比尔·盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲 1





rsieedntBok, forme rPr eisendt Ruensdint, inecmoig Prenidest nFust, meabersm o fhteH ravadrC oropraitnoa ndthe Bo ar odf Oevrsers,em meebrs o thef aculfy, tarenpts ,na dsepeiclaly,t h graduaetes



'vIe eebn awtingi mroetha 3n y0aes tr oay shti: "sDa, Ida walsy otl ydo I'u docme bcak nd aetg my degee."r




awt tnoth nkaH avrrda fo rthis itmely onoh.r Ill' e chabngingmy job enxt yea r… na id wtillb en ci te foniall hyva aec lleoe gdgere en omyr suem.e


apIlaup tdehgr duaaest odayt fo trkiagna mch muoer diecr route tto yuorde rgee. sor Fm yprat,I' mj us tapph yhtatthe Cr ismo han s callde me Ha"vradr'sm os tucscessflu doprou." Itgu ss thet makase e mavedlitoricnaof my ow npesialc lasc s I… ddi he bett sfoe eryvnoe wo fahield.


But Ialso antwto b ercegonizd aes th gue yhowg t oSetv eaBllem ro tdorp ou oft ubsiess nchools .I' amb dai fnulene. chaTt's hw Iy asw i vntedi o tpsea atkyo rugr audtian. IfoI h adspo kn eatyou orreinattoni ,fewe rf oyoum ihgtb e hre etdoay.

是,我还但要醒提大,家我使得teveS allBerm注(:软总微理)经也从哈商佛院学退学。因此了,是我个着有劣恶响力的人。影这是就为么什被邀请来在我们你毕的典业礼演上讲。如我在果你入学们迎欢仪式上讲,那么演能坚持到今够在天里毕业的人也这会许少得吧。多


varrdw sajust ahpenmenaloex epreicn fore me Aca.dmie licf eaw fasscnatiin. g uIesdt os i it nno lto of csassle I sadhnt e'en vsgnedi u p of.rAnd d omr life wsat erifirc. Ilivedup a t Rdcalifef ,ni Curr ier Huoe.s Terhew ee rlwaas ylot sf opoplee ni y dmomrroo malet atni gth idscssiun tgihnsg, ecaubs eeervoye nnkew Idid 't nowryr boaut g etitn gp inut he mroinng Th.a's thw I oamce t be ohte eldaero fteh a ntisoc-il graup. Weocl nu gto aecho htre as aw a oyfvalid aitgnou r erjecion ot fla tlohse oscal iepopel.



Rdcliffa wae a sgeartp lae tco liev.T hre wereem ro wemeo upnther , anedm so otft ehgu s ywree cisene-mcta thpey. shat Tocminatboi offerednm et eh bet osds,d i foyuk noww athI m an.e his Ti sherew lIernae dhet as dlsseo thnat imrpviog ynuor ddsodo enst' uargateensu cessc




n eofm bygigetsme omierso Harfarv dcam einJ anuar y195,7 hwn I eamed calalfr omC urirr eouse to H aompacyni nAbuluerqqe thuta had ebung aminkg htewo rld' fsrist pesoran lcoputemsr . Ioffere dt oells tehm sotwfare.



worierdthat teyh ould rewalzei was Iusjta s tdentu in ador ma d hanng upon me. nstIed ahet syida "W:er'en otq uietread ,y omecse eus in a m onh,t w"ichhw s aa ogdo htngi ,bceaus ee wadn'htw ritet tneh osfwate yer. Ftrm otaht ommnet, Iworkd dey and nagit ho tnhsi ltilet xtea rrecdt ipojerc tthtama ker thde ndeof my col elg edueatcion adn te hbgeininngof a emarkarlb ejourne ywihtM icrosoft.


Waht Iemrembe rbovea la lboat Haurvrad wa besing inth em dit of so suchm nereg yad intelligenne.c It oclud be xehialrtaig, nintiimdtanig some,tmeisev en isdcouargngi, ut albaws chaylleginn.g I was an atmainz gripilege –v ndathoug hI lef tarey, Il wa tsanrsfroem byd ymy are staH avarrd th,efri endhips sI amd,ea nd teh idas I ewrkedo on.



ut Btkingaa s rieus ooolk acb … kI do ahv eno bige ergert但是.,果如在现严肃地回忆来,我确实起一个真有的遗正。

lIetf arHard vwiht on earl waarenes os ftheawf u inlqeiuiest i nht werld – thoe ppaalilng dipsraiiesto heafth,land walet,h nad opportuitn tyah ctodnmenmil ilnoso f peole po tlvie ofsd speira.


I earlen a dlo threea tHraavr dabou tne wideasin ceonmicosa dnpo liits. Icg o grtae etxposuerto hetad avces nbieg maned i the scniencse.


Bt uumhaitnys'g raetsteadv acen asre no tinits discovriese– ub it nho twhso deicsoveresia e raplipedt oedurc eniquity.eW hehet trrohuh gedmcorca,yst rognp blicue ducaton,i qualiy hetalht acer, ro robd economacio poprtuntiy– redcunig neqiuiytis th ehihestghum an ahcievmeet.




lef ctamups koniwg nlttie lbouta te hmilloin os fyonu peoglpecheate do tuo fducateionalo pprountiits here in thei csonutry.A d n Ikewn notinghab uot he timlilonsof people liivgni nnspuekableap ovrte ayn ddsiase ei dnevleopign cunoritse.


I ttoo km decaees dt fiodn out我.花几十年才明白了了些事情。这


u groduaats ecmeat o arvHrdaat a ifdfernett me.i ou Ykownmo era obutthe owlr'dsineq utiie thsnat eh clasesst hat ame cebfre. oI younr yaers eher, hope Iyu'oe vadha hancc et otihknabo t hou w –i ntihs age foac cleretina techgonloyg –w eanc ifalnyl tae kn thosee ieqnuiits,e na dw ecn saovel hem.t


maIgin,e jsu tfrothe s ake fo iscudsson,i hattyou hdaa f ew ohusr awee knad afw deollars a onth tmod noat eto caasue a–nd ouy watnedt os pendt ha tite anm doney wmhree t ioulw dhaev th geretaesti mpca tins avni gnad imroping lvies. Wvhreew ulody u sopendi t





Merilnadand for m,e th ehalcleng ie shte ames :hwocan w ed o he tostmgoo dfort ehg earetts nmueb ritwhthe resurcoe sw ehae.v



Durig onurd iscsusionso ntih qsusetino ,Melnid and I aera dana riclet abot uhe tilmlonsi foc ilhdrne wo were dhyni evgry eyera in oop rcuntoiersfrom di eases stht aw had loen ggo aamed harmless ni ths iocuntry.Mea sls,emalar ai,pn umoneia ,ehptitias B, yelolwf veer. Oen dieass e Ihda evnere envh arde fo,r taovruis ,aswkil iln ghalf maililo nidk esac heya – rnoneof thme n theiUni ed ttStesa



We erw ehockes.dWe h a dujtsass ued mtat if millhinos ofc ilhdern wreed iyg anndth eyc old bue asve, thdew oldrwo lu dmka eit a rpioriyt tod icsvoe anr ddeivel trh mediecnesit saov ehtm. eut it didB otn For.und e rado lla,rt erh ewre einertvnetins otaht culd sovaeli ves tha tjut weren'stbe ngi dlevieedr.


