




Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)




1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

6. ______

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)









A) Red. B) Green. C) Blue. D) Yellow. A) Mary. B) Alice. C) Linda. D) May. A) Rainy. B) Cloudy. C) Snowy. D) Sunny. A) Tuesday. B) Wednesday. C) Thursday. D) Friday. A) 7:00. B) 8:00. C) 8:30. D) 9:00. A) She doesn’t want to ask Mr. Jones. B) She doesn’t want to work for Mr. Jones. C) Mr. Jones has bought many radios. D) Mr. Jones might fix the radio. A) By bus. B) By car. C) By plane. D) By train. A) Teacher and parent. B) Husband and wife. C) Doctor and patient. D) Father and daughter.

15. A) In a library.

16. A) Go skating. B) In a bank. C) In a restaurant. D) In a hospital. B) Go swimming. C) Play volleyball. D) Play basketball.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)

17. J.K. Rowling wrote her first story when she was only five years old.

18. She worked as a secretary before she studied French at university.

19. J.K. Rowling once worked as an English teacher in Portugal.

20. J.K. Rowling got married when she was living in Portugal.

21. She returned to Britain and went to live in Edinburgh in 1995.

22. She went to write in a café (咖啡馆) because she had a job there.

23. This story is mainly about the life of a famous writer, J.K. Rowling.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子。每


24. The writer lived in a village near the when he was young.

25. Life was very and different in the 1930s.

26. The radio his family had was and brown.

27. The writer went to school by every day.

28. The writer lived miles away from the school.

29. He and his friends played football on the beach every 30. Since his family to England, the writer never went back to the village.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)

31. A group of teachers went to Guangzhou for an important activity Dec.20th.

A) in B) on C) to D) at

32. Frank is now on a diet because he wants to lose weight.

A) a B) an C) the D) /

33. The students in our school went to the Forest Park yesterday and enjoyed there.

A) they B) them C) their D) themselves

34. Uncle Tom raises many on his farm and we often go there for a visit.

A) sheep B) horse C) pig D) bird

35. Peter and Brian are good friends. They often share ideas for study each other.

A) on B) with C) in D) at

36. Mr. Wang has three sons and of them is a doctor.

A) all B) both C) none D) neither



Jack understand the sentence, so he went to ask his teacher for help. A) mustn’t B) needn’t C) couldn’t D) shouldn’t - ________ did it take the workers to build the bridge? - Two years. A) How long B) How far C) How much D) How often

39. The beach is away than I thought it was.

A) far B) farther C) farthest D) the farthest

40. “You look in this new dress.” Tom said to Sally.

A) lovely B) beautifully C) happily D) quietly

41. ________ amazing program The Voice of China is! So many people watched it.

A) What B) What a C) What an D) How

42. Amway is a lovely girl she speaks English very well.

A) but B) so C) and D) or

43. Jane doesn’t want to go to the cinema tonight she has seen the film twice.

A) unless A) drink A) buy B) because B) drinks B) will buy C) until C) drank C) would buy D) before D) to drink D) buys

D) watches

D) had written 44. plenty of water. 45. My cousin said that he an iPhone 5 next week. 46. My sister TV when I went into her room last night. A) was watching B) is watching C) will watch 47. Jim is a young writer. He ________ five novels so far.

A) would write B) will write C) has written 48. Could you tell me ? A) when the plane will take off C) when the plane would take off B) when will the plane take off D) when would the plane take off

49. -This box is too heavy. Can you help me carry it upstairs?


A) No problem. B) Yes, please. C) That’s right.

50. -I’ve got the first prize in the English contest.

- A) My pleasure. B) Good idea. C) It’s hard to say. D) You deserve to win. D) No, thanks.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or

phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或短语填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单

Engineer Jeff Dent, 46, and wife Alison, 44, always loved sailing. They first met at a sailing club and their dream was to sail 51 the world.

So, Jeff became unemployed in January 1999, they decided to make their dream come true. Alison left her job as a teacher and they an eight-meter sailing boat, the Charlotte Rose. They wanted to sail from Britain to South Africa, then to Australia, across the South Pacific to Argentina, and 54 to Britain across the Atlantic.

They weren’t the first people to make this journey, but this time there was one big ---Jeff and Alison took their three children with them: ten-year-old Oliver, Charlotte, who was seven, and three-year-old Daniel.

