Accounting (会计学)
Acoustics (音响设计)
Actuarial Sciences (保险统计学)
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (针灸及东方医学)
Addictions/SubstanceAbuse Counseling (药物滥用咨询)
Adult Education (成人教育)
Advanced Practice Nursing (护理学高级实践)
Advertising and Public Relations (广告及公共关系)
Aerospace/AeronauticalEngineering (航天航空工程学)
African/AmericanStudies (非洲/美洲研究)
African Studies (非洲研究)
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (农业经济)
Agricultural Education (农业教育)
Agricultural Engineering (农业工程)
Agricultural Sciences ,General (农业)
Agronomy and Soil Sciences (农艺学及土壤学)
Allied Health ,General (健康学)
Allopathic Medicine (对抗疗法)
American Studies (美洲研究)
Analytical Chemistry (解析化学)
Anatomy (解剖学)
Animal Behavior (动物行为学)
Animal Sciences (动物学)
Anthropology (人类学)
Applied Arts and Design ,General (应用艺术与设计)
Applied Economics (应用经济学)
Applied Mathematics (应用数学)
Applied Physics (应用物理学)
Applied Science and Technology (应用科学与技术)
Aquaculture (水产养殖)
Archaeology (考古学)
Architectural Engineering (建筑工程学)
Architectural History (建筑史)
Architecture (建筑学)
Art/FineArts (艺术/美术)
Art Education (艺术教育)
Art History (艺术史)
Artificial Intelligence/Robotics(人工智能/机器人技术)
Arts Administration (艺术管理)
Art Therapy (艺术心理疗法)
Asian-American Studies (亚洲/美洲研究)
Asian Languages (亚洲语言)
Asian Studies (亚洲研究)
Astronomy (天文学)
Astrophysics (天体物理学)
Athletic Training and Sports Medicine (体育培训及体育医学)
Atmospheric Sciences (大气学)
Automotive Engineering (汽车工程学)
Aviation (航空学)
Aviation Management (航空管理学)B
Bacteriology (细菌学)
Biochemical Engineering (生化工程)
Biochemistry (生物化学)
Bioengineering (生物工程)
Bioethics (生物伦理学)
Bioinformatics (生物信息学)
Biological and Biomedical Sciences ,General (生物及生物医学)
Biomedical Engineering (生物医学工程)
Biometrics (生物统计学)
Biophysics (生物物理学)
Biopsychology (生物心理学)
Biosystems Engineering (生物系统工程)
Biotechnology (生物技术)
Botany and Plant Science (植物学)
Building Sciences (建造学)
Business Administration and Management ,General (工商管理)
Business Education (商业教育)C
Canadian Studies (加拿大研究)
Cancer Biology/Oncology(癌症生物学/肿瘤学)
Cardiovascular Sciences (心血管研究)
Cell Biology (细胞生物学)
Celtic Languages (细胞语言)
Ceramic Sciences and Engineering (陶器)
Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
Chemistry (化学)
Child and Family Studies (儿童及家庭研究)
Chiropractic (脊椎按摩治疗)
City and Regional Planning (城市及地区规划)
Civil Engineering (市政工程)
Classics (古代名著研究)
Clinical Laboratory Sciences (临床实验)
Clinical Psychology (临床心理学)
Clinical Research (临床研究)
Clothing and Textiles (服装及纺织品)
Cognitive Sciences (认知学)
Communication ,general (通讯学)
Communication Disorders (沟通障碍)
Community College Education (社区大学教育)
Community Health (社区健康)
Comparative and Interdisciplinary Arts (比较和跨学科艺术)
Comparative Literature (比较文学)
Computational Sciences (计算机语言学)
Computer Art and Design (计算机艺术及设计)
Compute Education (计算机教育)
Computer Engineering (计算机工程)
Computer Sciences (计算机科学)
Condensed Matter Physics (凝聚态物理)
Conflict Resolution and Mediation/PeaceStudies (纷争解决及斡旋/和平研究)Conservation Biology (生物守恒学)
Construction Engineering and Management (建筑工程及管理)
Consumer Economics (消费经济学)
Corporate and Organizational Communication (公司及组织间通讯)
Counseling Psychology (咨询心理学)
Counselor Education (咨询教育)
Criminal Justice and Criminology (犯罪学)
Cultural Studies (文化研究)
Curriculum and Instruction (课程及介绍,教育管理类)D
Dance (舞蹈)
Decorative Arts (装潢艺术)
Demography and Population Studies (人口统计学)