I youf beievle htt evaryelife ha seqaul value ,i'ts ervloitg tn olerna tath smeo ilev sar eseena sw rtoh asivg nnad thoers re aot.n eWs id to aurseolvs: "Teish ac'tn e bruet.B tui f t iist reu,it de servs toebe hte rpoirti yof urogi ving"




ew beang or wuokri nthe s aem awy anoyen ehrew oldu beig int .We skaed :How "ocldu he twrol let thdse ehcldreni die"?



The asnerw s simipl,eand ahrsh.The m arkte iddn o terwar davsngit e lihev os fhtee shcldrien a,dng oernmvetn sddi no sutsbiidezi . So thte hicdler nied becdaue thsie morhers tnd taheir fathesrh da n oopwr ie nth emrakt aed nno voieci nthe ystems.


But y

u aod In ave both.但是,h你们我和经在济有上力实,在治政能上够发声出音。

e cWn amae kmarekt frceo sowkr beter fto therpoo if rwec nad veelpoa moer reativec caitpalims – fiwe c n saretthc tehre achof m aketr ofres sc otat mhreop oepelca nma e k parfiot,or a teastl mkaea l viig,ns rviegnpeo lpewho ae srfuerfnigf rm ote whrots ineuqites.iWe also cn preas gsvernoemtn saorun dthe owrd lots pendt axpayer monyein w asytha tbe tet rrfeeclt teh valuse of te phoepl weh pay othe txes.



If w ecn fand ippaorchas teath eet mthene dseo fth pooeri n wysathat ge neraet ropifstfo bursniess ad nvtoesf r polotiicansi w,ew il hlvae foudn a sstuianbalew ayt roedcuei neuiqtyin t e horld.wThis ats ik speonende-.dIt can nver ee fbiishnde B.uta onscicusoe ffrt oot naser twhsi chlalngee wlil canhegt h weold.r


Imao tpmistii cthatwe cna d thio, butsI tlkat okspeitcswho cl aim htree s io nohe. pTeyhs ay "I:eqniuy thsabe n wite ush sncei het bgineingn,a n dwllib e wihtus till htee nd –ebcuasep epolej st …u odnt' … are.c"I c mpoeltlyedi sager.e


I beielev ewh ve maorecari n tgan hw enkw woha tot d wothi我.相,信问不题是们不我乎在而,是我不们道怎么做。知


l lo usfher ein t hsi Yra,dat noet ime or natohe, hraves een hman utraedgiest ah troke bour haetsr, nda eytwe di dno thign– nt beocuas wee idn'tdc ra,e butbe cuas ewedid nt 'nko wwht toa od.If w heda knon hww to oelhp w,e ouwl hdaevacte .d




bar rierto cha gnei nost too ilttl earicng; t isit oomuc hcmolexptiy .改变界的阻世,并非碍类的冷人,漠而是世实界太在杂复

oTt ru cnaingr int acotoin ,wenee d tos e ea problem, eesa s outloi,n nd seae hteimp ca. Bttucompl xiey bltoks cal lthree step.s


Evne wth the aidevt on thfe nIternt enad24- ouhrnews, i is sttil al omplex cetnrpresi eto get peolpe t tourly seethe pobrems. lhWe an airnplna ecashers, officail smimediaetly allca p rsesco nfrence.eThe yp rmosei o tivnstegati,e edtermie nth ecuae,san d rpveet snimilr carahse in tse fhturu.e



t if theuof fciilas wer berutaly lonehts th,ey wulo day: "sfOal ltehp oele pi thneworld who deid toad fyrmo prveetnbae caluess, noehalf o fon perecnetof th mew eero n thi splan.e Wer'ed teeminrde t dooev eytrinhgpos isle bt oosve lhe probletmth t toak toh elvei so fht oeen ahfl o ofn epecenrt".



eh bggei prorbem il sotn hte lapn erasch, ub tthe mliionslof pervntabele eatdhs显.,更重要然问题的是这次空难,而不其是他几万百可以预防的死亡件事。


eon'd tred amuh cabuto htse edetahs. hTem diea ocevs rhwats 'new–and mil loisnof peo le dpyig is notnhni nge. wo iSts atsy i tnheb akcgourd,n whee itrs 'esaie rot gionre.Bu etven henw ew odse e i ot rera dbouta t,iit' sd ffiiclt touk ee puore yeson t h eporblm.e tI'shar to lood kta uffesrnig i tfhesit utaoinis os ocmlpex tah tw edo'ntkn ow oh twoh elp A.nds we oolk oaay.w


I few ancr alley eesa p rblemo,w ihc his he tifrtss et, we pocmeto t ehs coed stnep cut:itg tnroughhthe complexityt oifnda s outilno.


indinF solugtoisnis ess entail i wfe awtnt moaekt hemos tf ouor acirng.If we avheclear andp rveo annswre asntiym eano ganriaziotn o ridivniualdas s k"ow caHn Ihe l?p, "tehnw ecnaget ac itno– ad nw ecnam akes reu that nnoeof hte carni gnithe worl isdwast e. dut cBopmlxiey tamks et iahr dotma kra p atho facti on orfever oney hw coraes— and thtama ks iet arhdfo r thie rcaingrto matetr.



uting ttrhoug hcopmexltyito ind af olustoinrun s thrugohf uro pedicrtbla setgase d:eermtine agoa, flidn tehh ighet-slevreagea pprocah ,discoevr thei edal echtolong yfort ah atpporac, handin t h emeanitme ma,k teehs martes applicatiotno ft e tehhnoclog thytay ou lraeday ahv — ewethheri 'ts soemhingt oshispitacedt, lik e ardgu, r somethiongs implre ,ilke baedent



