
On how to guide the students in writing in NMET 2013,AnhuiPrivince


A writing process includes five parts: examining the requirements for writing; listing the key information and planning paragraphing; writing the first draft; improving the language used and the last but not least, checking the writing for any possible mistake and any inappropriate expression.

Firstly, while guiding the students in examining the requirements, we must make it clear for them that, since this writing is about an advocate of students’ abiding by the traffic regulations, it is better to use the first person and the tenses of Present Simple and Future Simple.

Secondly, list all the possible key points in the form of outline. Never leave out any point, as we can easily find from the grading standards that any omission of key information in writing will contribute to bad grades. Of course, to make the writing more coherent, it is necessary to add some information. In this passage, for example, we can guide the students in writing about the bad consequences of cyclists’ and pedestrians’ violation of traffic regulation. Besides, in the second paragraph, the students can list separately what they will be likely to do as cyclists and pedestrians. As for paragraphing, we should make sure that students understand that it is good that major information is attached more importance to while minor information is paid less

attention to and irrelevant information is never mentioned in your writing.

Then, it is high time that students began experimenting with writing for the first draft. Normally, there are two major ways of writing. One way, which is usually the common practice of students with good command of English, is that they write it directly without stop. On the other hand, for those who are not fluent in English, they develop a passage by joining the outline together or they just “write” by translating the key information sentence by sentence. Whichever way they apply in writing, it is good if it suits them well.

Afterwards, the students will have to check what they have written. There are many things to do in this part. They will consider using some adverbs and conjunctions to make their writing coherent, fluent and readable. Also,they need to transform simple vocabulary into advanced one and loose structures into complicated ones so as to gain more opportunities of obtaining higher grades.

Finally, it is vital to read the writing from beginning till the end after the first draft and check if there is any mistake in spelling, grammar, coherence and expression. If there is, do correct it immediately. Also, make sure that there are enough words in the writingaccording to the writing requirements.

Anyway, always keep the sheet clean, tidy and nice. So it is necessary to make a draft first and then a copy on the answer sheet.

On how to guide the students in writing in NMET 2013,AnhuiPrivince


A writing process includes five parts: examining the requirements for writing; listing the key information and planning paragraphing; writing the first draft; improving the language used and the last but not least, checking the writing for any possible mistake and any inappropriate expression.

Firstly, while guiding the students in examining the requirements, we must make it clear for them that, since this writing is about an advocate of students’ abiding by the traffic regulations, it is better to use the first person and the tenses of Present Simple and Future Simple.

Secondly, list all the possible key points in the form of outline. Never leave out any point, as we can easily find from the grading standards that any omission of key information in writing will contribute to bad grades. Of course, to make the writing more coherent, it is necessary to add some information. In this passage, for example, we can guide the students in writing about the bad consequences of cyclists’ and pedestrians’ violation of traffic regulation. Besides, in the second paragraph, the students can list separately what they will be likely to do as cyclists and pedestrians. As for paragraphing, we should make sure that students understand that it is good that major information is attached more importance to while minor information is paid less

attention to and irrelevant information is never mentioned in your writing.

Then, it is high time that students began experimenting with writing for the first draft. Normally, there are two major ways of writing. One way, which is usually the common practice of students with good command of English, is that they write it directly without stop. On the other hand, for those who are not fluent in English, they develop a passage by joining the outline together or they just “write” by translating the key information sentence by sentence. Whichever way they apply in writing, it is good if it suits them well.

Afterwards, the students will have to check what they have written. There are many things to do in this part. They will consider using some adverbs and conjunctions to make their writing coherent, fluent and readable. Also,they need to transform simple vocabulary into advanced one and loose structures into complicated ones so as to gain more opportunities of obtaining higher grades.

Finally, it is vital to read the writing from beginning till the end after the first draft and check if there is any mistake in spelling, grammar, coherence and expression. If there is, do correct it immediately. Also, make sure that there are enough words in the writingaccording to the writing requirements.

Anyway, always keep the sheet clean, tidy and nice. So it is necessary to make a draft first and then a copy on the answer sheet.


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