
RA 91 001/09.00

RA 91 001/09.00

replaces: 08.97



RA 91 001/09.00

Ordering Code

(Ordering code size 5 see page 8)



Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

2) Threads of fixing screws are metric=available —=not available

=in preparation (on request)

AA2FM 3/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Technical Data


To review the application of AA2FM motors with the selected hydraulicfluid, detailed fluid compatibility and application data can be found indata sheets RA 90220 (petroleum oil), RA 90221 (environmentallyacceptable hydraulic fluids) and RA 90223 (fire resistant fluids, HF).The fixed motor AA2FM is not suitable for operation with HFA. When usingHFB-, HFC-, HFD- or environmentally acceptable hydraulic fluids possiblelimitations for the technical data have to be taken into consideration. Ifnecessary please consult our technical department (please indicate typeof the hydraulic fluid used for your application on the order sheet).Operating viscosity range

In order to obtain optimum efficiency and service life, we recommendthat the operating viscosity (at operating temperature) be selected fromwithin the range

Optimum operating viscosity νopt = 80...170 SUS (16...36 mm2/s)referred to the loop temperature (closed circuit) or reservoir temperature(open circuit).

Viscosity limits

The limiting values for viscosity are as follows:sizes 5...200

νmin =42 SUS (5 mm2/s)

short term at a max. perm. temperature of tmax = 240 °F (115 °C) νmax =7400 SUS (1600 mm2/s)

short term on cold start (tmin = -40 °F/°C)

Notes on the selection of the hydraulic fluid

In order to select the correct fluid, it is necessary to know the operatingtemperature in the loop (closed circuit) or the reservoir temperature(open circuit) in relation to the ambient temperature.

The hydraulic fluid should be selected so that within the operatingtemperature range, the operating viscosity is within the optimum range(νopt ) (see shaded section of the selection diagram). We recommendthat the highest possible viscosity range should be chosen in each case.Example: At an ambient temperature of X° the operating temperature(closed circuit: loop temperature; open circuit: reservoir temperature) is140 °F (60 °C). Within the operating viscosity range (νopt ; shadedarea), this corresponds to viscosity ranges VG 46 or VG 68. VG 68 shouldbe selected.

Important: The leakage oil (case drain oil) temperature is influenced bypressure and motor speed and is always higher than the circuit orreservoir temperature. However, at no point in the circuit may thetemperature exceed 240 °F (115 °C) for sizes 5...200 or 195 °F (90 °C) for sizes 250...1000.

If it is not possible to comply with the above conditions because ofextreme operating parameters or high ambient temperatures pleaseconsult us.


The finer the filtration the better the achieved purity grade of the pressurefluid and the longer the life of the axial piston unit. To ensure thefunctioning of the axial piston unit a minimum purity grade of

9 to NAS 1638

18/15 to ISO/DIS 4406 is necessary.

At very high temperatures of the hydraulic fluid (195 °F to max. 240°F/90°C to max. 115°C, not permissible for sizes 250...1000) at leastcleanless class

8 to NAS 1638

17/14 to ISO/DIS 4406 is necessary.

If above mentioned grades cannot be maintained please consult us.Direction of flowClockwise rotationA to B

Counter-clockwise rotationB to A

sizes 250...1000

νmin =60 SUS (10 mm2/s)

short term at a max. perm. leakage oil temp. of tmax = 195 °F (90°C) νmax =4600 SUS (1000 mm2


short term on cold start (tmin = -13 °F / -25 °C) Please ensure that the max. fluid temperature is also not exceeded incertain areas (for instance bearing area).

At temperatures of -13 °F up to -40 °F (-25°C up to -40°C) specialmeasures may be required for certain installation positions. Pleasecontact us for further information.Selection diagram



v i s c o s i t y ν S U S (m m 2/s )


Speed range

There is no limitation on minimum speed nmin . If uniformity of rotationis required, however, speed nmin should not be allowed to fall below 50rpm. See table on page 6 for max. permissible speeds.Symbols



temperature t in °F (°C)

t (-40°C)




A, BService line portsT Drain port

Mobile Hydraulics4/24AA2FM

RA 91 001/09.00

Technical Data

Operating pressure range

Maximum pressure at port A or B (Pressure data to DIN 24312)

The sum of the pressures at ports A and B may not exceed 10,000 psi / 700 bar (A2F5: 9000 psi / 630 bar)

1) Attention : shaft end with drives of radial force loads at the drive shaft (pinion, V-belt drives) necessitate reduction of the nominal pressure to p= 4600 psiN (315 bar), please contact us.

Case drain pressure

Shaft seal ring FKM (fluor-caoutchouc)

The lower the speed and the case drain pressure the higher the lifeexpectancy of the shaft seal ring. The values shown in the diagram arepermissible loads of the seal ring and shall not be exceeded.

With constant pressure loads in the range of the max. admissible leakagepressure a reduction of the life expectancy of the seal ring will result.For a short period (t

– max. permissible motor speeds are shown in the table on page 6– max. perm. case pressure pabs. max145 psi / 10 bar (sizes 5...200)

87 psi / 6 bar (sizes 250...1000)

– the pressure in the housing must be the same as or greater than theexternal pressure on the shaft seal.

Bearing flushing

For sizes 250…1000 bearing and housing flushing is possible throughport U.

Flows (recommendation)Sizes


1000Permissible case drain pressureSizes 10...200





p e r m . p r e s s u r e p a b s . m a x .