Dental Hygiene (牙齿卫生)
Developmental Biology (发育生物学)
Developmental Education (发展教育学)
Developmental Psychology (发展心理学)
Disability Studies (伤残研究)
Distance Education Development (远程教育发展)E
Early Childhood Education (早期幼儿教育)
East European and Russian Studies (东欧及俄罗斯文化研究)
Ecology (生态学)
Economics (经济学)
Education ,general (教育学)
Educational Administration (教育管理)
Education Leadership (教育领导)
Educational Measurement and Evaluation (教育衡量及评估)
Educational Media/InstructionalTechnology (教育传媒/指导技术, 教育类相关专业)Educational Psychology (教育心理学)
Education of the Gifted (天才学生教育)
Education of the Multiply Hadicapped (特殊教育)
Electrical Engineering (电子工程)
Electronic Commerce (电子贸易)
Electronic Materials (电子材料)
Elementary Education (基础教育)
Emergency Medical Services (紧急医疗服务)
Energy and Power Engineering (能源工程)
Energy Management and Policy (能源管理及政策)
Engineering and Applied Sciences ,General (工程学及应用科学)
Engineering Design (工程设计)
Engineering Management (工程管理)
Engineering Mechanics (工程力学)
Engineering Physics (工程物理学)
English (英语)
English as a Second Language (英语强化课程)
English Education (英语教育)
Entomology (昆虫学)
Entrepreneurship (企业学)
Environmental and Occupational Health (环境及职业健康)
Environmental Biology (环境生物学)
Environmental Design (环境设计)
Environmental Education (环境教育)
Environmental Engineering (环境工程)
Environmental Policy and Resource Management (环境政策及资源管理)Environmental Sciences (环境科学)
Epidemiology (流行病学)
Ergonomics and Human Factors (人类工程学)
Ethics (伦理学)
Ethnic Studies (种族研究)
Evolutionary Biology (进化生物学)
Exercise and Sports Sciences (体育科学)
Experimental Psychology (实验心理学)F
Facilities Management (设备管理)
Family and Consumer Sciences ,general (家庭与消费)
Film ,Television and Video (电影,电视及录像)
Finance and Banking (金融及银行学)
Financial Engineering (金融工程)
Fire Protection Engineering (火灾防护工程)
Fish ,Game ,and Wildlife Management (渔业,野生生物管理)
Folklore (民俗学)
Food Science and Technology (食物科学及技术)
Foreign Languages Education (外国语言教育)
Forensic Nursing (法医护理)
Forensic Psychology (法医心理学)
Forensic Sciences (法医学)
Forestry (森林学)
Foundation and Philosophy of Education (基础哲学教育)
French (法语)G
Gender Studies (性学研究)
Genetic Counseling (遗传咨询)
Genetics (遗传学)
Genomic Sciences (基因组学)
Geochemistry (地球化学)
Geodetic Sciences (大地测量学)
Geographic Information Systems (地理信息系统)
Geography (地理学)
Geological Engineering (地质工程)
Geology (地质学)
Geophysics (地球物理)
Geosciences (地质科学)
German (德语)
Gerontological Nursing (老年医学护理)
Gerontology (老年医学)
Graphic Design (平面设计)H
Hazardous Materials Management (危险材料管理)
Health Education (健康教育)
Health Informatics (健康信息学)
Health Physics /RadiologicalHealth (健康物理学/放射健康学)
Health Promotion (健康促进学)
Health Psychology (健康心理学)
Health Services Management and Hospital Administration (健康服务及医院管理)Health Services Research (健康服务研究)
Higher Education (高等教育)
Hispanic Studies (西班牙研究)
Historic Preservation (文物保护)
History (历史)
History of Medicine (医学史)
History of Science and Technology (科技史)
HIV/AIDSNursing (艾滋病护理)
Holocaust Studies (屠杀研究)
Home Economics Education (家庭经济教育)
Horticulture (园艺学)
Hospice Nursing (末期病人护理)
Hospitality Management (酒店及娱乐管理)
Human-Computer Interaction (人类与计算机之间的相互作用)
Human Development (人类发展)
Human Genetics (人类遗传学)
Humanities (人文学科)
Human Resources Development (人力资源发展)
Human Resources Management (人力资源管理)
Human Services (公共事业)
Hydraulics (水利学)
Hydrology (水文学)I
Illustration (插图)
Immunology (免疫学)
