

Unified standard for building drawings


Standard for modular coordination of building


Code for design of masonry structures


Code for design of timber structures


Standard for modular coordination of industrial buildings


Code for design of building foundation



Code for design of building ground


Code for fire protection and prevention of rural area


Code for design of dynamic machine foundation


Code for design of boiler plant


Code for anticorrosion design of industrial constructions


Code for design of small fossil fired power plant


Code for design of industrial recirulating cooling water treatment


Code for design of chimneys


Code for design electric power supply systems


Code for design of 20KV and below substation


Code for design of low voltage electrical installations


Code for design of electric distribution of general-purpose utilization equipment


Code for design of electrical equipment of electroheat installations


Code for design protection of structures against lightning


Code for design of electrical installations in explosive atmospheres


Code for design of 35kV~110kV substation


Code for design of 3~110kV high voltage electrical installations


Code for design of 66kV or under overhead electrical power transmission line


Code for design of relaying protection and automatic device of electric power installation


Code for design of electrical measuring device of power system


Code for design of overvoltage protection and insulation coordination for AC electrical installations


Code for design of ac electrical installations earthing



Unified standard for reliability design of building structures


Structural design code for special structures of water supply and waste water engineering


Code for design of electric power in mine


Design code for small hydropower station


Code for design of cold store


Code for design of clean room


Code for design of oil depot


Code for design of concrete structures


Code for seismic design of buildings


Code for design of class Ⅲ、Ⅳ railway


Code for design of outdoor water supply engineering


Code for design of outdoor wastewater engineering


Code for design of building water supply and drainage


Code for fire protection design of buildings


Code for design of steel structures


Technical code for design of cold-formed thin-wall steel structures



Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering


Code for design of roads in factories and mining areas


Standard for seismic appraisal of buildings


Code for building construction in collapsible loess regions


Code for engineering


Code for measurement of the reverberation time in rooms


Code for design of reinforced concrete silos


Code for construction and acceptance of chimney works


Standard for test method of performance on ordinary fresh concrete mixture


Standard for test method of mechanical properties of ordinary concrete


Standard for test methods of long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete


Standard for general terms used in design of engineering structures


Code of design for sprinkler systems


Technical code for sprinkling engineering



Code for design of noise control of industrial enterprises


Safety code for design of engineering of civil expolosives materials


Code for design of railway line


Code for design of railway stations and railway terminals


Code for construction and acceptance of asphalt pavement


Code for construction and quality acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering


Code for construction of spherical tanks


Standard for essential terminology and symbol in hydrology


Design code for residential buildings


Code for construction and acceptance of cement concrete pavement


Code for design of school


Code for design of cooling for industrial recirculating water


Standard for general layout drawings


Standard for architectural drawings


Standard for structural drawings


Standard for building water supply and drainage drawings


Standard for evaluation of concrete compressive strength


Technical code for waterproofing of underground works


Design code for softening and demineralization of industrial water


Code for design of


Code for seismic design of railway engineering


Technical code for buildings in expansive soil regions


Technical code slipform engineering


Standard for heating,ventilation and air conditioning drawings


Code for design of industrial television system


Code for design of automatic fire alarm system


Standard for seismic appraisal of special structures


Code for design of sound insulation of civil buildings


Code for concrete admixture application


Standard for assessment of building sound insulation


Code for measurement of noise in industrial enterprises


Standard for test merhods of earthworks


Standard for terms used in road engineering


Standard for basic terms of water and wastewater engineering


Code for construction of industrial equipment and pipeline insulation engineering


Technical standard for aerial ropeway engineering


Code for construction of vertical cylindrical steel welded storage tanks


Standard for test method of basic mechanics properties of masonry


Technical code for reinforced concrete lift-slab structure


Standard for general symbols used in design of engineering structures


Code for design of high-rising structures


Code for design of electroplating wastewater processing


Code for classification of urban land use and planning standards of development land


Standard for stage observation


Navigation standard of inland waterway


Code for design of extinguisher distribution in buildings


Code for construction and acceptance of water and sewerage structures


Standard for protective specing between mediurn,short wave broadcast transmitting station and electric cable carrier telecommumication systems


Standard for protective spacing of radio interference from overhead electric lines,substations to television transposer station and retransmitting station


Standard for reliability


Standard for engineering classification of soil


Technical code for application of fly ash concrete

〖GB50147-2010〗电气装置安装工程 高压电器施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of high-voltage electric equipment installation engineering

〖GB50148-2010〗电气装置安装工程 电力变压器、油浸电抗器、互感器施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of power transformers oil reactor and mutual inductor

〖GB50149-2010〗电气装置安装工程 母线装置施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of busbar installation of electric equipment installation engineering

〖GB50150-2006〗电气装置安装工程 电气设备交接试验标准

Erection works of electrical installations Standard for hand-over test of electric equipment


Code for design of foam extinguishing systems


Standard for test method of concrete structures


Unified standard for reliability design of engineering structures



Code for design and construction of filling station


Code for design of metro


Unified standard for reliability design of port engineering structures



Fire prevention code of petrochemical enterprise design


Safety code for design of engineering of fireworks and firecracker


Standard for road engineering drawing


Code for design of halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems


Standard for quality control of concrete


Technical code for maintenance and strengthing of ancient timber buildings


Code for installation and acceptance of fire alarm system


Code for engineering photogrammetry


Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of cable levels

〖GB50169-2006〗电气装置安装工程 接地装置施工及验收规范

Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of earthed devices

〖GB50170-2006〗电气装置安装工程 旋转电机施工及验收规范

Erection works of electrical installations Code of construction and acceptance of rotating electrical machines

〖GB50171-2012〗电气装置安装工程 盘、柜及二次回路接线施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of switchbord outfit complete cubicle and secondary circuit electric equipment installation engineering

〖GB50172-2012〗电气装置安装工程 蓄电池施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of battery electric equipment installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of 66KV and under overhead electric power transmission line


Code for design of electronic information system room


Code for acceptance of surface


Code for thermal design of civil buildings


Code for design of hydrogen and oxygen stations


Standard for climatic regionalization for building and civil engineering


Code for measurement of fluid flow in open channels


Code for planning design of urban residential area


Technical code for constructional engineering in flood detention basin



Code for acceptance of construction quality of industrial metallic piping


Code for acceptance of construction quality of industrial equipment and pipeline insulation engineering 〖GB/T50186-2013〗港口工程基本术语标准

Standard for fundamental terms of port engineering


Code for design of general layout of industrial enterprises


Standard for planning of town



Code for design of anti-microvibration of multistory factory floor


Code for seismic design of special structures


Code for design of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems


Code for safety of power supply and consumption for construction site


Design code for producer gas station



Technical code for project of civil closed circuit monitoring television system


Unified standard for reliability design of hydraulic engineering structures


Technical code for CATV system


Standard for flood control


Code for construction and acceptance of earthwork and blasting engineering


Code for acceptance of construction quality of building foundation


Code for acceptance of constructional quality of masonry structures



Code for acceptance of construction quality of steel structure


Code for acceptanc of construction quality of timber structures


Code for acceptance


Code for acceptance of construction quality of underground waterproof


Code for acceptance of construction quality of building ground


Code for construction quality acceptance of building decoration


Code for construction and acceptance of industrial furnaces building


Code for construction of building anticorrosive engineering


Code for acceptance of shaft sinking and drifting of coal mine


Technical code for composite steel-form


Code for the colliery design of coal mining industry


Unified standard for reliability design of railway engineering structures


Code for design of cables of electric engineering


Standard for engineering classification of rock mass


Technical code for water spray fire protection systems


Code for planning design of transport on urban road


Code for fire prevention design of interior decoration of buildings


Standard for classification of seismic protection of buildings constructions


Code for acceptance of construction quality of anticorrosive engineering of buildings


Code for design of railway passenger station buildings


Code for design of installation of shunt capacitors


Standard for foundational terminology of engineering survey


Code for design of fire protection for foossil fuel power plants and substations


General code for construction and acceptance of mechanical equipment installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of 110kV~750kV overhead transmission line


Code for construction of industrial metallic piping engineering


Code for construction of field equipment,industrial pipe welding engineering


Code for acceptance of construction quality of water supply drainage and heating works


Code for acceptance for construction quality of ventilation and air conditioning works



Unified standard for constructional quality acceptance of industrial installation engineering


Code for design of oil transportation pipeline engineering

〖GB50254-2014〗电气装置安装工程 低压电器施工及验收规范

Code for construction

〖GB50255-2014〗电气装置安装工程 电力变流设备施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of power conversion equipment electric equipment installation engineering 〖GB50256-2014〗电气装置安装工程 起重机电气装置施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of electric device of crane electrical equipment installation engineering 〖GB50257-2014〗电气装置安装工程 爆炸和火灾危险环境电气装置施工及验收规范


Code for seismic design of electrical installations


Code for installation and commissioning of sprinkler systems


Standard for basic terms of railway engineering


Code for installation and acceptance of gas fire extinguishing systems


Code for design of industrial equipment and pipeline insulation engineering


Design code for pumping station


Standard for test methods of engineering rock mass


Code for seismic design of unclear power plants


Code for construction and acceptance of water and sewerage pipeline works


Code for measurement method of dynamic properties of subsoil


Code for construction and acceptance of conveyor equipment installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of metal-cutting machine installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of forging-press equipment installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of boiler installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of refrigeration plant and air seperation plant installation


Code for construction and acceptance of fan,compressor and pump installation


Code for construction and acceptance of crusher and grinding equipment installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of casting plant installation


Code for construction and acceptance of crane installation engineering



Standard for basic terminology of urban planning


Code for construction and acceptance of foam fire extinguishing systems 〖GB50282-98〗城市给水工程规划规范

Code for planning of urban water supply engineering


Unified standard of reliability design of highway engineering structures


Code for fire protection design of aircraft hangar


Standad for protection distance from highway to AM,FM and TV rebroadcast stations 〖GB50286-2013〗堤防工程设计规范

Code for design of levee project


Code for water resources and hydropower engineering gelolgical investigation 〖GB50288-99〗灌溉与排水工程设计规范

Code for design of irrigation and drainage


Code of Urban Engineering Pipeline Comprehensive Planning




Standard for appraiser of reliability of civil buildings


Code for planning of urban electric power


Design code for general plan and transportation of nuclear power plants


Code for design of cement plant


Technical code for tube well


Standard for basic terms of electric power engineering


Code for Scenic area Planning


Code for construction and acceptance of metro engineering


Unified standard for constructional quality acceptance of building engineering 〖GB50303-2002〗建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范

Code of acceptance of construction quality of electrical installation in building 〖GB50307-2012〗城市轨道交通岩土工程勘察规范

Code for geotechnical investigations of urban rail transit


Code for urban rail transit engineering survey


Code for quality inspection and acceptance of industrial furnaces building 〖GB50310-2002〗电梯工程施工质量验收规范

Code for acceptance of installation quality of lifts,escalators and passenger conveyors


Code for engineering design of generic cabling system


Code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system


Code for design of fire communication and command system



Technical standard for site testing of masonry engineering


Design code for industrial metallic piping


Code for design of pig's slaughtering and cutting rooms


Code of Urban Wastewater Engineering Planning


Code of construction project management


Code for design of grain storehouses

〖GB50322-2011〗粮食钢板筒仓设计规范 Code for design of


Code for Urban Construction Archives Description


Code for engineering geological investigation of frozen ground


Code for indoor environmental pollution control of civil building engineering


The code of construction project management


Code for construction of decoration of housings


Code for putting construction project documents into records


Standard for test methods of timber structures


Technical code for building slope engineering


The standard of water quantity for city's residential use


Structural design code for pipelines of water supply and waste water engineering


Architectural technical code for hospital clean operating department


Quality acceptance code for municipal sewage treatment plant engineering


Code for design of wastewater reclamation and reuse


Code of design for building reclaimed water system


Code for planning of urban environmental sanitation facilities


Code of design for fixed fire monitor extinguishing systems


Code for acceptance of quality of intelligent building systems


Code for design of residential building for the aged


Code for design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks


Technical code for concrete structure of TV tower


Technical code for protection of building electronic information system against lightning


Techical standard for inspection of building structure


Technical code for roof engineering


Architectural and technical code for biosafety laboratories


Code of design for powder extinguishing systems


technical code for engineering of security and protection system


Code for design of oil-gas gathering and transportation systems


Code for design of fire dike in storage tank farm


Code for design of civil buildings


Calculation code for construction


The standard of the measurement and evaluation for efficiency of building ventilation


Code for electrical design of education buildings


Technical code for construction safety of deep building foundation excavations


Code for electrical design of medical buildings


Standard for basic terms of information technology applications in construction field


Technical specification for single-ply roofing


Technical specification for prevention and treatment of crack on building engineering


Technical specification for application of ground limestone in concrete


Technical specification for heating systems of low temperature electric radiant heating film


Standard for basic data of housing provident fund


Technical apecification for dot-hanging exterior wall panel engineering


Technical specification for test of chloride ion content in concrete


Technical specification for application of self-insulation concrete compound block walls


Standard for test method of building curtain wall engineering


Technical specification for strengthening concrete structures with prestressed high strength steel wire ropes 〖JGJ/T326-2014〗机械式停车库工程技术规范

Technical code for mechanical parking garage engineering


Technical specification for strength composite piles


Technical specification for green production and management of ready-mixed concrete



Technical specification for pile foundation of pipe pile embedded in cement soil


Technical specification for slip resistance of building floor


Technical specification for safety monitoring system of tower cranes


Code for electrical design of conference and exhibition buildings


Technical code for engineering of building automation system


Standard for basic terminology of urban underground space utilization


Standard for wind tunnel test of buildings and structures




Technical specification for application of foamed concrete


Technical specification for evaporative


Code for fire prevention installation and acceptance in construction of interior decoration engineering of buildings 〖GB/T50355-2005〗住宅建筑室内振动限值及其测量方法标准