TheA IS Dpidemic offere sa exnmpal. Tehe boad rogal,of ocuser,is toe nd he dtiease.s Te hhgihestle-vreae gpapoarc hs ipreenvtino T.eh diealte hconogl wouydlbe avccina ehtt aivgselife imetim unitm wyit hasin gledos .eSo go vrnmeens, trug cdmponaie, sndafo ndations funu vdaccne ierserac. But thher iwok ir sikely tl taoe mokre tah an ecdda,soei nth meaetnime w, ehae vt woro kith whwt aewhav ei hnnd –aand t eh estb rpveetinonap rpach oew ahevnow s gitetignpeo lep ota ovid iskr byeavhoi.r



siugnt ah toag starlt ste fohrust-pe yccel aaign Th.i is shetpat tre. The crucnil tahingi ts nover estop hitkingna nd wroingk– ndan veer do hwt awe ddiw tih mlariaa ad ntubeculrsio si nhet 20ht centuyr– whi hc ist surornder etocom lexpityan dquti.



Te finhl aste p –faet rseieng het prbole mna fidding nanapp rocha– i s t moesura the empaitc o fyuo wrrokand hsreayou sucrcssee san fdiaulesrs ot ht othare sealn rrfmo our effyrto.




u ahv te hovaet hest tisaicts o,f couse.rYou hae tvobe bal te ohows hatta prog am is varccnatiig minllonsi moerchil der. noYu hve aotb ebal etos oh aw dcleneiin th enu merbo f hildren dcyign rofmthe e dssiasese T.ih ssi seensiatln toj su tto mipovre the rogpar, mbt ulso tao hel dprwa mro ievesntmet nrofmb sinuss enadg voremnen.t



t fiyo u wantt oinspri eepolp to epaticipart, eouy ave ht sohw moroe htn anubemsr; oyuh vea to cnoevyt e hhuamnimp atc o thf worek– so peo lpe an cfel wehat asvni a lgfi emane sto ht eafiliesma fefcet.d


Ire embmreg iognto avoD ssome yares bakca d nsttini on a glogba lehlat hanpl teat whs adsciusisgnw ya tossa e vilmloni osf lvise. iMliolsn !Think foth tehilrlo sfviang usj otn perseons'li ef –hentmul iptl yhttab y miliols. …n Yte tis was the mhos tbrion gpnael 'veIev er ben eon– vere .S obroig enve nI cuoldnt'b era i.t



atmad e tath epxrience especeaily stlikrignwa sth a tIh a jdust cmeofr moan even t hweerwe ewr ientorducin vergions 13of so mep eic oe softfwrae, an dwe ahd pople ejmpiungan d hsoting uwti exhcitement .Ilo evg etitg neppoe elxcite abodut ofswatr –ebu tw yh cn'a we tgnereteaeven mo er xciteemnet for svang liive?s



Yo uan'c gtte eppoel exitcde unlse syo can uehl tphm eese an fedel tehimp ct.aA d nhw yoou o tdah – is atc mpolx qeusteon.




il, l'Imo pimtstii. Yes, cneiquiyt as heebnw thi su freveo, burtth nee wtols owe hva te octuth roghuc molexpit yhav eotnb een withus f revore T.he yre ane w the– cyn halp us meae tkeh ostmo fou carinr g– nda httas' hy wth euftru ean ceb dffeiren ftromthe pa st.



hede ifinn gna dngoino ignonvatinosof t ih ags e–b oteihnocolyg t,e chmoupetr, hte nItrente – gie uv sa hcane we'vce neve har bedfoe troe ndextr emepove rty nade n ddath erof pmerevnabte dileasse




xti yeays rgo,aGe ogr eMasrhla caml toet ihs ocmmencmeen ant dannoncud aepla nt assistot ehnati osn ofpos twa- Eurrpo.e e said:H" It hni koned ifficuty isl htat th proelebmis on eof usc enorhmos complueitx tyhatt ehver ymass of afts presectnd eo thtepu lbcib prysse andr aiodm ae ik txceedeiglynd ifficlutfo rte han mnithe st erte t roaeh a ccelr appaaisrmeet no tfh eisutation .t Isi ivturallyi mpsosile ab ttis hisdtnca teogra ps a tll taehreal si ngiicfance o fht eituatiso."n


hirTt yyears atef rMasharl ladme isha drdse,sa smy lcss argadutaedw thoui mte, tecnhoogy lasw meegirg than touwdl maekt he orlwds maler,lmore open, mo e rvsiileb l,sse isdtnta.



he meerenceg fo ow-locts persoanlc mputers oagver si eo a tpoerfulw entwrk ohtta hs taarnfsrmeodo pprtuoinitsefo lerarnin gnad comuminacingt.




eagmcalit hingabo t this untweork i nos tusj that itt colaples sdstinae and camkesev ryoeen ouyrn iehbgro. t alIosd rmataicaly ilncersas eteh unmeb ro frillbinta midn sew can avehwo ringk ogether tno hte sae pmobrelm – nadt ht asacles p tuhe rteaof in novation ota satggreingdeg er.



A tteh ase time, fmro verey prsenoin th ewolr wdh oas hcacses to tih sechtologyn, ivf peeolp eond'. That tmaens anmy reacive mints ard leef tuo tf toih sdscussiin --o mars teopplewi thpr acitac ilnellitegcn and erlevanet xpereinec ewho odn'tha ev te htcehnloog ty oohe ntherit lantes roc ntoriubet htire deis ao thet wolr.d



ene edas amynpeo lpeas pos sibleto hav aceecs to thisst ehncoolg,yb eacues tesh edvanaecsar et irggrieg n raveoltionuin waht huanm biegsnca do fnor one natoeh. rheTyar em akng ii tosspible no jtus ftro nationa govlernemts,nbu torf uiversitnesi c,ororpatoin, smasler lrgoanzitioans and,e env idniidvuasl o tseepr olembs,s ee pproacheas,a dnm asueerthe i mpat of their ceforts ft oddaesr sthe hngeru povert,y,a ndd speeariot Geonreg aMsrahll psokeo 6f 0yaers ag.





meebrs f toh eHarvradFamil : Heyer n the Yardii soen o the fgertaco llcetiosn f iotellencual ttleantin t e howrdl. 佛是一哈个大庭。这家院子里在场个人的,是全世们最有界智力的人类群之体。一

Wathf r? o们可我以些什做么?

