create database test;
//(1) 分别利用命令行方式将下面各表建立到教学管理数据库中。表的创建存在先后顺序,在实际操作中要注意体会。
create table department
(dept_no char (2) unique,
dept_name char(10) not null
create table class
(class_no char(5) unique,
class_name char(10) not null,
dept_no char(2)
foreign key(dept_no) references department(dept_no)
create table student
(s_no char(6) unique,
s_name char(10) not null,
s_sex char(2) check(s_sex='男' or s_sex='女'),
s_birthday datetime,
s_score numeric(5,1),
s_addf numeric(3,1),
class_no char(5),
foreign key (class_no) references class(class_no)
create table course
(course_no char(5) unique,
course_name char(20) not null
create table teacher
(t_no char(6) unique,
t_name char(10) not null,
t_sex char(2) check(t_sex='男' or t_sex='女'),
t_birthday datetime,
tech_title char(10)
create table choice
(s_no char(6),
course_no char(5),
score numeric(5,1)
primary key(s_no,course_no),
foreign key(s_no) references student(s_no),
foreign key(course_no) references course(course_no)
create table teaching
(t_no char(6),
course_no char(5),
primary key (t_no,course_no),
foreign key(t_no) references teacher(t_no),
foreign key(course_no) references course(course_no)
select*from student;
select*from class;
select*from department;
select*from course;
select*from teacher;
select*from choice;
select*from teaching;
create index Teat_no on teacher(t_no);
drop index Teat_no;
insert into teacher(t_no,t_name,t_sex,t_birthday,tech_title) values ('2095','我','男','1992-08-01','老子');
insert into teacher(t_no,t_name,t_sex,t_birthday,tech_title) values ('2096','爱','女','1995-02-04','庄子');
insert into teacher(t_no,t_name,t_sex,t_birthday,tech_title) values ('2097','九','男','1988-05-07','孔子');
insert into teacher(t_no,t_name,t_sex,t_birthday,tech_title) values ('2098','五','女','1999-06-08','墨子');
insert into teacher(t_no,t_name,t_sex,t_birthday,tech_title) values ('2099','寝','男','1999-03-09','荀子');
alter table student add s_phone char(8);
create index Stubirthday on student(s_birthday);
drop index Stubirthday;
//(1) 向教学管理系统的每个表中录入5条记录。录入时注意体会外键约束。
insert into department values('1','信息系统');
insert into department values('2','工商管理');
insert into department values('3','市场营销');
insert in
to department values('4','会计');
insert into department values('5','财务管理');
insert into class values('9501','信息','1');
insert into class values('9502','工商','2');
insert into class values('9503','营销','3');
insert into class values('9504','会计','4');
insert into class values('9505','财务','5');
insert into student values('95011','严二姣','男','1991-04-04','555.5',NULL,'9501','04313887');
insert into student values('95012','严傻姣','男','1995-06-07','666.6',NULL,'9501','04313889');
insert into student values('95013','严二傻','男','1992-11-19','777.7',NULL,'9501','04313886');
insert into student values('95014','严傻傻','男','1993-10-05','888.8',NULL,'9501','04313888');
insert into student values('95015','傻瓜严','女','1990-12-15','999.9',NULL,'9501','04313885');
insert into course values('2091','孔子');
insert into course values('2092','老子');
insert into course values('2093','庄子');
insert into course values('2094','墨子');
insert into course values('2090','荀子');
insert into choice values('95011','2091','100');
insert into choice values('95012','2092','19');
insert into choice values('95013','2093','59');
insert into choice values('95014','2094','58');
insert into choice values('95015','2090','57');
select * from choice;
insert into teaching values('2095','2091');
insert into teaching values('2096','2092');
insert into teaching values('2097','2093');
insert into teaching values('2098','2094');
insert into teaching values('2095','2090');
//(2) 创建教师表2(teacher2),向表中录入5条不同的记录,注意与教师表中数据必须不同,主要体现在主键上。
create table teacher2
(t_no char(6) unique,
t_name char(8) not null,
t_sex char(2) check(t_sex='男' or t_sex='女'),
t_birthday datetime,
tech_title char(10),
select*from teacher2;
insert into teacher2 values('2100','驴大傻','男','1990-02-02','鉴宝');
insert into teacher2 values('2101','大傻驴','男','1995-03-03','考古');
insert into teacher2 values('2102','崴脚驴','男','1992-08-08','哲学');
insert into teacher2 values('2103','瘸驴','男','1998-08-09','人类起源');
insert into teacher2 values('2104','面板驴','女','1994-09-30','君主论');
select*from teacher2;
insert into teacher select * from teacher2;*****!!!!!