Yesterday, after two years and 48,000 kilometers, they arrived back in Britain. To their surprise, hundreds of friends and journalists were there to them.

So how was it? “It was not 57 ,” said Alison, “but it was also the best two years of my life.” The children also loved it. “We saw things that people never see,” said Oliver. “One morning we got up and there were three whales near the boat… that was fantastic!”

There was one question everyone wanted to ask. Did they argue a lot? Jeff answered. “Of course we argued sometimes, but we were a great team. It was an amazing journey.”

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词


59. Mary bought two ________ of fruit from the supermarket yesterday.(box)

60. Lucy said the blue bag on the chair was Tom’s, not .(she)

61. Mrs. Brown has bought a new flat in this building and it’s on the ________ floor.(eight)

62. Jack found the map because he couldn’t find the place anywhere.(use)

63. We all know that cigarette smoking can damage our health.(serious)

64. This story tells us that sometimes money doesn’t bring to us.(happy)

65. David was able to the math problem with the help of his classmates.(solution)

66. Jason is too busy , so it’s for him to go to the concert with us tonight.(possible) V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填

一词): (共14分)

67. Peter went on a three-day study trip to Nanjing last month.(改为否定句)

Peter ________ ________ on a three-day study trip to Nanjing last month.

68. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Jack try to wake up his wife?

69. My brother has never seen so much snow before.(改为反意疑问句)

My brother has never seen so much snow before, ________ ________?

70. The government will build a new school near our housing estate next year.(改为被动语态)

A new school will ________ ________ near our housing estate next year.

71. “Do you always catch such an early train?” The policeman asked the man.(合并为一句) The policeman asked the man ________ he always ________ such an early train.

72. Mr. Smith set out early for the airport so that he could catch his flight.(改为简单句)

Mr. Smith set out early for the airport _________ _________ to catch his flight.

73. We can go to the museum by bus. We can go there by underground instead.(保持句意不变)

We can go to the museum _________ by bus _________ by underground.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共50分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)

What was school like in ancient times? In Greece, 2,500 years ago, students used to get up at dawn to go to school. Classes began very early and ended when it was dark. Students didn’t rest on the weekends. They had classes seven days a week, so they didn’t have much time for anything else. In Athens, only the sons of rich people went to school, and they started school around the age of seven. After they learned to read and write, they used to study Greek poems and historical works. Music was very important, and physical training was also important. Teachers used to hit

students who didn’t pay attention or were lazy. Girls stayed at home with their mothers and learned how to do housework in the home.

In ancient Rome, boys and girls from wealthy families received a bilingual (双语) education. They had to study Greek and Latin. Students usually had classes outside, if the weather was good, or in the teacher’s house. Young students sat on the floor. Older students used to sit on benches, higher up. That’s how “high school” got its name.

Education was very important to the ancient Aztecs of Mexico. Boys and girls used to attend school, but they were kept in different classes. They learned Aztec history, myths, and rituals, but they memorized (记住) everything because there weren’t any textbooks. The boys received intensive military training, and the girls learned how to manage the home and the family. There were two kinds of schools: one for children of rich families and another for children of ordinary families.

74. We know from the first paragraph that in ancient Greece.

A) classes began very late C) classes ended very early B) students went to school very late D) students had to study at the weekends

75. What was school like in ancient Athens?

A) The students didn’t study Greek poems.

B) There were no girl students at schools. C) There were no music lessons at schools. D) The students started school at the age of ten.

76. The students didn’t learn how at schools in ancient Athens.

A) to read B) to write C) to enjoy music D) to do housework

77. The second paragraph tells us that A) older students used to sit on benches


B) only young students had classes outside C) only boys received a bilingual education D) girls didn’t have to study Greek and Latin Which of the following is NOT true according to the third paragraph? A) Boys and girls were kept in different classes at schools. B) Students learned Aztec history, myths, and rituals at school.

C) Boys and girls both received intensive military training.

D) Students had to have good memory because they had no textbooks.

79. Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?

A) Schools in Ancient Times B) Greek Poems and Music

C) Bilingual Education in Rome D) Schools in Ancient Mexico

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)

At the beginning of the twentieth century, traffic in big cities such as New York and London became very busy. Carriages, horses, and bikes rushed in every direction (方向), and then they were

by the newest toy of the rich people, the “automobiles (汽车).” In those days, crossing a street used to be a real challenge for people walking. There were no 81 for

drivers. The New York Police Department had to create a special group of policemen to control traffic. Police officers stood at crossroads and tried to direct the traffic, but very often they were

run over by vehicles (车辆). By 1912, New York City had 38,000 motor vehicles. had to be done about all the traffic on the streets!

