摘要:茄子黄萎病是严重影响茄子产量的土传病害。为了有效控制该病害,从开花期茄子根茎中分离得到对黄萎病菌具有强烈抑制作用的内生生防菌株QZ-8,其抑菌直径达24 mm,经16 S rDNA序列分析确定其为枯草芽孢杆菌。室内定殖试验表明,QZ-8菌株能顺利定殖于茄子根际和维管束中,最高定殖量可达1×105 CFU/g茄组织。另外QZ-8菌株可促进茄种子的萌发、茄子幼苗及根系生长。室内盆栽试验表明,QZ-8对茄子黄萎病均具有很高的防效,可达78.98%,持效期较长。
Roles of the Endogenous Bacillus Subtilis QZ-8 on the Disease Resistance and Promoting Growth of Eggplant
Abstract:Eggplant Verticicillium wilt is a soil-borne disease which can result in great loss of the yield. To control this disease, endophytic antagonistic bacteria were collected in the flowering stage of eggplant. An antagonistic strain with the inhibition diameter 24 mm was isolated from the stem of eggplant. The 16 S rDNA sequence of the strain QZ-8 shares 99.0% sequence homology with that of Bacillus subtilis. Therefore, the strain is named B. subtilis QZ-8. The indoor colonization test showed that the strain QZ-8 could enter the eggplant and the number could reach 1×105 cfu/g. The strain QZ-8 can promote the germination of the eggplant seed and the growth of root and stem. The pot experiments showed that controlling effects of strain QZ-8 on eggplant wilt could be up to 78.98%.
Key words: eggplant wilt; Verticillium dahlia; Bacillus subtilis; colonization; control effect
茄子黄萎病是严重威胁其产量的一种土传维管束病害,由大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae Kleb)引起,俗称半边疯、黑心病。该病原菌可以微菌核的形式在植物衰老组织中存活数年并保持侵染能力[1],在土壤中能存活14年或更长时间[2],因此该病极难防治。
摘要:茄子黄萎病是严重影响茄子产量的土传病害。为了有效控制该病害,从开花期茄子根茎中分离得到对黄萎病菌具有强烈抑制作用的内生生防菌株QZ-8,其抑菌直径达24 mm,经16 S rDNA序列分析确定其为枯草芽孢杆菌。室内定殖试验表明,QZ-8菌株能顺利定殖于茄子根际和维管束中,最高定殖量可达1×105 CFU/g茄组织。另外QZ-8菌株可促进茄种子的萌发、茄子幼苗及根系生长。室内盆栽试验表明,QZ-8对茄子黄萎病均具有很高的防效,可达78.98%,持效期较长。
Roles of the Endogenous Bacillus Subtilis QZ-8 on the Disease Resistance and Promoting Growth of Eggplant
Abstract:Eggplant Verticicillium wilt is a soil-borne disease which can result in great loss of the yield. To control this disease, endophytic antagonistic bacteria were collected in the flowering stage of eggplant. An antagonistic strain with the inhibition diameter 24 mm was isolated from the stem of eggplant. The 16 S rDNA sequence of the strain QZ-8 shares 99.0% sequence homology with that of Bacillus subtilis. Therefore, the strain is named B. subtilis QZ-8. The indoor colonization test showed that the strain QZ-8 could enter the eggplant and the number could reach 1×105 cfu/g. The strain QZ-8 can promote the germination of the eggplant seed and the growth of root and stem. The pot experiments showed that controlling effects of strain QZ-8 on eggplant wilt could be up to 78.98%.
Key words: eggplant wilt; Verticillium dahlia; Bacillus subtilis; colonization; control effect
茄子黄萎病是严重威胁其产量的一种土传维管束病害,由大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae Kleb)引起,俗称半边疯、黑心病。该病原菌可以微菌核的形式在植物衰老组织中存活数年并保持侵染能力[1],在土壤中能存活14年或更长时间[2],因此该病极难防治。