


Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics

第一条 为了加强国家对文物的保护,有利于开展科学研究工作,继承我国优秀的历史文化遗产,进行爱国主义和革命传统教育,建设社会主义精神文明,特制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to strengthening state protection of cultural relics, contributing to the development of scientific research , inheriting the splendid historical and cultural legacy of our nation , conducting education in patriotism and in the revolutionary tradition , and building a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology.

第二条 在中华人民共和国境内,下列具有历史、艺术、科学价值的文物,受国家保护: Article 2 The state shall place under its protection, within the boundaries of the People's Republic of China, the following cultural relics of historical, artistic or scientific value:


(1) sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs, ancient architectural structures, cave temples and stone carvings that are of historical, artistic or scientific value;


(2) buildings , memorial sites and memorial objects related to major historical events , revolutionary movements or famous people that are highly memorable or are of great significance for education or for the preservation of historical data;


(3) valuable works of art and handicraft articles dating from various historical periods;

(四)重要的革命文献资料以及具有历史、艺术、科学价值的手稿、 古旧图书资料等;

(4) important revolutionary documents as well as manuscripts and ancient or old books and materials , etc. , that are of historical, artistic or scientific value; and


(5) typical material objects reflecting the social system, social production or the life of various nationalities in different historical periods.


The criteria and measures for the verification of cultural relics shall be formulated by the state department for cultural administration, which shall report them to the State Council for approval.


Fossils of pale vertebrates and pale anthropoids of scientific value shall be protected by the state in the same way as cultural relics.

第三条 国家文化行政管理部门主管全国文物工作。

Article 3 The state department for cultural administration shall take charge of the work concerning cultural relics throughout the country.


Local people's governments at various levels shall place under their protection cultural relics in their respective administrative areas. Provinces , autonomous regions , and municipalities directly under the Central Government as well as autonomous prefectures , counties , autonomous counties and cities where there are relatively large amounts of cultural relics may set up organs for the protection and control of the cultural relics within their respective administrative areas.


All government organs, public organizations and individuals have the obligation to protect the country's cultural relics.

第四条 中华人民共和国境内地下、内水和领海中遗存的一切文物,属于国家所有。

Article 4 All cultural relics remaining underground or in the inland waters or territorial seas within the boundaries of the People's Republic of China shall be owned by the state.


Sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs and cave temples shall be owned by the state. Memorial buildings , ancient architectural structures, stone carvings, etc. , designated for protection by the state, unless governed by other state regulations, shall be owned by the state.


Cultural relics in the collection of state organs, armed forces, enterprises owned by the whole people and public institutions shall be owned by the state.

第五条 属于集体所有和私人所有的纪念建筑物、古建筑和传世文物,其所有权受国家法律的保护。文物的所有者必须遵守国家有关保护管理文物的规定。

Article 5 Ownership of memorial buildings, ancient architectural structures and cultural relics handed down from generation to generation which belong to collectives or individuals shall be protected by state laws. Owners of the cultural relics must abide by the relevant state regulations governing the protection and control of cultural relics.

第六条 文物保护管理经费分别列入中央和地方的财政预算。

Article 6 The expenses for the protection and control of cultural relics shall be listed in the

budgets of the central and local governments.

第二章 文物保护单位


第七条 革命遗址、纪念建筑物、古文化遗址、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺、石刻等文物,应当根据它们的历史、艺术、科学价值,分别确定为不同级别的文物保护单位。

Article 7 Cultural relics, such as sites related to revolutionary history, memorial buildings, sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs, ancient architectural structures, cave temples, stone carvings , etc. , shall be designated as sites to be protected for their historical and cultural value at different levels according to their historical, artistic or scientific value.


Sites to be protected for their historical and cultural value at the level of counties, autonomous counties and cities shall be approved and announced by the people's governments at the same level and reported to the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government for the record.


Sites to be protected for their historical and cultural value at the level of provinces, autonomous regions , and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be approved and announced by the people's governments at the same level and reported to the State Council for the record.