In 1916, the first traffic tower was in New York, at the crossroads of Fifth

ndAvenue and 42 Street. A traffic officer controlled three 500-watt lamps. They were 40

centimeters in diameter, and they were red, yellow, and green. However, at the time, red traffic in all directions had to stop, yellow stopped only east-west traffic, and green stopped only north-south traffic. This was very confusing, so in 1924 the city adopted (采用) the system used in railroads: red for stop, green for go, and yellow for slow. This system became standard all over the world.

The first automatic traffic lights came into use in Wolverhampton, England, in 1927. Today computers control traffic lights, and road conditions are much better than they used to be. The only

85 is when there is a power cut. The result is often confusion on the streets because the traffic lights don’t work.

80. A) joined

81. A) roads

82. A) Nothing

83. A) put off

84. A) stopped

85. A) chance B) seen B) rules B) Everything B) put out B) controlled B) problem C) played C) jobs C) Anything C) put up C) made C) answer D) built D) seats D) Something D) put on D) meant D) advantage

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

Do you want to be an online student? It is important to remember that online education is not right for everyone.

On your time

One of the advantages of online classes is that you are able to enter your classroom when it is convenient for you. Do you work all day? Then you can log on (登录) to your class in the evening or at the weekend. Are you an early riser? You can log on to your class in the early morning

. Your virtual (虚拟的) classroom is open around the clock, seven days a week.

The teacher’s lecture

In an online classroom your teacher’s lecture is written rather than s 88 . There are several advantages. The online classroom is completely different from the real one. If you can’t remember what your teacher said, all you have to do is to reread his or her lecture. In most cases you will be able to get a copy of the lecture. You will be able to review your teacher’s lecture w even getting online again.

Students’ interaction

Online students may find it to talk with each other face to face. discussion forums (论坛) and chat rooms provide some ways for student interaction, they do not provide the social connection of an on-campus class.

We have to say, the disadvantages to be an online student are clear. For example, the teachers can’t help you face to face. They won’t praise your work orally (口头).

An advantage is the fact that some students are shy. They are more willing to speak out their ideas on the discussion forum and are usually more to ask their teacher a question by email. They will feel more comfortable with this online interaction.

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12分)

Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The building next door was only a few feet away from mine. There was a woman who lived there, whom I had never met , yet I could see her seated by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading.

After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything seen through the dirty window was unclear. I would say to myself, “I wonder why that woman doesn’t wash her window. It really looks terrible.”

One bright morning I decided to clean my flat, including washing the window on the inside. Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a surprise! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly visible (看得见的). Her window was clean!

Then I realized that I had been criticizing (批评) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching her window through my own dirty window.

That was quite an important lesson for me. How often had I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcoming?

Since then, whenever I want to judge someone, I will ask myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?”

Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly.

93. How far away was the building next door from the writer’s ?

94. What was the woman doing each afternoon?

95. Why did the writer think that the woman should wash her window?

96. When did the writer find that the woman’s window was clean?

97. The writer learned an important lesson from it, didn’t he ?

98. What can you learn from this story?

VII. Writing(作文):(共20分)

99. Write at least 60 words about the topic “Something I want to do during the winter

holiday”. (以“寒假中我想做的一件事”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)

Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考)

 What is the thing that you want to do during the winter holiday?

 Why do you want to do it?

 How are you going to do it?

(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。) ..........................


Part I. Listening Comprehension

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)

1. It snowed heavily last night. Look, everything is white outside.

2. The food safety is really a big problem nowadays.

3. The new school bus is big and safe for the students.

4. Houses in big cities are too expensive for most people to buy.

5. Look at the sign, please. You are not allowed to park your car here.

6. The students are having a debate in the classroom.

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的


7、 W: Your red and green shirt looks nice, Bill

M: Thanks, but I like blue best.

Q: What color does the man like best? (请再听一遍)

8、 M: Linda, did you give your CD player to Mary?

W: Yes. And she has given it to Alice. Q: Who has the CD player now? (请再听一遍)

9、 M: We’re going to have a football match this weekend. I wonder if we’ll have fine weather

on Saturday. W: The weatherman says we have rain today, cloudy on Friday, and sunny on Saturday. Q: What’s the weather like on Friday? (请再听一遍)

10、M: When are we supposed to have the final exam, on Tuesday or Wednesday?