Industrial /ManagementEngineering (企业管理)
Industrial and Labor Relations (劳资关系)
Industrial and Manufacturing Management (工业制造管理)
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (企业机构心理学)
Industrial Design (企业策划)
Industrial Hygiene (企业卫生)
Infectious Diseases (传染性疾病)
Information Sciences (信息科学)
Information Studies (信息研究)
Inorganic Chemistry (无机化学)
Instructional Technology/EducationalMedia (教育技术/教育传媒)
Insurance (保险)
Interdisciplinary Studies (跨学科研究)
Interior Design (室内装潢设计)
International Affairs (国际关系)
International and Comparative Education (国际比较教育)International Business (国际贸易)
International Development (国际发展)
International Health (国际健康)
Internet and Interactive Multimedia (网络及多媒体互动)Investment Management (投资管理)
Italian (意大利语)J
Jewish Studies (犹太语研究)
Journalism (新闻学)K
Kinesiology and Movement Studies (人体运动学)L
Landscape Architecture (景观建筑)
Latin American Studies (拉美研究)
Law (法律)
Leadership (领导学)
Legal and Justice Studies (法定权利和公正研究)
Leisure Studies (娱乐业研究)
Liberal Studies (自由党研究)
Library Sciences (图书馆研究)
Limnology (湖沼学)
Linguistics (语言学)
Logistics (后勤学)M
Management Information Systems (管理信息系统)Management of Technology (技术管理)
Management Strategy and Policy (管理决策与政策)Manufacturing Engineering (制造工程)
Marine Affairs (海洋事物研究)
Marine Biology (海洋生物学)
Marine Sciences (海洋科学)
Marketing (市场营销)
Marketing Research (市场研究)
Marriage and Family Therapy (婚姻及家庭咨询)
Mass Communication (大众传播)
Materials Engineering (材料工程)
Materials Science (材料学)
Maternal/Child-careNursing (妇婴护理)
Maternal and Child Health (儿童健康)
Mathematical and Computational Finance (数学及计算机金融)Mathematical Physics (数学物理)
Mathematics (数学)
Mathematics Education (数学教育)
Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
Mechanics (力学)
Media Studies (传媒研究)
Medical/SurgicalNursing (医学外科护理)
Medical Informatics (医疗信息学)
Medical Microbiology (医疗微生物学)
Medical Physics (医疗物理学)
Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (医药化学)
Medieval and Renaissance Studies (中世纪文艺复兴研究)Metallurgical Engineering and Metallurgy (冶金工程)Meteorology (气象学)
Microbiology (微生物学)
Middle School Education (中学教育)
Military and Defense Studies (军事及防御研究)
Mineral/MiningEngineering (矿石及采矿工程)
Mineral Economics (采矿经济)
Mineralogy (矿物学)
Missions and Missiology (传教及传教学)
Molecular Biology (分子生物)
Molecular Medicine (分子药学)
Molecular Pathology (分子病理学)
Multilingual and Multicultural Education (多语言多文化教育)Museum Education (博物馆教育)
Museum Studies (博物馆研究)
Music (音乐)
Music Education (音乐教育)N
Native American Studies (美国本土研究)
Natural Resources (自然资源)
Naturopathic Medicine (自然疗法)
Near and Middle Eastern Languages (中东及附近地区语言)Near and Middle Eastern Studies (中东及附近地区研究)Neurobiology (神经生物学)
Neuroscience (神经学)
Nonprofit Management (公共事业管理)
Nuclear Engineering (核能工程)
Nurse Anesthesia (护理麻醉)
Nurse Midwifery (护士助产学)
Nursing ,general (护理)
Nursing Administration (护理管理)
Nursing Education (护理教育)
Nutrition (营养学)O
Occupational Health Nursing (职业健康护理)
Occupational Therapy (职业心理治疗)
Ocean Engineering (海洋工程)
Oceanography (海洋学)
Oncology Nursing (肿瘤护理)
Operations Research (运筹学)
Optical Sciences (眼部科学)
Optometry (眼部光学)
Oral and Dental Sciences (口腔医学)
Organic Chemistry (有机化学)
Organizational Behavior (组织行为学)
Organizational Management (机构管理学)
Osteopathic Medicine (骨科学)P
Paper and Pulp Engineering (造纸)
Parasitology (寄生物学)
Pastoral Ministry and Counseling (牧师资讯学)Pathobiology (病理生物学)
