1. Generally speaking, willingness and ability to supply goods determine the seller’s actions. At higher prices, more of the commodity will be available to the buyers. This is because the suppliers will be able to maintain a profit despite the higher costs of production that may result from short-term expansion of their capacity.
2. These projects, by adopting achievements in advanced science and technology, are capable of greatly increasing the output of products, improving their quality and performance, effectively reducing the cost of production, economizing on energy and materials and increasing the export of products for foreign exchanges.
3. Opportunity cost is the next-best choice available to someone who has picked between several mutually exclusive choices. Simply stated, an opportunity cost is the cost of a missed opportunity. Applied to a business decision, the opportunity cost might refer to the profit a company could have earned from its capital, equipment, and real estate if these assets had been used in a different way.
4. The U.S. workforce has been changing dramatically. It is more diverse racially, women are in the labor force in much greater numbers than ever before, and the average age of the workforce is now considerably older than before. As a result of these demographic shifts, HR management in organizations has had to adapt to this more varied labor force both externally and internally.
句子:中 英
1. 信息时代有赖于世界各地能共享并且分配大量不同信息的数百万台相互连接的计算机。因特网使计算机成为发展商务的一件必要的搜寻工具。信息时代已经改变了人们做生意的方式。它也影响着在这些商业活动中工作的雇员的培训和知识。
The information age is made up of millions of interconnected computers around the world that are able to share and distribute loads of different information. The internet has made the computer an essential search tool when conducting(引导,带领) business. The information age has changed the way the world does business. It is also affects the training and knowledge that an employee must have, when working in one of these business.
2. 任何企业为了实现最有效率、最有成效的运作必须作为一个单一团队紧密合作。同时各种各样各个层次的次级单位为了达成一个共同目标也必须通力合作。所以团队成员和各团队之间的沟通必须清楚简明,以避免出现任何沟通障碍。
Any business must cooperate as a single team in order to successfully operate at maximum effectiveness and efficiency. There are also various levels of sub-groups that maybe able to work together in order to achieve common goal. Communication between team members and between teams must therefore be clear and concise as to avoid any breakdowns in communication.
3. 许多刚毕业的大学生找不到工作,在校学生则担心他们的未来。多个调查显示,三分之二的中国毕业生想在政府或者国有企业工 作,而不是为中国令人瞩目的经济增长提供动力的民营企业。政府和国有企业被认为能免受经济萧条的影响。如今几乎没有大学生愿意放 弃政府的铁饭碗而下海、加入初创企业或自己创业。
Many recent college graduates can’t find a job and students are fearful about their future. Two-thirds of Chinese graduates say they want to work either in the government or state-owned firms,which are seen as recession-proof, rather than at the private companies that have powered China’s remarkable economic climb, surveys indicate. Few college
students today, according to the surveys, are ready to leave the safe shores of government work and jump into the sea to join startups or go into business.
● Job design :in work arrangement (or rearrangement) aimed at
reducing or overcoming job dissatisfaction and employee alienation arising from repetitive and mechanistic tasks.
● Utility: is a measure of the relative satisfaction from, or desirability of
consumption of various goods and services.
● Human resource management: is the organizational function that
deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.
● Base wages and salaries: are the hourly, weekly, or monthly pay that
employees receive in exchange for their work.
● Monetary policy: is the process by which the government, central
bank, or monetary authority of a country controls (i) the supply of money, (ii) availability of money, and (iii) cost of money or rate of interest to attain a set of objectives oriented towards the growth and stability of the economy.
● Recruitment: is the process of identifying and attracting potential
candidates from within and outside an organization to begin evaluating them for future employment.
● Selection: then consist of the processes involved in choosing from
applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post.
1、There are several ways to conduct a job analysis, including: interviews with incumbents and supervisors, questionnaires (structured, open-ended, or both), observation, critical incident investigations, and gathering background information such as duty statements or classification specifications. The method that you may use in Job Analysis will depend on practical concerns such as type of job, number of jobs, number of incumbents, and location of jobs. In job analysis conducted by HR professionals, it is common to use more than one of these methods.
2、Observation method is a technique in which the behavior of research subjects is watched and recorded without any direct contact. Direct Observation of incumbents performing their jobs enables the trained job analyst to obtain first-hand knowledge and information about the job being analyzed.