Thre ei so nuestqoni htat th feaulcyt,th ea lmnui,th stedenust,a ndthe be nefatorc os faHrvar dhva ueeds hetirp weor toi mropveth elive sf opoepe lhre enad aruod nht weord.l uB tcn we aod orem ?Ca Hanrvrd dediacat eisti ntleelc to tiprmoing vthe lves io feoppelwho w il lnevereve nhea rti nasme?




Le me makt a reeuesq tfo het deasna d nhte porfsesros– t h ineetleclual tealedsrhe erat Ha varr: Adsyo u hirenew fa cltuy,aw adrtenure, re veiw ucrrcilum, anudd termenei degree rquieeremnst, plaes asekyou resvels



hSulodou brse tmids nb eddeicaetdto sloivg nurobi gesgtpr boelms 我?最优们秀的人才是在致否于解决力我最大的们问?题

hSuol darHvad erncuroga etis afculty otta k eno thewor dl'sw rso inetuiqtesi Sho?ud Harlvrd asudentt searlna buot tehde tp of glhbal poverot y t…e hrpvalenec eof wold hrugne r the …scrciatyo fcl eanwater …th girel sekptout of school t…e hhcidrenlwho ied fomrdi seaseswe ca n cur?e


hSuodl hte owrdls mos'tpri vliegd peopele laern boua tth lives oe ftehwor dl' selat prsiilevedg?那 些世界上过最着越生优活的们人,没有从那些有最难困人的们上身学到西东?

hTseea ren ot rheotrialc uqestios n you– wil anlswe with yourr poilics. e这些问并非题言上的语辞。修你必用须自己的行动回答来它。们

M yomhter, wh waso fliel dwithpr di ehte dy Ia as wamidttd heer–en veersto ppdep erssngim eotd oome frrooth re.s A ew fayd bseofer m yewding, dshehos tdea b irad lveen, attwhich hs eera aloudd a

letterabo tuma riagertha t he shad wrtten it oelMnda.i yMmo het wars evryil wilth accne atrth e imet ,ub sth sawe neo omeropp orunityt ot dlevei hre mrssegae ,an adtthe cl ose o fthel ettreshe sa i: "Fromd htsoe ot hom muwchi s igevn ,mcuhi expsctede.




Wenhy ou oncsdei rwhatt hoeso f u sherei nthis Yard hav beeeng vein in t–laent,p rivlieg,e nad ppoortnuiyt there–i

s amlostn olimt iot haw thte orldwh saa r ightto epxct erfo ums.


nIli n ewih tthe romisp of thiseag e,I w na ttoe hortxe cha o fhet rgdauaet sehre to aketon an isse –ua omplce xropbel,ma eepdi neuitqy ,an debcmo easpe iclisa tn oit. fIyou mae ktithe foc us of yoruc raer, teha twuoldb eheponenma.lB utyou dont'h av eo tod thatto m ak ean mipatc. oFr afw eohur sevrey ewke ,oyu cna sue he gtrwiognpow r ofe theInt rnet et geoti nofrmde ,fnd iotehr wishtthe asemint eersts,se theeb rriares,a d nifnd ayws o tcu tthorgh uhtm.e


Do'n tel ctompleixyt stopyou .B aetcvists. Takeion he btgii nqeiutes.iIt will be on efoth ergateex perinecs oe foyru lievs.



u goardatus areec oinm gof ag ie nan amainz timg.e sA yu oelaevH raavr, dou yavh eetcholngy otahtme mebrso myf calssne verhad. Yo uahe vwaaernse osf logbl anieuqiyt, hiwhc w dedino htve.aAn d iwh ttah taawernsse,you l iekl ylao haves ani fnomed crosnicncee thatwi l tolrmnetyou if yuo abandno htesepeo le wpohs elvis yeuoco ludc anghew ih tvery iltte lefoft.r ouY avhe omreth an e hawd; you msutsta rt oosnre ,an cdrayron olgenr.


nKwong iwah ytu konow,how ocudly u onto 知?道了们你所知道的一,切你怎么可们不能采取动行?呢

AdnI hop e yu oill comw ebck hear teoH rvaad r03 eayrsf romnow na drfeelc ont haw tyo huveadon e iwt hyuro taeltn an youdre nery.gI hpoe yu oiwl jldug yoeusrleve not onsy ourp orefsisnaolacc opmilhmenstsa lno,eb tua lso onho w

well yuoh aev ddarsseed tehwor ld' dsepeste neiuqtiie s…on ho wwel you trlatede peopela w rldo awyawh hoaven ohitgnin co monm iwt yohubut htir humenaiy.t



God oluc.k 最后,祝位各学好同运。





rsieedntBok, forme rPr eisendt Ruensdint, inecmoig Prenidest nFust, meabersm o fhteH ravadrC oropraitnoa ndthe Bo ar odf Oevrsers,em meebrs o thef aculfy, tarenpts ,na dsepeiclaly,t h graduaetes



'vIe eebn awtingi mroetha 3n y0aes tr oay shti: "sDa, Ida walsy otl ydo I'u docme bcak nd aetg my degee."r




awt tnoth nkaH avrrda fo rthis itmely onoh.r Ill' e chabngingmy job enxt yea r… na id wtillb en ci te foniall hyva aec lleoe gdgere en omyr suem.e


apIlaup tdehgr duaaest odayt fo trkiagna mch muoer diecr route tto yuorde rgee. sor Fm yprat,I' mj us tapph yhtatthe Cr ismo han s callde me Ha"vradr'sm os tucscessflu doprou." Itgu ss thet makase e mavedlitoricnaof my ow npesialc lasc s I… ddi he bett sfoe eryvnoe wo fahield.


But Ialso antwto b ercegonizd aes th gue yhowg t oSetv eaBllem ro tdorp ou oft ubsiess nchools .I' amb dai fnulene. chaTt's hw Iy asw i vntedi o tpsea atkyo rugr audtian. IfoI h adspo kn eatyou orreinattoni ,fewe rf oyoum ihgtb e hre etdoay.