Sizes 10, 12, 16

Sizes 23, 28, 32Sizes 45

Sizes 107, 125Sizes 160, 180

Size 200








Sizes 250...1000

bar 6

speed n (rpm)


p e r m . p r e s s u r e p a b s . m a x 5





Long-Life bearings (L) (sizes 250...1000)(for high life expectancy and use of HF-fluids)

The outer dimensions of the axial piston motors are identical to standarddesign (without long life bearings). The change from standard design tolong life bearing system is possible.

We recommend to apply bearing flushing at port U.




speed n (rpm)

Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Technical Data

Table of values (theoretical values, without considering ηmh and ηv ; values rounded)








Max. speedn rpm 10 000

20001600Max. speedmax rpm


) Intermittent max. speed: overspeed with unloaded or over-running load operations, t

V g • n231 • ηv q V • 231 • ηv V g

V g • ∆

p • ηmh 24 • π

1600q V =gpm

(q (n

(T (T



V g • n1000 • ηv q V • 1000 • ηv V g

V g • ∆p • ηmh 20 • π



Output speedn =rpm =

Output torqueT =lb-ft =

or T =T K • ∆p • ηmh lb-ft

Output powerP

=Mobile Hydraulics

=T K • ∆p • ηmh

2 π • T • nq V • ∆p • ηt HP 33 0001714(


Nm ) Nm )




V g =geometric displacement

per revolution

T =torque

∆p =pressure differentialn =speed

T K =torque constantsηv =volumetric efficiencyηmh =mech.-hyd. efficiencyηt =overall efficiency

q V • ∆p • ηt


in 3 (cm3) lb-ft (Nm)

psi (bar)rpm

lb-ft/psi (Nm/bar)

P =

2 π • T • n60 000)


RA 91 001/09.00

Technical Data

Output drive

Permissible axial and radial loads on drive shaft

The values given are maximum values and do not apply to continuous operation

) value for Q-shaft: Fq max= 2023 lbf (9000N)

2) Axial piston unit stationary or in bypass operation, please contact us when applying higher forces! 3) Please contact us!Code explanationa =distance of Fq from shaft shoulderF q max=max. perm. radial force at distance a

(at intermittent operation)

±F ax max=max. perm. axial force when stationary

or when axial piston unit is running at zero pressure

±F ax perm./bar=perm. axial force/psi (bar) operating pressureOptimal force direction of Fq (valid for sizes 10...180)

By means of appropriate force directions of Fq the bearing load causedby internal rotary group forces can be reduced. An optimal life expectancyof the bearings can be reached.

The direction of the max. perm. axial force must be noted by sizes

28...200:- Fax =increases bearing life+ Fax =reduces bearing life

(avoid if possible)

Minimum inlet pressure at port A (B)

In order to avoid damage of the fixed motor a minimum inlet pressure

at the inlet port must be assured. The minimum inlet pressure is relatedto the rotational speed of the fixed motor.

m i n . i n l e t p r e s s u r e p a b s . m i n







psi [***********]201.0

pressure at port Bpressure at port Apressure at port Bspeed n/nmax Mobile Hydraulics

AA2FM 7/24

RA 91 001/09.00

Ordering Code – Size 5

Additional instructions in text formSeals

The fixed motor A2F5 is equipped with NBR-(nitril-caoutchouc) seals in standard design.In case of need FKM- (fluor-caoutchouc) sealsplease indicate when ordering in clear text:"with FKM-seals"

Unit Dimensions, Size 5 – ISO Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

Detail Y

Shaft ends

B Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885 A4x4x20p N = 3000 psi (210 bar)

C Tapered shaft with threaded end

and spring washer 3x5 (mm)DIN 6888,

p N = 4600 psi (315 bar)


B, (A)Service line portsM 18x1,5

(thread metric)

T Drain portM 10x1, both sides

(thread metric)

Mobile Hydraulics8/24


RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 10, 12, 16 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

4. 0000D I A


A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-6; 9/16 - 18 UNF-2B

Port plate 53

A, BService line ports

SAE-12; 1 1/16 - 12 UN-2B; 0.79 (20) deep

Shaft endsSizes 10, 12, 16

Sizes 12, 16

Sizes 10

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

7/8, 13 Teeth, 16/32 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

AS 8x7x32mm, DIN 6885p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

AS 6x6x32mm, DIN 6885p N

= 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

AA2FM 9/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 23, 28, 32 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

5. 0000A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-8; 3/4 - 16 UNF - 2B

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

Mobile Hydraulics10/24AA2FM

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 23, 28, 32

Shaft ends

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 1/4, 14 Teeth, 12/24 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

AS 8x7x40mm, DIN 6885p N

= 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

AA2FM 11/24

Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 45 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

5. 0000A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2

Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-8; 3/4 - 16 UNF-2B

Shaft ends

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 1/4, 14 Teeth, 12/24 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

AS 8x7x50mm, DIN 6885p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) Mobile Hydraulics12/24


RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 56, 63 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2

Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-8; 3/4 - 16 UNF-2B

Port plates51

SAE-ports, at rear end

52SAE-ports, at side

A, BService line ports

SAE 3/4; 6000 psi (420 bar) high pressure seriesShaft ends

A, BService line ports

SAE 1; 6000 psi (420 bar) high pressure series

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 1/4, 14 Teeth, 12/24 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

T Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976 1

3/8, 21 Teeth, 16/32 Pitch(SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

AS 10x8x50mm, DIN 6885p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

AA2FM 13/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 80, 90 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

5. 0000

A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-10; 7/8 - 14 UNF-2B

Shaft ends

U Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 3/8, 21 Teeth, 16/32 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

Q Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 1/4, 14 Teeth, 12/24 Pitch(SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))