Pathology (病理学)
Pediatric Nursing (儿科护理)
Petroleum Engineering (石油工程)
Pharmaceutical Administration (药物管理)
Pharmaceutical Engineering (医药工程)
Pharmaceutical Sciences (药学)
Pharmacology (药物学)
Pharmacy (药房,药学)
Philanthropic Studies (博爱学)
Philosophy (哲学)
Photography (摄影术)
Photonics (光子学)
Physical Chemistry (物理化学)
Physical Education (物理教育)
Physical Therapy (物理心理治疗)
Physician Assistant Studies (内科助理医师)
Physics (物理)
Physiology (生理学)
Planetary and Space Sciences (行星及空间研究)Plant Biology (植物生物学)
Plant Molecular Biology (植物分子生物学)
Plant Pathology (植物病理学)
Plant Physiology (植物生理学)
Plant Sciences (植物学)
Plasma Physics (等离子物理)
Podiatric Medicine (足科医学)
Political Science (政治学)
Polymer Science and Engineering (聚合物科学工程)Portuguese (葡萄牙语)
Project Management (项目管理)
Psychiatric Nursing (精神病学护理)
Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (心理分析及心理治疗)Psychology ,general (心理学)
Public Health ,general (公共卫生)
Public Health Nursing (公共卫生护理)
Public History (公共历史)
Public Policy and Administration (公共政策及管理)Publishing (出版)Q
Quality Management (质量管理)
Quantitative Analysis (定量分析)R
Radiation Biology (放射生物学)
Reading Education (阅读教育)
Real Estate (房地产)
Recreation and Park Management (娱乐及公园管理)Rehabilitation Counseling (复健咨询)
Rehabilitation Nursing (复健护理)
Rehabilitation Sciences (复健学)
Reliability Engineering (可靠性工程)
Religion (宗教)
Religious Education (宗教教育)
Reproductive Biology (生殖生物学)
Rhetoric (修辞学)
Romance Languages (传奇文学)
Rural Planning and Studies (乡村规划研究)
Rural Sociology (农村社会学)
Russian (俄语)S
Safety Engineering (安全工程)
Scandinavian Languages (斯坎迪那维亚语言)
School Nursing (学校护理)
School Psychology (学校心理学)
Science Education (理科教育)
Secondary Education (高中教育)
Slavic Languages (斯拉夫语)
Social Psychology (社会心理学)
Social Sciences (社会科学)
Social Sciences Education (社会科学教育)
Social Work (社工)
Sociology (社会学)
Software Engineering (软件工程)
Spanish (西班牙语)
Special Education (特殊教育)
Speech and Interpersonal Communication (演讲及人际交流)
Sport Psychology (运动心理学)
Sports Administration (体育管理)
Statistics (统计学)
Structural Biology (结构生物学)
Structural Engineering (结构工程学)
Student Personnel Services (学生个别服务/学生人事服务, 泛指在学校中对学生的各种服务,涵盖辅导、心理、健康、出勤、社会工作等服务)
Surveying Sciences and Engineering (测量工程学)
Survey Methodology (测量方法学)
Sustainable Development (可持续发展)
Systems Engineering (系统工程学)
Systems Sciences (系统科学)T
Taxation (税收学)
Technical Writing (技术性写作)
Technology and Public Policy (技术及公共政策)
Telecommunications (电信)
Telecommunications Management (电信管理)
Textile Design (纺织品设计)
Textile Sciences and Engineering (纺织工程)
Thanatology (死亡学)
Theater (戏剧)
Theology (神学)
Theoretical Chemistry (理论化学)
Theoretical Physics (理论物理)
Theory and Criticism of Film ,Television and Video (电影,电视录像理论及评论)Therapies-Dance ,Drama and Music (心理治疗-舞蹈,戏剧,音乐)
Tourism and Travel (旅游业)
Toxicology (毒理学)
Transcultural Nursing (跨文化护理)
Translation and Interpretation (翻译及口译)
Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology (非个人及人道主义心理学)
Transportation and Highway Engineering (交通运输工程)
Transportation Management (运输管理)U
Urban Design (城市规划)
Urban Education (城市教育)
Urban Studies (城市研究)V
Virology (病毒学)
Vision Sciences (视觉科学)
Vocational and Technical Education (职业及技术教育)W
Water Resources (水利资源)
Water Resources Engineering (水资源工程)
Western European Studies (西欧研究)
Women’sHealth Nursing (女性健康护理)
Women’sStudies (女性研究)
Writing (写作)Z
Zoology (动物学)