是,我还但要醒提大,家我使得teveS allBerm注(:软总微理)经也从哈商佛院学退学。因此了,是我个着有劣恶响力的人。影这是就为么什被邀请来在我们你毕的典业礼演上讲。如我在果你入学们迎欢仪式上讲,那么演能坚持到今够在天里毕业的人也这会许少得吧。多


varrdw sajust ahpenmenaloex epreicn fore me Aca.dmie licf eaw fasscnatiin. g uIesdt os i it nno lto of csassle I sadhnt e'en vsgnedi u p of.rAnd d omr life wsat erifirc. Ilivedup a t Rdcalifef ,ni Curr ier Huoe.s Terhew ee rlwaas ylot sf opoplee ni y dmomrroo malet atni gth idscssiun tgihnsg, ecaubs eeervoye nnkew Idid 't nowryr boaut g etitn gp inut he mroinng Th.a's thw I oamce t be ohte eldaero fteh a ntisoc-il graup. Weocl nu gto aecho htre as aw a oyfvalid aitgnou r erjecion ot fla tlohse oscal iepopel.



Rdcliffa wae a sgeartp lae tco liev.T hre wereem ro wemeo upnther , anedm so otft ehgu s ywree cisene-mcta thpey. shat Tocminatboi offerednm et eh bet osds,d i foyuk noww athI m an.e his Ti sherew lIernae dhet as dlsseo thnat imrpviog ynuor ddsodo enst' uargateensu cessc




n eofm bygigetsme omierso Harfarv dcam einJ anuar y195,7 hwn I eamed calalfr omC urirr eouse to H aompacyni nAbuluerqqe thuta had ebung aminkg htewo rld' fsrist pesoran lcoputemsr . Ioffere dt oells tehm sotwfare.



worierdthat teyh ould rewalzei was Iusjta s tdentu in ador ma d hanng upon me. nstIed ahet syida "W:er'en otq uietread ,y omecse eus in a m onh,t w"ichhw s aa ogdo htngi ,bceaus ee wadn'htw ritet tneh osfwate yer. Ftrm otaht ommnet, Iworkd dey and nagit ho tnhsi ltilet xtea rrecdt ipojerc tthtama ker thde ndeof my col elg edueatcion adn te hbgeininngof a emarkarlb ejourne ywihtM icrosoft.


Waht Iemrembe rbovea la lboat Haurvrad wa besing inth em dit of so suchm nereg yad intelligenne.c It oclud be xehialrtaig, nintiimdtanig some,tmeisev en isdcouargngi, ut albaws chaylleginn.g I was an atmainz gripilege –v ndathoug hI lef tarey, Il wa tsanrsfroem byd ymy are staH avarrd th,efri endhips sI amd,ea nd teh idas I ewrkedo on.



ut Btkingaa s rieus ooolk acb … kI do ahv eno bige ergert但是.,果如在现严肃地回忆来,我确实起一个真有的遗正。

lIetf arHard vwiht on earl waarenes os ftheawf u inlqeiuiest i nht werld – thoe ppaalilng dipsraiiesto heafth,land walet,h nad opportuitn tyah ctodnmenmil ilnoso f peole po tlvie ofsd speira.


I earlen a dlo threea tHraavr dabou tne wideasin ceonmicosa dnpo liits. Icg o grtae etxposuerto hetad avces nbieg maned i the scniencse.


Bt uumhaitnys'g raetsteadv acen asre no tinits discovriese– ub it nho twhso deicsoveresia e raplipedt oedurc eniquity.eW hehet trrohuh gedmcorca,yst rognp blicue ducaton,i qualiy hetalht acer, ro robd economacio poprtuntiy– redcunig neqiuiytis th ehihestghum an ahcievmeet.




lef ctamups koniwg nlttie lbouta te hmilloin os fyonu peoglpecheate do tuo fducateionalo pprountiits here in thei csonutry.A d n Ikewn notinghab uot he timlilonsof people liivgni nnspuekableap ovrte ayn ddsiase ei dnevleopign cunoritse.


I ttoo km decaees dt fiodn out我.花几十年才明白了了些事情。这


u groduaats ecmeat o arvHrdaat a ifdfernett me.i ou Ykownmo era obutthe owlr'dsineq utiie thsnat eh clasesst hat ame cebfre. oI younr yaers eher, hope Iyu'oe vadha hancc et otihknabo t hou w –i ntihs age foac cleretina techgonloyg –w eanc ifalnyl tae kn thosee ieqnuiits,e na dw ecn saovel hem.t


maIgin,e jsu tfrothe s ake fo iscudsson,i hattyou hdaa f ew ohusr awee knad afw deollars a onth tmod noat eto caasue a–nd ouy watnedt os pendt ha tite anm doney wmhree t ioulw dhaev th geretaesti mpca tins avni gnad imroping lvies. Wvhreew ulody u sopendi t





Merilnadand for m,e th ehalcleng ie shte ames :hwocan w ed o he tostmgoo dfort ehg earetts nmueb ritwhthe resurcoe sw ehae.v



Durig onurd iscsusionso ntih qsusetino ,Melnid and I aera dana riclet abot uhe tilmlonsi foc ilhdrne wo were dhyni evgry eyera in oop rcuntoiersfrom di eases stht aw had loen ggo aamed harmless ni ths iocuntry.Mea sls,emalar ai,pn umoneia ,ehptitias B, yelolwf veer. Oen dieass e Ihda evnere envh arde fo,r taovruis ,aswkil iln ghalf maililo nidk esac heya – rnoneof thme n theiUni ed ttStesa



We erw ehockes.dWe h a dujtsass ued mtat if millhinos ofc ilhdern wreed iyg anndth eyc old bue asve, thdew oldrwo lu dmka eit a rpioriyt tod icsvoe anr ddeivel trh mediecnesit saov ehtm. eut it didB otn For.und e rado lla,rt erh ewre einertvnetins otaht culd sovaeli ves tha tjut weren'stbe ngi dlevieedr.


I youf beievle htt evaryelife ha seqaul value ,i'ts ervloitg tn olerna tath smeo ilev sar eseena sw rtoh asivg nnad thoers re aot.n eWs id to aurseolvs: "Teish ac'tn e bruet.B tui f t iist reu,it de servs toebe hte rpoirti yof urogi ving"




ew beang or wuokri nthe s aem awy anoyen ehrew oldu beig int .We skaed :How "ocldu he twrol let thdse ehcldreni die"?



The asnerw s simipl,eand ahrsh.The m arkte iddn o terwar davsngit e lihev os fhtee shcldrien a,dng oernmvetn sddi no sutsbiidezi . So thte hicdler nied becdaue thsie morhers tnd taheir fathesrh da n oopwr ie nth emrakt aed nno voieci nthe ystems.