The Observation method of job analysis is suited for jobs in which the work behaviors are 1) observable involving some degree of movement on the part of the incumbent, or 2) job tasks are short in duration allowing for many observations to be made in a short period of time or a significant part of the job can be observed in a short period of time, or 3) jobs in which the job analyst can learn information about the job through observation.
Jobs in which the Observation method is successful include:
●machine operator/adjuster
●construction worker
●police officer/patrol officer
●flight attendant
●bus driver
●skilled crafts worker
3. Interview method is a useful tool of job analysis to ask questions to both incumbents and supervisors in either an individual or a group setting. Interview includes structured interviews and unstructured interview.
Structured interview is a quantitative research method commonly employed in survey research. The interview has a standard set of questions that are asked of all candidates. The aim of this approach is to ensure that each interview is presented with exactly the same questions in the same order. This ensures that answers can be reliably aggregated and that comparisons can be made with confidence between sample subgroups or between different survey periods. A structured interview may assume a definite format involving: charting a job-holder’s sequence of activities in performance;an inventory or questionnaire may be used.
4. Unstructured interview is an interview without any set format but in which the interviewer may have some key questions formulated in advance. Unstructured interviews allow questions based on the interviewee ’s responses and proceeds like a friendly, non-threatening conversation. Many of the questions are open-ended and progress along the topic. However it is considered less reliable than a structured interview due to the lack of specific and sequential questioning that pinpoints explicit behavioral traits and skills in question.
5.Questionnaires ,to be completed by job-holders and approved by job-holder ’s superiors, are useful when a large number of jobs are to be covered. They can also save interviewing time by recording purely factual information and by helping the analyst to structure his or her questions in advance to cover areas which need to be explored in greater depth.
Employment :就业
Specialization :(专业化)分工
Market failure: 市场失灵
Business cycle: 经济周期
Capital : 资金
Staffing : 员工配置
Culture shock: 文化冲击
Home country: 母国
Host country: 东道国
Temporary worker: 临时工
Permanent worker: 固定工
Part-timer : 兼职人员
Full-time worker: 全职工人
Diversity : 多样性
Multinational corporation: 跨国公司 Aging : 老龄化
Health care industry: 医疗业 Facility : 设施
1. Generally speaking, willingness and ability to supply goods determine the seller’s actions. At higher prices, more of the commodity will be available to the buyers. This is because the suppliers will be able to maintain a profit despite the higher costs of production that may result from short-term expansion of their capacity.
2. These projects, by adopting achievements in advanced science and technology, are capable of greatly increasing the output of products, improving their quality and performance, effectively reducing the cost of production, economizing on energy and materials and increasing the export of products for foreign exchanges.
3. Opportunity cost is the next-best choice available to someone who has picked between several mutually exclusive choices. Simply stated, an opportunity cost is the cost of a missed opportunity. Applied to a business decision, the opportunity cost might refer to the profit a company could have earned from its capital, equipment, and real estate if these assets had been used in a different way.
4. The U.S. workforce has been changing dramatically. It is more diverse racially, women are in the labor force in much greater numbers than ever before, and the average age of the workforce is now considerably older than before. As a result of these demographic shifts, HR management in organizations has had to adapt to this more varied labor force both externally and internally.
句子:中 英
1. 信息时代有赖于世界各地能共享并且分配大量不同信息的数百万台相互连接的计算机。因特网使计算机成为发展商务的一件必要的搜寻工具。信息时代已经改变了人们做生意的方式。它也影响着在这些商业活动中工作的雇员的培训和知识。
The information age is made up of millions of interconnected computers around the world that are able to share and distribute loads of different information. The internet has made the computer an essential search tool when conducting(引导,带领) business. The information age has changed the way the world does business. It is also affects the training and knowledge that an employee must have, when working in one of these business.
2. 任何企业为了实现最有效率、最有成效的运作必须作为一个单一团队紧密合作。同时各种各样各个层次的次级单位为了达成一个共同目标也必须通力合作。所以团队成员和各团队之间的沟通必须清楚简明,以避免出现任何沟通障碍。
Any business must cooperate as a single team in order to successfully operate at maximum effectiveness and efficiency. There are also various levels of sub-groups that maybe able to work together in order to achieve common goal. Communication between team members and between teams must therefore be clear and concise as to avoid any breakdowns in communication.
