

Chemical thermodynamics 化学热力学

Chemical kinetics 化学动力学

物理化学的分支:quantum chemistry 量子化学;structure chemistry 结构化学;catalysis 催化;electrochemistry 电化学;colloid chemistry 胶体化学。


closed system 封闭体系:a system that does not allow transfer of substance but energy isolated system 孤立体系:a system that does not allow transfer of substance and energy open system 开放体系:a system that allow transfer of substance and energy

Internal energy 内能:

motions 分子运动;interaction 相互作用;bonding of its constituent molecules 分子成键(ionic bond 离子键, covalent bond 共价键, coordinationbond 配位键, hydrogen bond 氢键, metallic bond.金属键)

external energy 外能:

(velocity 速度;location of its center of mass位置)= kinetic 动力+potential energy 势能 Thermal energy (internal energy + heat)

Mechanical energy (external energy + mechanical /electrical work)

Heat: energy transfer as a results of only temperature difference

Work: energy transfer by any mechanism that involves mechanical motion across thesystem boundaries.

Microscopic properties:

molecule kinetic energy 分子动能

(translational energy跃迁能, rotational energy转动能, vibrational energy振动能)

Intermolecular forces 分子间力

(electrostatic forces静电力, induction forces感应能, forces of attraction (or dispersion forces)分散能 and repulsion排斥能, specific (chemical) forces like hydrogen bonds)

Intermolecular potentials 分子势 (Lennard-Jones potential)

Macroscopic properties:

pressure, volume, temperature

extensive variables广度性质 (volume, mass)

intensive variables 强度性质(T, P, molar volume, molar mass)

Thermodynamic Equilibriums热力学平衡:

thermal equilibrium,热平衡

force equilibrium,力平衡

phase equilibrium,相平衡

chemical equilibrium化学平衡

PVT relations

compressibility factor 压缩因子

expansion coefficient 体积膨胀系数

compressibility coefficient 等温压缩系数


The first law of thermodynamics

*Energyis neithercreatednordestroyed,but may change in forms

enthalpy 焓 heat capacity热容

isochoric 等容 isobaric 等压

reversible 可逆, irreversible 不可逆

isothermal 等温, adiabatic绝热(diabatic),

cyclic 循环, free expansion自由膨胀

throttling 节流(isenthalpy等焓, Joule-Thomson coefficient)

The second law of thermodynamics

Clausius statement: It is not possible to construct adevice that operates in a cycle and whose sole effect is to transfer heat from a colder body to a hotter body.

The efficiency of the Carnot heat engine is defined to be:


endothermic 吸热 exothermic 放热

entropy 熵, isentropic process 等熵过程

spontaneous system自发系统, entropy balance熵平衡


Heat of reaction反应热, isothermal、isobaric 、only volumetric work,the reaction’heat change heat of combustion 燃烧热, 25℃,100kPa the heat change of 1 mol pure substance fully combustion

heat of formation生成热 fixed temperature and pressure,the heat change of 1 mol pure substance produced by the most stable element

Gibbs free energy: G=H-TS

Helmholtz free energy: F=U-TS


vapor pressure 蒸汽压the pressure exerted by a vapor in thermodynamic equilibriumwith its condensed phases (solid or liquid) at a given temperature in a closed system.

boiling point 沸点 the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals thepressure surrounding the liquid and the liquid changes into a vapor.

melting point 熔点the temperature at which it changes state from solid to liquid at atmospheric pressure

solidifying point 凝固点the temperature at which it changes state from liquid to soild at atmospheric pressure

Partial molar quantity 偏摩尔量A partial molar property is a thermodynamic quantity which indicates how an extensive property of a solution or mixture varies with changes in

the molarcomposition of the mixture at constant temperature and pressure. Chemical potential化学势, is a form of potential energy that can be absorbed or released during a chemical reaction or phase transition.

activity 活度 activity (symbol a) is a measure of the “effective concentration” of a species in a mixture, in the sense that the species'chemical potential depends on the activity of a real solution in the same way that it would depend on concentration for an ideal solution. fugacity 逸度, the fugacity of a real gas is an effective partial pressure which replaces the mechanical partial pressure in an accurate computation of the chemical equilibrium constant.

activity coefficient活度系数, fugacity coefficient逸度系数

the degree of freedom自由度 f=C-Π+2the number of degrees of freedom is the number of values in the final calculation of a statistic that are free to vary

Phase diagram相图:

single-phase/binary/ternary x-y diagram, p-x-y diagram, t-x-y diagram

fully /partly miscible solution可混溶的溶液,immiscible solution不可混容的溶液

minimum/maximum azeotrope 共沸(正偏差,最低共沸点;负偏差,最高共沸点),

dew point露点the temperature at which airborne water vapor will condense to form liquid dew., bubble point泡点, the temperature (at a given pressure) where the first bubble of vapor is formed when heating a liquid consisting of two or more components.

