates in me a feeling of repulsion. 五、将下列句子翻译成英语,注意选择主语。 1. 无论做什么事, 健康的身体是基本条件。 Whatever you do, you need a sound body first of a11. 2.小心别着凉了。Take care not tO catch cold. 3. 与自然斗争, 其乐无穷。It is a great joy to battle against nature. 描金的(gilded)盘子里还放着当天的报纸。 the gilded On 4. tray lay the morning newspaper. 5.似乎不会再有麻烦事了。There seems to be no more trouble. 6. 不会让你带这么多行李。 won’t be allowed to take so You much luggage with you. 7.只有播种才有收获。One must sow before he can reap. 8.端午节(Dragon Boat Festival)吃粽子。People eat zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. 第十三章 一、翻译下列句子,注意“是”字的译法。 1. 该恐怖组织声称这起爆炸事件是他们干的。 terrorist The group has claimed responsibility for the bombing. 2.这是一本英语学习者的必读书。This is a must book for the English learners. 3.他父亲是这家报纸的编委。His father is an editorial member of this newspaper. 4.我们体育健儿的目标是:冲出亚洲,走向世界。Our athletes’aim is to rush out of Asia toward the world. 5. 迪斯科是一种起源于美国黑人和墨西哥人的民间舞蹈。 Disco is a kind of folk dance originating from American blacks and Mexicans. 6.这个故事好是好,就是长了点。It is a good story all fight,but it’S a bit too long. 7.今天天气是好。It is certainly fine today. 8 她对你只能是感激。She can hardly be other than grateful to you. 二、翻译下列句子,注意“把”字的译法。 1.他把门漆成红色。He painted the door red. 2. 吵闹声把我从沉睡中唤醒了。 noise roused me out of The a sound sleep. 3. 你最好在月底前把工作做完。 You had better finish your work by the end of this month. 4. 这天气把人热得坐不住。 The heat of weather makes one unable to sit still. 5.他把那个小女孩吓得哭了起来。He scared the little girl to tears. 6.他们把我们当作贵宾来款待。They treated US as distinguished guests. 7.把收音机关掉。Turn offthe radio. 8.他所做的一切把我感动得流下了眼泪。I was moved to tears by what he had done. 三、 二十年的实践已证明, 我们进行改革开放的方向是正 确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳妥的,方式是渐进的,取 得的成就是巨大的。The practice in the past twenty years has proved that we are right in direction,firm in convictio
n, steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out reform and opening up and we have made tremendous achievements. 四、翻译下列句子,注意连动式谓语的译法。 1.去给你妈妈打个电话。Go and ring up your mother 2. 她拉过一把椅子坐下。 drew up a chair and sit down. She 3.你起来吃早餐吧。Get up and have your breakfast. 4.暑假里她乘火车到西安去参观。She went to Xi’an for a visit during the summer vacation. 5. 她手里拿着一本书回来了。 came back with a book in She