国际贸易实务 名词翻译



1. barter trade(易货贸易) :the direcrt exchange ofgoods or services-without an intervening medium of exchange or momey-eitheraccording to established rates of exchange or by bargaining.it is consideredthe oldest form of trade.

2. direct trade(直接贸易) :goods are transporteddirectly from the production country to the consuming country . In this case,only two parties are involved in the transaction,namely the exporter and theimporter.

3. entrepot trade :refers to the transaction which involves importing goods from overseasfor further processing or assembling and then reexporting the goods abroad. Entrepottrade involves only one party , who is the importer, the processor and at thesame time also the exporter.

4.invisibletrade(无形贸易) :没有实物形态的技术和服务的进出口。例如,机器、设备、家具等都是有实物形态的商品,这些商品的进出口称为有形贸易。专利使用权的转让、旅游、金融保险企业跨国提供服务等都是没有实物形态的商品,其进出口称为无形贸易。

5.transittrade(过境贸易): if goods are transportedfrom the producing country to the consuming country via a third country’sborder. It can be further divided into direct transit trade and indirecttransit trade.

6.actualdelivery (实际交货):refers to a deliverysituation in which when the seller delivers the buyer does physically receivethe goods.

7. appropriation (划拨,分拨):is another critical stage in the process of delivery. It refers to the act of clearly identifyingthe goods as the goods assigned for a particular contract.

8. arrivalcontract (到货合同):means a contract using anincoterm which indicates that the delivery happens when the goods arrive at thedestination.

9. shipmentcontract (装运合同):is a contract using anincoterm which indicates that the delivery happens at the time or before thetime of shipment.

10. shipmentnotice (装船通知):The party arrangesshipment shall provide his counterpart with sufficient notice related to thetransportation. Inability to provide sufficient and prompt shipment notice tothe counterpart

may lead to the failure of transfer or advancedtransfer of risk.

11. symbolicdelivery(象征性交货) :is a delivery situation in which when the seller delivers the buyer doesnot physically receive the goods. This kind of delivery is proved by thesubmission of transport document by the seller to the buyer.

12. QC(quality control ) : 1)Seller’s expense to cover checkingoperations: quality control during the production, measuring, weighing andcounting a the time of delivery .2)Buyer’s necessity to inspect the goods beforetaking delivery, hence he must pay pre-shipment inspection.3)Seller pay anycosts of inspections mandated by the local authorities which is normally partof customs clearance .

13. commission(佣金) :指中间商因向卖方(或买方)介绍生意或代卖代买货物而


14.counter -offer (还盘):a reply to an offer which contains additions, limitations orother modeifications.

15. discount (折扣,贴现):指卖方按照原价给予买方一定百分比的减让。

17.ECFFE (exportcost for foreign exchange ratio)(出口换汇成本):指每出口换回一个单位的外汇(通常为美元)需花费多少本币数额的成本。是外贸企业核算其出口经济效益的重要指标之一。

18. qualitytolerance(品质公差) :refers to the qualitydeviation recognized,which allows the quality of the goods delivered to have certaindifference within a range.

19. sale bysample(凭样品买卖): A sale is made by samplewhen the seller and buyer agree that samples are used as reference of qualityand condition of goods to be delivered. Used when it is difficult to describequality of the commodity by words.

20. quantitylatitude (数量机动幅度):是指卖方可按买卖双方约定某一具体数量多交或少交若干的幅度。因为有些商品受货源变化,商品特性(比如某些农产品、矿产品),尤其是运输工具的限制,合同中若规定一个固定的交货数量,将给卖方履行合同带来困难。因此,为了顺利履行合同,在长期的贸易实践中形成了规定数量机动幅度条款的做法,对于那些数量难以严格限定的商品,在规定的机动幅度内可以有数量的增加和减少,对此均不构成违约。

21.sale byspecifications(凭规格买卖):the specifications of acommodity comprise some important indicators . defining quality byspecification is simple and accurate, therefore is widely used in internationaltrade

22. sale bystandard (凭标准买卖):是指买卖双方在交易中以商品的标准表示商品品质。商品的标准是指将商品的规格和等级予以标准化,商品的标准,有的由国家或有关政府主管部门规定,也有由同业公会,交易所或国际性的工商组织规定,有些商品习惯于标准买卖,人们往往使用某种标准作为说明和评定商品品质的依据。

23.more or lessclause (溢短装条款): For the sake ofefficient shipment and less complexity in contract execusion it is common toallow the seller to deliver the goods with a certain percentage of more or lessib quantity accordingly. Concerns three issues:1)how much more or less shouldbe allowed 2)which party is entitled to make the decision 3)how should the moreor less portion of the goods be priced.