W: Neither. The headmaster says we’ll have the exam on Friday. M: That’s good news. I’ll have enough time to prepare for it. Q: When will they have the exam? (请再听一遍)

11、W: I have an interview with the men from the publishing company at 8:30. I have to leave

now. M: Don’t hurry. There’re still 30 minutes left. Q: What time is it now? (请再听一遍)

12、M: My radio doesn’t work. What do you think I should do?

W: Why not call Mr. Jones? Q: What does the woman mean? (请再听一遍)

13、M: I’m going to visit my brother in New York. I told him to meet me at the airport at five. I

can almost see the city from here.

W: New York is a nice city. I think you’ll enjoy your visit there.

Q: How are the people in the dialogue traveling? (请再听一遍)

14、M: Miss Green, my daughter Cindy can’t go to school today. She didn’t feel well and was

sent to hospital last night. W: I am sorry to hear that. How’s she today? M: Much better. And she will be back to school tomorrow. Q: Who might the two speakers be? (请再听一遍)

15、W: Good evening, are you ready to order, sir?

M: Yes. I’d like a fish soup and a hamburger, please. W: Fine. And would you like anything to drink? M: Orange juice, please. Q: Where does this dialogue probably take place? (请再听一遍)

16、W: Do you play sports, Bob?

M: Yes. I play volleyball and basketball. And you? W: Well, I sometimes go skating. M: That sounds like fun. Why don’t we try this weekend? W: Good idea. Q: What will they probably do this weekend? (请再听一遍)

C: Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)

J.K. Rowling was born in England in 1965. She loved reading, and wrote her first story, Rabbit, when she was only six years old. She studied French at university, then worked as a secretary in London. She had the idea for Harry Potter when she was on a train. She started writing the first Harry Potter book the next day.

In 1992 she went to live in Portugal for three years. She wrote Harry Potter in the morning, and worked as an English teacher in the afternoon and evening. She got married to a Portuguese TV journalist and had a daughter called Jessica.

Then in 1995 her family returned to Britain and lived in Edinburgh, in Scotland. She didn’t have a job at that time, and wrote in cafes because they were warmer than her small flat. After five years she finished the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The book sold millions of copies all over the world, and J.K. Rowling became very famous. She is now very rich, but still she writes her books in cafes.

D: Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子。每


When I was young I lived in Scotland, in a village near the sea. It was the 1930s and life was very simple and different then. There wasn’t any TV, but my family had a black and brown radio, and we listened to it every evening. My parents didn’t have a car, so I went to school by bicycle every day. The school was six miles from my home. I didn’t study very hard, and left school when I was fourteen years old. There weren’t any cinemas near our village, so every Saturday I met my friends on the beach and we played football all day. When I was fifteen my parents sold our house and the family moved to England. I never went back to my village, but I can still hear the sea in my head.

Part 1


1C 2B 3E 4F 5D 6A 7C 8B 9B 10D 11B 12D 13C 14A 15C 16A 17F 18F 19T 20T 21T 22F 23T 24. sea 25. simple 26. black 27. bicycle 28. six/6 29. Saturday 30. moved Part 2


31B 32D 33D 34A 35B 36C 37C 38A 39B 40A 41C 42C 43B 44D 45C 46A 47C 48A 49A 50D

III. 51C 52G 53D 54H 55A 56E 57B 58F

IV. 59. boxes 60. hers 61. eighth 62. useless 63. seriously 64. happiness 65. solve

66. impossible

V. 67. didn’t go 68. How did 69. has he 70. be built 71. if/whether, caught 72. so as /

in order 73. either, or

Part 3


A: 74D 75B 76D 77A 78C 79A

B: 80A 81B 82D 83C 84D 85B

C: 86. biggest 87. hours 88. spoken 89. without 90. difficult 91. Though

92. likely


93. Only a few feet away.

94. (She was) sewing or reading.

95. Because everything seen through the dirty (the woman’s )window was unclear./ Because the

writer thought the woman’s window was dirty.

