

Name 、____

Name of Proposed Supervisor __SHAO ZE NA ____

Provisional Title : (both English and Chinese)

English:__ On the Chinese Translation of English Idioms

Chinese: _英语习语的汉译方法与翻译技巧__

( The title should give a general idea of the topic, the approach and the subjects to be investigated).


2 What is the purpose of the study?

To study the methods of English idioms translation ,and summarize many kinds of methods of translation .

3 What do you hope to find out?

I hope to Summarize the methods of translate English idioms translation .and try to find the best methods of English idioms translation.

4 What sorts of subjects will you require?

1)Brown ,Gillian &Yule, George. Discourse analysis .北京外语教学与研究出版社,2000

2)何兆熊。D. Wilson. Relevance and understanding-selected Reading For Pragmatics 上海外语教育出版社,2003

3)何自然。Thomas ,J. What Is Pragmatics 语用学宣读.Selected Reading on Pragmatics. 上海:上海外语教育出版社2003

4)Thomas ,G , Introducing Functional Grammar.北京:外语教学和研究出版社,2000

5) 何自然。冉永平。语用学概论。长沙:湖南教育出版社,2002.

6)何壮麟. 语境研究的多元化。外语教学和研究2002


I. Introduction

This part mainly introduces why I choose this topic.

Idioms are those that withstood the test of history, the long-term, tempered to form a fixed phrases. In order to loyalty to the original, idioms translated it is necessary to maintain the source language of the genuine, must also be translated into the language spoken and written language needs. As we all know, some English idioms are very different from Chinese idioms in their constitutions and the figurative usages. How to comprehend and translate those idioms is a troublesome problem for most children. This paper will help you to make a successful translation

II. Literature review

This part mainly makes a brief review of the researches (papers and books, typically in China) on idiom translation in China.

III. Theoretical framework

1. Domestication 归化的定义

2. Foreignization 异化的定义

IV. Applications of translation techniques to English-Chinese idiom translation

1. Domestication (examples of E-C idiom translation)

2. Foreignization (examples of E-C idiom translation)

3. Foreignization with annotations (examples of E-C idiom translation) V. Conclusion


Name 、____

Name of Proposed Supervisor __SHAO ZE NA ____

Provisional Title : (both English and Chinese)

English:__ On the Chinese Translation of English Idioms

Chinese: _英语习语的汉译方法与翻译技巧__

( The title should give a general idea of the topic, the approach and the subjects to be investigated).


2 What is the purpose of the study?

To study the methods of English idioms translation ,and summarize many kinds of methods of translation .

3 What do you hope to find out?

I hope to Summarize the methods of translate English idioms translation .and try to find the best methods of English idioms translation.

4 What sorts of subjects will you require?

1)Brown ,Gillian &Yule, George. Discourse analysis .北京外语教学与研究出版社,2000

2)何兆熊。D. Wilson. Relevance and understanding-selected Reading For Pragmatics 上海外语教育出版社,2003

3)何自然。Thomas ,J. What Is Pragmatics 语用学宣读.Selected Reading on Pragmatics. 上海:上海外语教育出版社2003

4)Thomas ,G , Introducing Functional Grammar.北京:外语教学和研究出版社,2000

5) 何自然。冉永平。语用学概论。长沙:湖南教育出版社,2002.

6)何壮麟. 语境研究的多元化。外语教学和研究2002


I. Introduction

This part mainly introduces why I choose this topic.

Idioms are those that withstood the test of history, the long-term, tempered to form a fixed phrases. In order to loyalty to the original, idioms translated it is necessary to maintain the source language of the genuine, must also be translated into the language spoken and written language needs. As we all know, some English idioms are very different from Chinese idioms in their constitutions and the figurative usages. How to comprehend and translate those idioms is a troublesome problem for most children. This paper will help you to make a successful translation

II. Literature review

This part mainly makes a brief review of the researches (papers and books, typically in China) on idiom translation in China.

III. Theoretical framework

1. Domestication 归化的定义

2. Foreignization 异化的定义

IV. Applications of translation techniques to English-Chinese idiom translation

1. Domestication (examples of E-C idiom translation)

2. Foreignization (examples of E-C idiom translation)

3. Foreignization with annotations (examples of E-C idiom translation) V. Conclusion


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