24. neutralpacking (中性包装): No marking of origin orname of the manufacturer should appear on the product, on the shipping packingor sale packaging.

25.FAQ(fairaverage quality) (良好平均品质):the abbreviation of “fairaverage quality”. It is a kind of standard used to indicate that the quality ofthe product offered is about equal to the average quality level of the same crop within a certain period of time

26. OEM (originalequipment manufacturer):it refers to a kind of international trade practicethat Sellers use the brand name or trademark designated by buyers on theirmanufactured goods.

27.containerization(集装箱化) :Containerization is a method of distributing merchandise in a unitizedform adopting an inter-modal system which provides a possible combination ofsea, road and other modes of transportation.

28. lay day(装卸天数):在程租船合同中,船东允许租船人完成装卸任务所规定


29. voyagecharter (程租船):指由船东提供船舶,在指定港口之间进行一个或数个航次,承运指定货物的运输。

30. ante-datedB/L(倒签提单):指那种签发日期早于实际装船日期的提单。

31.CFS(containerfreight station) (集装箱货运站):指承运人专门用于堆放集装箱并在那里装卸,转运货物的场地。一般适用于拼箱货的运输。




34.F.I.O.(freein and out)船方不管卸装:装卸费用由承租方负担

35F.I.O.S.T.(free in and out ,stowed &trimmed)(船方不管装卸,理舱和平舱)装卸费用及理舱和平舱费用全部由承租方负担。

36.MTO (multimodaltransportation operator)(多式联运经营人):是指本人或者委托他人以本人名义与托运人订立多式联运合同的人。他是事主,而不是托运人的代理人或者代表人,也不是参加多式联运的各承运人的代理人或者代表人。多式联运合同的运营人既可以为单纯的缔约承运人,亦可以为缔约。

37. franchise(免赔率): 指不赔金额与损失金额的比率。免赔率分为相对免赔率与绝对免赔率两种。现行的车辆保险采用的是绝对免赔率,其做法是:保险公司对超出免赔率部分的损失进行赔偿,赔偿金额不包含免赔金额。可见,免赔率以下的部分损失,保险公司是不负责赔偿的。

38. open policy (预约保单):是保险公司承保被保险人在一定时期内发运的,以CIF 价格条件成交的出口货物或以FOB CFR 价格条件进口货物的保险单。预约保险单载明保险货物的范围、承保险别、保险费率、每批运输货物的最高保险金额以及保险费的计算办法。

39. CIC(chinainsurance clauses)(中国保险条款):中国保险条款中有关海运货物保险的险别,包括海洋运输货物保险条款,海洋运输货物战争险条款以及其他专门条款。

40. FPA(freefrom particular average)(平安险):其英文原意是指单独海损不负责赔偿。根据国际保险界对单独海损的解释,它指保险标的物在海上运输途中遭受保险范围内的风险直接造成的船舶或货物的灭失或损害。因此,平安险的原来保障范围只赔全部损失。但在长期实践的过程中对平安险的责任范围进行了补充和修订,当前平安险的责任范围已经超出只赔全损的限制。

41. GA(generalcontribution)(共同海损分摊) : The party suffering G.A. is entitled to a ratablecontribution from the other parties interested. Two kinds of general averageloss:- Sacrifice of part of the vessel or cargo - Expenses incurred .Loss &expenses shall be shared among carrier, cargo owners in proportion to theirrespective interested value benefited from the G.A.

42.ICC(institutecargo clauses)(协会货物保险条款)

43. IOP(irrespectiveof percentage)(不计免赔率):只要标的损失属于承保范围,保险人一律按保险货物的实际损失给予赔偿,不扣免赔率。即货物损失多少就陪多少,不考虑免赔率的问题。

44. W AP(withparticular average) 水渍险):原意为自然灾害造成大的单独海损给予赔偿。承保范围:平安险的全部责任和被保险货物在运输途中由于恶劣气候,


45.W/W Clause(Warhouse to warehouse clause) (仓至仓条款):refers to the duration of insurance throughout which the insurancecompany undertakes an insurance liability . According to it, the insurancecompany undertakes an insurance liability over the insured cargo from thewarehouse or place of storage of the shipper named in the policy until thecargo has arrived at the warehouse or place of storage of the receive named inthe policy, limited to 60 days after completion of discharge of the insured goodsfrom the seagoing vessel at the finall port of discharge before they reach the abovementioned warehouse or place of storage.

