
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:胡凯 肖玲


摘 要:随着社会与经济的发展,人民群众对健康生活的追求越来越迫切,体育设施作为一种经济又实用的锻炼工具受到了广大群众的欢迎。城市居民小区体育设施的数量与质量直接关系到人民群众的健康生活,而城市社区体育健身设施的缺乏也是一个普遍性的问题。本文采用了非随机抽样中的判断抽样法抽取了湖州市吴兴区的二十个社区为调查对象,以实地考察法和问卷调查法相结合的方式,对调查对象进行了系统的调查研究。基于此次调查的结果,本文将围绕湖州市吴兴区体育设施建设的现状和体育设施建设中的问题展开讨论并针对发现的问题提出个人的建议。


Sc Wu Xing district, huzhou city,

the status quo of community sports facilities construction

Hu Kai(Huzhou Teachers College physical culture institute)

Abstract:With the development of society and economy, people's pursuit of healthy living has become more and more urgent, sports facilities, as a kind of economic and functional exercise tool was welcomed by the masses. Quantity and quality of the city sports facilities in residential area is directly related to people's healthy life. And the lack of city community sports fitness facilities is also a common problem. This paper adopted the random sampling of the judgment sampling method to extract the Wu Xing district, huzhou city, twenty community as investigation object, by on-the-spot investigation method and the way of questionnaire survey method, the investigation has carried on the investigation and study of the system. Based on the results of the survey, this article will revolve around Wu Xing district, huzhou city, the present situation of the sports facilities and sports facilities construction problems in the discussion puts forward my own Suggestions aiming at the problems found.

Key words:wuxing ;Fitness Facilities;Status quo;Community

1 前言


龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:胡凯 肖玲


摘 要:随着社会与经济的发展,人民群众对健康生活的追求越来越迫切,体育设施作为一种经济又实用的锻炼工具受到了广大群众的欢迎。城市居民小区体育设施的数量与质量直接关系到人民群众的健康生活,而城市社区体育健身设施的缺乏也是一个普遍性的问题。本文采用了非随机抽样中的判断抽样法抽取了湖州市吴兴区的二十个社区为调查对象,以实地考察法和问卷调查法相结合的方式,对调查对象进行了系统的调查研究。基于此次调查的结果,本文将围绕湖州市吴兴区体育设施建设的现状和体育设施建设中的问题展开讨论并针对发现的问题提出个人的建议。


Sc Wu Xing district, huzhou city,

the status quo of community sports facilities construction

Hu Kai(Huzhou Teachers College physical culture institute)

Abstract:With the development of society and economy, people's pursuit of healthy living has become more and more urgent, sports facilities, as a kind of economic and functional exercise tool was welcomed by the masses. Quantity and quality of the city sports facilities in residential area is directly related to people's healthy life. And the lack of city community sports fitness facilities is also a common problem. This paper adopted the random sampling of the judgment sampling method to extract the Wu Xing district, huzhou city, twenty community as investigation object, by on-the-spot investigation method and the way of questionnaire survey method, the investigation has carried on the investigation and study of the system. Based on the results of the survey, this article will revolve around Wu Xing district, huzhou city, the present situation of the sports facilities and sports facilities construction problems in the discussion puts forward my own Suggestions aiming at the problems found.

Key words:wuxing ;Fitness Facilities;Status quo;Community

1 前言



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