Standard of limit and measurement method of vibration in the room of residential buildings


Code for architectural acoustical design of theater,cinema and multi-use auditorium


Code of conservation planning for historic cities


Code for management of engineering contracting projects


Code for design of coal cleaning engineering


Code for design of coal water mixture engineering


Technical code for partitions with timber frame wore


Technical standard for performance assessment of residential buildings


Technical specification for water-saving irrigation engineering


Technical code for solar water heating system of civil buildings


Code for operation and management of central air conditioning system


Technical code for ground source heat pump system


Code for design of strengthening concrete structure


Residential building code


Code for construction and acceptance of oil and gas long-distance transmission pipeline engineering


Code for design of gas fire extinguishing systems


Code for sound reinforcement system design of auditorium


Code for installation acceptance of metallurgical machinery ironmaking equipment engineering


Design code for communication conduit and passage engineering


Code of construction and acceptance for communication conduit engineering


Evaluating standard for excellent quality of building engineering



Code for acceptance of mineral processing equipment installation engineering


Assessment standard for green building


Code for quality management of geotechnical investigation enterprises


Code for quality management of engineering design enterprises


Code for constructional quality acceptance of urban rail transit automatic fare collection system engineering 〖GB50382-2006〗城市轨道交通通信工程质量验收规范

Code for constructional quality acceptance of urban rail transit communication engineering


Code for design of the fire


Code for design of coal mine shaft and chamber


Code for design of the mine headframes


Code for acceptance of enginneering installation for mechanical equipment of rolling mill


Code for installation acceptance of metal mechanical hydromatic,lubricating and air-driven system equipment 〖GB50388-2006〗煤矿井下机车运输信号设计规范

Code for design of under pit train transportation signal of coal mine


Code for installation acceptance of coking and chemical mechanical equipment engineering


Code for design of oilfield water injection engineering


Code for design of cooling tower for mechanical ventilation


Technical code for anticorrosive engineering of the steel petroleum tank


Code for design for intrusion alarm systems engineering


Code of design for video monitoring system


Code of design for access control systems engineering


Code for acceptance of electrical construction installation in metallurgy


Code for design of rolling process on seamless steel tubes


Code for design of small capacity mine of coal industry


Engineering technical code for rain utilization in building and sub-district


Code for installation and acceptance of fire communication and command system


Code for installation acceptance of sintering mechanical equipment engineering


Code for engineering installment acceptance of steel-making mechanical equipment


Technical code for rigid polyurethane foam insulation and waterproof engineering


Code for design of comprehensive utilization of iron and steel industry resources


Code for design of environmental protection of iron and steel industry



Code for design of section steel hot rolling Mills


Code for acceptance of energy efficient building construction


Code for test of scale acoustic model for auditorium


Standard for urban planning on earthquake resistance and hazardous prevention


Code of design for fire protection and prevention for iron & steel metallurgy enterprises


Code for design of inclind shafts and chambers of coal mine


Code for design of chambers


Technical level standard for workers of construction maintenance and sewerage treatment of municipal engineering 〖CJJ27-2012〗环境卫生设施设置标准

Standard for setting of environmental sanitation facilities


Code for construction and acceptance of city heating pipelines


Technical specification for plastic pipeline for building drainage


Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of night soil treatment plants


Code for design of algae water treatment


Code for construction and acceptance of city and town gas distribution works


Design code for city heating network


Technical code of urban road maintenance


Code for design of urban road engineering


Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineerings(in northern area)


Code for design of water supply engineering using high-turbidity raw water


Technical specification for asphalt pavement recycling of urban road


Standard for lighting design of urban road


Technical code for transfer station of municipal solid waste


Code for design of parks



Safety technical specification for operation,maintenance and rush-repair of city gas facilities


Technical code for the composting of municipal solid waste


Code for repairing construction of civil buildings


Code for design of wastewater stabilization ponds


Standard for terminology of heating


Code for geotechnical investigation of municipal engineering projects


Code for geo-engineering site investigation and evaluation of urban and rural planning


Technical specification for operation,maintenance and safety of city and town waterworks


Technical specification for operation ,maintenance and safety of municipal wastewater treatment plant 〖CJJ61-2003〗城市地下管线探测技术规程

Technical specification for detecting and surveying of under-ground pipelines and cables in city


Technical specification for polyethylene (PE) gas pipeline engineerings


Code for design of night soil treatment plant


Standard for terminology of environmental


Code for design of electric power supply of under the coal mine


Code for design of prevention and elimination of thermal disaster in coal mines


Code for design of roadway section and junction of coal mine


Code for the design of urban green space


Code for waste dump design of nonferrous metal mines


Technical code for engineerings of prestressed concrete pavement


Code for design of oil and gas transportation pipeline crossing engineering



Code for design of environmental protection of textile industry enterprise


Code for design of dyeing and printing plant



Code for design of oil field produced water treatment


Code for design of aluminium structures


Code for quality management of engineering construction enterprises


Code for design of belt conveyor engineering


Code for design of coking technology


Technical code on soil and water conservation of development and construction projects


Control standards for soil and water loss on development and construction projects


Code for design of flat glass plant


Code for design of technology of wire rod mill


Code for planning of city and town facilities for the aged


Standard for the operation safety assessment of existing metro



Technical code for remote-monitoring system of urban fire protection


Standard for calculation of energy consumption in petrochemical engineering design


Code for urban public facilities planning


Code for design of energy conservation of cement plant


Code for acceptance and inspection of extinguisher distribution in buildings


Technique code for village rehabilitation


Code for construction and acceptance


Architectural and technical code for laboratory animal facility



Standard for urban appearance


Code for design of main ventilating fan station of coal mine


Code for design of pumping station and pipeline of under coal mine


Technical specifications for protection of historic buildings against man-made vibration


Standard for classification of seismic protection of buildings and special structures in petrochemical engineering 〖GB50454-2008〗航空发动机试车台设计规范

Code for design of aero-engine test cell


Code for design of underground oil storage in rock caverns


Code for design of pharmaceutical industry clean room


Code for design of straddle monorail transit


Code for design of oil and gas transportation pipeline aerial crossing engineering


Code for construction of oil and gas transmission pipeline aerial crossing engineering


Code for quality acceptance of static equipment installation in petrochemical engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of electronic information system room


Code for design of vibration isolation


Code for technical of video display system engineering


Code for general planning of mining area of coal industry


Code for design of heating ventilation and air conditioning of coal industry


Code for construction and acceptance of micro-electronics manufacturing equipment installation engineering 〖GB50468-2008〗焊管工艺设计规范

Code for design of welded-pipe process


Code for design of environmental protection of rubber factory


Seismic technical code for oil and gas transmission pipeline engineering


Code for design of the gas drainage engineering of coal mine


Code for design of electronic industry clean room


Code for design of steel tank foundation


Technical code for heat-insulation and wear-resistant linings


Code for design of general warehouse and lay down area of petrochemical industry


Code for durability design of concrete structures


Code of design of occupational safety


Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering of geothermal power plant


Technical code of cabinet(panel) for protection and automation equipments of electric power system 〖GB/T50480-2008〗冶金工业岩土勘察原位测试规范

Code for insitu tests of geotechnical engineering investigation of metallurgical industry


Code for design of cotton spinning and weaving factory


Code for design of aluminium processing plant


Code for design of environmental protectin of chemical industry projects


Code for technical of construction safety in petrochemical engineering


Technical code for microirrigation engineering


Code for design of industrial furnaces in iron & steel works


Code for engineering goological investigation of water resources and hydropower


Code for design of acrylic fibres plant


Code for Design of General Plot Plan and Transportation of Chemical Industrial Enterprises


Technical code of urban rail transit


Code for design of iron pellet engineering


Code for design of PET plant


Specification for design of combustible gas and toxic gas detection and alarm for petrochemical industry 〖GB50494-2009〗城镇燃气技术规范

Technical code for city gas


Technical code for solar heating system


Code for construction of mass concrete


Technical code for monitoring of building excavation engineering


Code for installation and acceptance of fixed fire monitor extinguishing systems


Code for design of bast textile mill


Code of bills of quantities and valuation for construction works


Code of valuation with bill quantity of water conservancy constrution works


Code for construction organization plan of building engineering


Monitoring and control code for waste water of ordnance industry factory


Standard for terminology of civil architectural design


Code for design of BFG dry bag filter


Code for design of water saving foriron and steel enterprises


Code of design of railway tank wagon


Code for design of polyester fiber plant


Code for irrigation areas programming


Technical code for renewal and renovation of pumping station


Code for construction of shaft and roadway of coal mine


Code for design standard-gauge railway of metallurgical open-pit mine


Code for plan of urban water system


Code for design of nonwovens factory


Code for design of conductive or anti-static ground surface and floor


Technical code for hydrogen fuelling station


Code for construction quality acceptance of metallic piping in petrochemical engineering


Standard for the equipment of ventilative safety of coal colliery


Code for safety design of uranium mills tailings pond in nuclear industry


Code for design of uranium mining and metallurgy engineering in nuclear industry


Code of construction project management for unclear power plants


Code for design of occupational safety and hygiene in electronics industry


Technical code for infrared simultaneous interpretation system


Code of measurement for video display system


Technical code for public address system engineering


Code for design of energy conservation of flat glass plant


Code for design of energy conservation of fired brick and tile plant


Code for design of vinylon fiber plant


Code for design of alumina refinery process


Standard of valuated building services and components’classification


Coal industry design code of repairing facilities for electro-mechanical equipment of mining district


Code for design of underground auxiliary haulage system of coal mine


Code for design of district stations and chambers of coal mine


Code for design of pit bottom of coal mine


Code for design of coal mine full-mechanized mining district


Code of engineering survey for oil-gas field


Technical standard for anti-corrosion


Specifications of survey for oil and gas transportation pipeline engineering


Code for construction of pipe process in oil and gas transmission pipeline station


Code for design of raw material yard of iron and steel plants


Technical code for pipelines coordination in petrochemical plant


Code for design of energy conservation of building and sanitary ceramic plant


Code for design of general layout & transportation for non-ferrous metallurgical enterprises


Code for design of 110KV~750KV overhead transmission line


Code for compilation of urban railway network planning


Technical code for geotechnical engineering of tailings embankment


Code for investigation and surveying of 330kV~750kV overhead transmission line


Coding standard for power plant identification system


Code for acceptance of construction quality of strengthening building structures


Code for quality acceptance of palletizing mechanical equipment installation engineering


Design document preparation standard of open-pit mine construction project in coal industry


Design document compose standard of coal preparation plant project in coal industry


Design document preparation standard of mine construction project in coal industry


Standard for water saving design in civil building


Code for aseismic design of electrical facilities in industrial plants


Technical code for barite concrete against radiation


Code for design of environmental protection of cement plant


Code for design of environmental protection of glass plant


Code for design of building and sanitary ceramic plant


Code for equipment installing and acceptance of building material industry


Code for basic terms of coal mine construction engineering


Evaluation standard for urban landscaping and greening


Mining drawing standard for metal and nonmetal mines


Code for design of textile engineering on fire protection and prevention


Code for installation and quality acceptance of metallurgical dedusting equipment


Technical code for shell structure of ironmaking furnace


Code for oil and gas field and pipeline


Code of design on thermo for iron & steel metallurgy enterprises


The code for construction of offshore wind power project


Code for seismic investigation and evaluation of nuclear power plants


Code for construction and quality acceptance of hyperbolic cooling tower engineering


Uniform technical code for wall materials used in buildings


Code for construction and acceptance of 1KV and blow wiring work


Code for acceptance of construction quality of aluminium structures


Code for design of safety and health of cement plant


Code for constructional quality acceptance of urban rail transit signal engineering


Code of design for physical and chemical testing center of aviation industry


Code for design of continuous casting engineering


Standard for allocated mine monitoring and controlling system of coal industry


Standard for lighting design of outdoor work places


Code for design of building and structure of coal mine of preparation plant


Technical code for top gas pressure recovery turbine


Occupational safety code for geotechnical investigation


Code for construction and acceptance of aluminium bus-bar welding engineering


Design for operation of reservoir


Code for design of waste heat power generation in cement plant


Technical code of construction for epoxy resins self-leveling flooring


Technical code for anticorrosion engineering of vinyl ester resins


Code for construction and acceptance of cleanroom


Code for design of colliery building and structure of coal mine


Standard for drawings undarground mining


Standard for water function zoning


Code for energy conservation design of non-ferrous metal mines


Technical code for rainwater collection,storage and utilization


Standard for terminology,measure units and symbols in textile engineering


Code for design of cement raw material mine engineering


Technical code for amelioration


Code of design on thermo for iron & steel metallurgy enterprises


The code for construction of offshore wind power project


Code for seismic investigation and evaluation of nuclear power plants


Code for construction and quality acceptance of hyperbolic cooling tower engineering


Uniform technical code for wall materials used in buildings


Code for construction and acceptance of 1KV and blow wiring work


Code for acceptance of construction quality of aluminium structures


Code for design of safety and health of cement plant


Code for constructional quality acceptance of urban rail transit signal engineering


Code of design for physical and chemical testing center of aviation industry


Code for design of continuous casting engineering


Standard for allocated mine monitoring and controlling system of coal industry


Standard for lighting design of outdoor work places


Code for design of building and structure of coal mine of preparation plant


Technical code for top gas pressure recovery turbine


Occupational safety code for geotechnical investigation


Code for construction and acceptance of aluminium bus-bar welding engineering


Design for operation of reservoir


Code for design of waste heat power generation in cement plant


Technical code of construction for epoxy resins self-leveling flooring


Technical code for anticorrosion engineering of vinyl ester resins


Code for construction and acceptance of cleanroom


Code for design of colliery building and structure of coal mine


Standard for drawings undarground mining


Standard for water function zoning


Code for energy conservation design of non-ferrous metal mines


Technical code for rainwater collection,storage and utilization


Standard for terminology,measure units and symbols in textile engineering


Code for design of cement raw material mine engineering


Technical code for amelioration


Code for design on fire prevention of nonferrous metals engineering


Technical code for private mail boxes of residential buildings


Code for design of energy saving of iron and steel industry


Technical code for engineering surveying of nuclear power station


Code for design of industrial waste composition in cement kiln


Code for design of hall system engineering of videoconference


Code for design of urban rail transit integrated supervision and control system engineering


