
2013-2014学年度第二学期 密三年级英语考试卷(一)

一、写出下列大小写字母的左右邻居(注意大小写要一致).(10分) 1. ___ c ____ 2. ____ F ____ 3. ___ k ___ 4. ____ M____ 5. ___ p ____ 6. ___ V ____ 7. ____ H ____ 8. ___ q ____ 9.____ S ____ 10.___ h ____

__二、找出不同类的一个单词.把它的编号写在题前括号内。(15分) _ ___封 1、 ( ) A. boy B. girl C. man D. sister ____2、 ( ) A. teacher B. pupil C. student D. Canada ___3、 ( ) A. sister B. family C. brother D. mother _号学4、 ( ) A. tail B. tall C. short D. small __5、 ( )A. Canada B. TV C. China D. UK ____线 6、 ( )A. where B. who C. white D. what ____7、 ( )A. he B. grandpa C. she D. it ___8、 ( ) A.orange B.giraffe C.duck D. ant _名姓9、 ( )A. on B. where C. under D. in _10、( )A. doll B. car C. boat D. toy

___内 _三、看图,选择相应的单词,并把其字母编号填在该图片下面的括号里。(7分)

____A. boy B. grandma C. father D. USA E. woman F.Canada G. UK ___ ___ 级班

___( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ___ 四、请从所给的选项中选择最恰当的一项,填在题前的括号中。(21分) ___( )1. Is ___ your father.? ___A. she B. It C. he

___( )2. The monkey has a ____ tail. 校 学答 A. long B. short C. tall

( )3. —Is she your sister? — A. No,he isn’t. B. Yes, she isn’t. C. Yes,she is. ( )4. .Look _____the big elephant.

A.in B.at C.on

( )5. The elephant has a ____ nose . A.short B. long C. small

( )6.—Is the dog on the cap ? —. A.Yes,it isn’t. B.No, it is. C.No,it isn’t.

( ) 7. —How many pens do you have?—. A.I have four B. I can see four. C. Yes, I am.

( )8. —Where are you from? — . A.How are you? B.Very well, thank you. C. I’m from Canada . ( )9. —Who’s that man? —. A.He’s my teacher. B.She’s my mother. C. I am a girl. ( )10 —.How many kites do you see? —_________ A. I see one. B. I have two. C.Fine. ( )11._____ my sister. A. Who’s B. He’s C. She’s ( )12. — —Her name is Chen Jie.

A.What’s your name ? B.What’s she name ? C.What’s her name ? ( )13.I three new teachers A.has B.am C.have ( are a family,one and all. A.They B.He C.She 五、情景交际。(15分)

( )1、你想让吴一凡的眼睛变大,应说:

A.Make your arms short,Wu Yifan. B.Make your eyes big,Wu Yifan. ( )2、妈妈提议:让我们一起去公园吧!我应说: A.Great! B.Bye.

( )3、如果你想知道对方是从哪儿来的,你可以问: _____________ A. Who are you ? B. Where are you from ? C. What’s your name ?( )4、当你想介绍Mike给你母亲认识时,你可以说: ___________ . A. Hello , mom B. Hi , Mike C. Mom , this is Mike . ( )5、班里来了位新同学,大家表示欢迎,应该说:_____. A. Welcome! B. Goodbye. C. How are you ? ( )6、自我介绍说自己来自哪里应该说 : A.I'm sorry. B. I'm from China. C、I’m a student. ( )7、你想叫你的好朋友迈克去动物园,应说:

A.Mike,let’s go to the zoo! B.Mike,let’s go to the school! ( )8、当你告诉别人你有一位新朋友时,你会说: A.I have a new friend.

C.My have a new friend.

( )9、你想知道那个男孩是谁时,可以这样问: A. Who’s that boy? B. Who’s this boy? ( )10.你想介绍小白兔时,应说:

A.It has blue eyes and a short. B.It has red eyes and a short.

六、前后句搭配。(从右边找出相应的答句,把序号写在括号里)(10分) 1.( ) Who’s that woman? A.No, he isn’t. 2.( ) Where are you from? B.He’s my brother. 3.( ) Is she your mother? C. Yes, she is. 4.( ) Who’s that boy? D.I’m from China. 5.( ) Is he your father? E.She’s my mother. 6.( ) Do you like pears? F.I have 8. 7.( ) Is it on your chair? G.I see 9.

8.( ) How many ducks do you see? H.It’s in your toy box. 9.( ) How many crayons do you have? I.Yes, it is. 10.( ) Where is my map? J.No, I don’t.


A. Good morning, MissWhite. B.Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you. D. Where are you from ? E. I ’m from Canada. F. Goodbye, Miss White. 八、补充单词。(7分)

1.This is my (书包).