46.endorsement(背书):The act of the transferor in transferring a draft to thetransferee by making a signature on the back of the draft.

47. presentation(示票):The act of the payee orthe bearer presenting the draft to the payer for acceptance and payment.Tworesults: being honored or dishonored.

48. M/T(mailtransfer)信汇:汇出行应汇款人的申请,将信汇委托书邮寄给汇入行,授权其解付一定金额给收款人的汇款方式。


50.UCP600(uniformcustoms and practice for documentary credits 600)跟单信用证统一惯例600:是国际银行界、律师界、学术界自觉遵守的“法律”,是全世界公认的、到目前为止最为成功的一套非官方规定。适用于所有的其文本中明确表明受本惯例约束的跟单信用证(下称信用证)(在其可适用的范围内,包括备用信用证。)除非信用证明确修改或排除,本惯例各条文对信用证所有当事人均具有约束力。

51. arbitrationtribunal(总裁法庭) :two types of arbitrationtribunal:sole-arbitrator tribunal composed of one arbitratior and collegiatetribunal with three tribunal. An arbitration is the impartial third partychosen by a higher or neutral body,or by the two parties in dispute to dealwith a claim.

52penaltyclause (罚金条款):under penalty clause theparty who has failed to carry out the contract such as nondelivery ,delayeddelivery ,delayed opening of l/c,ect.must pay another party a fine, a certainpercentage of total contract value.

53. statutoryinspection (法定检验):是指为了保护人类的健康和安全,保护动物和植物的生命和健康,保护环境,防止欺诈行为。维护国家安全,由国家行政执法机构依照国家法律和行政法规的程序,对与国计民生关系重大的,必须实施检验的进出口商品和有关的检验事项实施强制性检验。



1. barter trade(易货贸易) :the direcrt exchange ofgoods or services-without an intervening medium of exchange or momey-eitheraccording to established rates of exchange or by bargaining.it is consideredthe oldest form of trade.

2. direct trade(直接贸易) :goods are transporteddirectly from the production country to the consuming country . In this case,only two parties are involved in the transaction,namely the exporter and theimporter.

3. entrepot trade :refers to the transaction which involves importing goods from overseasfor further processing or assembling and then reexporting the goods abroad. Entrepottrade involves only one party , who is the importer, the processor and at thesame time also the exporter.

4.invisibletrade(无形贸易) :没有实物形态的技术和服务的进出口。例如,机器、设备、家具等都是有实物形态的商品,这些商品的进出口称为有形贸易。专利使用权的转让、旅游、金融保险企业跨国提供服务等都是没有实物形态的商品,其进出口称为无形贸易。

5.transittrade(过境贸易): if goods are transportedfrom the producing country to the consuming country via a third country’sborder. It can be further divided into direct transit trade and indirecttransit trade.

6.actualdelivery (实际交货):refers to a deliverysituation in which when the seller delivers the buyer does physically receivethe goods.

7. appropriation (划拨,分拨):is another critical stage in the process of delivery. It refers to the act of clearly identifyingthe goods as the goods assigned for a particular contract.

8. arrivalcontract (到货合同):means a contract using anincoterm which indicates that the delivery happens when the goods arrive at thedestination.

9. shipmentcontract (装运合同):is a contract using anincoterm which indicates that the delivery happens at the time or before thetime of shipment.

10. shipmentnotice (装船通知):The party arrangesshipment shall provide his counterpart with sufficient notice related to thetransportation. Inability to provide sufficient and prompt shipment notice tothe counterpart

may lead to the failure of transfer or advancedtransfer of risk.

11. symbolicdelivery(象征性交货) :is a delivery situation in which when the seller delivers the buyer doesnot physically receive the goods. This kind of delivery is proved by thesubmission of transport document by the seller to the buyer.

