OpenTable 创始人查克•坦普尔顿表示,创业如同在南极洲爬山——成功的攀登者关注的是接下来的20英尺,而不是峰顶。
Undoubtedly, as an entrepreneur, you’re going to get a lot of advice from a multitude of sources —friends, partners, mentors, and investors—about what it takes to run a business. Some of it will be useful and some of it won’t. Knowing who and what to listen to can be tricky not to mention overwhelming. I experienced this confusion firsthand while founding OpenTable, and I see how it affects the entrepreneurs I mentor today. So here’s my best advice for navigating the information tug of war that inevitably happens when you start a business.
It’s a marathon, not a sprint
The goal is to increase your chances of success. Being an entrepreneur is hard. It takes sacrifice. There are no overnight successes (well, maybe one or two), but for most successes out there, the real backstory is much more tumultuous. Success is almost never linear. Sometimes there are ups and downs, rights and lefts, forwards and backwards. OpenTable took 11 years to go public. The goal is to take one or two steps forward every day, with the understanding that there will be setbacks. My favorite analogy is comparing entrepreneurship to mountain climbing in Antarctica. Successful climbers don’t dwell on the peak; they focus on the next 20 feet, and then the next, and then the
next. Building a business takes time. You need to be able to weather the storms and take advantage of serendipity.
There’s no such thing as an expert
Listen to what mentors have to say, but remember that you are the only one building this business at this particular point in time. No example before you is an exact replica of your business. And just because something worked in the past, or didn’t work in the past, doesn’t mean that it will or won’t now. I don’t believe in experts. The idea that anyone (including me) is an expert is silly. There are people that know more than others about a particular topic, but often times the mentors you will encounter have a worldview that fits a particular time and business in history. But once things change, their view, which used to be insightful, will likely be obsolete. To me, many “experts” are a product of a time. With that said, there’s obviously things you can learn from mentors, but their word is not gospel. Don’t be a ping pong ball
Be open to feedback. Learn, but don’t be a ping pong ball. I prefer to work wit h entrepreneurs that have what I consider humble confidence. I like entrepreneurs that are somewhat self-effacing. They take feedback well and realize that while they are smart, they can’t do it alone. (And that some luck plays into everything.) With that said, entrepreneurs must evoke confidence. Again, they take feedback well but don’t bounce around on ideas. They have a point of view and they own. It’s their unique take on the world, and they are building their business around it.
Get out of the building
Always be action-oriented. Building a business isn’t about sitting around a white board and hypothesizing about what customers might want and how to grow your business. It’s about getting “out of the building” and interacting with customers. What do your customers actually want? How should you sell to them? If the problem or pain is big enough, they will buy an imperfect product. So get to a minimum viable product ASAP and find out who will pay and how much they will pay. Get your product into the wild and learn from your customers.
Be maniacally focused
I say this so often that one of Impact Engine’s portfolio companies made me a shirt with this slogan on it. I like startups that are extremely focused on a single revenue model, a single customer segment, a nd a single solution, to start. Once you’re bigger, you can divert resources to more than one initiative, but in the beginning, it should be all about figuring out your revenue model and growth model. How do you make money: revenue model. How do you scale that money: growth model. I’ve seen several startups fail because they are trying to scale multiple sales models to multiple customer types. Don’t worry, be scrappy
Get as many “at bats” as possible. Most entrepreneurial efforts fail. And most of your ideas will also fail. The best way to increase your chances of success is to be alive as long as possible. The best way to do that is to be frugal. Benjamin Franklin talked about being frugal and industrious. So be wise with your money, but not in a way that suffocates growth. The longer you can stretch your runway, the more chances you have at bat. And hopefully one of those chances leads to a hit. My friend and entrepreneur Chris Gladwin says it so well, “to be in business you have to be in business.” Once you have the revenue model and growth model figured out and there is arbitrage in the business, then you can invest aggressively. Businesses have a natural rate of growth that capital can help accelerate, but at some point the marginal capital is wasted and inefficient.
Don’t bend the map
Balance lean startup methodologies with being unreasonable. You have to be unbiased about your business. Do you really see it working? In orienteering, they call it “bending the map.” When you come upon a hill during a hike, you mark it with your compass to find it later. But when you try to find it on the map you get disoriented, and you trick yourself into believing that the hill you see on the map is also the hill you see in front of you. But deep down, you know that it’s not. Entrepreneurs can get caught in that trap as well. They know something isn’t right but they fool themselves into believing things are working. While you shouldn’t give up on your dreams, you need to be incredibly honest with the results you are seeing and adjust accordingly.