Code for design of spinning process for shell body blank


Code of acceptance for installation of textile equipments for bast fibers


Code for design of polyamide polymer and fiber plant


Evaluation standard for green construction of building


Code for installation engineering construction of non-ferrous metals mine sinking and drifting


Construction acceptance and maintenance standards of the barrier-free facilities


Code for design of occupational safety and hygiene of rubber factory


Standard for compiling the design documents of oil and gas pipeline projects


Code for construction quality acceptance of insulation in petrochemical engineering


Technical code for speciality gas system engineering


Code for planning of intersections on urban roads


Code for design of recirculating cooling water system in chemical palnt


Code for design of energy saving for water resources and hydropower projects


Code for design protection of petrochemical plant against lighting


Preparation standard for general planning on mining area of coal industry


Code for risk management of underground works in urban rail transit


Code for construction of non-ferrous metals mine sinking and drifting engineering


Unified standards for constructional quality acceptance of non-ferrous metals industrial installation engineering 〖GB/T50655-2011〗化工厂蒸汽系统设计规范

Code for design of steam system in chemical plant


Code for construction company safety manage criterion


Standard of drawing-making for surface mining coal


Standard for preparing design document of construction project of electromechanical equipment repair plant in mining area of coal industry


Engineering design document


Code for design of fossil fired power plant


Code for welding of steel structures


Code for design of hydraulic structures against ice and freezing action


Technical code for engineering hydrology for nuclear power plant


Code for installation and quality inspection of cotton textile machinery


Code for design of 1000kV overhead transmission line


Code for construction of concrete structures


Code for installation and quality inspection of dyeing and finishing equipment


Standard for energy efficient building assessment


Code for construction and acceptance of reinforced concrete silos


Terminology standard for mechanical equipment installation


Code for design of aircraft paint hangar


Code for process design of comprehensive sewage treatment for iron and steel enterprises


Code for power design of non-ferrous metals smelters


Code of meteorology for nuclear power plant


Standard for textile engineering drawings


Technical code for appraisal of reliability of concrete structural factory buildings for uranium fuel element plants 〖GB50677-2011〗空分制氧设备安装工程施工与质量验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of oxygen plant equipment installation engineering


Code for design of the waste electrical and electronic equipment processing engineering


Code for acceptance of mechanical equipment installation of ironmaking system


Standard for basic terms of city gas engineering


Code for design of machinery building architecture


Technical code for pre-fabricated united pipe risers


Code for acceptance of field equipment,industrial pipe welding construction quality


Code for design of wastewater treatment and reuse in chemical industry


Code for design of pure water system of electronic industry


Code for construction and acceptance of infectious diseases hospitals


Architectural and technical code for cleanroom in food industry


Code for design of urban road traffic facility


Code for design of lightning protection and


Code for design of fossil fired power plant


Code for welding of steel structures


Code for design of hydraulic structures against ice and freezing action


Technical code for engineering hydrology for nuclear power plant


Code for installation and quality inspection of cotton textile machinery


Code for design of 1000kV overhead transmission line


Code for construction of concrete structures


Code for installation and quality inspection of dyeing and finishing equipment


Standard for energy efficient building assessment


Code for construction and acceptance of reinforced concrete silos


Terminology standard for mechanical equipment installation


Code for design of aircraft paint hangar


Code for process design of comprehensive sewage treatment for iron and steel enterprises


Code for power design of non-ferrous metals smelters


Code of meteorology for nuclear power plant


Standard for textile engineering drawings


Technical code for appraisal of reliability of concrete structural factory buildings for uranium fuel element plants 〖GB50677-2011〗空分制氧设备安装工程施工与质量验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of oxygen plant equipment installation engineering


Code for design of the waste electrical and electronic equipment processing engineering


Code for acceptance of mechanical equipment installation of ironmaking system


Standard for basic terms of city gas engineering


Code for design of machinery building architecture


Technical code for pre-fabricated united pipe risers


Code for acceptance of field equipment,industrial pipe welding construction quality


Code for design of wastewater treatment and reuse in chemical industry


Code for design of pure water system of electronic industry


Code for construction and acceptance of infectious diseases hospitals


Architectural and technical code for cleanroom in food industry


Code for design of urban road traffic facility


Code for design of lightning protection and


Technical code for fire safety of construction site


Code for design of water supply & drainage of iron and steel enterprises


Code of project management for urban rail transit construction


Code for installation of sintering mechanical equipment


Technical code for bulk gas purification and delivery system engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of liquid crystal display manufacturing equipment installation engineering 〖GB50726-2011〗工业设备及管道防腐蚀工程施工规范

Code for anticorrosive engineering construction of industrial euqipment and pipeline


Code for acceptance of construction quality of anticorrosive engineering of industrial equipment and pipeline 〖GB50728-2011〗工程结构加固材料安全性鉴定技术规范

Technical code for safety appraisal of engineering structural strengthening materials


Code for acceptance of construction quality of ±800kV & under HVDC converter substation


Code for construction of metallurgical mechanical hydraulic,lubricating and dynamic equipment engineering 〖GB/T50731-2011〗建材工程术语标准

Standard for terminology of building materials projects


Code for construction and acceptance of urban rail transit integrated supervision and control system engineering 〖GB/T50733-2011〗预防混凝土碱骨料反应技术规范

Technical code for prevention of alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete


Technical code for drilling of metallurgical industry construction


Code for design of ferroalloy process and equipment


Design code for heating ventilation and air conditioning of civil buildings


Code for design of petroleum storage depot


Code for construction of ventilation and air conditioning


Technical code for composite soil nailing wall in retaining and protection of excavation


Code for investigation and surveying of 1000kV overhead transmission line


Code for installation of mechanical equipment for steel-making


Code for recycling of construction & demolition waste


Code for installation of rolling mill mechanical equipment


Code for design of fire protection for conventiontional island in nuclear power plants


Code for design of petrochemical recirculation cooling water unit


Code for design of wastewater treatment in petrochemical industry


Standard for drawing of coal preparation technology


Code for geotechnical engineering investigation of metallurgical industry construction


Code for engineering installment acceptance of


Technical code for medical gases engineering



Code for dust collection design of non-ferrous metals plant


Code for design of steel pipe extrusion engineering


Code for construction of steel structures


Technical code for ground treatment of steel tanks


Code for design of sludge co-processing in cement kiln


Code for design of energy conservation in non-ferrous metals processing plants


Code for design of vapor recovery facilities of oil products loading system


Code for engineering technology of digital trunking communication


Code for seismic design of petrochemical steel facilities


Design code for straw power plant


Codes for accessibility design


Design code of power of piping for power plant


Design code for carbon plant


Code for manufacture installation and acceptance of steel penstocks in hydroelectric and hydraulic engineering 〖GB50767-2013〗火炸药工程设计能耗指标标准

Standard for design of energy consumption index in propellant and explosive engineering


Standard for basic terminology of termite control project


Code for acceptance of water-saving irrigation engineering


Code for design of safety instrumented system in petrochemical engineering


Code for design of nonferrous metal mining


Code for construction of timber structures


Code for design of flood detention and retarding basin


Code for construction and acceptance of dry-type smoothing reactors in converter stations at ±800KV and below 〖GB/T50775-2012〗±800KV及以下换流站换流阀施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of converter valve in converter station at ±800KV and below


Code for construction and acceptance of converter transformer in converter station at ±800KV and below


Code for construction and acceptance of frame works in converter station at ±800KV and below


Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering of open pit coal mine


Code for design of blast resistant control building in petrochemical industry


Terminology standard of electronics engineering


Technical code for Chemical System of Electronic Factory


Code for technological design of non-ferrous concentrator


Technical code for composite foundation


Technical standard for in-situ inspection of concrete structure


Evaluation standard for indoor thermal environment in civil buildings


Standard for building electricity drawings


Technical code for solar air conditioning system of civil buildings


Technical code for water supply and sewerage of urban


Code for design of ±800kV DC converter station


Code for designing of ±800KV DC overhead transmission line


Code for design of geothermal power plants


Code for construction and acceptance of hall system engineering of videoconference


Code for construction of PV power station


Code for construction organization planning of photovoltaic power project


Code for acceptance of photovoltaic power project


Code for design of photovoltaic power station


Code for large-size equipment hoisting engineering in petrochemical industry


Code for design of the electrical conference systems


Technical code for anechoic and semi-anechoic rooms


Evaluation standard for application of renewable energy in buildings


Code for design of urban flood control project


Safety technical code for the storage facilities of uranium ores and uranium compounds


Code for design of silicon integrated circuits wafer fab


Code for design of water supply and drainage of coal industry


Standard for the operation safety assessment of gas system


Code for design of steam condensate system in chemical plant


Code for design of static explosion prevention in petrochemical powders silo


Code for design environmental protection of electronic engineering


Technical code of vacuum concentration treatment for weak sulfuric acid


Code for design of wastewater treatment of


Code for design of farmland shelterbelts engineering


Mechanized ultrasonic testing technology specification for oil & gas construction pipeline project


Code for construction of oil and gas field gathering and transmission pipeline


Standard for design document of construction projects in building materials mines


Code for design of environmental protection in coal industry


Code for design of medium density fiberboard engineering


Code for computer control system design of oil/gas fields and pipelines

〖GB/T 50824-2013〗农村居住建筑节能设计标准

Design standard for energy efficiency of rural residential buildings


Code for quality acceptance of reheating furnaces in iron and steel works


Technical code for construction of electromagnetic wave anechoic enclosure


Code for design of particleboard engineering


Technical code for engineering application of preservative treated wood


Technical code for maintenance and repair of rentable formwork and scaffold


Code for design of metal mine


Code for basic data collection of urban planning


Standard for acceptance test of electric equipment of 1000KV system electric equipment installation engineering 〖GB/T50833-2012〗城市轨道交通工程基本术语标准

Standard for basic terminology of urban rail transit engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of 1000KV lattice frame and support


Code for construction and acceptance of 1000kv power transformer, oil-immersed reactor and mutual inductor 〖GB50836-2013〗1000kV高压电器(GIS、HGIS、隔离开关、避雷器)施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of 1000KV high voltage electric equipment (GIS, HGIS, disconnector and surge arrester)


Standard for non-ferrous metal refinery drawings


Technical code for urban utility tunnel engineering


Technical code of urban rail transit engineering safety control


Code for construction and acceptance of slurry pipeline engineering


Standard of construction classification


Code for construction and acceptance of building materials mine engineering


Technical code for appraisal and reinforcement of building slope


Evaluation code for implementation of engineering construction standard


Technical code for energy-saving refurbishment for small hydropower grids engineering


Code for design of communication engineering for f


Code for construction and acceptance of communication engineering for fiber to the home in residential districts and residential buildings


Documentation standard for engineering construction project design in mechanical industry


Code for design of infectious diseases hospital


Code for design of aluminum smelter processes


Construction project data standard of labour,materials,equipments and machines


Classification standard of building engineering consultation


Code of urban communication engineering planning


Standard method of measurement for building construction and fitting-out works


Standard method of measurement for pseudo-classic architectural works


Standard method of measurement for general building services works


Standard method of measurement for public utilities works


Standard method of measurement for landscape works


Standard method of measurement for mining works


Standard method of measurement for affiliated structure works


Standard method of measurement for urban transit railway works


Standard method of measurement for blasting works


Code for design of tailings facilities


Code for construction and acceptance of tailings disposal facilities


Code for design of photovoltaic generation connecting to distribution network


Design code for photovoltaic power station connecting to power system


Design code for buildings of elderly facilities


Standard for allowable vibration of building engineering


Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill


Unified code for technique for constructional safety


Code for fire protection design of hydropower projects


Design code for piping of water supply and drainage in chemical industry


Code for structure design on semi-underground storage bin in coal industry


Standard glossary of project costs


Code for safety detecting and evaluation of small hydropower station


Code for installation and acceptance


Evaluation standard for green industrial building


Code for design of thermal energy plant engineering of wood-based panel production


Design code for acid-making with smelting off-gas


Architectural and technical code for center for disease control and prevention


Code for construction specification of light-metal smelting mechanical equipment installation engineering


Code for quality acceptance of light-metal smelting mechanical equipment installation engineering


Code for design of steel silo structures


Code for design of water resources protection forest engineering


Glossary standard of forest products industry engineering


Code for environmental protection design of wood based panel engineering


Code for energy efficiency design of wood based panel engineering


Code for design of occupational safety and health in wood based panel engineering


Code for design of wood-based panel finishing engineering


Code for automation design of non-ferrous metals smelters


Code for engineering design of instrument control system for oil/gas fields and pipelines


Technical code for retrofitting of heating system on energy efficiency


Code for design of environment protection for machinery industry


Code for installation and quality acceptance of flue gas desulphurization mechanical equipment engeering


Technical code for application of profiled metal sheets


Code for design of decorative stone plant


Technical code for water mist fire extinguishing system


Standard for basic terminology of real estate appraisal


Code for construction of steel-concrete composite structures


Standard for fundamental terms of pharmaceutical engineering


Code for construction organization plan of municipal engineering


Code for installation and quality acceptance of nonwoven equipments engineering


Code for green construction of building


Code for design of machinery industry workshop structures


Code for design of blast resistant chamber structures


Evaluation standard for green


Code for seismic design of urban rail transit structures


Code for design of energy conservation of mechanical industrial engineering


code for monitoring measurement of urban rail transit engineering


Technical code for application of ground iron and steel slag concrete


Code for design of pharmaceutical process water system


Standard for classification of seismic protection of buildings and structures in chemical industry