国家文化行政管理部门在各级文物保护单位中,选择具有重大历史、艺术、科学价值的作为全国重点文物保护单位,或者直接指定全国重点文物保护单位, 报国务院核定公布。

The state department for cultural administration shall select, from among the sites to be protected at different levels, those which have a significant historical, artistic or scientific value as major sites to be protected at the national level, or shall directly designate such sites and report them to the State Council for approval and announcement.

第八条 保存文物特别丰富,具有重大历史价值和革命意义的城市,由国家文化行政管理部门会同城乡建设环境保护部门报国务院核定公布为历史文化名城。

Article 8 Cities with an unusual wealth of cultural relics of high historical value and major revolutionary significance shall be recommended to the State Council by the state department for cultural administration together with the department for urban and rural construction and environmental protection to be approved and announced as famous cities of historical and cultural value.

第九条 各级文物保护单位,分别由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和县、自治县、市人民政


Article 9 The people's governments of provinces , autonomous regions , and municipalities directly under the Central Government and of counties , autonomous counties and cities shall delimit the necessary scope of protection, put up signs and notices, and establish records and files for the historical and cultural sites to be protected at different levels and shall, in the light of different circumstances, establish special organs or assign full-time personnel to be responsible for the administration of these sites.


The scope of protection and records and files for the major sites to be protected at the national level shall be reported by the departments for cultural administration of the provinces , autonomous regions , and municipalities directly under the Central Government to the state department for cultural administration for the record.

第十条 各级人民政府制定城乡建设规划时,事先要由城乡规划部门会同文化行政管理部门商定对本行政区域内各级文物保护单位的保护措施,纳入规划。

Article 10 When drawing up plans for urban and rural construction, the people's governments at various levels must see to it that protective measures for the historical and cultural sites to be protected at different levels are first worked out through consultation between the departments for urban and rural planning and the departments for cultural administration and that such measures are included in the plans.

第十一条 文物保护单位的保护范围内不得进行其他建设工程。如有特殊需要,必须经原公布的人民政府和上一级文化行政管理部门同意。

Article 11 No additional construction project may be undertaken within the scope of protection for a historical and cultural site. In cases of a special need , consent must be obtained from the people's government which made the original announcement on the designation of such a site and from the department for cultural administration at the next higher level.


If an additional construction project is to be undertaken within the scope of protection for a major historical and cultural site to be protected at the national level, consent must be obtained from the people's government of the relevant province , autonomous region , or municipality directly under the Central Government and from the state department for cultural administration.

第十二条 根据保护文物的实际需要,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,可以在文物保护单位的周围划出一定的建设控制地带。

Article 12 On the basis of the actual needs for the protection of cultural relics and with the approval of the people's government of a province , an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government , a certain area for the control of construction may be

delimited around a site to be protected for its historical and cultural value.


Construction of new buildings or other structures in such an area shall not deform the environmental features of the historical and cultural site. The design for construction must be agreed to by the department for cultural administration before it is submitted to the department for urban and rural planning for approval.

第十三条 建设单位在进行选址和工程设计的时候, 因建设工程涉及文物保护单位的,应当事先会同省、自治区、直辖市或者县、自治县、市文化行政管理部门确定保护措施,列入设计任务书。

Article 13 While choosing a construction site and designing a project, if the project involves a site to be protected for its historical and cultural value, the construction unit shall first work out the protective measures jointly with the department for cultural administration of a province, an autonomous region, or a municipality directly under the Central Government or of a county, an autonomous county or a city , and such measures shall be written into the planning project description.


Any removal or dismantling involving a site to be protected for its historical and cultural value, if considered specially necessary for a project, shall be agreed to by the people's government at the same level as the site itself and by the department for cultural administration at the next higher level.


Any removal or dismantling involving a major site to be protected at the national level shall be referred to the State Council by the people's government of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government for decision. The expenses and workforce required for the removal or dismantling shall be included in the investment and labour plans of the construction unit.