Size 80:p N = 4350 psi (300 bar)Size 90:p N = 4000 psi (280 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

Mobile Hydraulics14/24


RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 107, 125 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

6. 0000

A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-10; 7/8 - 14 UNF-2B

Port plates51

SAE-ports, at rear end

52SAE-ports, at side

A, BService line ports

SAE 1 1/4; 6000 psi (420 bar) high pressure seriesShaft ends

A, BService line ports

SAE 1 1/4; 6000 psi (420 bar) high pressure series

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 3/4, 13 Teeth, 8/16 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

U Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 1/2, 23 Teeth, 16/32 Pitch(SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

AS 14x9x63mm, DIN 6885p N

= 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

AA2FM 15/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 160, 180 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

6. 0000

A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2

Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-1; 7/8 - 14 UNF-2B

Shaft ends

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 3/4, 13 Teeth, 8/16 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

AS 14x9x70mm, DIN 6885p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) Mobile Hydraulics16/24


RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 200 – ISO Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).


A, BService line ports (see port plates)T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged)

M 22x1,5 (thread metric)

Shaft ends

A Splined shaft, DIN 5480

W 50x2x30x24x9gp N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885, AS 14x9x80p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

AA2FM 17/24

Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 250 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

6. 5000D I A Connections

A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged) 7/8-14 UNF-2BU Port for bearing flushing (plugged) 9/16-18 UNF-2B

Shaft ends

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

2, 15 Teeth, 8/16 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

K Parallel shaft with key,

0.5x0.5x3.0 in (12.7x12.7x76.7mm)p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

Mobile Hydraulics18/24


RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 355 – ISO Design

Port plate 01

22°30´13.20 (335)

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).


11. 0236D I A 4. (36170)

13. 20 (335)

0. 71 (18)

6. 69 (170)

. 0) 220(3

Port plate 10

Detail X

M14; 0.87 (22) deep



1.44 (36.6)

1.44 (36.6)


5. 83 (148)


3. 1379

. 4) 9. 65 (245)


12.72 (323)14.59 (370.5)

7. 84 (199)




(60)(60)9.84 (250)

M16; 21 deep(40)


Connections A, BService line portsT U

M A , MB

port plate 01port plate 10

Drain ports ( 1 port plugged)

Port for bearing flushing (plugged)Test ports operating pressure (plugged)SAE 11/2SAE 11/4

M 33x2 (thread metric)M 14x1,5 (thread metric)M 14x1,5 (thread metric)

Shaft ends

Z Splined shaft, DIN 5480

W 60x2x30x28x9gp N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885, AS 18x11x100p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

AA2FM 19/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 500 – ISO Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).



14.76 (375)

5. 70) . 1) (36

14. 76 (375) 7. 56 (192)

12. 4016D I A 0. 86 (22)

Connections A, BService line ports

high pressure series

T Drain ports (1 port plugged)U M A , MB

Port plate 01

SAE 11/2

1.44 (36.6)

Detail X

1.44 (36.6)




(65)(65)10.87 (276)


Shaft ends

Z Splined shaft, DIN 5480

W 70x3x30x22x9gp N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885, AS 20x12x100p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

Mobile Hydraulics20/24

3. 13(7

9. 4) 10. 63 (270)

M16; 0.83 (21) deep

M 33x2

(thread metric)

Port for bearing flushing (plugged)M 18x1,5

(thread metric)

Test ports operating pressure (plugged)M 14x1,5

(thread metric)





RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 710 – ISO Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).



18.31 (465)

18. 31 (465) 9. 29 (236)

15. 7480D I A 0. 87 (22)

9. (50690) . 72170)


Connections A, BService line ports

high pressure series

T Drain port (plugged)

Port plate 01


1.75 (44.5)

Detail X

1.75 (44.5)





(85)(85)13.54 (344)


Shaft ends

Z Splined shaft, DIN 5480

W 90x3x30x28x9gp N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885, AS 25x14x125p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

AA2FM 21/24

3. 81(96. 8) 13. 39 (340) M20; 1.18 (30) deep

M 42x2

(thread metric)

U Port for bearing flushing (plugged)M 18x1,5

(thread metric)

M A , MB Test ports operating pressure (plugged)M 14x1,5

(thread metric)




Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 1000 – ISO Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).


18.43 (468)

18.31 (465)

1.97 (50)1.63 (41,5)0.55 (14)



15. 7480D I A 15. 7445(400h 8 D I A )

18. 31 (465)

0. 87 (22)

9. 50690) . 0) (45

9. 29 (236)

7. 20(183)

5. 63 (143) 10. 98 (279)

7. 20(183)



20.16 (512)

Connections A, BService line ports

high pressure series

T Drain ports (1 port plugged)U

Port for bearing flushing (plugged)

Port plate 01

SAE 2M 42x2

(thread metric)M 18x1,5(thread metric)M 14x1,5(thread metric)

Detail X

M A , MB Test ports operating pressure (plugged)

Shaft ends

Z Splined shaft, DIN 5480

W 90x3x30x28x9gp N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885, AS 25x14x125p N

= 5100 psi (350 bar)

Mobile Hydraulics22/24AA2FM

RA 91 001/09.00

Flushing valves

Built-on flushing and boost pressure relief valve (7)

This valve is built on to the fixed displacement motor. It must then benoted that only a port plate with ports at side is available(port plate 52).

The flushing and boost pressure relief valve has a fixed setting of230 psi / 16 bar (the setting of the primary boost pressure relief valvemust be noted) and is used to safeguard the minimum boost pressure.