3. 许多刚毕业的大学生找不到工作,在校学生则担心他们的未来。多个调查显示,三分之二的中国毕业生想在政府或者国有企业工 作,而不是为中国令人瞩目的经济增长提供动力的民营企业。政府和国有企业被认为能免受经济萧条的影响。如今几乎没有大学生愿意放 弃政府的铁饭碗而下海、加入初创企业或自己创业。
Many recent college graduates can’t find a job and students are fearful about their future. Two-thirds of Chinese graduates say they want to work either in the government or state-owned firms,which are seen as recession-proof, rather than at the private companies that have powered China’s remarkable economic climb, surveys indicate. Few college
students today, according to the surveys, are ready to leave the safe shores of government work and jump into the sea to join startups or go into business.
● Job design :in work arrangement (or rearrangement) aimed at
reducing or overcoming job dissatisfaction and employee alienation arising from repetitive and mechanistic tasks.
● Utility: is a measure of the relative satisfaction from, or desirability of
consumption of various goods and services.
● Human resource management: is the organizational function that
deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.
● Base wages and salaries: are the hourly, weekly, or monthly pay that
employees receive in exchange for their work.
● Monetary policy: is the process by which the government, central
bank, or monetary authority of a country controls (i) the supply of money, (ii) availability of money, and (iii) cost of money or rate of interest to attain a set of objectives oriented towards the growth and stability of the economy.
● Recruitment: is the process of identifying and attracting potential
candidates from within and outside an organization to begin evaluating them for future employment.
● Selection: then consist of the processes involved in choosing from
applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post.
1、There are several ways to conduct a job analysis, including: interviews with incumbents and supervisors, questionnaires (structured, open-ended, or both), observation, critical incident investigations, and gathering background information such as duty statements or classification specifications. The method that you may use in Job Analysis will depend on practical concerns such as type of job, number of jobs, number of incumbents, and location of jobs. In job analysis conducted by HR professionals, it is common to use more than one of these methods.
2、Observation method is a technique in which the behavior of research subjects is watched and recorded without any direct contact. Direct Observation of incumbents performing their jobs enables the trained job analyst to obtain first-hand knowledge and information about the job being analyzed.
The Observation method of job analysis is suited for jobs in which the work behaviors are 1) observable involving some degree of movement on the part of the incumbent, or 2) job tasks are short in duration allowing for many observations to be made in a short period of time or a significant part of the job can be observed in a short period of time, or 3) jobs in which the job analyst can learn information about the job through observation.
Jobs in which the Observation method is successful include:
●machine operator/adjuster
●construction worker
●police officer/patrol officer
●flight attendant
●bus driver
●skilled crafts worker
3. Interview method is a useful tool of job analysis to ask questions to both incumbents and supervisors in either an individual or a group setting. Interview includes structured interviews and unstructured interview.
Structured interview is a quantitative research method commonly employed in survey research. The interview has a standard set of questions that are asked of all candidates. The aim of this approach is to ensure that each interview is presented with exactly the same questions in the same order. This ensures that answers can be reliably aggregated and that comparisons can be made with confidence between sample subgroups or between different survey periods. A structured interview may assume a definite format involving: charting a job-holder’s sequence of activities in performance;an inventory or questionnaire may be used.
4. Unstructured interview is an interview without any set format but in which the interviewer may have some key questions formulated in advance. Unstructured interviews allow questions based on the interviewee ’s responses and proceeds like a friendly, non-threatening conversation. Many of the questions are open-ended and progress along the topic. However it is considered less reliable than a structured interview due to the lack of specific and sequential questioning that pinpoints explicit behavioral traits and skills in question.
5.Questionnaires ,to be completed by job-holders and approved by job-holder ’s superiors, are useful when a large number of jobs are to be covered. They can also save interviewing time by recording purely factual information and by helping the analyst to structure his or her questions in advance to cover areas which need to be explored in greater depth.
Employment :就业
Specialization :(专业化)分工
Market failure: 市场失灵
Business cycle: 经济周期
Capital : 资金
Staffing : 员工配置
Culture shock: 文化冲击
Home country: 母国
Host country: 东道国
Temporary worker: 临时工
Permanent worker: 固定工
Part-timer : 兼职人员
Full-time worker: 全职工人
Diversity : 多样性
Multinational corporation: 跨国公司 Aging : 老龄化
Health care industry: 医疗业 Facility : 设施