Code for design of underground opening of non-ferrous metals mine


Code for design of steel and concrete composite bridges


Technical code for smart card system in urban construction


Code for design of energy conservation of non-ferrous metals smelter


Code for design of culm-producing bamboo plantation engineering


Code for design of fast-growing and high-yielding timber plantation engineering


Code for technical antenna engineering


Technical code for concrete-filled steel tube arch bridges


Code for construction of masonry structures engineering


Code for intercity transportation planning


Code for design of silk factory


Code for risk management of large and medium scale hydropower projects


Code for design of spandex plant


Code for design of cold rolling strip plant


Standard for formulation of design documents of pharmaceutical construction projects


Standard for the formation of engineering design deliverables for petrochemical plant


Technical code for seepage prevention in petrochemical engineering


Design document preparation standard of the gas drainage engineering in coal mine


Technical code for concrete filled steel tubular structures


Code for construction and acceptance of piping installation in coal preparation plant


Technical code for low temperature steel storage tanks in petrochemical engineering


Design code for first-aid station


Standard for terms used in building foundation


Technical code for building in saline


Code for construction and quality acceptance of antistatic engineering


Technical code for optical fiber plant engineering


Code for acceptance of construction quality of coal mine equipment installation


Standard for assessment parameters of sunlight on building


Technical code for architectural acoustics of stadium


Construction code for sound reinforcement system


Code for construction and quality acceptance for installation engineering of manufacturing equipments on optical cable plant


Design document preparation standard of construction project for nonferrous mine


Technical code for lightning protection engineering for rural residential areas


Technical code for engineering of network interconnection and dispatch system


Code for design of municipal solid waste co-processing in cement kiln


Technical code for investigation of limestone mine engineering


Code for acceptance of chemical fiber plant


Code for design of liquid biofuel plant


Code for design of conventional island for nuclear power plant


Load code of nonferrous metal engineering structures


Technical code of safe operating for small hydropower grid


Code for underground opening installation acceptance of non-ferrous metal mines


Code for design of copper processing plant


Code for design of wastewater treatment in sulfuric acid and phosphate fertilizer production


Code for operation and maintenance of small hydropower stations


Code for design of sinter and pellet flue gas ammonia desulfurization


Code for design of electric vehicle charging station


Code for installation of coking and chemical mechanical equipment


Code for construction of surface coal mine engineering


Code for design of open-pit mining engineering in decoration stone mine


Code for installation and quality acceptance of power generating by remain energy mechanical equipment in iron industry 〖GB50972-2014〗循环流化床锅炉施工及质量验收规范

Code for construction and quality acceptance of circulating fluidized-bed boiler


Code for construction and quality acceptance of gas turbine of combined cycle unit


Technical code for fire protection


Code for construction and acceptance of process water piping in uranium enrichment plant


Code for installation and acceptance of protection equipment and secondary circuit in infrastructure project


Code for design of water saving in chemical engineering


Documentary standard for engineering construction project design in electronics industry


Technical code for rubber dam engineering


Code for design of power dispatching and communication center


Code for seismic design of mechanical and electrical equipment


Technical code for monitoring of building and bridge structures


Code for site investigation of geotechnical engineering for low and intermediate level radioactive wastedi sposal 〖GB50984-2014〗石油化工工厂布置设计规范

Code for design of petrochemical plant layout


Code for process design of lead and zinc smelters


Code for design of dry red mud stack


Code for fire protection design of hydraulic engineering


Code for design of environment protection engineering of nonferrous metals industry


Technical code for buried twisting plastic pipeline engineering


Code for design of autoclaved aerated concrete plant


Technical standard for DC interference mitigation of buried steel pipeline


Authentication standard for earthquake destruction in petrochemical engineering


Code for completion acceptance of 1000kV transmission and transformation engineering 〖GB50994-2014〗工业企业电气设备抗震鉴定标准

Standard for aseismatic appraisal of electrical facilities in industrial plants


Code for surveying of metallurgical engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of underground oil storage in rock caverns


Code for engineering of cold-rolled electrical steel strip plant


Design code for dairy products plant


Technical code for application of mineral admixture



Code for construction and acceptance of waste heat recovery power generation in cement plant 〖GB51006-2014〗石油化工建(构)筑物结构荷载规范

Load code for design of buildings and special structures in petrochemical industry


Design code for rotary machines of petrochemical industries


Code for design of propellant


Code for design of shutting down/restarting aluminum reduction cells without power interruption 〖GB51011-2014〗煤矿选煤设备安装工程施工与验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of coal mine preparation equipment installation engineering 〖GB/T51012-2014〗铀浓缩工厂工艺气体管道工程施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of process gas piping in uranium enrichment plant 〖GB/T51013-2014〗铀转化设施设计规范

Code for design of uranium conversion facility


Code for geotechnical engineering investigation of cement plant



Technical code for non-coal open-pit mine slope engineering


Technical code for lightning protection engineering of ancient buildings



Code for design of pipe racks and pipe sleepers in chemical industry


Code for design of ventilation dedusting and fume scrubbing of aluminum smelter


Standard for terminology of light metal smelting engineering


Design document preparation standard of construction project for non-ferrous metallurgical engineering


Code for design of intelligent monitoring and control system of coal mine safety production


Standard for compilation of the design document of oil depot


Standard for general layout drawings of petrochemical enterprises


Code for construction and acceptance of flare project


Code for design of secondary copper smelter processes


Code for geotechnical investigation of fossil fuel power plant


Technical code for application of iron tailings sand concrete


Code for construction and acceptance of pumping station


Code for design of polysilicon plant



Code for underground opening acceptance of non-ferrous metal mines


Code for construction and acceptance of micro-assembling production line process equipment installation engineering 〖GB51038-2015〗城市道路交通标志和标线设置规范



Technical code for groundwater monitoring


Code for geotechnical investigation of nuclear power plants


Techical code for waste treatment facilities


Code for construction and quality acceptance of the electronical conference systems



Technical code for denitration project of cement plant


Code for design of national forest park


Code for design of general plot plan and transportation of pharmaceutical industry


Design code for electrochemical energy storage station


Code for construction and acceptance of series capacitor installation electrical equipment installation engineering 〖GB/T51050-2014〗钢铁企业能源计量和监测工程技术规范

Technical code for energy measuring and monitoring engineering in the iron and steel enterprises


Code for water resources planning


Code for design of wool textile factory


Code for mine energy conservation design of coal industry


Design code for fire station


Code for design of non-ferrous industrial plant structures


Standard for appraisal of reliability of chimneys



Code for design of psychiatric hospital


Code for construction and acceptance of nonferrous metals processing mechanical installation engineering 〖GB51060-2014〗有色金属矿山水文地质勘探规范

Code for exploration of hydrogeology in nonferrous metal mines




Technical code for large and medium-scale biogas engineering



Code for design of coal mine hoisting system engineering



Code for design of process of optical cable plant


Code for open pit mine mechanical and electrical equipments maintenance facilities design of coal industry 〖GB51069-2014〗中药药品生产厂工程技术规范

Technical code for traditional Chiese medicine production plant engineering



Code for design of 330kV~750kV smart substation


Code for design of 110(66)kV~220kV smart


Code for design of warehousing project of pharmaceutical industry


Code for urban heating supply planning


Code for installation of mineral processing equipment engineering



Code for design of electric vehicle battery-swap station


Code for design of prevention of mine fire in coal mines




Code for coating design of industrial construction




〖GB/T 51086-2015〗医药实验工程术语标准





Code for installation and quality acceptance of yarn-dyed woven equipment engineering







〖GB/T 51097-2015〗水土保持林工程设计规范
















Technical specification for precast concrete structures


Technical specification for concrete structures of tall building


Technical code for tall building raft foundations and box foundations


Technical specification for space frame structures


Code for deformation measurement of building and structure


Technical specification for construction of concrete pumping


Technical Specification for lightweight aggregate concrete structures


Technical specification for constrained or reinforced masonry buildings


Technical specification for concrete small-sized hollow block masonry building


Standard for test method of early estimating compressive strength of concrete


Code for electrical design of civil buildings


Technical specification for application of autoclaved aerocrete


Specification for welding and acceptance of reinforcing steel bars


Technical specification for application or cold-drawn low-carbon wires


Specification for design of reinforced concrete shell structures


Technical specification for inspection of concrete compressive strength by rebound method


Code for design of archives buildings


Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings in severe cold and cold zones


Standard for test methods of welded joint of reinforcing steel bars



Standard of basic terminology for real estate industry


Design code for sports building


Technical specification for safety operation of constructional machinery


Standard for parameter of construction atmosphere


Code for design of dormitory buildings


Code for design of library buildings


Code for design of nursery and infant school buildings


Code for design of sanatorium buildings


Code for design of the public culture center


Technical code for safety of temporary


Code for design of store buildings


Technical specification of lightweight aggregate concrete


Standard for technical requirements and test methods of sand and crushed stone (or gravel)for ordinary concrete 〖JGJ/T53-2011〗房屋渗漏修缮技术规程

Technical specification for repairing water seepage of building


specification for mix proportion design of ordinary concrete


Design code for theater


Code for architectural design of cinema


Standard for construction safety inspection


Code for design of passenger transportation building


Code for design of hotel building


Standard of Water for Concrete


Code for design of dietetic buildings


Technical specification for safety of the hydraulic slipform in construction


Design code for office building


Specification for side-pressure test of type TY predrill


Standard for test method of basic properties of construction mortar


Specification for geotechnical investigation of tall buildings


Technical specification for large-area formwork building construction


Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings in hot summer and warm winter zone


Code for design of special education schools


Standard for the work safety assesment of construction company


Technical code for ground treatment of buildings


Technical Code for safety of high altitude operation of building construction


Technical specification for high strength bolt connections of steel structures


Specification for geotechnical investigation in soft clay area



Technical specification for application of anchorage,grip and coupler for prestressing tendons 〖JGJ/T87-2012〗建筑工程地质勘探与取样技术规程

Technical specification for engineering gelogical prospecting and sampling of constructions 〖JGJ88-2010〗龙门架及井架物料提升机安全技术规范

Technical code for safety of gantry frame and headframe hoisters


Design code for scientific experiment


Technical specification for concrete strutures prestressed with unbounded tendons


Technical code for building pile foundations


Technical specification for concrete structures with cold-rolled ribbed steel wires and bars


Technical specification for plywood form with steel frame


Standard for terminology in earthquake engineering


Specification for mix proportion design of masonry mortar


Technical specification for steel structure of tall buildings




Technical code for glass curtain wall engineering


Technical specification for PVC-U doors and windows engineering


Specification for winter construction of building engineering


Specification for construction of plastering by mortar spraying


Technical code for testing of building foundation piles


Technical specification for mechanical splicing of steel reinforcing bars


Testing standard for adhesive strength of tapestry brick of construction engineering


Technical code for groundwater lowering engineering of building ad municipal


Technical specification for application of architecural glass


Technical specification for concrete structures reinforced with welded steel fabric


Technical specification for concrete structural element with cold-rolled and twisted bars


Technical specification for seismic strengthening of buildings


Specification for engineering examination and design of repairing civil architecture


Code for design of soil and foundation of buildings in frozen soil region


Standard for terminology of architectural lighting


Technical specification for retaining and protection of building foundation excavations



Code for design of buildings for elderly persons


Technical code for improvement of soil and foundation of existing buildings


Code for design of funeral parlor's buildings


Standard of dangerous building


Technical code for seepage control engineering on canal


Code for construction and quality acceptance for lightning protection engineering of structures 〖GB/T50602-2010〗球形储罐γ射线全景曝光现场检测标准

Radiographic testing standard for a single exposure with γ-ray technique of spherical tank installation 〖GB50603-2010〗钢铁企业总图运输设计规范

Code for design of general layout and transportation for iron & steel enterprise


Evaluation standard for solar water heating system of civil buildings


Code for design of communication engineering in residential districts and residential buildings 〖GB50606-2010〗智能建筑工程施工规范

Code for installation of intelligent building systems


Design regulations of pulverized coal injection for blast furnace


Technical code for infrastructure application of FRP composites


Code for design of plant information system in petrochemical engineering


Code for design of automobile ethanol gasoline storage and transportation


Code for design of protection of electrostatic discharge in electronic engineering


Code for technological design of metallurgical concentrator


Code for planning and design of urban distribution network


Code for construction and acceptance of straddle monorail transit


Code for Hydrogeological Investigation of Metallurgical Industry


Code for design of copper smelter processes


Code for construction and acceptance of electrical lighting installation in building


Testing technology management code for building and municipal infrastructure engineering quality 〖GB/T50619-2010〗火力发电厂海水淡化工程设计规范

Code for designing of thermal power plants seawater desalination system


Code for design of viscose fibre plant


Technical standard for in-site testing of steel structure


Code for design of private telephone switch system engineering


Code for acceptance of private telephone switch system engineering


Code for acceptance of communication engineering in residential districts and residential buildings 〖GB/T50625-2010〗机井技术规范

Technical code for water wells


Code of housing provident fund project loan for affordable housing construction


Evaluation standard for district heating system


Code for quality acceptance of the concrete filled steel tubular engineering


Code for design of rolling


Unified standard for building drawings


Standard for modular coordination of building


Code for design of masonry structures


Code for design of timber structures


Standard for modular coordination of industrial buildings


Code for design of building foundation



Code for design of building ground


Code for fire protection and prevention of rural area


Code for design of dynamic machine foundation


Code for design of boiler plant


Code for anticorrosion design of industrial constructions


Code for design of small fossil fired power plant


Code for design of industrial recirulating cooling water treatment


Code for design of chimneys


Code for design electric power supply systems


Code for design of 20KV and below substation


Code for design of low voltage electrical installations


Code for design of electric distribution of general-purpose utilization equipment