A fixed flow of fluid is takenvia an orifice from the low

pressure side of the circuitand fed into the motorhousing. This flow is thenpassed back to tank with thecase drain fluid. Fluid thusremoved from the closedcircuit must be made up bymeans of the boost pump.

View Y

Size Flushing flow (at low pressure ∆p = 365 psi / 25 bar) *45, 56, 630.93 gpm (3.5 L/min)Orifice-No.: 651766/503.12.01.0180, 901.32 gpm (5 L/min)Orifice-No.: 419695/503.12.01.01107, 1252.11 gpm (8 L/min)Orifice-No.: 419696/503.12.01.01160, 1802.64 gpm (10 L/min)Orifice-No.: 419697/503.12.01.012502.64 gpm (10 L/min)* Standard flushing volumes

(for sizes 45…180 flushing volumes of 0.93 - 2.64 gpm / 3.5 - 10 L/mincan be supplied. If a flushing volume different from the standard flushingvolume is required, please indicate the requested orifice in clear textwhen ordering).

Integrated flushing valve (6) (Size 23...90)The valve is integrated into the port plate.

– switching pressure∆p ≥ 115 psi / 8 bar(this value is lower thanthe starting pressure ofan unloaded motor).– closed in center position(∆p

Flushing flow (at low pressure ∆p = 365 psi / 25 bar)0.66 gpm (2.5 L/min)0.82 gpm (3.1 L/min)1.1 gpm (4.1 L/min)

Size A1in

mm A2in

mm 4556, 639.7210.36(247)(263)5.946.26(151)(159)80, 90107, 125160, 18025011.6912.8413.6615.20(297)(326.1)(347)(386)6.837.567.916.06(173.5)(192)(201)(154)

Size 23, 3245, 56, 6380, 90

Speed sensor

Version AA2FM…D ("suitable for fitting speed sensor") includes gearingon the rotary group and in addition the port M or D (thread metricM18x1,5), in which a speed sensor is screwed in.

A speed-proportional signal is produced by means of the rotating, splinedrotary group which can be picked up by a suitable sensor and fed backfor evaluation.Sizes 250...1000

D (Sizes 23...180

NO. length of threadA1A2

Sizes of teathin (mm)in (mm)in (mm)23, 28, 32380.5 (12.7)2.98 (75.8)1.97 (50)45450.44 (11.2)3.11 (78.9)2.15 (54.5)56, 63470.58 (14.7)3.37 (85.6)2.36 (60)80, 90530.58 (14.7)3.88 (98.5)2.63 (65.8)107, 125590.58 (14.7)4.21 (106.9)2.95 (75)160, 180670.58 (14.7)4.84 (122.9)3.27 (83)25078variable 4.88 (124)4.06 (103)35590variable 3.66 (93)5.04 (128)50099variable 4.33 (110)5.51 (140)710...1000126variable 6.30 (160)6.42 (163)The speed sensor is not included with this option.Suitable sensors (order seperately!):

- Induktive impulse detector ID (see RA 95130) (only for sizes 23...180)- Hall effect speed sensor HD (see RA 95134)


23/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Installation and Commissioning Guidelines


At start-up and during operation the motor housing absolutely must befilled with hydraulic fluid (filling of the case chamber). Start-up must beperformed at low speed and without load till the system is completelypurged of air.

If the motor is not operated for a long period of time, the oil may drainfrom the housing, which must be re-filled prior to startup.

The leakage oil in the housing must be returned to the tank via thehighest positioned case drain port.

Installation position

Optional. At size 10 ... 200 with installation position “shaft to the top”use motor with bleeding port R (indicate in clear text when ordering;The port U in the bearing section for bleeding is standard on sizes250 ... 1000).

Installation below tank level

Motors below min. oil level in the tank (standard)

➔ Fill up axial piston motor before start-up via highest positioned casedrain port

➔ Note for the “shaft on top” installation position: the motor case hasto be filled up completely at start-up (bleeding at additional port R(size 10 ... 200) resp. U (size 250 ... 1000). An air pocket in thebearing area can cause damage to the axial piston unit.

➔ Operate motor at low speed (cranking speed) till motor system iscompletely filled➔ Minimum immersion depth of the suction line or drain line in thetank: 7.87 in / 200 mm (relative to the min. oil level in the tank).

Installation on top of tank levelMotor on top of min. oil level in the tank

➔ Same precautions as installation below tank level

➔ Installation position 1 and 2:

If the motor is not operated for a long period, the oil in the housingchamber may fully drain out through the operating lines (air enteringvia the shaft seal). Consequently, on restarting, the bearings will beinsufficiently lubricated. You should therefore refill the axial pistonunit via the highest positioned drain port before restarting (Installa-tion position 2: air bleed via port R or U).➔ Installation position 2 (shaft on top)

In this installation position, the bearings will be insufficientlylubricated even if the housing chamber is only partially drained. Toprevent oil draining via the drain port, insert a check valve in thedrain line (opening pressure 7.25 psi / 0.5 bar).

The specified data is for product description purposes only and may not be deemed to be guaranteed unless expressly confirmed in the contract.