Accounting (会计学)
Acoustics (音响设计)
Actuarial Sciences (保险统计学)
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (针灸及东方医学)
Addictions/SubstanceAbuse Counseling (药物滥用咨询)
Adult Education (成人教育)
Advanced Practice Nursing (护理学高级实践)
Advertising and Public Relations (广告及公共关系)
Aerospace/AeronauticalEngineering (航天航空工程学)
African/AmericanStudies (非洲/美洲研究)
African Studies (非洲研究)
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (农业经济)
Agricultural Education (农业教育)
Agricultural Engineering (农业工程)
Agricultural Sciences ,General (农业)
Agronomy and Soil Sciences (农艺学及土壤学)
Allied Health ,General (健康学)
Allopathic Medicine (对抗疗法)
American Studies (美洲研究)
Analytical Chemistry (解析化学)
Anatomy (解剖学)
Animal Behavior (动物行为学)
Animal Sciences (动物学)
Anthropology (人类学)
Applied Arts and Design ,General (应用艺术与设计)
Applied Economics (应用经济学)
Applied Mathematics (应用数学)
Applied Physics (应用物理学)
Applied Science and Technology (应用科学与技术)
Aquaculture (水产养殖)
Archaeology (考古学)
Architectural Engineering (建筑工程学)
Architectural History (建筑史)
Architecture (建筑学)
Art/FineArts (艺术/美术)
Art Education (艺术教育)
Art History (艺术史)
Artificial Intelligence/Robotics(人工智能/机器人技术)
Arts Administration (艺术管理)
Art Therapy (艺术心理疗法)
Asian-American Studies (亚洲/美洲研究)
Asian Languages (亚洲语言)
Asian Studies (亚洲研究)
Astronomy (天文学)
Astrophysics (天体物理学)
Athletic Training and Sports Medicine (体育培训及体育医学)
Atmospheric Sciences (大气学)
Automotive Engineering (汽车工程学)
Aviation (航空学)
Aviation Management (航空管理学)B
Bacteriology (细菌学)
Biochemical Engineering (生化工程)
Biochemistry (生物化学)
Bioengineering (生物工程)
Bioethics (生物伦理学)
Bioinformatics (生物信息学)
Biological and Biomedical Sciences ,General (生物及生物医学)
Biomedical Engineering (生物医学工程)
Biometrics (生物统计学)
Biophysics (生物物理学)
Biopsychology (生物心理学)
Biosystems Engineering (生物系统工程)
Biotechnology (生物技术)
Botany and Plant Science (植物学)
Building Sciences (建造学)
Business Administration and Management ,General (工商管理)
Business Education (商业教育)C
Canadian Studies (加拿大研究)
Cancer Biology/Oncology(癌症生物学/肿瘤学)
Cardiovascular Sciences (心血管研究)
Cell Biology (细胞生物学)
Celtic Languages (细胞语言)
Ceramic Sciences and Engineering (陶器)
Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
Chemistry (化学)
Child and Family Studies (儿童及家庭研究)
Chiropractic (脊椎按摩治疗)
City and Regional Planning (城市及地区规划)
Civil Engineering (市政工程)
Classics (古代名著研究)
Clinical Laboratory Sciences (临床实验)
Clinical Psychology (临床心理学)
Clinical Research (临床研究)
Clothing and Textiles (服装及纺织品)
Cognitive Sciences (认知学)
Communication ,general (通讯学)
Communication Disorders (沟通障碍)
Community College Education (社区大学教育)
Community Health (社区健康)
Comparative and Interdisciplinary Arts (比较和跨学科艺术)
Comparative Literature (比较文学)
Computational Sciences (计算机语言学)
Computer Art and Design (计算机艺术及设计)
Compute Education (计算机教育)
Computer Engineering (计算机工程)
Computer Sciences (计算机科学)
Condensed Matter Physics (凝聚态物理)
Conflict Resolution and Mediation/PeaceStudies (纷争解决及斡旋/和平研究)Conservation Biology (生物守恒学)
Construction Engineering and Management (建筑工程及管理)
Consumer Economics (消费经济学)
Corporate and Organizational Communication (公司及组织间通讯)
Counseling Psychology (咨询心理学)
Counselor Education (咨询教育)
Criminal Justice and Criminology (犯罪学)
Cultural Studies (文化研究)
Curriculum and Instruction (课程及介绍,教育管理类)D
Dance (舞蹈)
Decorative Arts (装潢艺术)
Demography and Population Studies (人口统计学)