Code for design of electrical equipment of electroheat installations


Code for design protection of structures against lightning


Code for design of electrical installations in explosive atmospheres


Code for design of 35kV~110kV substation


Code for design of 3~110kV high voltage electrical installations


Code for design of 66kV or under overhead electrical power transmission line


Code for design of relaying protection and automatic device of electric power installation


Code for design of electrical measuring device of power system


Code for design of overvoltage protection and insulation coordination for AC electrical installations


Code for design of ac electrical installations earthing



Unified standard for reliability design of building structures


Structural design code for special structures of water supply and waste water engineering


Code for design of electric power in mine


Design code for small hydropower station


Code for design of cold store


Code for design of clean room


Code for design of oil depot


Code for design of concrete structures


Code for seismic design of buildings


Code for design of class Ⅲ、Ⅳ railway


Code for design of outdoor water supply engineering


Code for design of outdoor wastewater engineering


Code for design of building water supply and drainage


Code for fire protection design of buildings


Code for design of steel structures


Technical code for design of cold-formed thin-wall steel structures



Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering


Code for design of roads in factories and mining areas


Standard for seismic appraisal of buildings


Code for building construction in collapsible loess regions


Code for engineering


Code for measurement of the reverberation time in rooms


Code for design of reinforced concrete silos


Code for construction and acceptance of chimney works


Standard for test method of performance on ordinary fresh concrete mixture


Standard for test method of mechanical properties of ordinary concrete


Standard for test methods of long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete


Standard for general terms used in design of engineering structures


Code of design for sprinkler systems


Technical code for sprinkling engineering



Code for design of noise control of industrial enterprises


Safety code for design of engineering of civil expolosives materials


Code for design of railway line


Code for design of railway stations and railway terminals


Code for construction and acceptance of asphalt pavement


Code for construction and quality acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering


Code for construction of spherical tanks


Standard for essential terminology and symbol in hydrology


Design code for residential buildings


Code for construction and acceptance of cement concrete pavement


Code for design of school


Code for design of cooling for industrial recirculating water


Standard for general layout drawings


Standard for architectural drawings


Standard for structural drawings


Standard for building water supply and drainage drawings


Standard for evaluation of concrete compressive strength


Technical code for waterproofing of underground works


Design code for softening and demineralization of industrial water


Code for design of


Code for seismic design of railway engineering


Technical code for buildings in expansive soil regions


Technical code slipform engineering


Standard for heating,ventilation and air conditioning drawings


Code for design of industrial television system


Code for design of automatic fire alarm system


Standard for seismic appraisal of special structures


Code for design of sound insulation of civil buildings


Code for concrete admixture application


Standard for assessment of building sound insulation


Code for measurement of noise in industrial enterprises


Standard for test merhods of earthworks


Standard for terms used in road engineering


Standard for basic terms of water and wastewater engineering


Code for construction of industrial equipment and pipeline insulation engineering


Technical standard for aerial ropeway engineering


Code for construction of vertical cylindrical steel welded storage tanks


Standard for test method of basic mechanics properties of masonry


Technical code for reinforced concrete lift-slab structure


Standard for general symbols used in design of engineering structures


Code for design of high-rising structures


Code for design of electroplating wastewater processing


Code for classification of urban land use and planning standards of development land


Standard for stage observation


Navigation standard of inland waterway


Code for design of extinguisher distribution in buildings


Code for construction and acceptance of water and sewerage structures


Standard for protective specing between mediurn,short wave broadcast transmitting station and electric cable carrier telecommumication systems


Standard for protective spacing of radio interference from overhead electric lines,substations to television transposer station and retransmitting station


Standard for reliability


Standard for engineering classification of soil


Technical code for application of fly ash concrete

〖GB50147-2010〗电气装置安装工程 高压电器施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of high-voltage electric equipment installation engineering

〖GB50148-2010〗电气装置安装工程 电力变压器、油浸电抗器、互感器施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of power transformers oil reactor and mutual inductor

〖GB50149-2010〗电气装置安装工程 母线装置施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of busbar installation of electric equipment installation engineering

〖GB50150-2006〗电气装置安装工程 电气设备交接试验标准

Erection works of electrical installations Standard for hand-over test of electric equipment


Code for design of foam extinguishing systems


Standard for test method of concrete structures


Unified standard for reliability design of engineering structures



Code for design and construction of filling station


Code for design of metro


Unified standard for reliability design of port engineering structures



Fire prevention code of petrochemical enterprise design


Safety code for design of engineering of fireworks and firecracker


Standard for road engineering drawing


Code for design of halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems


Standard for quality control of concrete


Technical code for maintenance and strengthing of ancient timber buildings


Code for installation and acceptance of fire alarm system


Code for engineering photogrammetry


Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of cable levels

〖GB50169-2006〗电气装置安装工程 接地装置施工及验收规范

Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of earthed devices

〖GB50170-2006〗电气装置安装工程 旋转电机施工及验收规范

Erection works of electrical installations Code of construction and acceptance of rotating electrical machines

〖GB50171-2012〗电气装置安装工程 盘、柜及二次回路接线施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of switchbord outfit complete cubicle and secondary circuit electric equipment installation engineering

〖GB50172-2012〗电气装置安装工程 蓄电池施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of battery electric equipment installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of 66KV and under overhead electric power transmission line


Code for design of electronic information system room


Code for acceptance of surface


Code for thermal design of civil buildings


Code for design of hydrogen and oxygen stations


Standard for climatic regionalization for building and civil engineering


Code for measurement of fluid flow in open channels


Code for planning design of urban residential area


Technical code for constructional engineering in flood detention basin



Code for acceptance of construction quality of industrial metallic piping


Code for acceptance of construction quality of industrial equipment and pipeline insulation engineering 〖GB/T50186-2013〗港口工程基本术语标准

Standard for fundamental terms of port engineering


Code for design of general layout of industrial enterprises


Standard for planning of town



Code for design of anti-microvibration of multistory factory floor


Code for seismic design of special structures


Code for design of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems


Code for safety of power supply and consumption for construction site


Design code for producer gas station



Technical code for project of civil closed circuit monitoring television system


Unified standard for reliability design of hydraulic engineering structures


Technical code for CATV system


Standard for flood control


Code for construction and acceptance of earthwork and blasting engineering


Code for acceptance of construction quality of building foundation


Code for acceptance of constructional quality of masonry structures



Code for acceptance of construction quality of steel structure


Code for acceptanc of construction quality of timber structures


Code for acceptance


Code for acceptance of construction quality of underground waterproof


Code for acceptance of construction quality of building ground


Code for construction quality acceptance of building decoration


Code for construction and acceptance of industrial furnaces building


Code for construction of building anticorrosive engineering


Code for acceptance of shaft sinking and drifting of coal mine


Technical code for composite steel-form


Code for the colliery design of coal mining industry


Unified standard for reliability design of railway engineering structures


Code for design of cables of electric engineering


Standard for engineering classification of rock mass


Technical code for water spray fire protection systems


Code for planning design of transport on urban road


Code for fire prevention design of interior decoration of buildings


Standard for classification of seismic protection of buildings constructions


Code for acceptance of construction quality of anticorrosive engineering of buildings


Code for design of railway passenger station buildings


Code for design of installation of shunt capacitors


Standard for foundational terminology of engineering survey


Code for design of fire protection for foossil fuel power plants and substations


General code for construction and acceptance of mechanical equipment installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of 110kV~750kV overhead transmission line


Code for construction of industrial metallic piping engineering


Code for construction of field equipment,industrial pipe welding engineering


Code for acceptance of construction quality of water supply drainage and heating works


Code for acceptance for construction quality of ventilation and air conditioning works



Unified standard for constructional quality acceptance of industrial installation engineering


Code for design of oil transportation pipeline engineering

〖GB50254-2014〗电气装置安装工程 低压电器施工及验收规范

Code for construction

〖GB50255-2014〗电气装置安装工程 电力变流设备施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of power conversion equipment electric equipment installation engineering 〖GB50256-2014〗电气装置安装工程 起重机电气装置施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of electric device of crane electrical equipment installation engineering 〖GB50257-2014〗电气装置安装工程 爆炸和火灾危险环境电气装置施工及验收规范


Code for seismic design of electrical installations


Code for installation and commissioning of sprinkler systems


Standard for basic terms of railway engineering


Code for installation and acceptance of gas fire extinguishing systems


Code for design of industrial equipment and pipeline insulation engineering


Design code for pumping station


Standard for test methods of engineering rock mass


Code for seismic design of unclear power plants


Code for construction and acceptance of water and sewerage pipeline works


Code for measurement method of dynamic properties of subsoil


Code for construction and acceptance of conveyor equipment installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of metal-cutting machine installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of forging-press equipment installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of boiler installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of refrigeration plant and air seperation plant installation


Code for construction and acceptance of fan,compressor and pump installation


Code for construction and acceptance of crusher and grinding equipment installation engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of casting plant installation


Code for construction and acceptance of crane installation engineering



Standard for basic terminology of urban planning


Code for construction and acceptance of foam fire extinguishing systems 〖GB50282-98〗城市给水工程规划规范

Code for planning of urban water supply engineering


Unified standard of reliability design of highway engineering structures


Code for fire protection design of aircraft hangar


Standad for protection distance from highway to AM,FM and TV rebroadcast stations 〖GB50286-2013〗堤防工程设计规范

Code for design of levee project


Code for water resources and hydropower engineering gelolgical investigation 〖GB50288-99〗灌溉与排水工程设计规范

Code for design of irrigation and drainage


Code of Urban Engineering Pipeline Comprehensive Planning




Standard for appraiser of reliability of civil buildings


Code for planning of urban electric power


Design code for general plan and transportation of nuclear power plants


Code for design of cement plant


Technical code for tube well


Standard for basic terms of electric power engineering


Code for Scenic area Planning


Code for construction and acceptance of metro engineering


Unified standard for constructional quality acceptance of building engineering 〖GB50303-2002〗建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范

Code of acceptance of construction quality of electrical installation in building 〖GB50307-2012〗城市轨道交通岩土工程勘察规范

Code for geotechnical investigations of urban rail transit


Code for urban rail transit engineering survey


Code for quality inspection and acceptance of industrial furnaces building 〖GB50310-2002〗电梯工程施工质量验收规范

Code for acceptance of installation quality of lifts,escalators and passenger conveyors


Code for engineering design of generic cabling system


Code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system


Code for design of fire communication and command system



Technical standard for site testing of masonry engineering


Design code for industrial metallic piping


Code for design of pig's slaughtering and cutting rooms


Code of Urban Wastewater Engineering Planning


Code of construction project management


Code for design of grain storehouses

〖GB50322-2011〗粮食钢板筒仓设计规范 Code for design of


Code for Urban Construction Archives Description


Code for engineering geological investigation of frozen ground


Code for indoor environmental pollution control of civil building engineering


The code of construction project management


Code for construction of decoration of housings


Code for putting construction project documents into records


Standard for test methods of timber structures


Technical code for building slope engineering


The standard of water quantity for city's residential use


Structural design code for pipelines of water supply and waste water engineering


Architectural technical code for hospital clean operating department


Quality acceptance code for municipal sewage treatment plant engineering


Code for design of wastewater reclamation and reuse


Code of design for building reclaimed water system


Code for planning of urban environmental sanitation facilities


Code of design for fixed fire monitor extinguishing systems


Code for acceptance of quality of intelligent building systems


Code for design of residential building for the aged


Code for design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks


Technical code for concrete structure of TV tower


Technical code for protection of building electronic information system against lightning


Techical standard for inspection of building structure


Technical code for roof engineering


Architectural and technical code for biosafety laboratories


Code of design for powder extinguishing systems


technical code for engineering of security and protection system


Code for design of oil-gas gathering and transportation systems


Code for design of fire dike in storage tank farm


Code for design of civil buildings


Calculation code for construction


The standard of the measurement and evaluation for efficiency of building ventilation


Code for electrical design of education buildings


Technical code for construction safety of deep building foundation excavations


Code for electrical design of medical buildings


Standard for basic terms of information technology applications in construction field


Technical specification for single-ply roofing


Technical specification for prevention and treatment of crack on building engineering


Technical specification for application of ground limestone in concrete


Technical specification for heating systems of low temperature electric radiant heating film


Standard for basic data of housing provident fund


Technical apecification for dot-hanging exterior wall panel engineering


Technical specification for test of chloride ion content in concrete


Technical specification for application of self-insulation concrete compound block walls


Standard for test method of building curtain wall engineering


Technical specification for strengthening concrete structures with prestressed high strength steel wire ropes 〖JGJ/T326-2014〗机械式停车库工程技术规范

Technical code for mechanical parking garage engineering


Technical specification for strength composite piles


Technical specification for green production and management of ready-mixed concrete



Technical specification for pile foundation of pipe pile embedded in cement soil


Technical specification for slip resistance of building floor


Technical specification for safety monitoring system of tower cranes


Code for electrical design of conference and exhibition buildings


Technical code for engineering of building automation system


Standard for basic terminology of urban underground space utilization


Standard for wind tunnel test of buildings and structures




Technical specification for application of foamed concrete


Technical specification for evaporative


Code for fire prevention installation and acceptance in construction of interior decoration engineering of buildings 〖GB/T50355-2005〗住宅建筑室内振动限值及其测量方法标准

Standard of limit and measurement method of vibration in the room of residential buildings


Code for architectural acoustical design of theater,cinema and multi-use auditorium


Code of conservation planning for historic cities


Code for management of engineering contracting projects


Code for design of coal cleaning engineering


Code for design of coal water mixture engineering


Technical code for partitions with timber frame wore


Technical standard for performance assessment of residential buildings


Technical specification for water-saving irrigation engineering


Technical code for solar water heating system of civil buildings


Code for operation and management of central air conditioning system


Technical code for ground source heat pump system


Code for design of strengthening concrete structure


Residential building code


Code for construction and acceptance of oil and gas long-distance transmission pipeline engineering