96. After he finished cleaning (his window) one afternoon.

97. Yes, he did.

98. Any reasonable answers will be accepted. ( We should clean the window of our own world so

that we may see the world around us more clearly./ Don’t look at anyone or anything through my own dirty window. …)

VII. 作文(略)





Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)




1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

6. ______

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)









A) Red. B) Green. C) Blue. D) Yellow. A) Mary. B) Alice. C) Linda. D) May. A) Rainy. B) Cloudy. C) Snowy. D) Sunny. A) Tuesday. B) Wednesday. C) Thursday. D) Friday. A) 7:00. B) 8:00. C) 8:30. D) 9:00. A) She doesn’t want to ask Mr. Jones. B) She doesn’t want to work for Mr. Jones. C) Mr. Jones has bought many radios. D) Mr. Jones might fix the radio. A) By bus. B) By car. C) By plane. D) By train. A) Teacher and parent. B) Husband and wife. C) Doctor and patient. D) Father and daughter.

15. A) In a library.

16. A) Go skating. B) In a bank. C) In a restaurant. D) In a hospital. B) Go swimming. C) Play volleyball. D) Play basketball.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)

17. J.K. Rowling wrote her first story when she was only five years old.

18. She worked as a secretary before she studied French at university.

19. J.K. Rowling once worked as an English teacher in Portugal.

20. J.K. Rowling got married when she was living in Portugal.

21. She returned to Britain and went to live in Edinburgh in 1995.

22. She went to write in a café (咖啡馆) because she had a job there.

23. This story is mainly about the life of a famous writer, J.K. Rowling.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子。每


24. The writer lived in a village near the when he was young.

25. Life was very and different in the 1930s.

26. The radio his family had was and brown.

27. The writer went to school by every day.

28. The writer lived miles away from the school.

29. He and his friends played football on the beach every 30. Since his family to England, the writer never went back to the village.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)

31. A group of teachers went to Guangzhou for an important activity Dec.20th.

A) in B) on C) to D) at

32. Frank is now on a diet because he wants to lose weight.

A) a B) an C) the D) /

33. The students in our school went to the Forest Park yesterday and enjoyed there.

A) they B) them C) their D) themselves

34. Uncle Tom raises many on his farm and we often go there for a visit.

A) sheep B) horse C) pig D) bird

35. Peter and Brian are good friends. They often share ideas for study each other.

A) on B) with C) in D) at

36. Mr. Wang has three sons and of them is a doctor.

A) all B) both C) none D) neither



Jack understand the sentence, so he went to ask his teacher for help. A) mustn’t B) needn’t C) couldn’t D) shouldn’t - ________ did it take the workers to build the bridge? - Two years. A) How long B) How far C) How much D) How often

39. The beach is away than I thought it was.

A) far B) farther C) farthest D) the farthest

40. “You look in this new dress.” Tom said to Sally.

A) lovely B) beautifully C) happily D) quietly

41. ________ amazing program The Voice of China is! So many people watched it.

A) What B) What a C) What an D) How

42. Amway is a lovely girl she speaks English very well.

A) but B) so C) and D) or

43. Jane doesn’t want to go to the cinema tonight she has seen the film twice.

A) unless A) drink A) buy B) because B) drinks B) will buy C) until C) drank C) would buy D) before D) to drink D) buys

D) watches

D) had written 44. plenty of water. 45. My cousin said that he an iPhone 5 next week. 46. My sister TV when I went into her room last night. A) was watching B) is watching C) will watch 47. Jim is a young writer. He ________ five novels so far.

A) would write B) will write C) has written 48. Could you tell me ? A) when the plane will take off C) when the plane would take off B) when will the plane take off D) when would the plane take off

49. -This box is too heavy. Can you help me carry it upstairs?


A) No problem. B) Yes, please. C) That’s right.

50. -I’ve got the first prize in the English contest.

- A) My pleasure. B) Good idea. C) It’s hard to say. D) You deserve to win. D) No, thanks.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or

phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或短语填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单

Engineer Jeff Dent, 46, and wife Alison, 44, always loved sailing. They first met at a sailing club and their dream was to sail 51 the world.

So, Jeff became unemployed in January 1999, they decided to make their dream come true. Alison left her job as a teacher and they an eight-meter sailing boat, the Charlotte Rose. They wanted to sail from Britain to South Africa, then to Australia, across the South Pacific to Argentina, and 54 to Britain across the Atlantic.

They weren’t the first people to make this journey, but this time there was one big ---Jeff and Alison took their three children with them: ten-year-old Oliver, Charlotte, who was seven, and three-year-old Daniel.