Dental Hygiene (牙齿卫生)
Developmental Biology (发育生物学)
Developmental Education (发展教育学)
Developmental Psychology (发展心理学)
Disability Studies (伤残研究)
Distance Education Development (远程教育发展)E
Early Childhood Education (早期幼儿教育)
East European and Russian Studies (东欧及俄罗斯文化研究)
Ecology (生态学)
Economics (经济学)
Education ,general (教育学)
Educational Administration (教育管理)
Education Leadership (教育领导)
Educational Measurement and Evaluation (教育衡量及评估)
Educational Media/InstructionalTechnology (教育传媒/指导技术, 教育类相关专业)Educational Psychology (教育心理学)
Education of the Gifted (天才学生教育)
Education of the Multiply Hadicapped (特殊教育)
Electrical Engineering (电子工程)
Electronic Commerce (电子贸易)
Electronic Materials (电子材料)
Elementary Education (基础教育)
Emergency Medical Services (紧急医疗服务)
Energy and Power Engineering (能源工程)
Energy Management and Policy (能源管理及政策)
Engineering and Applied Sciences ,General (工程学及应用科学)
Engineering Design (工程设计)
Engineering Management (工程管理)
Engineering Mechanics (工程力学)
Engineering Physics (工程物理学)
English (英语)
English as a Second Language (英语强化课程)
English Education (英语教育)
Entomology (昆虫学)
Entrepreneurship (企业学)
Environmental and Occupational Health (环境及职业健康)
Environmental Biology (环境生物学)
Environmental Design (环境设计)
Environmental Education (环境教育)
Environmental Engineering (环境工程)
Environmental Policy and Resource Management (环境政策及资源管理)Environmental Sciences (环境科学)
Epidemiology (流行病学)
Ergonomics and Human Factors (人类工程学)
Ethics (伦理学)
Ethnic Studies (种族研究)
Evolutionary Biology (进化生物学)
Exercise and Sports Sciences (体育科学)
Experimental Psychology (实验心理学)F
Facilities Management (设备管理)
Family and Consumer Sciences ,general (家庭与消费)
Film ,Television and Video (电影,电视及录像)
Finance and Banking (金融及银行学)
Financial Engineering (金融工程)
Fire Protection Engineering (火灾防护工程)
Fish ,Game ,and Wildlife Management (渔业,野生生物管理)
Folklore (民俗学)
Food Science and Technology (食物科学及技术)
Foreign Languages Education (外国语言教育)
Forensic Nursing (法医护理)
Forensic Psychology (法医心理学)
Forensic Sciences (法医学)
Forestry (森林学)
Foundation and Philosophy of Education (基础哲学教育)
French (法语)G
Gender Studies (性学研究)
Genetic Counseling (遗传咨询)
Genetics (遗传学)
Genomic Sciences (基因组学)
Geochemistry (地球化学)
Geodetic Sciences (大地测量学)
Geographic Information Systems (地理信息系统)
Geography (地理学)
Geological Engineering (地质工程)
Geology (地质学)
Geophysics (地球物理)
Geosciences (地质科学)
German (德语)
Gerontological Nursing (老年医学护理)
Gerontology (老年医学)
Graphic Design (平面设计)H
Hazardous Materials Management (危险材料管理)
Health Education (健康教育)
Health Informatics (健康信息学)
Health Physics /RadiologicalHealth (健康物理学/放射健康学)
Health Promotion (健康促进学)
Health Psychology (健康心理学)
Health Services Management and Hospital Administration (健康服务及医院管理)Health Services Research (健康服务研究)
Higher Education (高等教育)
Hispanic Studies (西班牙研究)
Historic Preservation (文物保护)
History (历史)
History of Medicine (医学史)
History of Science and Technology (科技史)
HIV/AIDSNursing (艾滋病护理)
Holocaust Studies (屠杀研究)
Home Economics Education (家庭经济教育)
Horticulture (园艺学)
Hospice Nursing (末期病人护理)
Hospitality Management (酒店及娱乐管理)
Human-Computer Interaction (人类与计算机之间的相互作用)
Human Development (人类发展)
Human Genetics (人类遗传学)
Humanities (人文学科)
Human Resources Development (人力资源发展)
Human Resources Management (人力资源管理)
Human Services (公共事业)
Hydraulics (水利学)
Hydrology (水文学)I
Illustration (插图)
Immunology (免疫学)