select *from teacher;
//(4)利用SELECT INTO方法创建教师表3(teacher3),查看教师表3的内容,体会表间数据复制的含义。
select * into teacher3 from teacher2;
select * from teacher3;
delete teacher3;
drop table teacher3;
delete teacher2;
drop table teacher2;
select*from teacher2;检查
select*from student;
select t_no,t_name,t_birthday from teacher;
select bb.s_no,s_name
from student,choice aa,choice bb
where aa.s_no='95011'
and aa.course_no='2091'
and bb.course_no=aa.course_no
and bb.score=aa.score
and bb.s_no=student.s_no;
select student.s_name ,t_name,course_name
from student,choice,teacher,course,teaching
where score>='60'
and choice.s_no=student.s_no
and choice.course_no=course.course_no
and choice.course_no=teaching.course_no
and teaching.t_no=teacher.t_no
select*from choice;
// (11)将某个学生所学课程成绩低于60分的课程列出来。
select course_name
from choice,course
where score
and choice.s_no='95012'
and choice.course_no=course.course_no;
updata choice
set score=60
where sno in(select sno
from student
where sname='李明')
and course_no in(select course _no
from course
where course_name='物理');
insert into course values('2001','物理');
select*from course;
select*from student;
insert into student values('95016','严三姣','男','1991-01-04','555.5',NULL,'9501','04313887');
insert into student values('95017','严四姣','男','1991-08-04','555.5',NULL,'9501','04313887');
insert into student values('95018','严五姣','男','1991-08-04','555.5',NULL,'9501','04313817');
insert into choice values('95011','2001','100');
insert into choice values('95012','2001','90');
insert into choice values('95013','2001','80');
insert into choice values('95014','2001','85');
SELECT student.*,score
from student,choice,course
where student.s_no=choice.s_no
and course.course_no='2001'
and course.course_no=choice.course_no
order by score;
from student left join choice
on student.s_no=choice.s_no
where course_no='2001'
order by score;
select student.*,choice.score
from student left join choice
on choice.s_no=student.s_no
where course_no='2001'
order by score asc;
select COUNT (*) sumstudent,AVG(score) grade
from choice
where course_no='2001'
and score>='80'
and score
select count(*),avg(score)
from choice,course
where course_name='物理'
and score between 80 and90 (between 包含左右边界)
and choice.course_no=c
select class.class_no ,class.class.name,max(score)
from class,choice,student
where course_no='2001'
and class.class_no=student.class_no
and student.s_no=choice.s_no
group by class.class_no,class.class.name;
select choice.s_no ,s_name ,score
from choice,student
where choice.s_no in(select s_no
from choice
where score>'80'
and score
and course_no='2001';
from student
where s_no in (select s_no
from choice
where score between 80 and 90
and course_no =(select course_no
from course
where course_no='2001'))
select student.class_no
from class,student
where class.class_no=student.class_no
group by student.class_no
having count(*)>=30 ;
select student.class_no
from class,student
where class.class_no=student.class_no
group by student.class_no
having count(*)>=30 ;
select s_no,s_name
from student
where not exists
from choice
where s_no=student.s_no
and course_no='2001');
select *
from student
where s_no Ot in(select s_no
from choice
where course_no='2001')
// (8)对以上的数据查询语句(子查询那个)进行优化
select student.s_no,s_name
from student,choice,course
where student.s_no = choice.s_no
and course.course_no=choice.course_no
and course_name!=' 物理';
select s_no
into #F
from choice
where course_no='2001'
and score
from choice
where course_no='2001'
and score
delete student
from student,#F
where student.s_no=#F.s_no;
select s_no
into #table1
from choice
where course_no='2001'
and score
selce *
frome #table1
from choice
where s_no in (select s_no
from #table1);
from student
where s_no in(select S_no
from #table1);
select t_name
from teaching ,course,teacher
where course_name='物理'
and teaching.course_no=course.course_no
and teaching.t_no in(select t_no
from teaching,course
where course_name='孔子'
and teaching.course_no=course.course_no)
and teaching.t_no=teacher.t_no;
select t_name
from teacher,teaching taa,teaching tbb,course
coua,course coub
where coua.course_name='物理'
and taa.course_no=coua.course_no
and coub.course_name='孔子'
and tbb.course_no=coub.course_no
and taa.t_no=teacher.t_no;
create view student_score
as select student.s_no,s_name,course.course_no,course_name,teacher.t_no,t_name,choice.score
from student,course,teacher,choice,teaching
where student.s_no=choice.s_no