Code for design of gas fire extinguishing systems


Code for sound reinforcement system design of auditorium


Code for installation acceptance of metallurgical machinery ironmaking equipment engineering


Design code for communication conduit and passage engineering


Code of construction and acceptance for communication conduit engineering


Evaluating standard for excellent quality of building engineering



Code for acceptance of mineral processing equipment installation engineering


Assessment standard for green building


Code for quality management of geotechnical investigation enterprises


Code for quality management of engineering design enterprises


Code for constructional quality acceptance of urban rail transit automatic fare collection system engineering 〖GB50382-2006〗城市轨道交通通信工程质量验收规范

Code for constructional quality acceptance of urban rail transit communication engineering


Code for design of the fire


Code for design of coal mine shaft and chamber


Code for design of the mine headframes


Code for acceptance of enginneering installation for mechanical equipment of rolling mill


Code for installation acceptance of metal mechanical hydromatic,lubricating and air-driven system equipment 〖GB50388-2006〗煤矿井下机车运输信号设计规范

Code for design of under pit train transportation signal of coal mine


Code for installation acceptance of coking and chemical mechanical equipment engineering


Code for design of oilfield water injection engineering


Code for design of cooling tower for mechanical ventilation


Technical code for anticorrosive engineering of the steel petroleum tank


Code for design for intrusion alarm systems engineering


Code of design for video monitoring system


Code of design for access control systems engineering


Code for acceptance of electrical construction installation in metallurgy


Code for design of rolling process on seamless steel tubes


Code for design of small capacity mine of coal industry


Engineering technical code for rain utilization in building and sub-district


Code for installation and acceptance of fire communication and command system


Code for installation acceptance of sintering mechanical equipment engineering


Code for engineering installment acceptance of steel-making mechanical equipment


Technical code for rigid polyurethane foam insulation and waterproof engineering


Code for design of comprehensive utilization of iron and steel industry resources


Code for design of environmental protection of iron and steel industry



Code for design of section steel hot rolling Mills


Code for acceptance of energy efficient building construction


Code for test of scale acoustic model for auditorium


Standard for urban planning on earthquake resistance and hazardous prevention


Code of design for fire protection and prevention for iron & steel metallurgy enterprises


Code for design of inclind shafts and chambers of coal mine


Code for design of chambers


Technical level standard for workers of construction maintenance and sewerage treatment of municipal engineering 〖CJJ27-2012〗环境卫生设施设置标准

Standard for setting of environmental sanitation facilities


Code for construction and acceptance of city heating pipelines


Technical specification for plastic pipeline for building drainage


Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of night soil treatment plants


Code for design of algae water treatment


Code for construction and acceptance of city and town gas distribution works


Design code for city heating network


Technical code of urban road maintenance


Code for design of urban road engineering


Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineerings(in northern area)


Code for design of water supply engineering using high-turbidity raw water


Technical specification for asphalt pavement recycling of urban road


Standard for lighting design of urban road


Technical code for transfer station of municipal solid waste


Code for design of parks



Safety technical specification for operation,maintenance and rush-repair of city gas facilities


Technical code for the composting of municipal solid waste


Code for repairing construction of civil buildings


Code for design of wastewater stabilization ponds


Standard for terminology of heating


Code for geotechnical investigation of municipal engineering projects


Code for geo-engineering site investigation and evaluation of urban and rural planning


Technical specification for operation,maintenance and safety of city and town waterworks


Technical specification for operation ,maintenance and safety of municipal wastewater treatment plant 〖CJJ61-2003〗城市地下管线探测技术规程

Technical specification for detecting and surveying of under-ground pipelines and cables in city


Technical specification for polyethylene (PE) gas pipeline engineerings


Code for design of night soil treatment plant


Standard for terminology of environmental


Code for design of electric power supply of under the coal mine


Code for design of prevention and elimination of thermal disaster in coal mines


Code for design of roadway section and junction of coal mine


Code for the design of urban green space


Code for waste dump design of nonferrous metal mines


Technical code for engineerings of prestressed concrete pavement


Code for design of oil and gas transportation pipeline crossing engineering



Code for design of environmental protection of textile industry enterprise


Code for design of dyeing and printing plant



Code for design of oil field produced water treatment


Code for design of aluminium structures


Code for quality management of engineering construction enterprises


Code for design of belt conveyor engineering


Code for design of coking technology


Technical code on soil and water conservation of development and construction projects


Control standards for soil and water loss on development and construction projects


Code for design of flat glass plant


Code for design of technology of wire rod mill


Code for planning of city and town facilities for the aged


Standard for the operation safety assessment of existing metro



Technical code for remote-monitoring system of urban fire protection


Standard for calculation of energy consumption in petrochemical engineering design


Code for urban public facilities planning


Code for design of energy conservation of cement plant


Code for acceptance and inspection of extinguisher distribution in buildings


Technique code for village rehabilitation


Code for construction and acceptance


Architectural and technical code for laboratory animal facility



Standard for urban appearance


Code for design of main ventilating fan station of coal mine


Code for design of pumping station and pipeline of under coal mine


Technical specifications for protection of historic buildings against man-made vibration


Standard for classification of seismic protection of buildings and special structures in petrochemical engineering 〖GB50454-2008〗航空发动机试车台设计规范

Code for design of aero-engine test cell


Code for design of underground oil storage in rock caverns


Code for design of pharmaceutical industry clean room


Code for design of straddle monorail transit


Code for design of oil and gas transportation pipeline aerial crossing engineering


Code for construction of oil and gas transmission pipeline aerial crossing engineering


Code for quality acceptance of static equipment installation in petrochemical engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of electronic information system room


Code for design of vibration isolation


Code for technical of video display system engineering


Code for general planning of mining area of coal industry


Code for design of heating ventilation and air conditioning of coal industry


Code for construction and acceptance of micro-electronics manufacturing equipment installation engineering 〖GB50468-2008〗焊管工艺设计规范

Code for design of welded-pipe process


Code for design of environmental protection of rubber factory


Seismic technical code for oil and gas transmission pipeline engineering


Code for design of the gas drainage engineering of coal mine


Code for design of electronic industry clean room


Code for design of steel tank foundation


Technical code for heat-insulation and wear-resistant linings


Code for design of general warehouse and lay down area of petrochemical industry


Code for durability design of concrete structures


Code of design of occupational safety


Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering of geothermal power plant


Technical code of cabinet(panel) for protection and automation equipments of electric power system 〖GB/T50480-2008〗冶金工业岩土勘察原位测试规范

Code for insitu tests of geotechnical engineering investigation of metallurgical industry


Code for design of cotton spinning and weaving factory


Code for design of aluminium processing plant


Code for design of environmental protectin of chemical industry projects


Code for technical of construction safety in petrochemical engineering


Technical code for microirrigation engineering


Code for design of industrial furnaces in iron & steel works


Code for engineering goological investigation of water resources and hydropower


Code for design of acrylic fibres plant


Code for Design of General Plot Plan and Transportation of Chemical Industrial Enterprises


Technical code of urban rail transit


Code for design of iron pellet engineering


Code for design of PET plant


Specification for design of combustible gas and toxic gas detection and alarm for petrochemical industry 〖GB50494-2009〗城镇燃气技术规范

Technical code for city gas


Technical code for solar heating system


Code for construction of mass concrete


Technical code for monitoring of building excavation engineering


Code for installation and acceptance of fixed fire monitor extinguishing systems


Code for design of bast textile mill


Code of bills of quantities and valuation for construction works


Code of valuation with bill quantity of water conservancy constrution works


Code for construction organization plan of building engineering


Monitoring and control code for waste water of ordnance industry factory


Standard for terminology of civil architectural design


Code for design of BFG dry bag filter


Code for design of water saving foriron and steel enterprises


Code of design of railway tank wagon


Code for design of polyester fiber plant


Code for irrigation areas programming


Technical code for renewal and renovation of pumping station


Code for construction of shaft and roadway of coal mine


Code for design standard-gauge railway of metallurgical open-pit mine


Code for plan of urban water system


Code for design of nonwovens factory


Code for design of conductive or anti-static ground surface and floor


Technical code for hydrogen fuelling station


Code for construction quality acceptance of metallic piping in petrochemical engineering


Standard for the equipment of ventilative safety of coal colliery


Code for safety design of uranium mills tailings pond in nuclear industry


Code for design of uranium mining and metallurgy engineering in nuclear industry


Code of construction project management for unclear power plants


Code for design of occupational safety and hygiene in electronics industry


Technical code for infrared simultaneous interpretation system


Code of measurement for video display system


Technical code for public address system engineering


Code for design of energy conservation of flat glass plant


Code for design of energy conservation of fired brick and tile plant


Code for design of vinylon fiber plant


Code for design of alumina refinery process


Standard of valuated building services and components’classification


Coal industry design code of repairing facilities for electro-mechanical equipment of mining district


Code for design of underground auxiliary haulage system of coal mine


Code for design of district stations and chambers of coal mine


Code for design of pit bottom of coal mine


Code for design of coal mine full-mechanized mining district


Code of engineering survey for oil-gas field


Technical standard for anti-corrosion


Specifications of survey for oil and gas transportation pipeline engineering


Code for construction of pipe process in oil and gas transmission pipeline station


Code for design of raw material yard of iron and steel plants


Technical code for pipelines coordination in petrochemical plant


Code for design of energy conservation of building and sanitary ceramic plant


Code for design of general layout & transportation for non-ferrous metallurgical enterprises


Code for design of 110KV~750KV overhead transmission line


Code for compilation of urban railway network planning


Technical code for geotechnical engineering of tailings embankment


Code for investigation and surveying of 330kV~750kV overhead transmission line


Coding standard for power plant identification system


Code for acceptance of construction quality of strengthening building structures


Code for quality acceptance of palletizing mechanical equipment installation engineering


Design document preparation standard of open-pit mine construction project in coal industry


Design document compose standard of coal preparation plant project in coal industry


Design document preparation standard of mine construction project in coal industry


Standard for water saving design in civil building


Code for aseismic design of electrical facilities in industrial plants


Technical code for barite concrete against radiation


Code for design of environmental protection of cement plant


Code for design of environmental protection of glass plant


Code for design of building and sanitary ceramic plant


Code for equipment installing and acceptance of building material industry


Code for basic terms of coal mine construction engineering


Evaluation standard for urban landscaping and greening


Mining drawing standard for metal and nonmetal mines


Code for design of textile engineering on fire protection and prevention


Code for installation and quality acceptance of metallurgical dedusting equipment


Technical code for shell structure of ironmaking furnace


Code for oil and gas field and pipeline


Code of design on thermo for iron & steel metallurgy enterprises


The code for construction of offshore wind power project


Code for seismic investigation and evaluation of nuclear power plants


Code for construction and quality acceptance of hyperbolic cooling tower engineering


Uniform technical code for wall materials used in buildings


Code for construction and acceptance of 1KV and blow wiring work


Code for acceptance of construction quality of aluminium structures


Code for design of safety and health of cement plant


Code for constructional quality acceptance of urban rail transit signal engineering


Code of design for physical and chemical testing center of aviation industry


Code for design of continuous casting engineering


Standard for allocated mine monitoring and controlling system of coal industry


Standard for lighting design of outdoor work places


Code for design of building and structure of coal mine of preparation plant


Technical code for top gas pressure recovery turbine


Occupational safety code for geotechnical investigation


Code for construction and acceptance of aluminium bus-bar welding engineering


Design for operation of reservoir


Code for design of waste heat power generation in cement plant


Technical code of construction for epoxy resins self-leveling flooring


Technical code for anticorrosion engineering of vinyl ester resins


Code for construction and acceptance of cleanroom


Code for design of colliery building and structure of coal mine


Standard for drawings undarground mining


Standard for water function zoning


Code for energy conservation design of non-ferrous metal mines


Technical code for rainwater collection,storage and utilization


Standard for terminology,measure units and symbols in textile engineering


Code for design of cement raw material mine engineering


Technical code for amelioration


Code of design on thermo for iron & steel metallurgy enterprises


The code for construction of offshore wind power project


Code for seismic investigation and evaluation of nuclear power plants


Code for construction and quality acceptance of hyperbolic cooling tower engineering


Uniform technical code for wall materials used in buildings


Code for construction and acceptance of 1KV and blow wiring work


Code for acceptance of construction quality of aluminium structures


Code for design of safety and health of cement plant


Code for constructional quality acceptance of urban rail transit signal engineering


Code of design for physical and chemical testing center of aviation industry


Code for design of continuous casting engineering


Standard for allocated mine monitoring and controlling system of coal industry


Standard for lighting design of outdoor work places


Code for design of building and structure of coal mine of preparation plant


Technical code for top gas pressure recovery turbine


Occupational safety code for geotechnical investigation


Code for construction and acceptance of aluminium bus-bar welding engineering


Design for operation of reservoir


Code for design of waste heat power generation in cement plant


Technical code of construction for epoxy resins self-leveling flooring


Technical code for anticorrosion engineering of vinyl ester resins


Code for construction and acceptance of cleanroom


Code for design of colliery building and structure of coal mine


Standard for drawings undarground mining


Standard for water function zoning


Code for energy conservation design of non-ferrous metal mines


Technical code for rainwater collection,storage and utilization


Standard for terminology,measure units and symbols in textile engineering


Code for design of cement raw material mine engineering


Technical code for amelioration


Code for design on fire prevention of nonferrous metals engineering


Technical code for private mail boxes of residential buildings


Code for design of energy saving of iron and steel industry


Technical code for engineering surveying of nuclear power station


Code for design of industrial waste composition in cement kiln


Code for design of hall system engineering of videoconference


Code for design of urban rail transit integrated supervision and control system engineering


Code for design of spinning process for shell body blank


Code of acceptance for installation of textile equipments for bast fibers


Code for design of polyamide polymer and fiber plant


Evaluation standard for green construction of building


Code for installation engineering construction of non-ferrous metals mine sinking and drifting