2. The (猪)is fat. It has four s (腿) .

3. The elephant is so (大的).

4. I’d like some (牛奶).

5. The (橙子) is (在……下面)the desk .


( ) 1. Sarah has big eyes and long hair. ( ) 2. Li Mei is short. She has short hair. ( ) 3. Jack is short. He has big eyes. ( ) 4. Mark has short hair, but he is tall. ( ) 5. Ann is short, but she has long hair. 十、看图,连线。(4分)

China Canada Australia USA

2013-2014学年度第二学期 密三年级英语考试卷(一)

一、写出下列大小写字母的左右邻居(注意大小写要一致).(10分) 1. ___ c ____ 2. ____ F ____ 3. ___ k ___ 4. ____ M____ 5. ___ p ____ 6. ___ V ____ 7. ____ H ____ 8. ___ q ____ 9.____ S ____ 10.___ h ____

__二、找出不同类的一个单词.把它的编号写在题前括号内。(15分) _ ___封 1、 ( ) A. boy B. girl C. man D. sister ____2、 ( ) A. teacher B. pupil C. student D. Canada ___3、 ( ) A. sister B. family C. brother D. mother _号学4、 ( ) A. tail B. tall C. short D. small __5、 ( )A. Canada B. TV C. China D. UK ____线 6、 ( )A. where B. who C. white D. what ____7、 ( )A. he B. grandpa C. she D. it ___8、 ( ) A.orange B.giraffe C.duck D. ant _名姓9、 ( )A. on B. where C. under D. in _10、( )A. doll B. car C. boat D. toy

___内 _三、看图,选择相应的单词,并把其字母编号填在该图片下面的括号里。(7分)

____A. boy B. grandma C. father D. USA E. woman F.Canada G. UK ___ ___ 级班

___( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ___ 四、请从所给的选项中选择最恰当的一项,填在题前的括号中。(21分) ___( )1. Is ___ your father.? ___A. she B. It C. he

___( )2. The monkey has a ____ tail. 校 学答 A. long B. short C. tall

( )3. —Is she your sister? — A. No,he isn’t. B. Yes, she isn’t. C. Yes,she is. ( )4. .Look _____the big elephant.

A.in B.at C.on

( )5. The elephant has a ____ nose . A.short B. long C. small

( )6.—Is the dog on the cap ? —. A.Yes,it isn’t. B.No, it is. C.No,it isn’t.

( ) 7. —How many pens do you have?—. A.I have four B. I can see four. C. Yes, I am.

( )8. —Where are you from? — . A.How are you? B.Very well, thank you. C. I’m from Canada . ( )9. —Who’s that man? —. A.He’s my teacher. B.She’s my mother. C. I am a girl. ( )10 —.How many kites do you see? —_________ A. I see one. B. I have two. C.Fine. ( )11._____ my sister. A. Who’s B. He’s C. She’s ( )12. — —Her name is Chen Jie.

A.What’s your name ? B.What’s she name ? C.What’s her name ? ( )13.I three new teachers A.has B.am C.have ( are a family,one and all. A.They B.He C.She 五、情景交际。(15分)

( )1、你想让吴一凡的眼睛变大,应说:

A.Make your arms short,Wu Yifan. B.Make your eyes big,Wu Yifan. ( )2、妈妈提议:让我们一起去公园吧!我应说: A.Great! B.Bye.

( )3、如果你想知道对方是从哪儿来的,你可以问: _____________ A. Who are you ? B. Where are you from ? C. What’s your name ?( )4、当你想介绍Mike给你母亲认识时,你可以说: ___________ . A. Hello , mom B. Hi , Mike C. Mom , this is Mike . ( )5、班里来了位新同学,大家表示欢迎,应该说:_____. A. Welcome! B. Goodbye. C. How are you ? ( )6、自我介绍说自己来自哪里应该说 : A.I'm sorry. B. I'm from China. C、I’m a student. ( )7、你想叫你的好朋友迈克去动物园,应说:

A.Mike,let’s go to the zoo! B.Mike,let’s go to the school! ( )8、当你告诉别人你有一位新朋友时,你会说: A.I have a new friend.

C.My have a new friend.

( )9、你想知道那个男孩是谁时,可以这样问: A. Who’s that boy? B. Who’s this boy? ( )10.你想介绍小白兔时,应说:

A.It has blue eyes and a short. B.It has red eyes and a short.

六、前后句搭配。(从右边找出相应的答句,把序号写在括号里)(10分) 1.( ) Who’s that woman? A.No, he isn’t. 2.( ) Where are you from? B.He’s my brother. 3.( ) Is she your mother? C. Yes, she is. 4.( ) Who’s that boy? D.I’m from China. 5.( ) Is he your father? E.She’s my mother. 6.( ) Do you like pears? F.I have 8. 7.( ) Is it on your chair? G.I see 9.

8.( ) How many ducks do you see? H.It’s in your toy box. 9.( ) How many crayons do you have? I.Yes, it is. 10.( ) Where is my map? J.No, I don’t.


A. Good morning, MissWhite. B.Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you. D. Where are you from ? E. I ’m from Canada. F. Goodbye, Miss White. 八、补充单词。(7分)

1.This is my (书包).

2. The (猪)is fat. It has four s (腿) .

3. The elephant is so (大的).

4. I’d like some (牛奶).

5. The (橙子) is (在……下面)the desk .


( ) 1. Sarah has big eyes and long hair. ( ) 2. Li Mei is short. She has short hair. ( ) 3. Jack is short. He has big eyes. ( ) 4. Mark has short hair, but he is tall. ( ) 5. Ann is short, but she has long hair. 十、看图,连线。(4分)

China Canada Australia USA


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