eutectic point共熔点 the point at which the liquid phase L borders directly on the solid phase α + β (a homogeneous composed of both A and B), representing the minimum melting temperature of any possible alloy of A and B.

multi-component system多组成体系


Chemical equilibrium in a single-phase system:

free energy of formation 组成自由能

equilibrium constant 平衡常数

endothermic reaction 放热反应

exothermic reaction 吸热反应

ionization constant 电离常数

dissociation constant 解离常数

association constant 结合常数


chemical reaction kinetics:

rate of reaction反应速率, order of reaction反应要求

activation energy活化能, activated molecules活化分子 activation 活化

collision 碰撞, active centers活性中心 activation enthalpy活化焓

parallel reaction平行反应:substance reacts or decomposes in more than one way

series reaction 串联反应, two or more reaction in same environment

without new operation

chain reaction链式反应:A chain reaction is a sequence of reactions where a reactive product or by-product causes additional reactions to take place

light-chemical reaction,

reaction mechanism 反应机理

adsorption and catalysis (catalyst)


Surface 表面/interface界面colloid chemistry

surface tension表面张力, interfacial tension界面张力,

surface excess表面超额, surface film,表面膜

surface coverage表面覆盖, adsorption on the surface,表面吸附

surfactant/surface active agent表面活性剂,colloid (particles 5~ 5,000 angstroms)

Electrochemistry, electrochemical engineering and electrolyte solution theory, electroreaction

Types of reactors反应器类型

In terms of the operation modes:

Stirred reactors 搅拌反应器

BSTR (batch stirred tank reactor)间歇搅拌罐式反应器;

CSTR (continuous stirred tank reactor)连续搅拌罐式反应器

Pipe reactors管式反应器

fixed-bed reactor,固定床

fluidized-bed reactor流化床

In terms of the phase states:

Homogenous reaction reactors 均相

Heterogeneous reaction reactors- using catalysts 多相

In terms of the fluid flow modes:

Ideal reactors (ideal flow):

Fully mixed flow reactors全混流反应器

Plug flow reactors-PFRs活塞流反应器

Non-ideal reactors (models are required)

The tank-in-series model 串联罐式模型

The dispersion model分散模型


Chemical thermodynamics 化学热力学

Chemical kinetics 化学动力学

物理化学的分支:quantum chemistry 量子化学;structure chemistry 结构化学;catalysis 催化;electrochemistry 电化学;colloid chemistry 胶体化学。


closed system 封闭体系:a system that does not allow transfer of substance but energy isolated system 孤立体系:a system that does not allow transfer of substance and energy open system 开放体系:a system that allow transfer of substance and energy

Internal energy 内能:

motions 分子运动;interaction 相互作用;bonding of its constituent molecules 分子成键(ionic bond 离子键, covalent bond 共价键, coordinationbond 配位键, hydrogen bond 氢键, metallic bond.金属键)

external energy 外能:

(velocity 速度;location of its center of mass位置)= kinetic 动力+potential energy 势能 Thermal energy (internal energy + heat)

Mechanical energy (external energy + mechanical /electrical work)

Heat: energy transfer as a results of only temperature difference

Work: energy transfer by any mechanism that involves mechanical motion across thesystem boundaries.

Microscopic properties:

molecule kinetic energy 分子动能

(translational energy跃迁能, rotational energy转动能, vibrational energy振动能)

Intermolecular forces 分子间力

(electrostatic forces静电力, induction forces感应能, forces of attraction (or dispersion forces)分散能 and repulsion排斥能, specific (chemical) forces like hydrogen bonds)

Intermolecular potentials 分子势 (Lennard-Jones potential)

Macroscopic properties:

pressure, volume, temperature

extensive variables广度性质 (volume, mass)

intensive variables 强度性质(T, P, molar volume, molar mass)

Thermodynamic Equilibriums热力学平衡:

thermal equilibrium,热平衡

force equilibrium,力平衡

phase equilibrium,相平衡

chemical equilibrium化学平衡

PVT relations

compressibility factor 压缩因子

expansion coefficient 体积膨胀系数

compressibility coefficient 等温压缩系数


The first law of thermodynamics

*Energyis neithercreatednordestroyed,but may change in forms

enthalpy 焓 heat capacity热容

isochoric 等容 isobaric 等压

reversible 可逆, irreversible 不可逆

isothermal 等温, adiabatic绝热(diabatic),

cyclic 循环, free expansion自由膨胀

throttling 节流(isenthalpy等焓, Joule-Thomson coefficient)

The second law of thermodynamics

Clausius statement: It is not possible to construct adevice that operates in a cycle and whose sole effect is to transfer heat from a colder body to a hotter body.