Bosch Rexroth Corporation, Mobile Hydraulics,8 Southchase Court, Fountain Inn, SC 29644-9018Telephone (864) 967-2777, Facsimile (864) 967-8900

All rights reserved – Subject to revision24/24AA2FM

RA 91 001/09.00

RA 91 001/09.00

replaces: 08.97



RA 91 001/09.00

Ordering Code

(Ordering code size 5 see page 8)



Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

2) Threads of fixing screws are metric=available —=not available

=in preparation (on request)

AA2FM 3/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Technical Data


To review the application of AA2FM motors with the selected hydraulicfluid, detailed fluid compatibility and application data can be found indata sheets RA 90220 (petroleum oil), RA 90221 (environmentallyacceptable hydraulic fluids) and RA 90223 (fire resistant fluids, HF).The fixed motor AA2FM is not suitable for operation with HFA. When usingHFB-, HFC-, HFD- or environmentally acceptable hydraulic fluids possiblelimitations for the technical data have to be taken into consideration. Ifnecessary please consult our technical department (please indicate typeof the hydraulic fluid used for your application on the order sheet).Operating viscosity range

In order to obtain optimum efficiency and service life, we recommendthat the operating viscosity (at operating temperature) be selected fromwithin the range

Optimum operating viscosity νopt = 80...170 SUS (16...36 mm2/s)referred to the loop temperature (closed circuit) or reservoir temperature(open circuit).

Viscosity limits

The limiting values for viscosity are as follows:sizes 5...200

νmin =42 SUS (5 mm2/s)

short term at a max. perm. temperature of tmax = 240 °F (115 °C) νmax =7400 SUS (1600 mm2/s)

short term on cold start (tmin = -40 °F/°C)

Notes on the selection of the hydraulic fluid

In order to select the correct fluid, it is necessary to know the operatingtemperature in the loop (closed circuit) or the reservoir temperature(open circuit) in relation to the ambient temperature.

The hydraulic fluid should be selected so that within the operatingtemperature range, the operating viscosity is within the optimum range(νopt ) (see shaded section of the selection diagram). We recommendthat the highest possible viscosity range should be chosen in each case.Example: At an ambient temperature of X° the operating temperature(closed circuit: loop temperature; open circuit: reservoir temperature) is140 °F (60 °C). Within the operating viscosity range (νopt ; shadedarea), this corresponds to viscosity ranges VG 46 or VG 68. VG 68 shouldbe selected.

Important: The leakage oil (case drain oil) temperature is influenced bypressure and motor speed and is always higher than the circuit orreservoir temperature. However, at no point in the circuit may thetemperature exceed 240 °F (115 °C) for sizes 5...200 or 195 °F (90 °C) for sizes 250...1000.

If it is not possible to comply with the above conditions because ofextreme operating parameters or high ambient temperatures pleaseconsult us.


The finer the filtration the better the achieved purity grade of the pressurefluid and the longer the life of the axial piston unit. To ensure thefunctioning of the axial piston unit a minimum purity grade of

9 to NAS 1638

18/15 to ISO/DIS 4406 is necessary.

At very high temperatures of the hydraulic fluid (195 °F to max. 240°F/90°C to max. 115°C, not permissible for sizes 250...1000) at leastcleanless class

8 to NAS 1638

17/14 to ISO/DIS 4406 is necessary.

If above mentioned grades cannot be maintained please consult us.Direction of flowClockwise rotationA to B

Counter-clockwise rotationB to A

sizes 250...1000

νmin =60 SUS (10 mm2/s)

short term at a max. perm. leakage oil temp. of tmax = 195 °F (90°C) νmax =4600 SUS (1000 mm2


short term on cold start (tmin = -13 °F / -25 °C) Please ensure that the max. fluid temperature is also not exceeded incertain areas (for instance bearing area).

At temperatures of -13 °F up to -40 °F (-25°C up to -40°C) specialmeasures may be required for certain installation positions. Pleasecontact us for further information.Selection diagram



v i s c o s i t y ν S U S (m m 2/s )


Speed range

There is no limitation on minimum speed nmin . If uniformity of rotationis required, however, speed nmin should not be allowed to fall below 50rpm. See table on page 6 for max. permissible speeds.Symbols



temperature t in °F (°C)

t (-40°C)




A, BService line portsT Drain port

Mobile Hydraulics4/24AA2FM

RA 91 001/09.00

Technical Data

Operating pressure range

Maximum pressure at port A or B (Pressure data to DIN 24312)

The sum of the pressures at ports A and B may not exceed 10,000 psi / 700 bar (A2F5: 9000 psi / 630 bar)

1) Attention : shaft end with drives of radial force loads at the drive shaft (pinion, V-belt drives) necessitate reduction of the nominal pressure to p= 4600 psiN (315 bar), please contact us.

Case drain pressure

Shaft seal ring FKM (fluor-caoutchouc)

The lower the speed and the case drain pressure the higher the lifeexpectancy of the shaft seal ring. The values shown in the diagram arepermissible loads of the seal ring and shall not be exceeded.

With constant pressure loads in the range of the max. admissible leakagepressure a reduction of the life expectancy of the seal ring will result.For a short period (t

– max. permissible motor speeds are shown in the table on page 6– max. perm. case pressure pabs. max145 psi / 10 bar (sizes 5...200)

87 psi / 6 bar (sizes 250...1000)

– the pressure in the housing must be the same as or greater than theexternal pressure on the shaft seal.

Bearing flushing

For sizes 250…1000 bearing and housing flushing is possible throughport U.

Flows (recommendation)Sizes


1000Permissible case drain pressureSizes 10...200





p e r m . p r e s s u r e p a b s . m a x .


Sizes 10, 12, 16

Sizes 23, 28, 32Sizes 45

Sizes 107, 125Sizes 160, 180

Size 200








Sizes 250...1000

bar 6

speed n (rpm)


p e r m . p r e s s u r e p a b s . m a x 5





Long-Life bearings (L) (sizes 250...1000)(for high life expectancy and use of HF-fluids)

The outer dimensions of the axial piston motors are identical to standarddesign (without long life bearings). The change from standard design tolong life bearing system is possible.