Yesterday, after two years and 48,000 kilometers, they arrived back in Britain. To their surprise, hundreds of friends and journalists were there to them.

So how was it? “It was not 57 ,” said Alison, “but it was also the best two years of my life.” The children also loved it. “We saw things that people never see,” said Oliver. “One morning we got up and there were three whales near the boat… that was fantastic!”

There was one question everyone wanted to ask. Did they argue a lot? Jeff answered. “Of course we argued sometimes, but we were a great team. It was an amazing journey.”

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词


59. Mary bought two ________ of fruit from the supermarket yesterday.(box)

60. Lucy said the blue bag on the chair was Tom’s, not .(she)

61. Mrs. Brown has bought a new flat in this building and it’s on the ________ floor.(eight)

62. Jack found the map because he couldn’t find the place anywhere.(use)

63. We all know that cigarette smoking can damage our health.(serious)

64. This story tells us that sometimes money doesn’t bring to us.(happy)

65. David was able to the math problem with the help of his classmates.(solution)

66. Jason is too busy , so it’s for him to go to the concert with us tonight.(possible) V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填

一词): (共14分)

67. Peter went on a three-day study trip to Nanjing last month.(改为否定句)

Peter ________ ________ on a three-day study trip to Nanjing last month.

68. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Jack try to wake up his wife?

69. My brother has never seen so much snow before.(改为反意疑问句)

My brother has never seen so much snow before, ________ ________?

70. The government will build a new school near our housing estate next year.(改为被动语态)

A new school will ________ ________ near our housing estate next year.

71. “Do you always catch such an early train?” The policeman asked the man.(合并为一句) The policeman asked the man ________ he always ________ such an early train.

72. Mr. Smith set out early for the airport so that he could catch his flight.(改为简单句)

Mr. Smith set out early for the airport _________ _________ to catch his flight.

73. We can go to the museum by bus. We can go there by underground instead.(保持句意不变)

We can go to the museum _________ by bus _________ by underground.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共50分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)

What was school like in ancient times? In Greece, 2,500 years ago, students used to get up at dawn to go to school. Classes began very early and ended when it was dark. Students didn’t rest on the weekends. They had classes seven days a week, so they didn’t have much time for anything else. In Athens, only the sons of rich people went to school, and they started school around the age of seven. After they learned to read and write, they used to study Greek poems and historical works. Music was very important, and physical training was also important. Teachers used to hit

students who didn’t pay attention or were lazy. Girls stayed at home with their mothers and learned how to do housework in the home.

In ancient Rome, boys and girls from wealthy families received a bilingual (双语) education. They had to study Greek and Latin. Students usually had classes outside, if the weather was good, or in the teacher’s house. Young students sat on the floor. Older students used to sit on benches, higher up. That’s how “high school” got its name.

Education was very important to the ancient Aztecs of Mexico. Boys and girls used to attend school, but they were kept in different classes. They learned Aztec history, myths, and rituals, but they memorized (记住) everything because there weren’t any textbooks. The boys received intensive military training, and the girls learned how to manage the home and the family. There were two kinds of schools: one for children of rich families and another for children of ordinary families.

74. We know from the first paragraph that in ancient Greece.

A) classes began very late C) classes ended very early B) students went to school very late D) students had to study at the weekends

75. What was school like in ancient Athens?

A) The students didn’t study Greek poems.

B) There were no girl students at schools. C) There were no music lessons at schools. D) The students started school at the age of ten.

76. The students didn’t learn how at schools in ancient Athens.

A) to read B) to write C) to enjoy music D) to do housework

77. The second paragraph tells us that A) older students used to sit on benches


B) only young students had classes outside C) only boys received a bilingual education D) girls didn’t have to study Greek and Latin Which of the following is NOT true according to the third paragraph? A) Boys and girls were kept in different classes at schools. B) Students learned Aztec history, myths, and rituals at school.

C) Boys and girls both received intensive military training.

D) Students had to have good memory because they had no textbooks.

79. Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?

A) Schools in Ancient Times B) Greek Poems and Music

C) Bilingual Education in Rome D) Schools in Ancient Mexico

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)

At the beginning of the twentieth century, traffic in big cities such as New York and London became very busy. Carriages, horses, and bikes rushed in every direction (方向), and then they were

by the newest toy of the rich people, the “automobiles (汽车).” In those days, crossing a street used to be a real challenge for people walking. There were no 81 for

drivers. The New York Police Department had to create a special group of policemen to control traffic. Police officers stood at crossroads and tried to direct the traffic, but very often they were

run over by vehicles (车辆). By 1912, New York City had 38,000 motor vehicles. had to be done about all the traffic on the streets!