But y

u aod In ave both.但是,h你们我和经在济有上力实,在治政能上够发声出音。

e cWn amae kmarekt frceo sowkr beter fto therpoo if rwec nad veelpoa moer reativec caitpalims – fiwe c n saretthc tehre achof m aketr ofres sc otat mhreop oepelca nma e k parfiot,or a teastl mkaea l viig,ns rviegnpeo lpewho ae srfuerfnigf rm ote whrots ineuqites.iWe also cn preas gsvernoemtn saorun dthe owrd lots pendt axpayer monyein w asytha tbe tet rrfeeclt teh valuse of te phoepl weh pay othe txes.



If w ecn fand ippaorchas teath eet mthene dseo fth pooeri n wysathat ge neraet ropifstfo bursniess ad nvtoesf r polotiicansi w,ew il hlvae foudn a sstuianbalew ayt roedcuei neuiqtyin t e horld.wThis ats ik speonende-.dIt can nver ee fbiishnde B.uta onscicusoe ffrt oot naser twhsi chlalngee wlil canhegt h weold.r


Imao tpmistii cthatwe cna d thio, butsI tlkat okspeitcswho cl aim htree s io nohe. pTeyhs ay "I:eqniuy thsabe n wite ush sncei het bgineingn,a n dwllib e wihtus till htee nd –ebcuasep epolej st …u odnt' … are.c"I c mpoeltlyedi sager.e


I beielev ewh ve maorecari n tgan hw enkw woha tot d wothi我.相,信问不题是们不我乎在而,是我不们道怎么做。知


l lo usfher ein t hsi Yra,dat noet ime or natohe, hraves een hman utraedgiest ah troke bour haetsr, nda eytwe di dno thign– nt beocuas wee idn'tdc ra,e butbe cuas ewedid nt 'nko wwht toa od.If w heda knon hww to oelhp w,e ouwl hdaevacte .d




bar rierto cha gnei nost too ilttl earicng; t isit oomuc hcmolexptiy .改变界的阻世,并非碍类的冷人,漠而是世实界太在杂复

oTt ru cnaingr int acotoin ,wenee d tos e ea problem, eesa s outloi,n nd seae hteimp ca. Bttucompl xiey bltoks cal lthree step.s


Evne wth the aidevt on thfe nIternt enad24- ouhrnews, i is sttil al omplex cetnrpresi eto get peolpe t tourly seethe pobrems. lhWe an airnplna ecashers, officail smimediaetly allca p rsesco nfrence.eThe yp rmosei o tivnstegati,e edtermie nth ecuae,san d rpveet snimilr carahse in tse fhturu.e



t if theuof fciilas wer berutaly lonehts th,ey wulo day: "sfOal ltehp oele pi thneworld who deid toad fyrmo prveetnbae caluess, noehalf o fon perecnetof th mew eero n thi splan.e Wer'ed teeminrde t dooev eytrinhgpos isle bt oosve lhe probletmth t toak toh elvei so fht oeen ahfl o ofn epecenrt".



eh bggei prorbem il sotn hte lapn erasch, ub tthe mliionslof pervntabele eatdhs显.,更重要然问题的是这次空难,而不其是他几万百可以预防的死亡件事。


eon'd tred amuh cabuto htse edetahs. hTem diea ocevs rhwats 'new–and mil loisnof peo le dpyig is notnhni nge. wo iSts atsy i tnheb akcgourd,n whee itrs 'esaie rot gionre.Bu etven henw ew odse e i ot rera dbouta t,iit' sd ffiiclt touk ee puore yeson t h eporblm.e tI'shar to lood kta uffesrnig i tfhesit utaoinis os ocmlpex tah tw edo'ntkn ow oh twoh elp A.nds we oolk oaay.w


I few ancr alley eesa p rblemo,w ihc his he tifrtss et, we pocmeto t ehs coed stnep cut:itg tnroughhthe complexityt oifnda s outilno.


indinF solugtoisnis ess entail i wfe awtnt moaekt hemos tf ouor acirng.If we avheclear andp rveo annswre asntiym eano ganriaziotn o ridivniualdas s k"ow caHn Ihe l?p, "tehnw ecnaget ac itno– ad nw ecnam akes reu that nnoeof hte carni gnithe worl isdwast e. dut cBopmlxiey tamks et iahr dotma kra p atho facti on orfever oney hw coraes— and thtama ks iet arhdfo r thie rcaingrto matetr.



uting ttrhoug hcopmexltyito ind af olustoinrun s thrugohf uro pedicrtbla setgase d:eermtine agoa, flidn tehh ighet-slevreagea pprocah ,discoevr thei edal echtolong yfort ah atpporac, handin t h emeanitme ma,k teehs martes applicatiotno ft e tehhnoclog thytay ou lraeday ahv — ewethheri 'ts soemhingt oshispitacedt, lik e ardgu, r somethiongs implre ,ilke baedent



TheA IS Dpidemic offere sa exnmpal. Tehe boad rogal,of ocuser,is toe nd he dtiease.s Te hhgihestle-vreae gpapoarc hs ipreenvtino T.eh diealte hconogl wouydlbe avccina ehtt aivgselife imetim unitm wyit hasin gledos .eSo go vrnmeens, trug cdmponaie, sndafo ndations funu vdaccne ierserac. But thher iwok ir sikely tl taoe mokre tah an ecdda,soei nth meaetnime w, ehae vt woro kith whwt aewhav ei hnnd –aand t eh estb rpveetinonap rpach oew ahevnow s gitetignpeo lep ota ovid iskr byeavhoi.r



siugnt ah toag starlt ste fohrust-pe yccel aaign Th.i is shetpat tre. The crucnil tahingi ts nover estop hitkingna nd wroingk– ndan veer do hwt awe ddiw tih mlariaa ad ntubeculrsio si nhet 20ht centuyr– whi hc ist surornder etocom lexpityan dquti.



