


.Writing (40%)

二、Fill the blanks with a suitable word..(根据提示,用适当的单词填空。)(10%)

i. Today is C_____________ Day. ii. I’m h __________ and thirsty . iii. My mother looks a_______ me all year . iv. The birds are flying a_______ the bridge. v. What’s the m ________ with you ? vi. He’s going to s_____ in Shenzhen for a week . vii. Christmas is on D___________ 25 . viii. The boy is l_______ . He never helps at home.. ix. October 1st is our N____________ Day . x. July is the s_______ month of year . 七、.Rewrite the sentences according to the requirements. (按要求改写句子。)(10%) (就画线部分提问) ________________________________________________ 2. Tom is going to write a poem . (改成现在进行时) ________________________________________________ 3. We can have a cup of tea. (改成一般疑问句) ________________________________________________ 4.They are drinking glasses of juice.. (改成单数形式) ________________________________________________ st. (就画线部分提问) ________________________________________________

八. There’s one mistake in each sentence. Find out and correct.



A B C D ___________

( A B C D ___________

( )3. We’A B C D ___________

( A B C D ___________ ( )5. tomorrow, and you? A B C D ___________ 九. Read and tick (根据短文内容,把参加体育项目的人名与之相对应的日期的 方框内打“√”) (10%) Sports Day is coming soon. What are the children going to do? Let me see . Tom is going to thro w a ball on Monday . He is not going to do the high jump on Tuesday . He’s going to skip with Peter on Thursday . Peter is going to run in a race on Thursday , too. Is Sue going to run in a race on Tuesday ? No, she isn’t. She’s going to swim on Tuesday and do the long jump on Wednesday. Mr.Chen is going to give the prize on Thursday .

Writing (40%)


1. Children’s 2. hungry 3. after 4.above 5. matter

6.stay 7.December 8.lazy 9. National 10.seventh

七、 (10%)

1. Where is the bank ?

2. Tom is writing a poem .

3. Can we have a cup of tea ?

4. He/She is drinking a glass of juice .

5. When is National Day ?


1. C fourth 2. B pieces 3. A having

4. D my 5.C draw




.Writing (40%)

二、Fill the blanks with a suitable word..(根据提示,用适当的单词填空。)(10%)

i. Today is C_____________ Day. ii. I’m h __________ and thirsty . iii. My mother looks a_______ me all year . iv. The birds are flying a_______ the bridge. v. What’s the m ________ with you ? vi. He’s going to s_____ in Shenzhen for a week . vii. Christmas is on D___________ 25 . viii. The boy is l_______ . He never helps at home.. ix. October 1st is our N____________ Day . x. July is the s_______ month of year . 七、.Rewrite the sentences according to the requirements. (按要求改写句子。)(10%) (就画线部分提问) ________________________________________________ 2. Tom is going to write a poem . (改成现在进行时) ________________________________________________ 3. We can have a cup of tea. (改成一般疑问句) ________________________________________________ 4.They are drinking glasses of juice.. (改成单数形式) ________________________________________________ st. (就画线部分提问) ________________________________________________

八. There’s one mistake in each sentence. Find out and correct.



A B C D ___________

( A B C D ___________

( )3. We’A B C D ___________

( A B C D ___________ ( )5. tomorrow, and you? A B C D ___________ 九. Read and tick (根据短文内容,把参加体育项目的人名与之相对应的日期的 方框内打“√”) (10%) Sports Day is coming soon. What are the children going to do? Let me see . Tom is going to thro w a ball on Monday . He is not going to do the high jump on Tuesday . He’s going to skip with Peter on Thursday . Peter is going to run in a race on Thursday , too. Is Sue going to run in a race on Tuesday ? No, she isn’t. She’s going to swim on Tuesday and do the long jump on Wednesday. Mr.Chen is going to give the prize on Thursday .

Writing (40%)


1. Children’s 2. hungry 3. after 4.above 5. matter

6.stay 7.December 8.lazy 9. National 10.seventh

七、 (10%)

1. Where is the bank ?

2. Tom is writing a poem .

3. Can we have a cup of tea ?

4. He/She is drinking a glass of juice .

5. When is National Day ?


1. C fourth 2. B pieces 3. A having

4. D my 5.C draw



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