In 1916, the first traffic tower was in New York, at the crossroads of Fifth

ndAvenue and 42 Street. A traffic officer controlled three 500-watt lamps. They were 40

centimeters in diameter, and they were red, yellow, and green. However, at the time, red traffic in all directions had to stop, yellow stopped only east-west traffic, and green stopped only north-south traffic. This was very confusing, so in 1924 the city adopted (采用) the system used in railroads: red for stop, green for go, and yellow for slow. This system became standard all over the world.

The first automatic traffic lights came into use in Wolverhampton, England, in 1927. Today computers control traffic lights, and road conditions are much better than they used to be. The only

85 is when there is a power cut. The result is often confusion on the streets because the traffic lights don’t work.

80. A) joined

81. A) roads

82. A) Nothing

83. A) put off

84. A) stopped

85. A) chance B) seen B) rules B) Everything B) put out B) controlled B) problem C) played C) jobs C) Anything C) put up C) made C) answer D) built D) seats D) Something D) put on D) meant D) advantage

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

Do you want to be an online student? It is important to remember that online education is not right for everyone.

On your time

One of the advantages of online classes is that you are able to enter your classroom when it is convenient for you. Do you work all day? Then you can log on (登录) to your class in the evening or at the weekend. Are you an early riser? You can log on to your class in the early morning

. Your virtual (虚拟的) classroom is open around the clock, seven days a week.

The teacher’s lecture

In an online classroom your teacher’s lecture is written rather than s 88 . There are several advantages. The online classroom is completely different from the real one. If you can’t remember what your teacher said, all you have to do is to reread his or her lecture. In most cases you will be able to get a copy of the lecture. You will be able to review your teacher’s lecture w even getting online again.

Students’ interaction

Online students may find it to talk with each other face to face. discussion forums (论坛) and chat rooms provide some ways for student interaction, they do not provide the social connection of an on-campus class.

We have to say, the disadvantages to be an online student are clear. For example, the teachers can’t help you face to face. They won’t praise your work orally (口头).

An advantage is the fact that some students are shy. They are more willing to speak out their ideas on the discussion forum and are usually more to ask their teacher a question by email. They will feel more comfortable with this online interaction.

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12分)

Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The building next door was only a few feet away from mine. There was a woman who lived there, whom I had never met , yet I could see her seated by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading.

After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything seen through the dirty window was unclear. I would say to myself, “I wonder why that woman doesn’t wash her window. It really looks terrible.”

One bright morning I decided to clean my flat, including washing the window on the inside. Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a surprise! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly visible (看得见的). Her window was clean!

Then I realized that I had been criticizing (批评) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching her window through my own dirty window.

That was quite an important lesson for me. How often had I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcoming?

Since then, whenever I want to judge someone, I will ask myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?”

Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly.

93. How far away was the building next door from the writer’s ?

94. What was the woman doing each afternoon?

95. Why did the writer think that the woman should wash her window?

96. When did the writer find that the woman’s window was clean?

97. The writer learned an important lesson from it, didn’t he ?

98. What can you learn from this story?

VII. Writing(作文):(共20分)

99. Write at least 60 words about the topic “Something I want to do during the winter

holiday”. (以“寒假中我想做的一件事”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)

Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考)

 What is the thing that you want to do during the winter holiday?

 Why do you want to do it?

 How are you going to do it?

(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。) ..........................


Part I. Listening Comprehension

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)

1. It snowed heavily last night. Look, everything is white outside.

2. The food safety is really a big problem nowadays.

3. The new school bus is big and safe for the students.

4. Houses in big cities are too expensive for most people to buy.

5. Look at the sign, please. You are not allowed to park your car here.

6. The students are having a debate in the classroom.

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的


7、 W: Your red and green shirt looks nice, Bill

M: Thanks, but I like blue best.

Q: What color does the man like best? (请再听一遍)

8、 M: Linda, did you give your CD player to Mary?

W: Yes. And she has given it to Alice. Q: Who has the CD player now? (请再听一遍)

9、 M: We’re going to have a football match this weekend. I wonder if we’ll have fine weather

on Saturday. W: The weatherman says we have rain today, cloudy on Friday, and sunny on Saturday. Q: What’s the weather like on Friday? (请再听一遍)

10、M: When are we supposed to have the final exam, on Tuesday or Wednesday?