第十四条 核定为文物保护单位的革命遗址、纪念建筑物、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺、石刻等(包括建筑物的附属物),在进行修缮、保养、迁移的时候,必须遵守不改变文物原状的原则。

Article 14 The principle of keeping the cultural relics in their original state must be adhered to in the repairs and maintenance at the sites designated as the ones to be protected for their historical and cultural value and in any removal involving these sites, such as sites related to revolutionary history , memorial buildings, ancient tombs, ancient architectural structures, cave temples, stone carvings, etc. (including attachments to the structures)。

第十五条 核定为文物保护单位的属于国家所有的纪念建筑物或者古建筑,除可以建立博物馆、保管所或者辟为参观游览场所外,如果必须作其他用途,应当根据文物保护单位的级别,由当他文化行政管理部门报原公布的人民政府批准。

Article 15 If it is necessary to use a memorial building or an ancient architectural structure owned by the state at a place designated as a site to be protected for its historical and cultural value for purposes other than the establishment of a museum, a cultural relics preservation institute or a tourist site, the local department for cultural administration shall submit a report for approval to the people's government which originally announced the designation of such a site.


If it is necessary to use for other purposes a major site to be protected for its historical and cultural value at the national level , the matter shall be agreed to by the people's government of a province , an autonomous region, or a municipality directly under the Central Government and shall be reported to the State Council for approval. The units in charge of these sites as well as specially established organs, such as museums, must strictly abide by the principle of keeping the cultural relics in their original state, and must be responsible for the safety of the buildings and of the affiliated cultural relics, and may not damage, rebuild , extend or dismantle them. Units which use memorial buildings or ancient architectural structures shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of these buildings or structures.

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Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics

第一条 为了加强国家对文物的保护,有利于开展科学研究工作,继承我国优秀的历史文化遗产,进行爱国主义和革命传统教育,建设社会主义精神文明,特制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to strengthening state protection of cultural relics, contributing to the development of scientific research , inheriting the splendid historical and cultural legacy of our nation , conducting education in patriotism and in the revolutionary tradition , and building a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology.

第二条 在中华人民共和国境内,下列具有历史、艺术、科学价值的文物,受国家保护: Article 2 The state shall place under its protection, within the boundaries of the People's Republic of China, the following cultural relics of historical, artistic or scientific value:


(1) sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs, ancient architectural structures, cave temples and stone carvings that are of historical, artistic or scientific value;


(2) buildings , memorial sites and memorial objects related to major historical events , revolutionary movements or famous people that are highly memorable or are of great significance for education or for the preservation of historical data;


(3) valuable works of art and handicraft articles dating from various historical periods;

(四)重要的革命文献资料以及具有历史、艺术、科学价值的手稿、 古旧图书资料等;

(4) important revolutionary documents as well as manuscripts and ancient or old books and materials , etc. , that are of historical, artistic or scientific value; and


(5) typical material objects reflecting the social system, social production or the life of various nationalities in different historical periods.


The criteria and measures for the verification of cultural relics shall be formulated by the state department for cultural administration, which shall report them to the State Council for approval.


Fossils of pale vertebrates and pale anthropoids of scientific value shall be protected by the state in the same way as cultural relics.

第三条 国家文化行政管理部门主管全国文物工作。

Article 3 The state department for cultural administration shall take charge of the work concerning cultural relics throughout the country.


Local people's governments at various levels shall place under their protection cultural relics in their respective administrative areas. Provinces , autonomous regions , and municipalities directly under the Central Government as well as autonomous prefectures , counties , autonomous counties and cities where there are relatively large amounts of cultural relics may set up organs for the protection and control of the cultural relics within their respective administrative areas.


All government organs, public organizations and individuals have the obligation to protect the country's cultural relics.

第四条 中华人民共和国境内地下、内水和领海中遗存的一切文物,属于国家所有。

Article 4 All cultural relics remaining underground or in the inland waters or territorial seas within the boundaries of the People's Republic of China shall be owned by the state.


Sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs and cave temples shall be owned by the state. Memorial buildings , ancient architectural structures, stone carvings, etc. , designated for protection by the state, unless governed by other state regulations, shall be owned by the state.


Cultural relics in the collection of state organs, armed forces, enterprises owned by the whole people and public institutions shall be owned by the state.

