
标题:How Does a United Nations Interpreter Spend a Workday?


推荐者: jerome_vanou

原文作者: Jacqueline Thomas










How Does a United Nations Interpreter Spend a Workday?

By Jacqueline Thomas, eHow Contributor

How Does a United Nations Interpreter Spend a Workday?


A UN Interpreter is one of the most integral members of the United Nations General Assembly. UN Interpreters belong to the Interpretation Service, which is part of the Meetings and Publishing Division. UN Interpreters benefit the United Nations General Assembly because they work as a mediation between languages. The language barrier is removed, due to the fast interpretative services these linguists provide. They indirectly help to facilitate world policy and peacekeeping efforts. Types

There are two types of UN Interpreters. The first type of interpreter reads and translates text from one language to another. This type of interpreter gets paid between 15 and 25 cents per word. The second, and most in demand, type of UN Interpreter is the simultaneous interpreter. This linguist translates speech from one language to another while listening contemporaneously. The listening audience receives a slight delay in hearing and understanding the message in their own language. This type of interpreter can make up to $850 per day. A Typical Day Begins with Preparation

A typical day for a UN Interpreter begins by reading over documents and materials that will be discussed in the General Assembly meetings. It is necessary for the interpreter to familiarize himself with what will be discussed, in order to put context into their translation. There are times when an interpreter is unsure of a phrase or meaning, and it helps to understand the overall direction of the speech. Meetings

The majority of a UN Interpreter's day is spent in meetings. There are typically two 3-hour meetings per day. UN Interpreters work in teams of two, swapping 30-minute shifts over the duration of each meeting. Interpreting simultaneously requires a great deal of mental concentration and agility. One must be able to translate the context of the original speech, not just a word for word translation.

Read more: How Does a United Nations Interpreter Spend a Workday? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4674685_united-nations-interpreter-spend-workday.html#ixzz1FPNLZJck

标题:How Does a United Nations Interpreter Spend a Workday?


推荐者: jerome_vanou

原文作者: Jacqueline Thomas










How Does a United Nations Interpreter Spend a Workday?

By Jacqueline Thomas, eHow Contributor

How Does a United Nations Interpreter Spend a Workday?


A UN Interpreter is one of the most integral members of the United Nations General Assembly. UN Interpreters belong to the Interpretation Service, which is part of the Meetings and Publishing Division. UN Interpreters benefit the United Nations General Assembly because they work as a mediation between languages. The language barrier is removed, due to the fast interpretative services these linguists provide. They indirectly help to facilitate world policy and peacekeeping efforts. Types

There are two types of UN Interpreters. The first type of interpreter reads and translates text from one language to another. This type of interpreter gets paid between 15 and 25 cents per word. The second, and most in demand, type of UN Interpreter is the simultaneous interpreter. This linguist translates speech from one language to another while listening contemporaneously. The listening audience receives a slight delay in hearing and understanding the message in their own language. This type of interpreter can make up to $850 per day. A Typical Day Begins with Preparation

A typical day for a UN Interpreter begins by reading over documents and materials that will be discussed in the General Assembly meetings. It is necessary for the interpreter to familiarize himself with what will be discussed, in order to put context into their translation. There are times when an interpreter is unsure of a phrase or meaning, and it helps to understand the overall direction of the speech. Meetings

The majority of a UN Interpreter's day is spent in meetings. There are typically two 3-hour meetings per day. UN Interpreters work in teams of two, swapping 30-minute shifts over the duration of each meeting. Interpreting simultaneously requires a great deal of mental concentration and agility. One must be able to translate the context of the original speech, not just a word for word translation.

Read more: How Does a United Nations Interpreter Spend a Workday? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4674685_united-nations-interpreter-spend-workday.html#ixzz1FPNLZJck


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