and choice.course_no=course.course_no
and choice.course_no=teaching.course_no
and teaching.t_no=teacher.t_no
select *
from student_score
drop view student_score;
create view student_score
as select student.s_no,s_name,course.course_no,course_name,teacher.t_no,t_name,choice.score
from student,course,teacher,choice,teaching
where student.s_no=choice.s_no
and choice.course_no=course.course_no
and choice.course_no=teaching.course_no
and teaching.t_no=teacher.t_no
and choice.score
select s_name
from student
where not exists
from teaching
where t_no=2095
and not exists
(select *
from choice
where s_no=student.s_no
and choice.course_no=teaching.course_no));
select student.s_no,s_name,score
from student,choice,course
where course_name='物理'
and course.course_no=choice.course_no
and choice.s_no=student.s_no
and score>=(select max(score)
from choice,course
where course_name='物理'
and course.course_no=choice.course_no);
select student.s_no,s_name
from student,choice cha,choice chb,course coua,course coub
where coua.course_name='物理'
and coua.course_no=cha.course_no
and cha.score>='60'
and coub.course_name='庄子'
and coub.course_no=chb.course_no
and chb.score
select student.s_no,s_name
from student,choice ,course
where student.s_no=choice.s_no
and course_name='物理'
and course.course_no=choice.course_no
and choice.s_no in (select student.s_no
from student,choice,course
where student.s_no=choice.s_no
and course_name='庄子'
and course.course_no=choice.course_no);
select s_no
from choice
group by s_no
having count(*)>2
order by count(*) desc;
alter table course add xf char(4);
update course set xf='2'
where course_no='2091';
update course set xf='5'
where course_no='2092';
update course set xf='3'
where course_no='2093';
update course set xf='7'
where course_no='2094';
update course set xf='1'
where course_no='2090';
update course set xf='9'
where course_no='2001';
select student.s_no
from student,choice
where score
and choice.s_no=student.s_no
and exists (select choice.s_no
from course,choice
where choice.course_no=course.course_no
and exists (select s_no
from choice
group by s_no
having COUNT(*)>3)
group by choice.s_no
having COUNT(xf)>2)
group by student.s_no
having COUNT(*)
select s_no
from choice
group by s_no
having AVG(score)>=(select AVG(score)
from choice
group by s_no)
create database test;
//(1) 分别利用命令行方式将下面各表建立到教学管理数据库中。表的创建存在先后顺序,在实际操作中要注意体会。
create table department
(dept_no char (2) unique,
dept_name char(10) not null
create table class
(class_no char(5) unique,
class_name char(10) not null,
dept_no char(2)
foreign key(dept_no) references department(dept_no)
create table student
(s_no char(6) unique,
s_name char(10) not null,
s_sex char(2) check(s_sex='男' or s_sex='女'),
s_birthday datetime,
s_score numeric(5,1),
s_addf numeric(3,1),
class_no char(5),
foreign key (class_no) references class(class_no)
create table course
(course_no char(5) unique,
course_name char(20) not null
create table teacher
(t_no char(6) unique,
t_name char(10) not null,
t_sex char(2) check(t_sex='男' or t_sex='女'),
t_birthday datetime,
tech_title char(10)
create table choice
(s_no char(6),
course_no char(5),
score numeric(5,1)
primary key(s_no,course_no),
foreign key(s_no) references student(s_no),
foreign key(course_no) references course(course_no)
create table teaching
(t_no char(6),
course_no char(5),
primary key (t_no,course_no),
foreign key(t_no) references teacher(t_no),
foreign key(course_no) references course(course_no)
select*from student;
select*from class;
select*from department;
select*from course;
select*from teacher;
select*from choice;
select*from teaching;
create index Teat_no on teacher(t_no);
drop index Teat_no;
insert into teacher(t_no,t_name,t_sex,t_birthday,tech_title) values ('2095','我','男','1992-08-01','老子');
insert into teacher(t_no,t_name,t_sex,t_birthday,tech_title) values ('2096','爱','女','1995-02-04','庄子');
insert into teacher(t_no,t_name,t_sex,t_birthday,tech_title) values ('2097','九','男','1988-05-07','孔子');
insert into teacher(t_no,t_name,t_sex,t_birthday,tech_title) values ('2098','五','女','1999-06-08','墨子');
insert into teacher(t_no,t_name,t_sex,t_birthday,tech_title) values ('2099','寝','男','1999-03-09','荀子');
alter table student add s_phone char(8);
create index Stubirthday on student(s_birthday);
drop index Stubirthday;
//(1) 向教学管理系统的每个表中录入5条记录。录入时注意体会外键约束。
insert into department values('1','信息系统');
insert into department values('2','工商管理');