W: Neither. The headmaster says we’ll have the exam on Friday. M: That’s good news. I’ll have enough time to prepare for it. Q: When will they have the exam? (请再听一遍)

11、W: I have an interview with the men from the publishing company at 8:30. I have to leave

now. M: Don’t hurry. There’re still 30 minutes left. Q: What time is it now? (请再听一遍)

12、M: My radio doesn’t work. What do you think I should do?

W: Why not call Mr. Jones? Q: What does the woman mean? (请再听一遍)

13、M: I’m going to visit my brother in New York. I told him to meet me at the airport at five. I

can almost see the city from here.

W: New York is a nice city. I think you’ll enjoy your visit there.

Q: How are the people in the dialogue traveling? (请再听一遍)

14、M: Miss Green, my daughter Cindy can’t go to school today. She didn’t feel well and was

sent to hospital last night. W: I am sorry to hear that. How’s she today? M: Much better. And she will be back to school tomorrow. Q: Who might the two speakers be? (请再听一遍)

15、W: Good evening, are you ready to order, sir?

M: Yes. I’d like a fish soup and a hamburger, please. W: Fine. And would you like anything to drink? M: Orange juice, please. Q: Where does this dialogue probably take place? (请再听一遍)

16、W: Do you play sports, Bob?

M: Yes. I play volleyball and basketball. And you? W: Well, I sometimes go skating. M: That sounds like fun. Why don’t we try this weekend? W: Good idea. Q: What will they probably do this weekend? (请再听一遍)

C: Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)

J.K. Rowling was born in England in 1965. She loved reading, and wrote her first story, Rabbit, when she was only six years old. She studied French at university, then worked as a secretary in London. She had the idea for Harry Potter when she was on a train. She started writing the first Harry Potter book the next day.

In 1992 she went to live in Portugal for three years. She wrote Harry Potter in the morning, and worked as an English teacher in the afternoon and evening. She got married to a Portuguese TV journalist and had a daughter called Jessica.

Then in 1995 her family returned to Britain and lived in Edinburgh, in Scotland. She didn’t have a job at that time, and wrote in cafes because they were warmer than her small flat. After five years she finished the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The book sold millions of copies all over the world, and J.K. Rowling became very famous. She is now very rich, but still she writes her books in cafes.

D: Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子。每


When I was young I lived in Scotland, in a village near the sea. It was the 1930s and life was very simple and different then. There wasn’t any TV, but my family had a black and brown radio, and we listened to it every evening. My parents didn’t have a car, so I went to school by bicycle every day. The school was six miles from my home. I didn’t study very hard, and left school when I was fourteen years old. There weren’t any cinemas near our village, so every Saturday I met my friends on the beach and we played football all day. When I was fifteen my parents sold our house and the family moved to England. I never went back to my village, but I can still hear the sea in my head.

Part 1


1C 2B 3E 4F 5D 6A 7C 8B 9B 10D 11B 12D 13C 14A 15C 16A 17F 18F 19T 20T 21T 22F 23T 24. sea 25. simple 26. black 27. bicycle 28. six/6 29. Saturday 30. moved Part 2


31B 32D 33D 34A 35B 36C 37C 38A 39B 40A 41C 42C 43B 44D 45C 46A 47C 48A 49A 50D

III. 51C 52G 53D 54H 55A 56E 57B 58F

IV. 59. boxes 60. hers 61. eighth 62. useless 63. seriously 64. happiness 65. solve

66. impossible

V. 67. didn’t go 68. How did 69. has he 70. be built 71. if/whether, caught 72. so as /

in order 73. either, or

Part 3


A: 74D 75B 76D 77A 78C 79A

B: 80A 81B 82D 83C 84D 85B

C: 86. biggest 87. hours 88. spoken 89. without 90. difficult 91. Though

92. likely


93. Only a few feet away.

94. (She was) sewing or reading.

95. Because everything seen through the dirty (the woman’s )window was unclear./ Because the

writer thought the woman’s window was dirty.

96. After he finished cleaning (his window) one afternoon.

97. Yes, he did.

98. Any reasonable answers will be accepted. ( We should clean the window of our own world so

that we may see the world around us more clearly./ Don’t look at anyone or anything through my own dirty window. …)

VII. 作文(略)


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