
Some languages would require more than a year of study for a native English speaker, while others would take just weeks. Regardless of what language you study, your brain will reap the benefits.


Want to learn Japanese? If you''re a native English speaker, it''ll take you about 22, 000 hours —or 88 weeks —to become proficient.


The same goes for Chinese, Arabic and Korean, which are some of the most difficult languages for English speakers to learn.


What makes these languages so tough?


Japanese and Chinese both require the memorization of thousands of characters.


Arabic uses fewer vowels than English and few words that even resemble those of European languages.


And while the Korean alphabet, Hangul, is lauded as one of the world''s most logical writing systems, Korean''s sentence structure and syntax are challenging.


For example, Korean uses a subject-object-verb structure while English follows a subject-verb-object structure. So in Korean you would essentially say, "Lunch I eat" instead of "I eat lunch."


Not all languages are quite so difficult for English speakers though. To achieve speaking and reading proficiency in Turkish, Hebrew and other tongues that language-learning website Voxy considers of "medium" difficulty, you''d need only 1, 110 class hours, or 44 weeks.


The easiest languages to learn are those most closely related to English, such as Spanish, French and Italian. Reaching proficiency for these requires about 600 hours, or just over 20 weeks of study.


Although learning a new language will undoubtedly take time and effort, there are benefits besides ease of international travel and the ability to order authentic foreign dishes.


Studies show that studying a new language improves cognition, delays dementia, and improves memory and attention span.


Knowing another language can also fundamentally alter how we see the world.


Researchers have found that our language can influence how we think, how we orient ourselves and even how we see colors.


And thinking in another language can even enable us to make more rational decisions.


A 2012 study found that thinking in a second language reduces biases that influence how risks and benefits are perceived in decision-making.

2012年的一项调查显示,在做决定的过程中,一些思维偏差会影响我们对风险和收益的感知,而用另一种语言去思考可以减少这种偏差。(via:24EN 爱思英语)

Some languages would require more than a year of study for a native English speaker, while others would take just weeks. Regardless of what language you study, your brain will reap the benefits.


Want to learn Japanese? If you''re a native English speaker, it''ll take you about 22, 000 hours —or 88 weeks —to become proficient.


The same goes for Chinese, Arabic and Korean, which are some of the most difficult languages for English speakers to learn.


What makes these languages so tough?


Japanese and Chinese both require the memorization of thousands of characters.


Arabic uses fewer vowels than English and few words that even resemble those of European languages.


And while the Korean alphabet, Hangul, is lauded as one of the world''s most logical writing systems, Korean''s sentence structure and syntax are challenging.


For example, Korean uses a subject-object-verb structure while English follows a subject-verb-object structure. So in Korean you would essentially say, "Lunch I eat" instead of "I eat lunch."


Not all languages are quite so difficult for English speakers though. To achieve speaking and reading proficiency in Turkish, Hebrew and other tongues that language-learning website Voxy considers of "medium" difficulty, you''d need only 1, 110 class hours, or 44 weeks.


The easiest languages to learn are those most closely related to English, such as Spanish, French and Italian. Reaching proficiency for these requires about 600 hours, or just over 20 weeks of study.


Although learning a new language will undoubtedly take time and effort, there are benefits besides ease of international travel and the ability to order authentic foreign dishes.


Studies show that studying a new language improves cognition, delays dementia, and improves memory and attention span.


Knowing another language can also fundamentally alter how we see the world.


Researchers have found that our language can influence how we think, how we orient ourselves and even how we see colors.


And thinking in another language can even enable us to make more rational decisions.


A 2012 study found that thinking in a second language reduces biases that influence how risks and benefits are perceived in decision-making.

2012年的一项调查显示,在做决定的过程中,一些思维偏差会影响我们对风险和收益的感知,而用另一种语言去思考可以减少这种偏差。(via:24EN 爱思英语)


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