背景知识: World Car Free Day(无车日的由来)
1998年9月22日,法国35个城市的市民自愿在这一天里弃用私家车(private car),这一天,成为法国的“市内无汽车日”,也注定是一个影响深远的日子。
一年后(one year later),1999年9月22日,66个法国城市和92个意大利(Italy)城市参加了第一届“无车日”活动。2000年2月,法国首创的无车日倡议被纳入欧盟(European alliance)的环保政策框架内。短短的几个月时间,欧盟的14个成员国和其他12个欧洲国家决定加入欧洲无车日运动。在2000年的9月22日,参与欧洲无车日的人数就达到7000万,参与城市达到760个。
Modern Transportation
We all know that modern transportation is very important in our lives. Not too long ago, people have to move heavy goods from one town to another. Today, there are many kinds of vehicles including ships, planes, trains, and automobiles(汽车).
But modern transportation also has some problems. With more drivers on the road, there has been an increase in traffic jams and accidents. The exhaust from automobiles causes air pollution.
Like everything else, modern transportation has more than one face. Here in China, scientists are working on developing modern fuel that produces less pollution. However, we can all help reduce air pollution from automobiles by only driving when it is necessary and using public transportation when available.
1. Compared with past time, modern transportation includes ___.
A. planes B. trains C. automobiles D. All of the above
2. From the passage, we see the disadvantage of modern transportation
including all of followings except ___.
A. traffic jams B. air pollution
C. convenience D. accidents
3. Which one of the following statements is right?
A. Modern transportation is not important in our daily life.
B. We have no idea about the air pollution caused by cars.
C. Every coin has two sides, so does the modern transportation.
D. Modern transportation only contains cars.
4. What can we do to reduce air pollution?
5. What’s the author’s attitude on the modern transportation?
1. D
2. C
3. C
4、We can use public transportation when available as possible as we can.
背景知识: World Car Free Day(无车日的由来)
1998年9月22日,法国35个城市的市民自愿在这一天里弃用私家车(private car),这一天,成为法国的“市内无汽车日”,也注定是一个影响深远的日子。
一年后(one year later),1999年9月22日,66个法国城市和92个意大利(Italy)城市参加了第一届“无车日”活动。2000年2月,法国首创的无车日倡议被纳入欧盟(European alliance)的环保政策框架内。短短的几个月时间,欧盟的14个成员国和其他12个欧洲国家决定加入欧洲无车日运动。在2000年的9月22日,参与欧洲无车日的人数就达到7000万,参与城市达到760个。
Modern Transportation
We all know that modern transportation is very important in our lives. Not too long ago, people have to move heavy goods from one town to another. Today, there are many kinds of vehicles including ships, planes, trains, and automobiles(汽车).
But modern transportation also has some problems. With more drivers on the road, there has been an increase in traffic jams and accidents. The exhaust from automobiles causes air pollution.
Like everything else, modern transportation has more than one face. Here in China, scientists are working on developing modern fuel that produces less pollution. However, we can all help reduce air pollution from automobiles by only driving when it is necessary and using public transportation when available.
1. Compared with past time, modern transportation includes ___.
A. planes B. trains C. automobiles D. All of the above
2. From the passage, we see the disadvantage of modern transportation
including all of followings except ___.
A. traffic jams B. air pollution
C. convenience D. accidents
3. Which one of the following statements is right?
A. Modern transportation is not important in our daily life.
B. We have no idea about the air pollution caused by cars.
C. Every coin has two sides, so does the modern transportation.
D. Modern transportation only contains cars.
4. What can we do to reduce air pollution?
5. What’s the author’s attitude on the modern transportation?
1. D
2. C
3. C
4、We can use public transportation when available as possible as we can.