We recommend to apply bearing flushing at port U.




speed n (rpm)

Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Technical Data

Table of values (theoretical values, without considering ηmh and ηv ; values rounded)








Max. speedn rpm 10 000

20001600Max. speedmax rpm


) Intermittent max. speed: overspeed with unloaded or over-running load operations, t

V g • n231 • ηv q V • 231 • ηv V g

V g • ∆

p • ηmh 24 • π

1600q V =gpm

(q (n

(T (T



V g • n1000 • ηv q V • 1000 • ηv V g

V g • ∆p • ηmh 20 • π



Output speedn =rpm =

Output torqueT =lb-ft =

or T =T K • ∆p • ηmh lb-ft

Output powerP

=Mobile Hydraulics

=T K • ∆p • ηmh

2 π • T • nq V • ∆p • ηt HP 33 0001714(


Nm ) Nm )




V g =geometric displacement

per revolution

T =torque

∆p =pressure differentialn =speed

T K =torque constantsηv =volumetric efficiencyηmh =mech.-hyd. efficiencyηt =overall efficiency

q V • ∆p • ηt


in 3 (cm3) lb-ft (Nm)

psi (bar)rpm

lb-ft/psi (Nm/bar)

P =

2 π • T • n60 000)


RA 91 001/09.00

Technical Data

Output drive

Permissible axial and radial loads on drive shaft

The values given are maximum values and do not apply to continuous operation

) value for Q-shaft: Fq max= 2023 lbf (9000N)

2) Axial piston unit stationary or in bypass operation, please contact us when applying higher forces! 3) Please contact us!Code explanationa =distance of Fq from shaft shoulderF q max=max. perm. radial force at distance a

(at intermittent operation)

±F ax max=max. perm. axial force when stationary

or when axial piston unit is running at zero pressure

±F ax perm./bar=perm. axial force/psi (bar) operating pressureOptimal force direction of Fq (valid for sizes 10...180)

By means of appropriate force directions of Fq the bearing load causedby internal rotary group forces can be reduced. An optimal life expectancyof the bearings can be reached.

The direction of the max. perm. axial force must be noted by sizes

28...200:- Fax =increases bearing life+ Fax =reduces bearing life

(avoid if possible)

Minimum inlet pressure at port A (B)

In order to avoid damage of the fixed motor a minimum inlet pressure

at the inlet port must be assured. The minimum inlet pressure is relatedto the rotational speed of the fixed motor.

m i n . i n l e t p r e s s u r e p a b s . m i n







psi [***********]201.0

pressure at port Bpressure at port Apressure at port Bspeed n/nmax Mobile Hydraulics

AA2FM 7/24

RA 91 001/09.00

Ordering Code – Size 5

Additional instructions in text formSeals

The fixed motor A2F5 is equipped with NBR-(nitril-caoutchouc) seals in standard design.In case of need FKM- (fluor-caoutchouc) sealsplease indicate when ordering in clear text:"with FKM-seals"

Unit Dimensions, Size 5 – ISO Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

Detail Y

Shaft ends

B Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885 A4x4x20p N = 3000 psi (210 bar)

C Tapered shaft with threaded end

and spring washer 3x5 (mm)DIN 6888,

p N = 4600 psi (315 bar)


B, (A)Service line portsM 18x1,5

(thread metric)

T Drain portM 10x1, both sides

(thread metric)

Mobile Hydraulics8/24


RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 10, 12, 16 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

4. 0000D I A


A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-6; 9/16 - 18 UNF-2B

Port plate 53

A, BService line ports

SAE-12; 1 1/16 - 12 UN-2B; 0.79 (20) deep

Shaft endsSizes 10, 12, 16

Sizes 12, 16

Sizes 10

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

7/8, 13 Teeth, 16/32 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

AS 8x7x32mm, DIN 6885p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

AS 6x6x32mm, DIN 6885p N

= 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

AA2FM 9/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 23, 28, 32 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

5. 0000A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-8; 3/4 - 16 UNF - 2B

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

Mobile Hydraulics10/24AA2FM

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 23, 28, 32

Shaft ends

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 1/4, 14 Teeth, 12/24 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

AS 8x7x40mm, DIN 6885p N

= 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

AA2FM 11/24

Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 45 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

5. 0000A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2

Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-8; 3/4 - 16 UNF-2B

Shaft ends

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 1/4, 14 Teeth, 12/24 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

AS 8x7x50mm, DIN 6885p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) Mobile Hydraulics12/24


RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 56, 63 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2

Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-8; 3/4 - 16 UNF-2B

Port plates51

SAE-ports, at rear end

52SAE-ports, at side

A, BService line ports

SAE 3/4; 6000 psi (420 bar) high pressure seriesShaft ends

A, BService line ports

SAE 1; 6000 psi (420 bar) high pressure series

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 1/4, 14 Teeth, 12/24 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

T Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976 1

3/8, 21 Teeth, 16/32 Pitch(SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

AS 10x8x50mm, DIN 6885p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

AA2FM 13/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 80, 90 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

5. 0000

A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-10; 7/8 - 14 UNF-2B

Shaft ends

U Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 3/8, 21 Teeth, 16/32 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

Q Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 1/4, 14 Teeth, 12/24 Pitch(SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))

Size 80:p N = 4350 psi (300 bar)Size 90:p N = 4000 psi (280 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

Mobile Hydraulics14/24


RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 107, 125 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

6. 0000

A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-10; 7/8 - 14 UNF-2B

Port plates51

SAE-ports, at rear end

52SAE-ports, at side

A, BService line ports

SAE 1 1/4; 6000 psi (420 bar) high pressure seriesShaft ends

A, BService line ports

SAE 1 1/4; 6000 psi (420 bar) high pressure series

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 3/4, 13 Teeth, 8/16 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

U Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 1/2, 23 Teeth, 16/32 Pitch(SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

AS 14x9x63mm, DIN 6885p N

= 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

AA2FM 15/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Sizes 160, 180 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

6. 0000

A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2

Drain ports (1 port plugged) SAE-1; 7/8 - 14 UNF-2B

Shaft ends

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

1 3/4, 13 Teeth, 8/16 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

AS 14x9x70mm, DIN 6885p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) Mobile Hydraulics16/24


RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 200 – ISO Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).


