

(第 08单元)


Chapter 8


A 1 c

B 1 c

Language 2 c 2 d 3 c 3 a 4 b 4 b 5 c 5 f 6 b 6 e

Common error

A 2. don't have time to relax

3. is a good chance to save up

4. ambition to become rich

5. failure to score well

6. the best way to win

7. decision to stay at home

8. refusal to join us

B 2. Alex told us how to find the way.

3. Carol explained how far to drive.

4. Gary forgot when to leave Shenzhen.

5. Jan showed us whose address to go to.

6. Guo Fei didn't/couldn't remember who to talk to.

7. Melvin told us what time to arrive.

8. Doctor Kang told me which medicine to take.

9. Cindy didn't tell us which train to catch.

C 3. where to start

4. attempt to answer

5. which books to use

6. what to do

7. how to take care

8. ability to study

9. chance to study

10. suggestion to make

11. how many books to look for

Listening and Speaking

A 1. attempt

2. universe

3. theories

4. distant

5. let

6. by heart

7. perfectly

8. applause

9. platform

10. trouble

B 1 c

2a 3b 1. 1955…company…richest men ... his wife ... 6 billion ... throughout the world 2. 1872…12…for、education…graduated … engineer … early railways 3. the UK ... suffers from ... move around … universe … books

2. He was at a party.

3. Because he would have a very busy day the next day.

4. The scientist asked Einstein for his phone number.

5. He found his phone number in the phone book.


A 1. Because he spent so much time considering scientific puzzles.

2. A man with wild white hair and a white moustache.

3. Because Einstein was wearing his sweater backwards and looked silly.

4. Because the little girl was the first person to be so direct with him. / Because she always told the truth about him.

5. She did her maths homework with the help of Einstein.

B 1F 2T 3 F 4F 5T


A 1c 2b 3a 4e 5d

B (Possible answer)

Walt Disney was a successful cartoon maker. He was born in 1902, in Chicago. He was thin with a moustache. Disney had a gift for drawing that made him famous. Things weren't always easy though. He found it hard to find a job at first. Employers laughed at his drawings.

One night Disney lay on his bed feeling very sad. Suddenly, he heard the squeaking of a mouse. Even the mice were laughing at him! Disney was very angry and stood up. He wanted to punish the mouse. But surprisingly,the mouse stood proudly right in front of him. What an amazing mouse it was! Disney cheered up and happily gave the mouse some food. However,just then the family cat ran in. Disney looked at the mouse. It did not run away. Instead,it started to play with the cat!

When he looked at this confident mouse before him,Disney thought: If a mouse like that can be so brave in front of a big cat, why am I so upset about a little criticism? He picked up his pencil, smiled,and started to draw the mouse. The mouse became the most famous cartoon character in history.

C 1. He was not good at remembering things.

《学生双语报》深圳工作站制作 深圳市志存高远书刊有限公司监 电子版质量问题:[1**********]



(第 08单元)


Chapter 8


A 1 c

B 1 c

Language 2 c 2 d 3 c 3 a 4 b 4 b 5 c 5 f 6 b 6 e

Common error

A 2. don't have time to relax

3. is a good chance to save up

4. ambition to become rich

5. failure to score well

6. the best way to win

7. decision to stay at home

8. refusal to join us

B 2. Alex told us how to find the way.

3. Carol explained how far to drive.

4. Gary forgot when to leave Shenzhen.

5. Jan showed us whose address to go to.

6. Guo Fei didn't/couldn't remember who to talk to.

7. Melvin told us what time to arrive.

8. Doctor Kang told me which medicine to take.

9. Cindy didn't tell us which train to catch.

C 3. where to start

4. attempt to answer

5. which books to use

6. what to do

7. how to take care

8. ability to study

9. chance to study

10. suggestion to make

11. how many books to look for

Listening and Speaking

A 1. attempt

2. universe

3. theories

4. distant

5. let

6. by heart

7. perfectly

8. applause

9. platform

10. trouble

B 1 c

2a 3b 1. 1955…company…richest men ... his wife ... 6 billion ... throughout the world 2. 1872…12…for、education…graduated … engineer … early railways 3. the UK ... suffers from ... move around … universe … books

2. He was at a party.

3. Because he would have a very busy day the next day.

4. The scientist asked Einstein for his phone number.

5. He found his phone number in the phone book.


A 1. Because he spent so much time considering scientific puzzles.

2. A man with wild white hair and a white moustache.

3. Because Einstein was wearing his sweater backwards and looked silly.

4. Because the little girl was the first person to be so direct with him. / Because she always told the truth about him.

5. She did her maths homework with the help of Einstein.

B 1F 2T 3 F 4F 5T


A 1c 2b 3a 4e 5d

B (Possible answer)

Walt Disney was a successful cartoon maker. He was born in 1902, in Chicago. He was thin with a moustache. Disney had a gift for drawing that made him famous. Things weren't always easy though. He found it hard to find a job at first. Employers laughed at his drawings.

One night Disney lay on his bed feeling very sad. Suddenly, he heard the squeaking of a mouse. Even the mice were laughing at him! Disney was very angry and stood up. He wanted to punish the mouse. But surprisingly,the mouse stood proudly right in front of him. What an amazing mouse it was! Disney cheered up and happily gave the mouse some food. However,just then the family cat ran in. Disney looked at the mouse. It did not run away. Instead,it started to play with the cat!

When he looked at this confident mouse before him,Disney thought: If a mouse like that can be so brave in front of a big cat, why am I so upset about a little criticism? He picked up his pencil, smiled,and started to draw the mouse. The mouse became the most famous cartoon character in history.

C 1. He was not good at remembering things.

《学生双语报》深圳工作站制作 深圳市志存高远书刊有限公司监 电子版质量问题:[1**********]



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