Industrial /ManagementEngineering (企业管理)
Industrial and Labor Relations (劳资关系)
Industrial and Manufacturing Management (工业制造管理)
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (企业机构心理学)
Industrial Design (企业策划)
Industrial Hygiene (企业卫生)
Infectious Diseases (传染性疾病)
Information Sciences (信息科学)
Information Studies (信息研究)
Inorganic Chemistry (无机化学)
Instructional Technology/EducationalMedia (教育技术/教育传媒)
Insurance (保险)
Interdisciplinary Studies (跨学科研究)
Interior Design (室内装潢设计)
International Affairs (国际关系)
International and Comparative Education (国际比较教育)International Business (国际贸易)
International Development (国际发展)
International Health (国际健康)
Internet and Interactive Multimedia (网络及多媒体互动)Investment Management (投资管理)
Italian (意大利语)J
Jewish Studies (犹太语研究)
Journalism (新闻学)K
Kinesiology and Movement Studies (人体运动学)L
Landscape Architecture (景观建筑)
Latin American Studies (拉美研究)
Law (法律)
Leadership (领导学)
Legal and Justice Studies (法定权利和公正研究)
Leisure Studies (娱乐业研究)
Liberal Studies (自由党研究)
Library Sciences (图书馆研究)
Limnology (湖沼学)
Linguistics (语言学)
Logistics (后勤学)M
Management Information Systems (管理信息系统)Management of Technology (技术管理)
Management Strategy and Policy (管理决策与政策)Manufacturing Engineering (制造工程)
Marine Affairs (海洋事物研究)
Marine Biology (海洋生物学)
Marine Sciences (海洋科学)
Marketing (市场营销)
Marketing Research (市场研究)
Marriage and Family Therapy (婚姻及家庭咨询)
Mass Communication (大众传播)
Materials Engineering (材料工程)
Materials Science (材料学)
Maternal/Child-careNursing (妇婴护理)
Maternal and Child Health (儿童健康)
Mathematical and Computational Finance (数学及计算机金融)Mathematical Physics (数学物理)
Mathematics (数学)
Mathematics Education (数学教育)
Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
Mechanics (力学)
Media Studies (传媒研究)
Medical/SurgicalNursing (医学外科护理)
Medical Informatics (医疗信息学)
Medical Microbiology (医疗微生物学)
Medical Physics (医疗物理学)
Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (医药化学)
Medieval and Renaissance Studies (中世纪文艺复兴研究)Metallurgical Engineering and Metallurgy (冶金工程)Meteorology (气象学)
Microbiology (微生物学)
Middle School Education (中学教育)
Military and Defense Studies (军事及防御研究)
Mineral/MiningEngineering (矿石及采矿工程)
Mineral Economics (采矿经济)
Mineralogy (矿物学)
Missions and Missiology (传教及传教学)
Molecular Biology (分子生物)
Molecular Medicine (分子药学)
Molecular Pathology (分子病理学)
Multilingual and Multicultural Education (多语言多文化教育)Museum Education (博物馆教育)
Museum Studies (博物馆研究)
Music (音乐)
Music Education (音乐教育)N
Native American Studies (美国本土研究)
Natural Resources (自然资源)
Naturopathic Medicine (自然疗法)
Near and Middle Eastern Languages (中东及附近地区语言)Near and Middle Eastern Studies (中东及附近地区研究)Neurobiology (神经生物学)
Neuroscience (神经学)
Nonprofit Management (公共事业管理)
Nuclear Engineering (核能工程)
Nurse Anesthesia (护理麻醉)
Nurse Midwifery (护士助产学)
Nursing ,general (护理)
Nursing Administration (护理管理)
Nursing Education (护理教育)
Nutrition (营养学)O
Occupational Health Nursing (职业健康护理)
Occupational Therapy (职业心理治疗)
Ocean Engineering (海洋工程)
Oceanography (海洋学)
Oncology Nursing (肿瘤护理)
Operations Research (运筹学)
Optical Sciences (眼部科学)
Optometry (眼部光学)
Oral and Dental Sciences (口腔医学)
Organic Chemistry (有机化学)
Organizational Behavior (组织行为学)
Organizational Management (机构管理学)
Osteopathic Medicine (骨科学)P
Paper and Pulp Engineering (造纸)
Parasitology (寄生物学)
Pastoral Ministry and Counseling (牧师资讯学)Pathobiology (病理生物学)
