
学校:绥化市第三中学 教师:张士丽 班级:二年二班 Topic Unit 3 I ’m more outgoing than my sister.

The Fifth Period(3a-4)

Teaching aims(教学目标)


2. 模仿学过的文章写出和自己相似和不同的两个朋友特点。 Language points(语言点)

1. 要求掌握以下句式

Who do you think should get the job? They are both … but ...


primary, primary school, be good with, have good grades in English

Difficulties (难点)发现自己和朋友的异同并用恰当的比较级语言描述出来

Teaching steps(教学步骤)

1.Review & lead in

Ask the students to say out the comparative forms

Then make up sentences in pairs with these words or more.

设计说明:检查学生对比较级构成的掌握情况并复习了上节课内容, 同时引出新知识。

2. Work on 3a.

T: Look at the chart. Let’s say sth about it like the teacher:

Liu Lili is tall .She has short hair.She likes sports She is popular …

S: Read 3a and translate the sentences.Then discuss in groups and compare them.

T: Ask the students to fill the blanks .

Wang Lingling’s best friend is Liu Lili. They are both tall, but Wang Lingling has ________ straight hair. Liu Lili ’s hair is as Liu Lili. we all like them .

They are both outgoing, but Liu Lili is _______ and smarter than Wang Lingling. However, Wang Lingling is _______ hard-working.


3. Work on 3b.

Make notes about two of your friends. One friend should be similar; the other friend should be different.

T: Ask the discuss in groups.Then complete the chart about your


A friend 是一个定语从句修饰friend)

A friend 例: Li Lei is a boy. ( 是定语) 设计说明:初步介绍定语从句,通过对比朋友和自己的异同,进一步巩固比较级的运用。

4. Work on 4.

Ask the students to read the article .Then translate the job ad and discuss in groups. Finally, find out the knowledge points they think.


(1) have good grades

a 可数名词“成绩”

b 可数名词“年级”

(2)be good with sb.


(3) call …at +…号码


(4) Who do you think should get the job, Jenny or Jill? 本句是由特殊疑问句加选项构成的选择疑问句

“or ” “ 或者、还是”常用于选择疑问句中 “or ”前用升调 “or ”后用降调

5.Work on 3c. Homework

Write two paragraphs describing your friends.


Two years ago, I was a primary school student. I am a middle school student now. A lot of things have changed. First, I am much taller, and I am thinner than before. I am also better at basketball because I am taller now. Second, I am busier than before because I have more homework to do, but I don’t think I am smarter.

However, I am as popular and outgoing as before, so I have more good friends. I also think I am a better student now. 设计说明:在课堂练习的基础上让学生进一步修改美化自己的作文,帮助学生提高写作水平。

6. Remember for ever!

1.A good friend is like a mirror. 好朋友就像一面镜子。 2.Friends are like books----you don’t read a lot of them as long as they’re good.


3.My best friend helps me to bring out the best in me.


4.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人。


学校:绥化市第三中学 教师:张士丽 班级:二年二班 Topic Unit 3 I ’m more outgoing than my sister.

The Fifth Period(3a-4)

Teaching aims(教学目标)


2. 模仿学过的文章写出和自己相似和不同的两个朋友特点。 Language points(语言点)

1. 要求掌握以下句式

Who do you think should get the job? They are both … but ...


primary, primary school, be good with, have good grades in English

Difficulties (难点)发现自己和朋友的异同并用恰当的比较级语言描述出来

Teaching steps(教学步骤)

1.Review & lead in

Ask the students to say out the comparative forms

Then make up sentences in pairs with these words or more.

设计说明:检查学生对比较级构成的掌握情况并复习了上节课内容, 同时引出新知识。

2. Work on 3a.

T: Look at the chart. Let’s say sth about it like the teacher:

Liu Lili is tall .She has short hair.She likes sports She is popular …

S: Read 3a and translate the sentences.Then discuss in groups and compare them.

T: Ask the students to fill the blanks .

Wang Lingling’s best friend is Liu Lili. They are both tall, but Wang Lingling has ________ straight hair. Liu Lili ’s hair is as Liu Lili. we all like them .

They are both outgoing, but Liu Lili is _______ and smarter than Wang Lingling. However, Wang Lingling is _______ hard-working.


3. Work on 3b.

Make notes about two of your friends. One friend should be similar; the other friend should be different.

T: Ask the discuss in groups.Then complete the chart about your


A friend 是一个定语从句修饰friend)

A friend 例: Li Lei is a boy. ( 是定语) 设计说明:初步介绍定语从句,通过对比朋友和自己的异同,进一步巩固比较级的运用。

4. Work on 4.

Ask the students to read the article .Then translate the job ad and discuss in groups. Finally, find out the knowledge points they think.


(1) have good grades

a 可数名词“成绩”

b 可数名词“年级”

(2)be good with sb.


(3) call …at +…号码


(4) Who do you think should get the job, Jenny or Jill? 本句是由特殊疑问句加选项构成的选择疑问句

“or ” “ 或者、还是”常用于选择疑问句中 “or ”前用升调 “or ”后用降调

5.Work on 3c. Homework

Write two paragraphs describing your friends.


Two years ago, I was a primary school student. I am a middle school student now. A lot of things have changed. First, I am much taller, and I am thinner than before. I am also better at basketball because I am taller now. Second, I am busier than before because I have more homework to do, but I don’t think I am smarter.

However, I am as popular and outgoing as before, so I have more good friends. I also think I am a better student now. 设计说明:在课堂练习的基础上让学生进一步修改美化自己的作文,帮助学生提高写作水平。

6. Remember for ever!

1.A good friend is like a mirror. 好朋友就像一面镜子。 2.Friends are like books----you don’t read a lot of them as long as they’re good.


3.My best friend helps me to bring out the best in me.


4.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人。



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