A, BService line ports (see port plates)T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged)

M 22x1,5 (thread metric)

Shaft ends

A Splined shaft, DIN 5480

W 50x2x30x24x9gp N = 5800 psi (400 bar)

B Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885, AS 14x9x80p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

AA2FM 17/24

Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 250 – SAE Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).

6. 5000D I A Connections

A, BService line ports (see port plates)

T 1, T2Drain ports (1 port plugged) 7/8-14 UNF-2BU Port for bearing flushing (plugged) 9/16-18 UNF-2B

Shaft ends

S Splined shaft ANSI B 92.1a-1976

2, 15 Teeth, 8/16 Pitch1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

K Parallel shaft with key,

0.5x0.5x3.0 in (12.7x12.7x76.7mm)p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root side fit, tolerance class 5

Mobile Hydraulics18/24


RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 355 – ISO Design

Port plate 01

22°30´13.20 (335)

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).


11. 0236D I A 4. (36170)

13. 20 (335)

0. 71 (18)

6. 69 (170)

. 0) 220(3

Port plate 10

Detail X

M14; 0.87 (22) deep



1.44 (36.6)

1.44 (36.6)


5. 83 (148)


3. 1379

. 4) 9. 65 (245)


12.72 (323)14.59 (370.5)

7. 84 (199)




(60)(60)9.84 (250)

M16; 21 deep(40)


Connections A, BService line portsT U

M A , MB

port plate 01port plate 10

Drain ports ( 1 port plugged)

Port for bearing flushing (plugged)Test ports operating pressure (plugged)SAE 11/2SAE 11/4

M 33x2 (thread metric)M 14x1,5 (thread metric)M 14x1,5 (thread metric)

Shaft ends

Z Splined shaft, DIN 5480

W 60x2x30x28x9gp N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885, AS 18x11x100p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

AA2FM 19/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 500 – ISO Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).



14.76 (375)

5. 70) . 1) (36

14. 76 (375) 7. 56 (192)

12. 4016D I A 0. 86 (22)

Connections A, BService line ports

high pressure series

T Drain ports (1 port plugged)U M A , MB

Port plate 01

SAE 11/2

1.44 (36.6)

Detail X

1.44 (36.6)




(65)(65)10.87 (276)


Shaft ends

Z Splined shaft, DIN 5480

W 70x3x30x22x9gp N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885, AS 20x12x100p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

Mobile Hydraulics20/24

3. 13(7

9. 4) 10. 63 (270)

M16; 0.83 (21) deep

M 33x2

(thread metric)

Port for bearing flushing (plugged)M 18x1,5

(thread metric)

Test ports operating pressure (plugged)M 14x1,5

(thread metric)





RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 710 – ISO Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).



18.31 (465)

18. 31 (465) 9. 29 (236)

15. 7480D I A 0. 87 (22)

9. (50690) . 72170)


Connections A, BService line ports

high pressure series

T Drain port (plugged)

Port plate 01


1.75 (44.5)

Detail X

1.75 (44.5)





(85)(85)13.54 (344)


Shaft ends

Z Splined shaft, DIN 5480

W 90x3x30x28x9gp N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885, AS 25x14x125p N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

AA2FM 21/24

3. 81(96. 8) 13. 39 (340) M20; 1.18 (30) deep

M 42x2

(thread metric)

U Port for bearing flushing (plugged)M 18x1,5

(thread metric)

M A , MB Test ports operating pressure (plugged)M 14x1,5

(thread metric)




Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Unit Dimensions, Size 1000 – ISO Design

Before finalizing your design, please request a certified drawing.

Dimensions in inches and millimeters ( ).


18.43 (468)

18.31 (465)

1.97 (50)1.63 (41,5)0.55 (14)



15. 7480D I A 15. 7445(400h 8 D I A )

18. 31 (465)

0. 87 (22)

9. 50690) . 0) (45

9. 29 (236)

7. 20(183)

5. 63 (143) 10. 98 (279)

7. 20(183)



20.16 (512)

Connections A, BService line ports

high pressure series

T Drain ports (1 port plugged)U

Port for bearing flushing (plugged)

Port plate 01

SAE 2M 42x2

(thread metric)M 18x1,5(thread metric)M 14x1,5(thread metric)

Detail X

M A , MB Test ports operating pressure (plugged)

Shaft ends

Z Splined shaft, DIN 5480

W 90x3x30x28x9gp N = 5100 psi (350 bar)

P Parallel shaft with key,

DIN 6885, AS 25x14x125p N

= 5100 psi (350 bar)

Mobile Hydraulics22/24AA2FM

RA 91 001/09.00

Flushing valves

Built-on flushing and boost pressure relief valve (7)

This valve is built on to the fixed displacement motor. It must then benoted that only a port plate with ports at side is available(port plate 52).