The efficiency of the Carnot heat engine is defined to be:


endothermic 吸热 exothermic 放热

entropy 熵, isentropic process 等熵过程

spontaneous system自发系统, entropy balance熵平衡


Heat of reaction反应热, isothermal、isobaric 、only volumetric work,the reaction’heat change heat of combustion 燃烧热, 25℃,100kPa the heat change of 1 mol pure substance fully combustion

heat of formation生成热 fixed temperature and pressure,the heat change of 1 mol pure substance produced by the most stable element

Gibbs free energy: G=H-TS

Helmholtz free energy: F=U-TS


vapor pressure 蒸汽压the pressure exerted by a vapor in thermodynamic equilibriumwith its condensed phases (solid or liquid) at a given temperature in a closed system.

boiling point 沸点 the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals thepressure surrounding the liquid and the liquid changes into a vapor.

melting point 熔点the temperature at which it changes state from solid to liquid at atmospheric pressure

solidifying point 凝固点the temperature at which it changes state from liquid to soild at atmospheric pressure

Partial molar quantity 偏摩尔量A partial molar property is a thermodynamic quantity which indicates how an extensive property of a solution or mixture varies with changes in

the molarcomposition of the mixture at constant temperature and pressure. Chemical potential化学势, is a form of potential energy that can be absorbed or released during a chemical reaction or phase transition.

activity 活度 activity (symbol a) is a measure of the “effective concentration” of a species in a mixture, in the sense that the species'chemical potential depends on the activity of a real solution in the same way that it would depend on concentration for an ideal solution. fugacity 逸度, the fugacity of a real gas is an effective partial pressure which replaces the mechanical partial pressure in an accurate computation of the chemical equilibrium constant.

activity coefficient活度系数, fugacity coefficient逸度系数

the degree of freedom自由度 f=C-Π+2the number of degrees of freedom is the number of values in the final calculation of a statistic that are free to vary

Phase diagram相图:

single-phase/binary/ternary x-y diagram, p-x-y diagram, t-x-y diagram

fully /partly miscible solution可混溶的溶液,immiscible solution不可混容的溶液

minimum/maximum azeotrope 共沸(正偏差,最低共沸点;负偏差,最高共沸点),

dew point露点the temperature at which airborne water vapor will condense to form liquid dew., bubble point泡点, the temperature (at a given pressure) where the first bubble of vapor is formed when heating a liquid consisting of two or more components.

eutectic point共熔点 the point at which the liquid phase L borders directly on the solid phase α + β (a homogeneous composed of both A and B), representing the minimum melting temperature of any possible alloy of A and B.

multi-component system多组成体系


Chemical equilibrium in a single-phase system:

free energy of formation 组成自由能

equilibrium constant 平衡常数

endothermic reaction 放热反应

exothermic reaction 吸热反应

ionization constant 电离常数

dissociation constant 解离常数

association constant 结合常数


chemical reaction kinetics:

rate of reaction反应速率, order of reaction反应要求

activation energy活化能, activated molecules活化分子 activation 活化

collision 碰撞, active centers活性中心 activation enthalpy活化焓

parallel reaction平行反应:substance reacts or decomposes in more than one way

series reaction 串联反应, two or more reaction in same environment

without new operation

chain reaction链式反应:A chain reaction is a sequence of reactions where a reactive product or by-product causes additional reactions to take place

light-chemical reaction,

reaction mechanism 反应机理

adsorption and catalysis (catalyst)


Surface 表面/interface界面colloid chemistry

surface tension表面张力, interfacial tension界面张力,

surface excess表面超额, surface film,表面膜

surface coverage表面覆盖, adsorption on the surface,表面吸附

surfactant/surface active agent表面活性剂,colloid (particles 5~ 5,000 angstroms)

Electrochemistry, electrochemical engineering and electrolyte solution theory, electroreaction

Types of reactors反应器类型

In terms of the operation modes:

Stirred reactors 搅拌反应器

BSTR (batch stirred tank reactor)间歇搅拌罐式反应器;

CSTR (continuous stirred tank reactor)连续搅拌罐式反应器

Pipe reactors管式反应器

fixed-bed reactor,固定床

fluidized-bed reactor流化床

In terms of the phase states:

Homogenous reaction reactors 均相

Heterogeneous reaction reactors- using catalysts 多相

In terms of the fluid flow modes:

Ideal reactors (ideal flow):

Fully mixed flow reactors全混流反应器

Plug flow reactors-PFRs活塞流反应器

Non-ideal reactors (models are required)

The tank-in-series model 串联罐式模型

The dispersion model分散模型


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