第五条 属于集体所有和私人所有的纪念建筑物、古建筑和传世文物,其所有权受国家法律的保护。文物的所有者必须遵守国家有关保护管理文物的规定。

Article 5 Ownership of memorial buildings, ancient architectural structures and cultural relics handed down from generation to generation which belong to collectives or individuals shall be protected by state laws. Owners of the cultural relics must abide by the relevant state regulations governing the protection and control of cultural relics.

第六条 文物保护管理经费分别列入中央和地方的财政预算。

Article 6 The expenses for the protection and control of cultural relics shall be listed in the

budgets of the central and local governments.

第二章 文物保护单位


第七条 革命遗址、纪念建筑物、古文化遗址、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺、石刻等文物,应当根据它们的历史、艺术、科学价值,分别确定为不同级别的文物保护单位。

Article 7 Cultural relics, such as sites related to revolutionary history, memorial buildings, sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs, ancient architectural structures, cave temples, stone carvings , etc. , shall be designated as sites to be protected for their historical and cultural value at different levels according to their historical, artistic or scientific value.


Sites to be protected for their historical and cultural value at the level of counties, autonomous counties and cities shall be approved and announced by the people's governments at the same level and reported to the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government for the record.


Sites to be protected for their historical and cultural value at the level of provinces, autonomous regions , and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be approved and announced by the people's governments at the same level and reported to the State Council for the record.

国家文化行政管理部门在各级文物保护单位中,选择具有重大历史、艺术、科学价值的作为全国重点文物保护单位,或者直接指定全国重点文物保护单位, 报国务院核定公布。

The state department for cultural administration shall select, from among the sites to be protected at different levels, those which have a significant historical, artistic or scientific value as major sites to be protected at the national level, or shall directly designate such sites and report them to the State Council for approval and announcement.

第八条 保存文物特别丰富,具有重大历史价值和革命意义的城市,由国家文化行政管理部门会同城乡建设环境保护部门报国务院核定公布为历史文化名城。

Article 8 Cities with an unusual wealth of cultural relics of high historical value and major revolutionary significance shall be recommended to the State Council by the state department for cultural administration together with the department for urban and rural construction and environmental protection to be approved and announced as famous cities of historical and cultural value.

第九条 各级文物保护单位,分别由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和县、自治县、市人民政


Article 9 The people's governments of provinces , autonomous regions , and municipalities directly under the Central Government and of counties , autonomous counties and cities shall delimit the necessary scope of protection, put up signs and notices, and establish records and files for the historical and cultural sites to be protected at different levels and shall, in the light of different circumstances, establish special organs or assign full-time personnel to be responsible for the administration of these sites.


The scope of protection and records and files for the major sites to be protected at the national level shall be reported by the departments for cultural administration of the provinces , autonomous regions , and municipalities directly under the Central Government to the state department for cultural administration for the record.

第十条 各级人民政府制定城乡建设规划时,事先要由城乡规划部门会同文化行政管理部门商定对本行政区域内各级文物保护单位的保护措施,纳入规划。

Article 10 When drawing up plans for urban and rural construction, the people's governments at various levels must see to it that protective measures for the historical and cultural sites to be protected at different levels are first worked out through consultation between the departments for urban and rural planning and the departments for cultural administration and that such measures are included in the plans.

第十一条 文物保护单位的保护范围内不得进行其他建设工程。如有特殊需要,必须经原公布的人民政府和上一级文化行政管理部门同意。

Article 11 No additional construction project may be undertaken within the scope of protection for a historical and cultural site. In cases of a special need , consent must be obtained from the people's government which made the original announcement on the designation of such a site and from the department for cultural administration at the next higher level.


If an additional construction project is to be undertaken within the scope of protection for a major historical and cultural site to be protected at the national level, consent must be obtained from the people's government of the relevant province , autonomous region , or municipality directly under the Central Government and from the state department for cultural administration.