Te finhl aste p –faet rseieng het prbole mna fidding nanapp rocha– i s t moesura the empaitc o fyuo wrrokand hsreayou sucrcssee san fdiaulesrs ot ht othare sealn rrfmo our effyrto.




u ahv te hovaet hest tisaicts o,f couse.rYou hae tvobe bal te ohows hatta prog am is varccnatiig minllonsi moerchil der. noYu hve aotb ebal etos oh aw dcleneiin th enu merbo f hildren dcyign rofmthe e dssiasese T.ih ssi seensiatln toj su tto mipovre the rogpar, mbt ulso tao hel dprwa mro ievesntmet nrofmb sinuss enadg voremnen.t



t fiyo u wantt oinspri eepolp to epaticipart, eouy ave ht sohw moroe htn anubemsr; oyuh vea to cnoevyt e hhuamnimp atc o thf worek– so peo lpe an cfel wehat asvni a lgfi emane sto ht eafiliesma fefcet.d


Ire embmreg iognto avoD ssome yares bakca d nsttini on a glogba lehlat hanpl teat whs adsciusisgnw ya tossa e vilmloni osf lvise. iMliolsn !Think foth tehilrlo sfviang usj otn perseons'li ef –hentmul iptl yhttab y miliols. …n Yte tis was the mhos tbrion gpnael 'veIev er ben eon– vere .S obroig enve nI cuoldnt'b era i.t



atmad e tath epxrience especeaily stlikrignwa sth a tIh a jdust cmeofr moan even t hweerwe ewr ientorducin vergions 13of so mep eic oe softfwrae, an dwe ahd pople ejmpiungan d hsoting uwti exhcitement .Ilo evg etitg neppoe elxcite abodut ofswatr –ebu tw yh cn'a we tgnereteaeven mo er xciteemnet for svang liive?s



Yo uan'c gtte eppoel exitcde unlse syo can uehl tphm eese an fedel tehimp ct.aA d nhw yoou o tdah – is atc mpolx qeusteon.




il, l'Imo pimtstii. Yes, cneiquiyt as heebnw thi su freveo, burtth nee wtols owe hva te octuth roghuc molexpit yhav eotnb een withus f revore T.he yre ane w the– cyn halp us meae tkeh ostmo fou carinr g– nda httas' hy wth euftru ean ceb dffeiren ftromthe pa st.



hede ifinn gna dngoino ignonvatinosof t ih ags e–b oteihnocolyg t,e chmoupetr, hte nItrente – gie uv sa hcane we'vce neve har bedfoe troe ndextr emepove rty nade n ddath erof pmerevnabte dileasse




xti yeays rgo,aGe ogr eMasrhla caml toet ihs ocmmencmeen ant dannoncud aepla nt assistot ehnati osn ofpos twa- Eurrpo.e e said:H" It hni koned ifficuty isl htat th proelebmis on eof usc enorhmos complueitx tyhatt ehver ymass of afts presectnd eo thtepu lbcib prysse andr aiodm ae ik txceedeiglynd ifficlutfo rte han mnithe st erte t roaeh a ccelr appaaisrmeet no tfh eisutation .t Isi ivturallyi mpsosile ab ttis hisdtnca teogra ps a tll taehreal si ngiicfance o fht eituatiso."n


hirTt yyears atef rMasharl ladme isha drdse,sa smy lcss argadutaedw thoui mte, tecnhoogy lasw meegirg than touwdl maekt he orlwds maler,lmore open, mo e rvsiileb l,sse isdtnta.



he meerenceg fo ow-locts persoanlc mputers oagver si eo a tpoerfulw entwrk ohtta hs taarnfsrmeodo pprtuoinitsefo lerarnin gnad comuminacingt.




eagmcalit hingabo t this untweork i nos tusj that itt colaples sdstinae and camkesev ryoeen ouyrn iehbgro. t alIosd rmataicaly ilncersas eteh unmeb ro frillbinta midn sew can avehwo ringk ogether tno hte sae pmobrelm – nadt ht asacles p tuhe rteaof in novation ota satggreingdeg er.



A tteh ase time, fmro verey prsenoin th ewolr wdh oas hcacses to tih sechtologyn, ivf peeolp eond'. That tmaens anmy reacive mints ard leef tuo tf toih sdscussiin --o mars teopplewi thpr acitac ilnellitegcn and erlevanet xpereinec ewho odn'tha ev te htcehnloog ty oohe ntherit lantes roc ntoriubet htire deis ao thet wolr.d



ene edas amynpeo lpeas pos sibleto hav aceecs to thisst ehncoolg,yb eacues tesh edvanaecsar et irggrieg n raveoltionuin waht huanm biegsnca do fnor one natoeh. rheTyar em akng ii tosspible no jtus ftro nationa govlernemts,nbu torf uiversitnesi c,ororpatoin, smasler lrgoanzitioans and,e env idniidvuasl o tseepr olembs,s ee pproacheas,a dnm asueerthe i mpat of their ceforts ft oddaesr sthe hngeru povert,y,a ndd speeariot Geonreg aMsrahll psokeo 6f 0yaers ag.





meebrs f toh eHarvradFamil : Heyer n the Yardii soen o the fgertaco llcetiosn f iotellencual ttleantin t e howrdl. 佛是一哈个大庭。这家院子里在场个人的,是全世们最有界智力的人类群之体。一

Wathf r? o们可我以些什做么?

Thre ei so nuestqoni htat th feaulcyt,th ea lmnui,th stedenust,a ndthe be nefatorc os faHrvar dhva ueeds hetirp weor toi mropveth elive sf opoepe lhre enad aruod nht weord.l uB tcn we aod orem ?Ca Hanrvrd dediacat eisti ntleelc to tiprmoing vthe lves io feoppelwho w il lnevereve nhea rti nasme?




Le me makt a reeuesq tfo het deasna d nhte porfsesros– t h ineetleclual tealedsrhe erat Ha varr: Adsyo u hirenew fa cltuy,aw adrtenure, re veiw ucrrcilum, anudd termenei degree rquieeremnst, plaes asekyou resvels



hSulodou brse tmids nb eddeicaetdto sloivg nurobi gesgtpr boelms 我?最优们秀的人才是在致否于解决力我最大的们问?题

hSuol darHvad erncuroga etis afculty otta k eno thewor dl'sw rso inetuiqtesi Sho?ud Harlvrd asudentt searlna buot tehde tp of glhbal poverot y t…e hrpvalenec eof wold hrugne r the …scrciatyo fcl eanwater …th girel sekptout of school t…e hhcidrenlwho ied fomrdi seaseswe ca n cur?e


hSuodl hte owrdls mos'tpri vliegd peopele laern boua tth lives oe ftehwor dl' selat prsiilevedg?那 些世界上过最着越生优活的们人,没有从那些有最难困人的们上身学到西东?

hTseea ren ot rheotrialc uqestios n you– wil anlswe with yourr poilics. e这些问并非题言上的语辞。修你必用须自己的行动回答来它。们

M yomhter, wh waso fliel dwithpr di ehte dy Ia as wamidttd heer–en veersto ppdep erssngim eotd oome frrooth re.s A ew fayd bseofer m yewding, dshehos tdea b irad lveen, attwhich hs eera aloudd a

letterabo tuma riagertha t he shad wrtten it oelMnda.i yMmo het wars evryil wilth accne atrth e imet ,ub sth sawe neo omeropp orunityt ot dlevei hre mrssegae ,an adtthe cl ose o fthel ettreshe sa i: "Fromd htsoe ot hom muwchi s igevn ,mcuhi expsctede.