OpenTable 时就曾经历过这种困惑。现在我也经常看到我指导的创业者们为这个问题所困扰。以下是我的一些建议,希望能帮助创业者们在难以回避的信息拉锯战中,找准自己的方向。
你的目标在于增加成功的机会。创业之路异常的艰难。创业者必须做出牺牲。不要梦想着一夜成功(或许会有一两个这样的情况),大多数成功者背后的故事,都要比我们想象的更加跌宕起伏。成功不会一蹴而就。有时候,创业者会经历上下起伏,会产生左右摇摆,会有前进也会有后退。OpenTable 用了11年时间才成功上市。你的目标应该是每天前进一两步,并清楚你会遭遇挫折。我最喜欢的一种说法,是将创业比喻成在南极爬山。成功的攀登者不会去想峰顶;他们只关注接下来的20英尺,就这样一步步地向上攀登。创业需要时间。你必须能够经受住暴风骤雨的考验,并抓住偶然间降临的好运气。
我经常说这句话,所以创业加速器Impact Engine 投资的一家公司,还专门为我做了一件印有这句话的T 恤衫。我喜欢在最开始非常专注于一种盈利模式、一个客户群体和一种解决方案的初创公司。随着公司规模的扩大,你可以将资源分配到更多项目,但在最开始,创业者首先应该确定如何赚钱(即盈利模式),以及如何利用赚来的钱扩大规模(即增长模式)。许多初创公司之所以失败,正是因为他们试图根据多种客户类型扩展多个销售模式。 不要担心,保持斗志
Look for the innovators
Think about the Adoption Curve (innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards). Look for the innovators in your space as the first (and possibly) most
valuable customers. If their pain is big enough, they will take a suboptimal product, because for them, the problem is so painful that they need a solution immediately. They will be open and happy (for the short-term) with an MVP. They will also give you the benefit of the doubt as you continue to build out the product and bring on more (early adopters and early majority) customers. If you can’t find any innovators or early adopters that will use your MVP, then you are probably not solving a real problem.
Luck goes both ways
Luck is always involved in entrepreneurship. No matter how hard you work, there will be some (good and bad) luck in it. Yes, luck favors the prepared and it is not all about luck. But when it comes along, recognize it and take advantage of it. And when you have bad luck, don’t feel sorry for yourself. Embrace it and get back out there. There will be se tbacks. The only question is: how will you respond? Will you sulk and think “why me?” or will you bounce back and find a way to persevere? And remember, luck goes both ways. So if something happens in your favor, be thankful and embrace it. And don’t pat your back too hard or you may bruise yourself.
The buck stops with you
This is your company. Mentors and investors are here to help, but ultimately it is your business. If you want or need something, don’t be afraid to ask your supporters for help. But remember, the buck stops with you.
Chuck Templeton is the founder of OpenTable. Templeton is currently the Chairman of Impact Engine, a startup accelerator helping for-profit businesses address societal and environmental problems.
创业从来都离不开运气。不论你工作多么努力,你在创业过程中总是会遇到(好的或坏的)运气。没错,运气会青睐有准备的人,而且运气也非决定成败的唯一因素。但当运气来临的时候,要识别并利用它。如果你的运气不佳,别为自己感到难过。接受它,并迅速从霉运的阴影中走出来。挫折在所难免。唯一的问题在于:你如何应对?你会就此沉沦,自怨自艾地问“为什么倒霉的总是我?”还是会奋起反击,想方设法坚持下去?要记住,运气是双向的。如果你交了好运,要心存感激并欣然接受它。但不要太得意忘形,否则你可能伤到自己。 你责无旁贷
这是你的公司。导师和投资者只是来为你提供帮助,但这终究是你自己的事业。如果你有什么需要,当然可以向你的支持者们寻求帮助。但要记住,这是你的责任,你责无旁贷。 本文作者查克•坦普尔顿为OpenTable 的创始人。坦普尔顿目前还担任初创公司加速器Impact Engine的董事长,该公司的宗旨是帮助经营性公司解决社会和环境问题。
OpenTable 创始人查克•坦普尔顿表示,创业如同在南极洲爬山——成功的攀登者关注的是接下来的20英尺,而不是峰顶。
Undoubtedly, as an entrepreneur, you’re going to get a lot of advice from a multitude of sources —friends, partners, mentors, and investors—about what it takes to run a business. Some of it will be useful and some of it won’t. Knowing who and what to listen to can be tricky not to mention overwhelming. I experienced this confusion firsthand while founding OpenTable, and I see how it affects the entrepreneurs I mentor today. So here’s my best advice for navigating the information tug of war that inevitably happens when you start a business.