insert into department values('3','市场营销');
insert in
to department values('4','会计');
insert into department values('5','财务管理');
insert into class values('9501','信息','1');
insert into class values('9502','工商','2');
insert into class values('9503','营销','3');
insert into class values('9504','会计','4');
insert into class values('9505','财务','5');
insert into student values('95011','严二姣','男','1991-04-04','555.5',NULL,'9501','04313887');
insert into student values('95012','严傻姣','男','1995-06-07','666.6',NULL,'9501','04313889');
insert into student values('95013','严二傻','男','1992-11-19','777.7',NULL,'9501','04313886');
insert into student values('95014','严傻傻','男','1993-10-05','888.8',NULL,'9501','04313888');
insert into student values('95015','傻瓜严','女','1990-12-15','999.9',NULL,'9501','04313885');
insert into course values('2091','孔子');
insert into course values('2092','老子');
insert into course values('2093','庄子');
insert into course values('2094','墨子');
insert into course values('2090','荀子');
insert into choice values('95011','2091','100');
insert into choice values('95012','2092','19');
insert into choice values('95013','2093','59');
insert into choice values('95014','2094','58');
insert into choice values('95015','2090','57');
select * from choice;
insert into teaching values('2095','2091');
insert into teaching values('2096','2092');
insert into teaching values('2097','2093');
insert into teaching values('2098','2094');
insert into teaching values('2095','2090');
//(2) 创建教师表2(teacher2),向表中录入5条不同的记录,注意与教师表中数据必须不同,主要体现在主键上。
create table teacher2
(t_no char(6) unique,
t_name char(8) not null,
t_sex char(2) check(t_sex='男' or t_sex='女'),
t_birthday datetime,
tech_title char(10),
select*from teacher2;
insert into teacher2 values('2100','驴大傻','男','1990-02-02','鉴宝');
insert into teacher2 values('2101','大傻驴','男','1995-03-03','考古');
insert into teacher2 values('2102','崴脚驴','男','1992-08-08','哲学');
insert into teacher2 values('2103','瘸驴','男','1998-08-09','人类起源');
insert into teacher2 values('2104','面板驴','女','1994-09-30','君主论');
select*from teacher2;
insert into teacher select * from teacher2;*****!!!!!
select *from teacher;
//(4)利用SELECT INTO方法创建教师表3(teacher3),查看教师表3的内容,体会表间数据复制的含义。
select * into teacher3 from teacher2;
select * from teacher3;
delete teacher3;
drop table teacher3;
delete teacher2;
drop table teacher2;
select*from teacher2;检查
select*from student;
select t_no,t_name,t_birthday from teacher;
select bb.s_no,s_name
from student,choice aa,choice bb
where aa.s_no='95011'
and aa.course_no='2091'
and bb.course_no=aa.course_no
and bb.score=aa.score
and bb.s_no=student.s_no;
select student.s_name ,t_name,course_name
from student,choice,teacher,course,teaching
where score>='60'
and choice.s_no=student.s_no
and choice.course_no=course.course_no
and choice.course_no=teaching.course_no
and teaching.t_no=teacher.t_no
select*from choice;
// (11)将某个学生所学课程成绩低于60分的课程列出来。
select course_name
from choice,course
where score
and choice.s_no='95012'
and choice.course_no=course.course_no;
updata choice
set score=60
where sno in(select sno
from student
where sname='李明')
and course_no in(select course _no
from course
where course_name='物理');
insert into course values('2001','物理');
select*from course;
select*from student;
insert into student values('95016','严三姣','男','1991-01-04','555.5',NULL,'9501','04313887');
insert into student values('95017','严四姣','男','1991-08-04','555.5',NULL,'9501','04313887');
insert into student values('95018','严五姣','男','1991-08-04','555.5',NULL,'9501','04313817');
insert into choice values('95011','2001','100');
insert into choice values('95012','2001','90');
insert into choice values('95013','2001','80');
insert into choice values('95014','2001','85');
SELECT student.*,score
from student,choice,course
where student.s_no=choice.s_no
and course.course_no='2001'
and course.course_no=choice.course_no
order by score;
from student left join choice
on student.s_no=choice.s_no
where course_no='2001'
order by score;
select student.*,choice.score
from student left join choice
on choice.s_no=student.s_no
where course_no='2001'
order by score asc;
select COUNT (*) sumstudent,AVG(score) grade
from choice
where course_no='2001'
and score>='80'
and score
select count(*),avg(score)
from choice,course
where course_name='物理'
and score between 80 and90 (between 包含左右边界)
and choice.course_no=c
select class.class_no ,class.class.name,max(score)