Construction acceptance and maintenance standards of the barrier-free facilities


Code for design of occupational safety and hygiene of rubber factory


Standard for compiling the design documents of oil and gas pipeline projects


Code for construction quality acceptance of insulation in petrochemical engineering


Technical code for speciality gas system engineering


Code for planning of intersections on urban roads


Code for design of recirculating cooling water system in chemical palnt


Code for design of energy saving for water resources and hydropower projects


Code for design protection of petrochemical plant against lighting


Preparation standard for general planning on mining area of coal industry


Code for risk management of underground works in urban rail transit


Code for construction of non-ferrous metals mine sinking and drifting engineering


Unified standards for constructional quality acceptance of non-ferrous metals industrial installation engineering 〖GB/T50655-2011〗化工厂蒸汽系统设计规范

Code for design of steam system in chemical plant


Code for construction company safety manage criterion


Standard of drawing-making for surface mining coal


Standard for preparing design document of construction project of electromechanical equipment repair plant in mining area of coal industry


Engineering design document


Code for design of fossil fired power plant


Code for welding of steel structures


Code for design of hydraulic structures against ice and freezing action


Technical code for engineering hydrology for nuclear power plant


Code for installation and quality inspection of cotton textile machinery


Code for design of 1000kV overhead transmission line


Code for construction of concrete structures


Code for installation and quality inspection of dyeing and finishing equipment


Standard for energy efficient building assessment


Code for construction and acceptance of reinforced concrete silos


Terminology standard for mechanical equipment installation


Code for design of aircraft paint hangar


Code for process design of comprehensive sewage treatment for iron and steel enterprises


Code for power design of non-ferrous metals smelters


Code of meteorology for nuclear power plant


Standard for textile engineering drawings


Technical code for appraisal of reliability of concrete structural factory buildings for uranium fuel element plants 〖GB50677-2011〗空分制氧设备安装工程施工与质量验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of oxygen plant equipment installation engineering


Code for design of the waste electrical and electronic equipment processing engineering


Code for acceptance of mechanical equipment installation of ironmaking system


Standard for basic terms of city gas engineering


Code for design of machinery building architecture


Technical code for pre-fabricated united pipe risers


Code for acceptance of field equipment,industrial pipe welding construction quality


Code for design of wastewater treatment and reuse in chemical industry


Code for design of pure water system of electronic industry


Code for construction and acceptance of infectious diseases hospitals


Architectural and technical code for cleanroom in food industry


Code for design of urban road traffic facility


Code for design of lightning protection and


Code for design of fossil fired power plant


Code for welding of steel structures


Code for design of hydraulic structures against ice and freezing action


Technical code for engineering hydrology for nuclear power plant


Code for installation and quality inspection of cotton textile machinery


Code for design of 1000kV overhead transmission line


Code for construction of concrete structures


Code for installation and quality inspection of dyeing and finishing equipment


Standard for energy efficient building assessment


Code for construction and acceptance of reinforced concrete silos


Terminology standard for mechanical equipment installation


Code for design of aircraft paint hangar


Code for process design of comprehensive sewage treatment for iron and steel enterprises


Code for power design of non-ferrous metals smelters


Code of meteorology for nuclear power plant


Standard for textile engineering drawings


Technical code for appraisal of reliability of concrete structural factory buildings for uranium fuel element plants 〖GB50677-2011〗空分制氧设备安装工程施工与质量验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of oxygen plant equipment installation engineering


Code for design of the waste electrical and electronic equipment processing engineering


Code for acceptance of mechanical equipment installation of ironmaking system


Standard for basic terms of city gas engineering


Code for design of machinery building architecture


Technical code for pre-fabricated united pipe risers


Code for acceptance of field equipment,industrial pipe welding construction quality


Code for design of wastewater treatment and reuse in chemical industry


Code for design of pure water system of electronic industry


Code for construction and acceptance of infectious diseases hospitals


Architectural and technical code for cleanroom in food industry


Code for design of urban road traffic facility


Code for design of lightning protection and


Technical code for fire safety of construction site


Code for design of water supply & drainage of iron and steel enterprises


Code of project management for urban rail transit construction


Code for installation of sintering mechanical equipment


Technical code for bulk gas purification and delivery system engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of liquid crystal display manufacturing equipment installation engineering 〖GB50726-2011〗工业设备及管道防腐蚀工程施工规范

Code for anticorrosive engineering construction of industrial euqipment and pipeline


Code for acceptance of construction quality of anticorrosive engineering of industrial equipment and pipeline 〖GB50728-2011〗工程结构加固材料安全性鉴定技术规范

Technical code for safety appraisal of engineering structural strengthening materials


Code for acceptance of construction quality of ±800kV & under HVDC converter substation


Code for construction of metallurgical mechanical hydraulic,lubricating and dynamic equipment engineering 〖GB/T50731-2011〗建材工程术语标准

Standard for terminology of building materials projects


Code for construction and acceptance of urban rail transit integrated supervision and control system engineering 〖GB/T50733-2011〗预防混凝土碱骨料反应技术规范

Technical code for prevention of alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete


Technical code for drilling of metallurgical industry construction


Code for design of ferroalloy process and equipment


Design code for heating ventilation and air conditioning of civil buildings


Code for design of petroleum storage depot


Code for construction of ventilation and air conditioning


Technical code for composite soil nailing wall in retaining and protection of excavation


Code for investigation and surveying of 1000kV overhead transmission line


Code for installation of mechanical equipment for steel-making


Code for recycling of construction & demolition waste


Code for installation of rolling mill mechanical equipment


Code for design of fire protection for conventiontional island in nuclear power plants


Code for design of petrochemical recirculation cooling water unit


Code for design of wastewater treatment in petrochemical industry


Standard for drawing of coal preparation technology


Code for geotechnical engineering investigation of metallurgical industry construction


Code for engineering installment acceptance of


Technical code for medical gases engineering



Code for dust collection design of non-ferrous metals plant


Code for design of steel pipe extrusion engineering


Code for construction of steel structures


Technical code for ground treatment of steel tanks


Code for design of sludge co-processing in cement kiln


Code for design of energy conservation in non-ferrous metals processing plants


Code for design of vapor recovery facilities of oil products loading system


Code for engineering technology of digital trunking communication


Code for seismic design of petrochemical steel facilities


Design code for straw power plant


Codes for accessibility design


Design code of power of piping for power plant


Design code for carbon plant


Code for manufacture installation and acceptance of steel penstocks in hydroelectric and hydraulic engineering 〖GB50767-2013〗火炸药工程设计能耗指标标准

Standard for design of energy consumption index in propellant and explosive engineering


Standard for basic terminology of termite control project


Code for acceptance of water-saving irrigation engineering


Code for design of safety instrumented system in petrochemical engineering


Code for design of nonferrous metal mining


Code for construction of timber structures


Code for design of flood detention and retarding basin


Code for construction and acceptance of dry-type smoothing reactors in converter stations at ±800KV and below 〖GB/T50775-2012〗±800KV及以下换流站换流阀施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of converter valve in converter station at ±800KV and below


Code for construction and acceptance of converter transformer in converter station at ±800KV and below


Code for construction and acceptance of frame works in converter station at ±800KV and below


Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering of open pit coal mine


Code for design of blast resistant control building in petrochemical industry


Terminology standard of electronics engineering


Technical code for Chemical System of Electronic Factory


Code for technological design of non-ferrous concentrator


Technical code for composite foundation


Technical standard for in-situ inspection of concrete structure


Evaluation standard for indoor thermal environment in civil buildings


Standard for building electricity drawings


Technical code for solar air conditioning system of civil buildings


Technical code for water supply and sewerage of urban


Code for design of ±800kV DC converter station


Code for designing of ±800KV DC overhead transmission line


Code for design of geothermal power plants


Code for construction and acceptance of hall system engineering of videoconference


Code for construction of PV power station


Code for construction organization planning of photovoltaic power project


Code for acceptance of photovoltaic power project


Code for design of photovoltaic power station


Code for large-size equipment hoisting engineering in petrochemical industry


Code for design of the electrical conference systems


Technical code for anechoic and semi-anechoic rooms


Evaluation standard for application of renewable energy in buildings


Code for design of urban flood control project


Safety technical code for the storage facilities of uranium ores and uranium compounds


Code for design of silicon integrated circuits wafer fab


Code for design of water supply and drainage of coal industry


Standard for the operation safety assessment of gas system


Code for design of steam condensate system in chemical plant


Code for design of static explosion prevention in petrochemical powders silo


Code for design environmental protection of electronic engineering


Technical code of vacuum concentration treatment for weak sulfuric acid


Code for design of wastewater treatment of


Code for design of farmland shelterbelts engineering


Mechanized ultrasonic testing technology specification for oil & gas construction pipeline project


Code for construction of oil and gas field gathering and transmission pipeline


Standard for design document of construction projects in building materials mines


Code for design of environmental protection in coal industry


Code for design of medium density fiberboard engineering


Code for computer control system design of oil/gas fields and pipelines

〖GB/T 50824-2013〗农村居住建筑节能设计标准

Design standard for energy efficiency of rural residential buildings


Code for quality acceptance of reheating furnaces in iron and steel works


Technical code for construction of electromagnetic wave anechoic enclosure


Code for design of particleboard engineering


Technical code for engineering application of preservative treated wood


Technical code for maintenance and repair of rentable formwork and scaffold


Code for design of metal mine


Code for basic data collection of urban planning


Standard for acceptance test of electric equipment of 1000KV system electric equipment installation engineering 〖GB/T50833-2012〗城市轨道交通工程基本术语标准

Standard for basic terminology of urban rail transit engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of 1000KV lattice frame and support


Code for construction and acceptance of 1000kv power transformer, oil-immersed reactor and mutual inductor 〖GB50836-2013〗1000kV高压电器(GIS、HGIS、隔离开关、避雷器)施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of 1000KV high voltage electric equipment (GIS, HGIS, disconnector and surge arrester)


Standard for non-ferrous metal refinery drawings


Technical code for urban utility tunnel engineering


Technical code of urban rail transit engineering safety control


Code for construction and acceptance of slurry pipeline engineering


Standard of construction classification


Code for construction and acceptance of building materials mine engineering


Technical code for appraisal and reinforcement of building slope


Evaluation code for implementation of engineering construction standard


Technical code for energy-saving refurbishment for small hydropower grids engineering


Code for design of communication engineering for f


Code for construction and acceptance of communication engineering for fiber to the home in residential districts and residential buildings


Documentation standard for engineering construction project design in mechanical industry


Code for design of infectious diseases hospital


Code for design of aluminum smelter processes


Construction project data standard of labour,materials,equipments and machines


Classification standard of building engineering consultation


Code of urban communication engineering planning


Standard method of measurement for building construction and fitting-out works


Standard method of measurement for pseudo-classic architectural works


Standard method of measurement for general building services works


Standard method of measurement for public utilities works


Standard method of measurement for landscape works


Standard method of measurement for mining works


Standard method of measurement for affiliated structure works


Standard method of measurement for urban transit railway works


Standard method of measurement for blasting works


Code for design of tailings facilities


Code for construction and acceptance of tailings disposal facilities


Code for design of photovoltaic generation connecting to distribution network


Design code for photovoltaic power station connecting to power system


Design code for buildings of elderly facilities


Standard for allowable vibration of building engineering


Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill


Unified code for technique for constructional safety


Code for fire protection design of hydropower projects


Design code for piping of water supply and drainage in chemical industry


Code for structure design on semi-underground storage bin in coal industry


Standard glossary of project costs


Code for safety detecting and evaluation of small hydropower station


Code for installation and acceptance


Evaluation standard for green industrial building


Code for design of thermal energy plant engineering of wood-based panel production


Design code for acid-making with smelting off-gas


Architectural and technical code for center for disease control and prevention


Code for construction specification of light-metal smelting mechanical equipment installation engineering


Code for quality acceptance of light-metal smelting mechanical equipment installation engineering


Code for design of steel silo structures


Code for design of water resources protection forest engineering


Glossary standard of forest products industry engineering


Code for environmental protection design of wood based panel engineering


Code for energy efficiency design of wood based panel engineering


Code for design of occupational safety and health in wood based panel engineering


Code for design of wood-based panel finishing engineering


Code for automation design of non-ferrous metals smelters


Code for engineering design of instrument control system for oil/gas fields and pipelines


Technical code for retrofitting of heating system on energy efficiency


Code for design of environment protection for machinery industry


Code for installation and quality acceptance of flue gas desulphurization mechanical equipment engeering


Technical code for application of profiled metal sheets


Code for design of decorative stone plant


Technical code for water mist fire extinguishing system


Standard for basic terminology of real estate appraisal


Code for construction of steel-concrete composite structures


Standard for fundamental terms of pharmaceutical engineering


Code for construction organization plan of municipal engineering


Code for installation and quality acceptance of nonwoven equipments engineering


Code for green construction of building


Code for design of machinery industry workshop structures


Code for design of blast resistant chamber structures


Evaluation standard for green


Code for seismic design of urban rail transit structures


Code for design of energy conservation of mechanical industrial engineering


code for monitoring measurement of urban rail transit engineering


Technical code for application of ground iron and steel slag concrete


Code for design of pharmaceutical process water system


Standard for classification of seismic protection of buildings and structures in chemical industry


Code for design of underground opening of non-ferrous metals mine


Code for design of steel and concrete composite bridges


Technical code for smart card system in urban construction


Code for design of energy conservation of non-ferrous metals smelter


Code for design of culm-producing bamboo plantation engineering


Code for design of fast-growing and high-yielding timber plantation engineering


Code for technical antenna engineering


Technical code for concrete-filled steel tube arch bridges


Code for construction of masonry structures engineering


Code for intercity transportation planning


Code for design of silk factory


Code for risk management of large and medium scale hydropower projects


Code for design of spandex plant


Code for design of cold rolling strip plant


Standard for formulation of design documents of pharmaceutical construction projects