12. QC(quality control ) : 1)Seller’s expense to cover checkingoperations: quality control during the production, measuring, weighing andcounting a the time of delivery .2)Buyer’s necessity to inspect the goods beforetaking delivery, hence he must pay pre-shipment inspection.3)Seller pay anycosts of inspections mandated by the local authorities which is normally partof customs clearance .

13. commission(佣金) :指中间商因向卖方(或买方)介绍生意或代卖代买货物而


14.counter -offer (还盘):a reply to an offer which contains additions, limitations orother modeifications.

15. discount (折扣,贴现):指卖方按照原价给予买方一定百分比的减让。

17.ECFFE (exportcost for foreign exchange ratio)(出口换汇成本):指每出口换回一个单位的外汇(通常为美元)需花费多少本币数额的成本。是外贸企业核算其出口经济效益的重要指标之一。

18. qualitytolerance(品质公差) :refers to the qualitydeviation recognized,which allows the quality of the goods delivered to have certaindifference within a range.

19. sale bysample(凭样品买卖): A sale is made by samplewhen the seller and buyer agree that samples are used as reference of qualityand condition of goods to be delivered. Used when it is difficult to describequality of the commodity by words.

20. quantitylatitude (数量机动幅度):是指卖方可按买卖双方约定某一具体数量多交或少交若干的幅度。因为有些商品受货源变化,商品特性(比如某些农产品、矿产品),尤其是运输工具的限制,合同中若规定一个固定的交货数量,将给卖方履行合同带来困难。因此,为了顺利履行合同,在长期的贸易实践中形成了规定数量机动幅度条款的做法,对于那些数量难以严格限定的商品,在规定的机动幅度内可以有数量的增加和减少,对此均不构成违约。

21.sale byspecifications(凭规格买卖):the specifications of acommodity comprise some important indicators . defining quality byspecification is simple and accurate, therefore is widely used in internationaltrade

22. sale bystandard (凭标准买卖):是指买卖双方在交易中以商品的标准表示商品品质。商品的标准是指将商品的规格和等级予以标准化,商品的标准,有的由国家或有关政府主管部门规定,也有由同业公会,交易所或国际性的工商组织规定,有些商品习惯于标准买卖,人们往往使用某种标准作为说明和评定商品品质的依据。

23.more or lessclause (溢短装条款): For the sake ofefficient shipment and less complexity in contract execusion it is common toallow the seller to deliver the goods with a certain percentage of more or lessib quantity accordingly. Concerns three issues:1)how much more or less shouldbe allowed 2)which party is entitled to make the decision 3)how should the moreor less portion of the goods be priced.

24. neutralpacking (中性包装): No marking of origin orname of the manufacturer should appear on the product, on the shipping packingor sale packaging.

25.FAQ(fairaverage quality) (良好平均品质):the abbreviation of “fairaverage quality”. It is a kind of standard used to indicate that the quality ofthe product offered is about equal to the average quality level of the same crop within a certain period of time

26. OEM (originalequipment manufacturer):it refers to a kind of international trade practicethat Sellers use the brand name or trademark designated by buyers on theirmanufactured goods.

27.containerization(集装箱化) :Containerization is a method of distributing merchandise in a unitizedform adopting an inter-modal system which provides a possible combination ofsea, road and other modes of transportation.

28. lay day(装卸天数):在程租船合同中,船东允许租船人完成装卸任务所规定


29. voyagecharter (程租船):指由船东提供船舶,在指定港口之间进行一个或数个航次,承运指定货物的运输。

30. ante-datedB/L(倒签提单):指那种签发日期早于实际装船日期的提单。

31.CFS(containerfreight station) (集装箱货运站):指承运人专门用于堆放集装箱并在那里装卸,转运货物的场地。一般适用于拼箱货的运输。




34.F.I.O.(freein and out)船方不管卸装:装卸费用由承租方负担

35F.I.O.S.T.(free in and out ,stowed &trimmed)(船方不管装卸,理舱和平舱)装卸费用及理舱和平舱费用全部由承租方负担。

36.MTO (multimodaltransportation operator)(多式联运经营人):是指本人或者委托他人以本人名义与托运人订立多式联运合同的人。他是事主,而不是托运人的代理人或者代表人,也不是参加多式联运的各承运人的代理人或者代表人。多式联运合同的运营人既可以为单纯的缔约承运人,亦可以为缔约。