Pathology (病理学)
Pediatric Nursing (儿科护理)
Petroleum Engineering (石油工程)
Pharmaceutical Administration (药物管理)
Pharmaceutical Engineering (医药工程)
Pharmaceutical Sciences (药学)
Pharmacology (药物学)
Pharmacy (药房,药学)
Philanthropic Studies (博爱学)
Philosophy (哲学)
Photography (摄影术)
Photonics (光子学)
Physical Chemistry (物理化学)
Physical Education (物理教育)
Physical Therapy (物理心理治疗)
Physician Assistant Studies (内科助理医师)
Physics (物理)
Physiology (生理学)
Planetary and Space Sciences (行星及空间研究)Plant Biology (植物生物学)
Plant Molecular Biology (植物分子生物学)
Plant Pathology (植物病理学)
Plant Physiology (植物生理学)
Plant Sciences (植物学)
Plasma Physics (等离子物理)
Podiatric Medicine (足科医学)
Political Science (政治学)
Polymer Science and Engineering (聚合物科学工程)Portuguese (葡萄牙语)
Project Management (项目管理)
Psychiatric Nursing (精神病学护理)
Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (心理分析及心理治疗)Psychology ,general (心理学)
Public Health ,general (公共卫生)
Public Health Nursing (公共卫生护理)
Public History (公共历史)
Public Policy and Administration (公共政策及管理)Publishing (出版)Q
Quality Management (质量管理)
Quantitative Analysis (定量分析)R
Radiation Biology (放射生物学)
Reading Education (阅读教育)
Real Estate (房地产)
Recreation and Park Management (娱乐及公园管理)Rehabilitation Counseling (复健咨询)
Rehabilitation Nursing (复健护理)
Rehabilitation Sciences (复健学)
Reliability Engineering (可靠性工程)
Religion (宗教)
Religious Education (宗教教育)
Reproductive Biology (生殖生物学)
Rhetoric (修辞学)
Romance Languages (传奇文学)
Rural Planning and Studies (乡村规划研究)
Rural Sociology (农村社会学)
Russian (俄语)S
Safety Engineering (安全工程)
Scandinavian Languages (斯坎迪那维亚语言)
School Nursing (学校护理)
School Psychology (学校心理学)
Science Education (理科教育)
Secondary Education (高中教育)
Slavic Languages (斯拉夫语)
Social Psychology (社会心理学)
Social Sciences (社会科学)
Social Sciences Education (社会科学教育)
Social Work (社工)
Sociology (社会学)
Software Engineering (软件工程)
Spanish (西班牙语)
Special Education (特殊教育)
Speech and Interpersonal Communication (演讲及人际交流)
Sport Psychology (运动心理学)
Sports Administration (体育管理)
Statistics (统计学)
Structural Biology (结构生物学)
Structural Engineering (结构工程学)
Student Personnel Services (学生个别服务/学生人事服务, 泛指在学校中对学生的各种服务,涵盖辅导、心理、健康、出勤、社会工作等服务)
Surveying Sciences and Engineering (测量工程学)
Survey Methodology (测量方法学)
Sustainable Development (可持续发展)
Systems Engineering (系统工程学)
Systems Sciences (系统科学)T
Taxation (税收学)
Technical Writing (技术性写作)
Technology and Public Policy (技术及公共政策)
Telecommunications (电信)
Telecommunications Management (电信管理)
Textile Design (纺织品设计)
Textile Sciences and Engineering (纺织工程)
Thanatology (死亡学)
Theater (戏剧)
Theology (神学)
Theoretical Chemistry (理论化学)
Theoretical Physics (理论物理)
Theory and Criticism of Film ,Television and Video (电影,电视录像理论及评论)Therapies-Dance ,Drama and Music (心理治疗-舞蹈,戏剧,音乐)
Tourism and Travel (旅游业)
Toxicology (毒理学)
Transcultural Nursing (跨文化护理)
Translation and Interpretation (翻译及口译)
Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology (非个人及人道主义心理学)
Transportation and Highway Engineering (交通运输工程)
Transportation Management (运输管理)U
Urban Design (城市规划)
Urban Education (城市教育)
Urban Studies (城市研究)V
Virology (病毒学)
Vision Sciences (视觉科学)
Vocational and Technical Education (职业及技术教育)W
Water Resources (水利资源)
Water Resources Engineering (水资源工程)
Western European Studies (西欧研究)
Women’sHealth Nursing (女性健康护理)
Women’sStudies (女性研究)
Writing (写作)Z
Zoology (动物学)