The flushing and boost pressure relief valve has a fixed setting of230 psi / 16 bar (the setting of the primary boost pressure relief valvemust be noted) and is used to safeguard the minimum boost pressure.

A fixed flow of fluid is takenvia an orifice from the low

pressure side of the circuitand fed into the motorhousing. This flow is thenpassed back to tank with thecase drain fluid. Fluid thusremoved from the closedcircuit must be made up bymeans of the boost pump.

View Y

Size Flushing flow (at low pressure ∆p = 365 psi / 25 bar) *45, 56, 630.93 gpm (3.5 L/min)Orifice-No.: 651766/503.12.01.0180, 901.32 gpm (5 L/min)Orifice-No.: 419695/503.12.01.01107, 1252.11 gpm (8 L/min)Orifice-No.: 419696/503.12.01.01160, 1802.64 gpm (10 L/min)Orifice-No.: 419697/503.12.01.012502.64 gpm (10 L/min)* Standard flushing volumes

(for sizes 45…180 flushing volumes of 0.93 - 2.64 gpm / 3.5 - 10 L/mincan be supplied. If a flushing volume different from the standard flushingvolume is required, please indicate the requested orifice in clear textwhen ordering).

Integrated flushing valve (6) (Size 23...90)The valve is integrated into the port plate.

– switching pressure∆p ≥ 115 psi / 8 bar(this value is lower thanthe starting pressure ofan unloaded motor).– closed in center position(∆p

Flushing flow (at low pressure ∆p = 365 psi / 25 bar)0.66 gpm (2.5 L/min)0.82 gpm (3.1 L/min)1.1 gpm (4.1 L/min)

Size A1in

mm A2in

mm 4556, 639.7210.36(247)(263)5.946.26(151)(159)80, 90107, 125160, 18025011.6912.8413.6615.20(297)(326.1)(347)(386)6.837.567.916.06(173.5)(192)(201)(154)

Size 23, 3245, 56, 6380, 90

Speed sensor

Version AA2FM…D ("suitable for fitting speed sensor") includes gearingon the rotary group and in addition the port M or D (thread metricM18x1,5), in which a speed sensor is screwed in.

A speed-proportional signal is produced by means of the rotating, splinedrotary group which can be picked up by a suitable sensor and fed backfor evaluation.Sizes 250...1000

D (Sizes 23...180

NO. length of threadA1A2

Sizes of teathin (mm)in (mm)in (mm)23, 28, 32380.5 (12.7)2.98 (75.8)1.97 (50)45450.44 (11.2)3.11 (78.9)2.15 (54.5)56, 63470.58 (14.7)3.37 (85.6)2.36 (60)80, 90530.58 (14.7)3.88 (98.5)2.63 (65.8)107, 125590.58 (14.7)4.21 (106.9)2.95 (75)160, 180670.58 (14.7)4.84 (122.9)3.27 (83)25078variable 4.88 (124)4.06 (103)35590variable 3.66 (93)5.04 (128)50099variable 4.33 (110)5.51 (140)710...1000126variable 6.30 (160)6.42 (163)The speed sensor is not included with this option.Suitable sensors (order seperately!):

- Induktive impulse detector ID (see RA 95130) (only for sizes 23...180)- Hall effect speed sensor HD (see RA 95134)


23/24Mobile Hydraulics

RA 91 001/09.00

Installation and Commissioning Guidelines


At start-up and during operation the motor housing absolutely must befilled with hydraulic fluid (filling of the case chamber). Start-up must beperformed at low speed and without load till the system is completelypurged of air.

If the motor is not operated for a long period of time, the oil may drainfrom the housing, which must be re-filled prior to startup.

The leakage oil in the housing must be returned to the tank via thehighest positioned case drain port.

Installation position

Optional. At size 10 ... 200 with installation position “shaft to the top”use motor with bleeding port R (indicate in clear text when ordering;The port U in the bearing section for bleeding is standard on sizes250 ... 1000).

Installation below tank level

Motors below min. oil level in the tank (standard)

➔ Fill up axial piston motor before start-up via highest positioned casedrain port

➔ Note for the “shaft on top” installation position: the motor case hasto be filled up completely at start-up (bleeding at additional port R(size 10 ... 200) resp. U (size 250 ... 1000). An air pocket in thebearing area can cause damage to the axial piston unit.

➔ Operate motor at low speed (cranking speed) till motor system iscompletely filled➔ Minimum immersion depth of the suction line or drain line in thetank: 7.87 in / 200 mm (relative to the min. oil level in the tank).

Installation on top of tank levelMotor on top of min. oil level in the tank

➔ Same precautions as installation below tank level

➔ Installation position 1 and 2:

If the motor is not operated for a long period, the oil in the housingchamber may fully drain out through the operating lines (air enteringvia the shaft seal). Consequently, on restarting, the bearings will beinsufficiently lubricated. You should therefore refill the axial pistonunit via the highest positioned drain port before restarting (Installa-tion position 2: air bleed via port R or U).➔ Installation position 2 (shaft on top)

In this installation position, the bearings will be insufficientlylubricated even if the housing chamber is only partially drained. Toprevent oil draining via the drain port, insert a check valve in thedrain line (opening pressure 7.25 psi / 0.5 bar).

The specified data is for product description purposes only and may not be deemed to be guaranteed unless expressly confirmed in the contract.

Bosch Rexroth Corporation, Mobile Hydraulics,8 Southchase Court, Fountain Inn, SC 29644-9018Telephone (864) 967-2777, Facsimile (864) 967-8900

All rights reserved – Subject to revision24/24AA2FM


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