37. franchise(免赔率): 指不赔金额与损失金额的比率。免赔率分为相对免赔率与绝对免赔率两种。现行的车辆保险采用的是绝对免赔率,其做法是:保险公司对超出免赔率部分的损失进行赔偿,赔偿金额不包含免赔金额。可见,免赔率以下的部分损失,保险公司是不负责赔偿的。

38. open policy (预约保单):是保险公司承保被保险人在一定时期内发运的,以CIF 价格条件成交的出口货物或以FOB CFR 价格条件进口货物的保险单。预约保险单载明保险货物的范围、承保险别、保险费率、每批运输货物的最高保险金额以及保险费的计算办法。

39. CIC(chinainsurance clauses)(中国保险条款):中国保险条款中有关海运货物保险的险别,包括海洋运输货物保险条款,海洋运输货物战争险条款以及其他专门条款。

40. FPA(freefrom particular average)(平安险):其英文原意是指单独海损不负责赔偿。根据国际保险界对单独海损的解释,它指保险标的物在海上运输途中遭受保险范围内的风险直接造成的船舶或货物的灭失或损害。因此,平安险的原来保障范围只赔全部损失。但在长期实践的过程中对平安险的责任范围进行了补充和修订,当前平安险的责任范围已经超出只赔全损的限制。

41. GA(generalcontribution)(共同海损分摊) : The party suffering G.A. is entitled to a ratablecontribution from the other parties interested. Two kinds of general averageloss:- Sacrifice of part of the vessel or cargo - Expenses incurred .Loss &expenses shall be shared among carrier, cargo owners in proportion to theirrespective interested value benefited from the G.A.

42.ICC(institutecargo clauses)(协会货物保险条款)

43. IOP(irrespectiveof percentage)(不计免赔率):只要标的损失属于承保范围,保险人一律按保险货物的实际损失给予赔偿,不扣免赔率。即货物损失多少就陪多少,不考虑免赔率的问题。

44. W AP(withparticular average) 水渍险):原意为自然灾害造成大的单独海损给予赔偿。承保范围:平安险的全部责任和被保险货物在运输途中由于恶劣气候,


45.W/W Clause(Warhouse to warehouse clause) (仓至仓条款):refers to the duration of insurance throughout which the insurancecompany undertakes an insurance liability . According to it, the insurancecompany undertakes an insurance liability over the insured cargo from thewarehouse or place of storage of the shipper named in the policy until thecargo has arrived at the warehouse or place of storage of the receive named inthe policy, limited to 60 days after completion of discharge of the insured goodsfrom the seagoing vessel at the finall port of discharge before they reach the abovementioned warehouse or place of storage.

46.endorsement(背书):The act of the transferor in transferring a draft to thetransferee by making a signature on the back of the draft.

47. presentation(示票):The act of the payee orthe bearer presenting the draft to the payer for acceptance and payment.Tworesults: being honored or dishonored.

48. M/T(mailtransfer)信汇:汇出行应汇款人的申请,将信汇委托书邮寄给汇入行,授权其解付一定金额给收款人的汇款方式。


50.UCP600(uniformcustoms and practice for documentary credits 600)跟单信用证统一惯例600:是国际银行界、律师界、学术界自觉遵守的“法律”,是全世界公认的、到目前为止最为成功的一套非官方规定。适用于所有的其文本中明确表明受本惯例约束的跟单信用证(下称信用证)(在其可适用的范围内,包括备用信用证。)除非信用证明确修改或排除,本惯例各条文对信用证所有当事人均具有约束力。

51. arbitrationtribunal(总裁法庭) :two types of arbitrationtribunal:sole-arbitrator tribunal composed of one arbitratior and collegiatetribunal with three tribunal. An arbitration is the impartial third partychosen by a higher or neutral body,or by the two parties in dispute to dealwith a claim.

52penaltyclause (罚金条款):under penalty clause theparty who has failed to carry out the contract such as nondelivery ,delayeddelivery ,delayed opening of l/c,ect.must pay another party a fine, a certainpercentage of total contract value.

53. statutoryinspection (法定检验):是指为了保护人类的健康和安全,保护动物和植物的生命和健康,保护环境,防止欺诈行为。维护国家安全,由国家行政执法机构依照国家法律和行政法规的程序,对与国计民生关系重大的,必须实施检验的进出口商品和有关的检验事项实施强制性检验。


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