It’s a marathon, not a sprint
The goal is to increase your chances of success. Being an entrepreneur is hard. It takes sacrifice. There are no overnight successes (well, maybe one or two), but for most successes out there, the real backstory is much more tumultuous. Success is almost never linear. Sometimes there are ups and downs, rights and lefts, forwards and backwards. OpenTable took 11 years to go public. The goal is to take one or two steps forward every day, with the understanding that there will be setbacks. My favorite analogy is comparing entrepreneurship to mountain climbing in Antarctica. Successful climbers don’t dwell on the peak; they focus on the next 20 feet, and then the next, and then the
next. Building a business takes time. You need to be able to weather the storms and take advantage of serendipity.
There’s no such thing as an expert
Listen to what mentors have to say, but remember that you are the only one building this business at this particular point in time. No example before you is an exact replica of your business. And just because something worked in the past, or didn’t work in the past, doesn’t mean that it will or won’t now. I don’t believe in experts. The idea that anyone (including me) is an expert is silly. There are people that know more than others about a particular topic, but often times the mentors you will encounter have a worldview that fits a particular time and business in history. But once things change, their view, which used to be insightful, will likely be obsolete. To me, many “experts” are a product of a time. With that said, there’s obviously things you can learn from mentors, but their word is not gospel. Don’t be a ping pong ball
Be open to feedback. Learn, but don’t be a ping pong ball. I prefer to work wit h entrepreneurs that have what I consider humble confidence. I like entrepreneurs that are somewhat self-effacing. They take feedback well and realize that while they are smart, they can’t do it alone. (And that some luck plays into everything.) With that said, entrepreneurs must evoke confidence. Again, they take feedback well but don’t bounce around on ideas. They have a point of view and they own. It’s their unique take on the world, and they are building their business around it.
Get out of the building
Always be action-oriented. Building a business isn’t about sitting around a white board and hypothesizing about what customers might want and how to grow your business. It’s about getting “out of the building” and interacting with customers. What do your customers actually want? How should you sell to them? If the problem or pain is big enough, they will buy an imperfect product. So get to a minimum viable product ASAP and find out who will pay and how much they will pay. Get your product into the wild and learn from your customers.
Be maniacally focused
I say this so often that one of Impact Engine’s portfolio companies made me a shirt with this slogan on it. I like startups that are extremely focused on a single revenue model, a single customer segment, a nd a single solution, to start. Once you’re bigger, you can divert resources to more than one initiative, but in the beginning, it should be all about figuring out your revenue model and growth model. How do you make money: revenue model. How do you scale that money: growth model. I’ve seen several startups fail because they are trying to scale multiple sales models to multiple customer types. Don’t worry, be scrappy
Get as many “at bats” as possible. Most entrepreneurial efforts fail. And most of your ideas will also fail. The best way to increase your chances of success is to be alive as long as possible. The best way to do that is to be frugal. Benjamin Franklin talked about being frugal and industrious. So be wise with your money, but not in a way that suffocates growth. The longer you can stretch your runway, the more chances you have at bat. And hopefully one of those chances leads to a hit. My friend and entrepreneur Chris Gladwin says it so well, “to be in business you have to be in business.” Once you have the revenue model and growth model figured out and there is arbitrage in the business, then you can invest aggressively. Businesses have a natural rate of growth that capital can help accelerate, but at some point the marginal capital is wasted and inefficient.
Don’t bend the map
Balance lean startup methodologies with being unreasonable. You have to be unbiased about your business. Do you really see it working? In orienteering, they call it “bending the map.” When you come upon a hill during a hike, you mark it with your compass to find it later. But when you try to find it on the map you get disoriented, and you trick yourself into believing that the hill you see on the map is also the hill you see in front of you. But deep down, you know that it’s not. Entrepreneurs can get caught in that trap as well. They know something isn’t right but they fool themselves into believing things are working. While you shouldn’t give up on your dreams, you need to be incredibly honest with the results you are seeing and adjust accordingly.