Wenhy ou oncsdei rwhatt hoeso f u sherei nthis Yard hav beeeng vein in t–laent,p rivlieg,e nad ppoortnuiyt there–i

s amlostn olimt iot haw thte orldwh saa r ightto epxct erfo ums.


nIli n ewih tthe romisp of thiseag e,I w na ttoe hortxe cha o fhet rgdauaet sehre to aketon an isse –ua omplce xropbel,ma eepdi neuitqy ,an debcmo easpe iclisa tn oit. fIyou mae ktithe foc us of yoruc raer, teha twuoldb eheponenma.lB utyou dont'h av eo tod thatto m ak ean mipatc. oFr afw eohur sevrey ewke ,oyu cna sue he gtrwiognpow r ofe theInt rnet et geoti nofrmde ,fnd iotehr wishtthe asemint eersts,se theeb rriares,a d nifnd ayws o tcu tthorgh uhtm.e


Do'n tel ctompleixyt stopyou .B aetcvists. Takeion he btgii nqeiutes.iIt will be on efoth ergateex perinecs oe foyru lievs.



u goardatus areec oinm gof ag ie nan amainz timg.e sA yu oelaevH raavr, dou yavh eetcholngy otahtme mebrso myf calssne verhad. Yo uahe vwaaernse osf logbl anieuqiyt, hiwhc w dedino htve.aAn d iwh ttah taawernsse,you l iekl ylao haves ani fnomed crosnicncee thatwi l tolrmnetyou if yuo abandno htesepeo le wpohs elvis yeuoco ludc anghew ih tvery iltte lefoft.r ouY avhe omreth an e hawd; you msutsta rt oosnre ,an cdrayron olgenr.


nKwong iwah ytu konow,how ocudly u onto 知?道了们你所知道的一,切你怎么可们不能采取动行?呢

AdnI hop e yu oill comw ebck hear teoH rvaad r03 eayrsf romnow na drfeelc ont haw tyo huveadon e iwt hyuro taeltn an youdre nery.gI hpoe yu oiwl jldug yoeusrleve not onsy ourp orefsisnaolacc opmilhmenstsa lno,eb tua lso onho w

well yuoh aev ddarsseed tehwor ld' dsepeste neiuqtiie s…on ho wwel you trlatede peopela w rldo awyawh hoaven ohitgnin co monm iwt yohubut htir humenaiy.t



God oluc.k 最后,祝位各学好同运。


  • 励志演讲稿:哈佛的"最后一课"
  • 在美国几乎每一所大学,毕业典礼都是一场"重头戏".它们讲究排场,大多还蕴含着历史与传统.这在哈佛这所美国最古老的大学里更是展露无遗. 我们的毕业典礼总是定点在"三百年剧场",它位于哈佛纪念堂与怀德纳图 ...查看

  • 我的中国梦演讲稿:毕业,哈佛的"最后一课"
  • 在美国几乎每一所大学,毕业典礼都是一场"重头戏".它们讲究排场,大多还蕴含着历史与传统.这在哈佛这所美国最古老的大学里更是展露无遗. 我们的毕业典礼总是定点在"三百年剧场",它位于哈佛纪念堂与怀德纳图 ...查看

  • "根叔"的泛化
  • 第一个将女人比喻为玫瑰的是天才,第二个是庸才,第三个是蠢材. 2010年,被学生亲切地称为"根叔"的李培根,因亲自撰写2000多字的演讲稿<记忆>,在该校2010届本科生毕业典礼上把国家大事.学校大事.身边人 ...查看

  • 毕业典礼演讲稿:朱棣文哈佛演讲
  • 尊敬的Faust校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位朋友,以及最重要的各位毕业生同学, 感谢你们,让我有机会同你们一起分享这个美妙的日子. 我不太肯定,自己够得上哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲人这样的殊荣.去年登上 ...查看

  • 励志演讲稿:生命太短暂,不能空手过
  • 尊敬的Faust校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位朋友,以及最重要的各位毕业生同学, 感谢你们,让我有机会同你们一起分享这个美妙的日子. 我不太肯定,自己够得上哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲人这样的殊荣.去年登上 ...查看

  • 毕业典礼演讲稿:小学毕业教师发言稿
  • 尊敬的各位领导.老师.家长,亲爱的同学: 大家好! 今天是一个令人难忘又值得庆贺的日子,在坐的同学经过自己五年的努力圆满的完成了小学阶段的学习,即将告别金色童年,跨入新的征程.在这里,首先让我代表小学部的全体教师向你们表示衷心的祝贺. 此时 ...查看

  • 英语演讲稿:朱棣文在哈佛大学的演讲稿
  • Madam President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers,faculty, family, friends, and, most ...查看

  • IT巨头的青春岁月
  • IT巨头的青春岁月--比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦 08月 28, 2010 by P迪 类别: 创业人物 这文不错,把他推到新浪微博! 4 条评论 在IT业界,有些面孔我们经常可以见到.但有些IT巨头的"面孔",我们则不常见 ...查看

  • 乔布斯的精神遗产
  • 所有的人都在赞叹苹果教主乔布斯带给世界的惊喜,而乔布斯却说:我愿意用所有的高科技换与苏格拉底相处的一个下午. "求知若饥,谦卑若愚" 和大多数毕业典礼上的演讲一样,史蒂夫・乔布斯在2005年6月对斯坦福大学的毕业生发表演 ...查看

  • 那个来自中国的农村少年,他站上了哈佛毕业礼的演讲台
  • 相关新闻 这个中国农村学子,成哈佛毕业演讲首位华人代表(图) 如何看待新闻『农村娃站上哈佛毕业演讲台』主角--何江? 谈俊新,公众号:远在群山之外(overthemountains) 我们都是 2002 年进入湖南省宁乡一中,那时候我们一届 ...查看