from class,choice,student
where course_no='2001'
and class.class_no=student.class_no
and student.s_no=choice.s_no
group by class.class_no,class.class.name;
select choice.s_no ,s_name ,score
from choice,student
where choice.s_no in(select s_no
from choice
where score>'80'
and score
and course_no='2001';
from student
where s_no in (select s_no
from choice
where score between 80 and 90
and course_no =(select course_no
from course
where course_no='2001'))
select student.class_no
from class,student
where class.class_no=student.class_no
group by student.class_no
having count(*)>=30 ;
select student.class_no
from class,student
where class.class_no=student.class_no
group by student.class_no
having count(*)>=30 ;
select s_no,s_name
from student
where not exists
from choice
where s_no=student.s_no
and course_no='2001');
select *
from student
where s_no Ot in(select s_no
from choice
where course_no='2001')
// (8)对以上的数据查询语句(子查询那个)进行优化
select student.s_no,s_name
from student,choice,course
where student.s_no = choice.s_no
and course.course_no=choice.course_no
and course_name!=' 物理';
select s_no
into #F
from choice
where course_no='2001'
and score
from choice
where course_no='2001'
and score
delete student
from student,#F
where student.s_no=#F.s_no;
select s_no
into #table1
from choice
where course_no='2001'
and score
selce *
frome #table1
from choice
where s_no in (select s_no
from #table1);
from student
where s_no in(select S_no
from #table1);
select t_name
from teaching ,course,teacher
where course_name='物理'
and teaching.course_no=course.course_no
and teaching.t_no in(select t_no
from teaching,course
where course_name='孔子'
and teaching.course_no=course.course_no)
and teaching.t_no=teacher.t_no;
select t_name
from teacher,teaching taa,teaching tbb,course
coua,course coub
where coua.course_name='物理'
and taa.course_no=coua.course_no
and coub.course_name='孔子'
and tbb.course_no=coub.course_no
and taa.t_no=teacher.t_no;
create view student_score
as select student.s_no,s_name,course.course_no,course_name,teacher.t_no,t_name,choice.score
from student,course,teacher,choice,teaching
where student.s_no=choice.s_no
and choice.course_no=course.course_no
and choice.course_no=teaching.course_no
and teaching.t_no=teacher.t_no
select *
from student_score
drop view student_score;
create view student_score
as select student.s_no,s_name,course.course_no,course_name,teacher.t_no,t_name,choice.score
from student,course,teacher,choice,teaching
where student.s_no=choice.s_no
and choice.course_no=course.course_no
and choice.course_no=teaching.course_no
and teaching.t_no=teacher.t_no
and choice.score
select s_name
from student
where not exists
from teaching
where t_no=2095
and not exists
(select *
from choice
where s_no=student.s_no
and choice.course_no=teaching.course_no));
select student.s_no,s_name,score
from student,choice,course
where course_name='物理'
and course.course_no=choice.course_no
and choice.s_no=student.s_no
and score>=(select max(score)
from choice,course
where course_name='物理'
and course.course_no=choice.course_no);
select student.s_no,s_name
from student,choice cha,choice chb,course coua,course coub
where coua.course_name='物理'
and coua.course_no=cha.course_no
and cha.score>='60'
and coub.course_name='庄子'
and coub.course_no=chb.course_no
and chb.score
select student.s_no,s_name
from student,choice ,course
where student.s_no=choice.s_no
and course_name='物理'
and course.course_no=choice.course_no
and choice.s_no in (select student.s_no
from student,choice,course
where student.s_no=choice.s_no
and course_name='庄子'
and course.course_no=choice.course_no);
select s_no
from choice
group by s_no
having count(*)>2
order by count(*) desc;
alter table course add xf char(4);
update course set xf='2'
where course_no='2091';
update course set xf='5'
where course_no='2092';
update course set xf='3'
where course_no='2093';
update course set xf='7'
where course_no='2094';
update course set xf='1'
where course_no='2090';
update course set xf='9'
where course_no='2001';
select student.s_no
from student,choice
where score
and choice.s_no=student.s_no
and exists (select choice.s_no
from course,choice
where choice.course_no=course.course_no
and exists (select s_no
from choice
group by s_no
having COUNT(*)>3)
group by choice.s_no
having COUNT(xf)>2)
group by student.s_no
having COUNT(*)
select s_no
from choice
group by s_no
having AVG(score)>=(select AVG(score)
from choice
group by s_no)