第十二条 根据保护文物的实际需要,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,可以在文物保护单位的周围划出一定的建设控制地带。

Article 12 On the basis of the actual needs for the protection of cultural relics and with the approval of the people's government of a province , an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government , a certain area for the control of construction may be

delimited around a site to be protected for its historical and cultural value.


Construction of new buildings or other structures in such an area shall not deform the environmental features of the historical and cultural site. The design for construction must be agreed to by the department for cultural administration before it is submitted to the department for urban and rural planning for approval.

第十三条 建设单位在进行选址和工程设计的时候, 因建设工程涉及文物保护单位的,应当事先会同省、自治区、直辖市或者县、自治县、市文化行政管理部门确定保护措施,列入设计任务书。

Article 13 While choosing a construction site and designing a project, if the project involves a site to be protected for its historical and cultural value, the construction unit shall first work out the protective measures jointly with the department for cultural administration of a province, an autonomous region, or a municipality directly under the Central Government or of a county, an autonomous county or a city , and such measures shall be written into the planning project description.


Any removal or dismantling involving a site to be protected for its historical and cultural value, if considered specially necessary for a project, shall be agreed to by the people's government at the same level as the site itself and by the department for cultural administration at the next higher level.


Any removal or dismantling involving a major site to be protected at the national level shall be referred to the State Council by the people's government of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government for decision. The expenses and workforce required for the removal or dismantling shall be included in the investment and labour plans of the construction unit.

第十四条 核定为文物保护单位的革命遗址、纪念建筑物、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺、石刻等(包括建筑物的附属物),在进行修缮、保养、迁移的时候,必须遵守不改变文物原状的原则。

Article 14 The principle of keeping the cultural relics in their original state must be adhered to in the repairs and maintenance at the sites designated as the ones to be protected for their historical and cultural value and in any removal involving these sites, such as sites related to revolutionary history , memorial buildings, ancient tombs, ancient architectural structures, cave temples, stone carvings, etc. (including attachments to the structures)。

第十五条 核定为文物保护单位的属于国家所有的纪念建筑物或者古建筑,除可以建立博物馆、保管所或者辟为参观游览场所外,如果必须作其他用途,应当根据文物保护单位的级别,由当他文化行政管理部门报原公布的人民政府批准。

Article 15 If it is necessary to use a memorial building or an ancient architectural structure owned by the state at a place designated as a site to be protected for its historical and cultural value for purposes other than the establishment of a museum, a cultural relics preservation institute or a tourist site, the local department for cultural administration shall submit a report for approval to the people's government which originally announced the designation of such a site.


If it is necessary to use for other purposes a major site to be protected for its historical and cultural value at the national level , the matter shall be agreed to by the people's government of a province , an autonomous region, or a municipality directly under the Central Government and shall be reported to the State Council for approval. The units in charge of these sites as well as specially established organs, such as museums, must strictly abide by the principle of keeping the cultural relics in their original state, and must be responsible for the safety of the buildings and of the affiliated cultural relics, and may not damage, rebuild , extend or dismantle them. Units which use memorial buildings or ancient architectural structures shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of these buildings or structures.

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  • 调查报告幼儿园双语教育的问题探究及建议
  • 幼儿园双语教育的问题探究及建议---以XX市XX区为例 前言: 目前,我国幼儿双语教育研究和实践以在较大范围内开展起来,并取得一定的成绩.然而,由于幼儿双语教育缺乏科学的理论基础,人们对双语教育的理解上存在较大差距,还没有形成共识.这次的调 ...查看

  • 英语(师范)就业前景调查资料
  • 一.调研的基本情况 .团队协作精神与人际交往能力 调查结果显示,单位最看好的人才素质是敬业精神,其次是要有良好的合作精神,这是适合目前人力资源配置也是最益于大学毕业生发展的基本素质.对于企业来说,必然要首先考虑自己的经济效益,有敬业精神的员 ...查看

  • 双语幼师课程目标
  • ·13-1.13-2.13-3.13-9.13-11.13-12班· ·12-8.12-9班· ·14-1.14-2.14-3.14-8.14-9.14-11· <双语幼师英语>实施性课程目标 一.课程名称:双语幼师英语课. 本 ...查看