OpenTable 时就曾经历过这种困惑。现在我也经常看到我指导的创业者们为这个问题所困扰。以下是我的一些建议,希望能帮助创业者们在难以回避的信息拉锯战中,找准自己的方向。
你的目标在于增加成功的机会。创业之路异常的艰难。创业者必须做出牺牲。不要梦想着一夜成功(或许会有一两个这样的情况),大多数成功者背后的故事,都要比我们想象的更加跌宕起伏。成功不会一蹴而就。有时候,创业者会经历上下起伏,会产生左右摇摆,会有前进也会有后退。OpenTable 用了11年时间才成功上市。你的目标应该是每天前进一两步,并清楚你会遭遇挫折。我最喜欢的一种说法,是将创业比喻成在南极爬山。成功的攀登者不会去想峰顶;他们只关注接下来的20英尺,就这样一步步地向上攀登。创业需要时间。你必须能够经受住暴风骤雨的考验,并抓住偶然间降临的好运气。
我经常说这句话,所以创业加速器Impact Engine 投资的一家公司,还专门为我做了一件印有这句话的T 恤衫。我喜欢在最开始非常专注于一种盈利模式、一个客户群体和一种解决方案的初创公司。随着公司规模的扩大,你可以将资源分配到更多项目,但在最开始,创业者首先应该确定如何赚钱(即盈利模式),以及如何利用赚来的钱扩大规模(即增长模式)。许多初创公司之所以失败,正是因为他们试图根据多种客户类型扩展多个销售模式。 不要担心,保持斗志
Look for the innovators
Think about the Adoption Curve (innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards). Look for the innovators in your space as the first (and possibly) most
valuable customers. If their pain is big enough, they will take a suboptimal product, because for them, the problem is so painful that they need a solution immediately. They will be open and happy (for the short-term) with an MVP. They will also give you the benefit of the doubt as you continue to build out the product and bring on more (early adopters and early majority) customers. If you can’t find any innovators or early adopters that will use your MVP, then you are probably not solving a real problem.
Luck goes both ways
Luck is always involved in entrepreneurship. No matter how hard you work, there will be some (good and bad) luck in it. Yes, luck favors the prepared and it is not all about luck. But when it comes along, recognize it and take advantage of it. And when you have bad luck, don’t feel sorry for yourself. Embrace it and get back out there. There will be se tbacks. The only question is: how will you respond? Will you sulk and think “why me?” or will you bounce back and find a way to persevere? And remember, luck goes both ways. So if something happens in your favor, be thankful and embrace it. And don’t pat your back too hard or you may bruise yourself.
The buck stops with you
This is your company. Mentors and investors are here to help, but ultimately it is your business. If you want or need something, don’t be afraid to ask your supporters for help. But remember, the buck stops with you.
Chuck Templeton is the founder of OpenTable. Templeton is currently the Chairman of Impact Engine, a startup accelerator helping for-profit businesses address societal and environmental problems.
创业从来都离不开运气。不论你工作多么努力,你在创业过程中总是会遇到(好的或坏的)运气。没错,运气会青睐有准备的人,而且运气也非决定成败的唯一因素。但当运气来临的时候,要识别并利用它。如果你的运气不佳,别为自己感到难过。接受它,并迅速从霉运的阴影中走出来。挫折在所难免。唯一的问题在于:你如何应对?你会就此沉沦,自怨自艾地问“为什么倒霉的总是我?”还是会奋起反击,想方设法坚持下去?要记住,运气是双向的。如果你交了好运,要心存感激并欣然接受它。但不要太得意忘形,否则你可能伤到自己。 你责无旁贷
这是你的公司。导师和投资者只是来为你提供帮助,但这终究是你自己的事业。如果你有什么需要,当然可以向你的支持者们寻求帮助。但要记住,这是你的责任,你责无旁贷。 本文作者查克•坦普尔顿为OpenTable 的创始人。坦普尔顿目前还担任初创公司加速器Impact Engine的董事长,该公司的宗旨是帮助经营性公司解决社会和环境问题。