Standard for the formation of engineering design deliverables for petrochemical plant


Technical code for seepage prevention in petrochemical engineering


Design document preparation standard of the gas drainage engineering in coal mine


Technical code for concrete filled steel tubular structures


Code for construction and acceptance of piping installation in coal preparation plant


Technical code for low temperature steel storage tanks in petrochemical engineering


Design code for first-aid station


Standard for terms used in building foundation


Technical code for building in saline


Code for construction and quality acceptance of antistatic engineering


Technical code for optical fiber plant engineering


Code for acceptance of construction quality of coal mine equipment installation


Standard for assessment parameters of sunlight on building


Technical code for architectural acoustics of stadium


Construction code for sound reinforcement system


Code for construction and quality acceptance for installation engineering of manufacturing equipments on optical cable plant


Design document preparation standard of construction project for nonferrous mine


Technical code for lightning protection engineering for rural residential areas


Technical code for engineering of network interconnection and dispatch system


Code for design of municipal solid waste co-processing in cement kiln


Technical code for investigation of limestone mine engineering


Code for acceptance of chemical fiber plant


Code for design of liquid biofuel plant


Code for design of conventional island for nuclear power plant


Load code of nonferrous metal engineering structures


Technical code of safe operating for small hydropower grid


Code for underground opening installation acceptance of non-ferrous metal mines


Code for design of copper processing plant


Code for design of wastewater treatment in sulfuric acid and phosphate fertilizer production


Code for operation and maintenance of small hydropower stations


Code for design of sinter and pellet flue gas ammonia desulfurization


Code for design of electric vehicle charging station


Code for installation of coking and chemical mechanical equipment


Code for construction of surface coal mine engineering


Code for design of open-pit mining engineering in decoration stone mine


Code for installation and quality acceptance of power generating by remain energy mechanical equipment in iron industry 〖GB50972-2014〗循环流化床锅炉施工及质量验收规范

Code for construction and quality acceptance of circulating fluidized-bed boiler


Code for construction and quality acceptance of gas turbine of combined cycle unit


Technical code for fire protection


Code for construction and acceptance of process water piping in uranium enrichment plant


Code for installation and acceptance of protection equipment and secondary circuit in infrastructure project


Code for design of water saving in chemical engineering


Documentary standard for engineering construction project design in electronics industry


Technical code for rubber dam engineering


Code for design of power dispatching and communication center


Code for seismic design of mechanical and electrical equipment


Technical code for monitoring of building and bridge structures


Code for site investigation of geotechnical engineering for low and intermediate level radioactive wastedi sposal 〖GB50984-2014〗石油化工工厂布置设计规范

Code for design of petrochemical plant layout


Code for process design of lead and zinc smelters


Code for design of dry red mud stack


Code for fire protection design of hydraulic engineering


Code for design of environment protection engineering of nonferrous metals industry


Technical code for buried twisting plastic pipeline engineering


Code for design of autoclaved aerated concrete plant


Technical standard for DC interference mitigation of buried steel pipeline


Authentication standard for earthquake destruction in petrochemical engineering


Code for completion acceptance of 1000kV transmission and transformation engineering 〖GB50994-2014〗工业企业电气设备抗震鉴定标准

Standard for aseismatic appraisal of electrical facilities in industrial plants


Code for surveying of metallurgical engineering


Code for construction and acceptance of underground oil storage in rock caverns


Code for engineering of cold-rolled electrical steel strip plant


Design code for dairy products plant


Technical code for application of mineral admixture



Code for construction and acceptance of waste heat recovery power generation in cement plant 〖GB51006-2014〗石油化工建(构)筑物结构荷载规范

Load code for design of buildings and special structures in petrochemical industry


Design code for rotary machines of petrochemical industries


Code for design of propellant


Code for design of shutting down/restarting aluminum reduction cells without power interruption 〖GB51011-2014〗煤矿选煤设备安装工程施工与验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of coal mine preparation equipment installation engineering 〖GB/T51012-2014〗铀浓缩工厂工艺气体管道工程施工及验收规范

Code for construction and acceptance of process gas piping in uranium enrichment plant 〖GB/T51013-2014〗铀转化设施设计规范

Code for design of uranium conversion facility


Code for geotechnical engineering investigation of cement plant



Technical code for non-coal open-pit mine slope engineering


Technical code for lightning protection engineering of ancient buildings



Code for design of pipe racks and pipe sleepers in chemical industry


Code for design of ventilation dedusting and fume scrubbing of aluminum smelter


Standard for terminology of light metal smelting engineering


Design document preparation standard of construction project for non-ferrous metallurgical engineering


Code for design of intelligent monitoring and control system of coal mine safety production


Standard for compilation of the design document of oil depot


Standard for general layout drawings of petrochemical enterprises


Code for construction and acceptance of flare project


Code for design of secondary copper smelter processes


Code for geotechnical investigation of fossil fuel power plant


Technical code for application of iron tailings sand concrete


Code for construction and acceptance of pumping station


Code for design of polysilicon plant



Code for underground opening acceptance of non-ferrous metal mines


Code for construction and acceptance of micro-assembling production line process equipment installation engineering 〖GB51038-2015〗城市道路交通标志和标线设置规范



Technical code for groundwater monitoring


Code for geotechnical investigation of nuclear power plants


Techical code for waste treatment facilities


Code for construction and quality acceptance of the electronical conference systems



Technical code for denitration project of cement plant


Code for design of national forest park


Code for design of general plot plan and transportation of pharmaceutical industry


Design code for electrochemical energy storage station


Code for construction and acceptance of series capacitor installation electrical equipment installation engineering 〖GB/T51050-2014〗钢铁企业能源计量和监测工程技术规范

Technical code for energy measuring and monitoring engineering in the iron and steel enterprises


Code for water resources planning


Code for design of wool textile factory


Code for mine energy conservation design of coal industry


Design code for fire station


Code for design of non-ferrous industrial plant structures


Standard for appraisal of reliability of chimneys



Code for design of psychiatric hospital


Code for construction and acceptance of nonferrous metals processing mechanical installation engineering 〖GB51060-2014〗有色金属矿山水文地质勘探规范

Code for exploration of hydrogeology in nonferrous metal mines




Technical code for large and medium-scale biogas engineering



Code for design of coal mine hoisting system engineering



Code for design of process of optical cable plant


Code for open pit mine mechanical and electrical equipments maintenance facilities design of coal industry 〖GB51069-2014〗中药药品生产厂工程技术规范

Technical code for traditional Chiese medicine production plant engineering



Code for design of 330kV~750kV smart substation


Code for design of 110(66)kV~220kV smart


Code for design of warehousing project of pharmaceutical industry


Code for urban heating supply planning


Code for installation of mineral processing equipment engineering



Code for design of electric vehicle battery-swap station


Code for design of prevention of mine fire in coal mines




Code for coating design of industrial construction




〖GB/T 51086-2015〗医药实验工程术语标准





Code for installation and quality acceptance of yarn-dyed woven equipment engineering







〖GB/T 51097-2015〗水土保持林工程设计规范
















Technical specification for precast concrete structures


Technical specification for concrete structures of tall building


Technical code for tall building raft foundations and box foundations


Technical specification for space frame structures


Code for deformation measurement of building and structure


Technical specification for construction of concrete pumping


Technical Specification for lightweight aggregate concrete structures


Technical specification for constrained or reinforced masonry buildings


Technical specification for concrete small-sized hollow block masonry building


Standard for test method of early estimating compressive strength of concrete


Code for electrical design of civil buildings


Technical specification for application of autoclaved aerocrete


Specification for welding and acceptance of reinforcing steel bars


Technical specification for application or cold-drawn low-carbon wires


Specification for design of reinforced concrete shell structures


Technical specification for inspection of concrete compressive strength by rebound method


Code for design of archives buildings


Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings in severe cold and cold zones


Standard for test methods of welded joint of reinforcing steel bars



Standard of basic terminology for real estate industry


Design code for sports building


Technical specification for safety operation of constructional machinery


Standard for parameter of construction atmosphere


Code for design of dormitory buildings


Code for design of library buildings


Code for design of nursery and infant school buildings


Code for design of sanatorium buildings


Code for design of the public culture center


Technical code for safety of temporary


Code for design of store buildings


Technical specification of lightweight aggregate concrete


Standard for technical requirements and test methods of sand and crushed stone (or gravel)for ordinary concrete 〖JGJ/T53-2011〗房屋渗漏修缮技术规程

Technical specification for repairing water seepage of building


specification for mix proportion design of ordinary concrete


Design code for theater


Code for architectural design of cinema


Standard for construction safety inspection


Code for design of passenger transportation building


Code for design of hotel building


Standard of Water for Concrete


Code for design of dietetic buildings


Technical specification for safety of the hydraulic slipform in construction


Design code for office building


Specification for side-pressure test of type TY predrill


Standard for test method of basic properties of construction mortar


Specification for geotechnical investigation of tall buildings


Technical specification for large-area formwork building construction


Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings in hot summer and warm winter zone


Code for design of special education schools


Standard for the work safety assesment of construction company


Technical code for ground treatment of buildings


Technical Code for safety of high altitude operation of building construction


Technical specification for high strength bolt connections of steel structures


Specification for geotechnical investigation in soft clay area



Technical specification for application of anchorage,grip and coupler for prestressing tendons 〖JGJ/T87-2012〗建筑工程地质勘探与取样技术规程

Technical specification for engineering gelogical prospecting and sampling of constructions 〖JGJ88-2010〗龙门架及井架物料提升机安全技术规范

Technical code for safety of gantry frame and headframe hoisters


Design code for scientific experiment


Technical specification for concrete strutures prestressed with unbounded tendons


Technical code for building pile foundations


Technical specification for concrete structures with cold-rolled ribbed steel wires and bars


Technical specification for plywood form with steel frame


Standard for terminology in earthquake engineering


Specification for mix proportion design of masonry mortar


Technical specification for steel structure of tall buildings




Technical code for glass curtain wall engineering


Technical specification for PVC-U doors and windows engineering


Specification for winter construction of building engineering


Specification for construction of plastering by mortar spraying


Technical code for testing of building foundation piles


Technical specification for mechanical splicing of steel reinforcing bars


Testing standard for adhesive strength of tapestry brick of construction engineering


Technical code for groundwater lowering engineering of building ad municipal


Technical specification for application of architecural glass


Technical specification for concrete structures reinforced with welded steel fabric


Technical specification for concrete structural element with cold-rolled and twisted bars


Technical specification for seismic strengthening of buildings


Specification for engineering examination and design of repairing civil architecture


Code for design of soil and foundation of buildings in frozen soil region


Standard for terminology of architectural lighting


Technical specification for retaining and protection of building foundation excavations



Code for design of buildings for elderly persons


Technical code for improvement of soil and foundation of existing buildings


Code for design of funeral parlor's buildings


Standard of dangerous building


Technical code for seepage control engineering on canal


Code for construction and quality acceptance for lightning protection engineering of structures 〖GB/T50602-2010〗球形储罐γ射线全景曝光现场检测标准

Radiographic testing standard for a single exposure with γ-ray technique of spherical tank installation 〖GB50603-2010〗钢铁企业总图运输设计规范

Code for design of general layout and transportation for iron & steel enterprise


Evaluation standard for solar water heating system of civil buildings


Code for design of communication engineering in residential districts and residential buildings 〖GB50606-2010〗智能建筑工程施工规范

Code for installation of intelligent building systems


Design regulations of pulverized coal injection for blast furnace


Technical code for infrastructure application of FRP composites


Code for design of plant information system in petrochemical engineering


Code for design of automobile ethanol gasoline storage and transportation


Code for design of protection of electrostatic discharge in electronic engineering


Code for technological design of metallurgical concentrator


Code for planning and design of urban distribution network


Code for construction and acceptance of straddle monorail transit


Code for Hydrogeological Investigation of Metallurgical Industry


Code for design of copper smelter processes


Code for construction and acceptance of electrical lighting installation in building


Testing technology management code for building and municipal infrastructure engineering quality 〖GB/T50619-2010〗火力发电厂海水淡化工程设计规范

Code for designing of thermal power plants seawater desalination system


Code for design of viscose fibre plant


Technical standard for in-site testing of steel structure


Code for design of private telephone switch system engineering


Code for acceptance of private telephone switch system engineering


Code for acceptance of communication engineering in residential districts and residential buildings 〖GB/T50625-2010〗机井技术规范

Technical code for water wells


Code of housing provident fund project loan for affordable housing construction


Evaluation standard for district heating system


Code for quality acceptance of the concrete filled steel tubular engineering


Code for design of rolling


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  • 电梯工程项目管理策划书 项目名称: 2014 年 12 月 4 目录 第一章:工程概况及项目总平面图 ................................................ 1 1.1项目概况 .......... ...查看

  • 工业厂房招标文件
  • 工业厂房 招标文件 招标人:天津国生工程咨询有限公司 日期:2016年8月 目录 第一章投标须知前附表 .................................................................... ...查看

  • 2016工程承诺书范本
  • 2016工程承诺书范本 工程承诺书范本 致: (招标人名称): 根据你方招标的 工程的招标文件.遵照<中华人民共和国招标投标法>等有关规定,经踏勘项目现场和研究上述招标文件的投标须知.合同条款.图纸.工程建设标准和工程量清单及其 ...查看

  • 2011年最新建设工程标准
  • 2011年最新建设工程标准.规范目录汇编 发布日期:2011-05-30 浏览次数:732 2011年最新建设工程标准.规范目录汇编 标准号: 标准名称: 实施日期 GB50618-2011房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程质量检测技术管理规范自2 ...查看

  • [安全防范工程技术规范]
  • <安全防范工程技术规范> 编辑词条 添加义项名 B 添加义项 ? <安全防范工程技术规范>是我国安全防范领域第一部内容完整.格式规范的工程建设技术标准.该规范总结了我国安全防范工程建设20多年来的实践经验,吸收了国内 ...查看
