



学号: 材控081 0801100201





万方数据库 检索式:膨润土 AND 农药


1. CTMAB-膨润土对水溶液中4种农药的吸附特性

作者:曾清如; 周细红; 杨仁斌; 郭正元; 铁柏青;

文献出处:农药学学报, Chinese Journal of Pesticide Science, 编辑部邮箱 2000年 03期

摘要:用溴化十六烷基三甲铵 (CTMAB)制得改性膨润土 ,研究了 CTMAB-膨润土吸附水中甲萘威、甲基对硫磷、克百威、多菌灵的性能和适宜条件。结果表明 :CTMAB-膨润土对水溶液中 4种农药有较强的吸附能力 ,且与 CTMAB在膨润土上的实际交换量有关 ,随着表面活性剂浓度的增大而增大 ;但 CTMAB浓度≥ 4 %时 ,实际发生吸附的农药就不再随着加入量的增加而增大。 4种农药的吸附等温线呈线性 ,表明分配模式是主要的吸附形式。有机膨润土对 4种农药的吸附很快 ,大部分农药在 10 min内被吸附。 p H值变化对吸附有不同的影响 ,并与农药性质有关 :低 p H值会降低有机农药的吸附量 ,4种农药在 p H4~ 10时吸附量较稳定 ,高 p H值导致多菌灵的

吸附量增加 ,而甲萘威、甲基对硫磷和克百威有分解现象。

2. 腐殖质存在条件下膨润土对两种有机磷农药的吸附研究

作者: 朱丽珺汪学金卜晓莉宰德欣

文献出处: 第五届全国环境化学大会会议论文集

会议名称: 第五届全国环境化学大会会议


3. 无机/有机复合改性膨润土对除草剂的吸附作用研究

作者: 李建法王杰薛琴李益民

母体文献: 第五届全国环境化学大会会议论文集

会议名称: 第五届全国环境化学大会会议

摘要:由于农药施用不合理、农田管理粗放且片面追求快速灭杀效果,农药施用量中 90%以上的活性成分未作用于靶标生物,而是通过各种途径进入环境或在环境中迁移,成为土壤和水体污染问题



4. 膨润土对农药悬乳体系流变学特性的影响

作者: 杨代斌黄启良袁会珠齐淑华

母体文献: 中国化工学会农药专业委员会年会论文集

会议名称: 中国化工学会农药专业委员会年会


5. 茚虫威悬浮体系中触变性物质的筛选

作者: 杨春华欧晓明马俊凯裴晖梁骥

母体文献: 中国化工学会农药专业委员会第十四届年会论文集

会议名称: 中国化工学会农药专业委员会第十四届年会



1. 微波改性膨润土处理含磷废水的实验研究




2. 四种有机改性膨润土在农药悬浮剂中的应用初探


文献出处:山东农业大学 硕士




作者: 曾清如 周细红 杨仁斌 郭正元 铁柏青 期 刊: 农药学学报 ISTICPKU


年,卷(期): 2000, 2(3)

摘要:用溴化十六烷基三甲铵(CTMAB)制得改性膨润土,研究了CTMAB-膨润土吸附水中甲萘威、甲基对硫磷、克百威、多菌灵的性能和适宜条件.结果表明:CTMAB-膨润土对水溶液中4种农药有较强的吸附能力,且与CTMAB在膨润土上的实际交换量有关,随着表面活性剂浓度的增大而增大;但CTMAB浓度≥4%时,实际发生吸附的农药就不再随着加入量的增加而增大.4种农药的吸附等温线呈线性,表明分配模式是主要的吸附形式.有机膨润土对4种农药的吸附很快,大部分农药在10 min内被吸附.pH值变化对吸附有不同的影响,并与农药性质有关:低pH值会降低有机农药的吸附量,4种农药在pH4~10时吸附量较稳定,高pH值导致多菌灵的吸附量增加,而甲萘威、甲基对硫磷和克百威有分解现象.


作者: 李改枝

作者单位: 内蒙古师范大学,化学系,内蒙古,呼和浩特,010022 期 刊: 烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版)


年,卷(期): 2003, 16(1)



作者: 胡巧开 杜冬云 王代芝 余中山

期 刊: 环境保护 PKUCSSCI


年,卷(期): 2004, (5)




作者: 潘淑颖 刘传林 刘延贵

期 刊: 山东农业科学 ISTIC




作者:卜小莉 黄啟良 王国平 李凤敏 折冬梅 张春华

期 刊: 农药科学与管理



CNKI数据库 检索式:膨润土 AND 农药



【英文题名】 Adsorption Laws and Mechanisms of Chlorpyrifos and Triazophos on Humus and Bentonite

【副题名】 以毒死蜱和三唑磷为例

【作者】 张维;

【导师】 朱丽珺;

【学位授予单位】 南京林业大学;

【学科专业名称】 环境科学

【学位年度】 【论文级别】 2010 硕士

南京林业大学 【网络出版投稿人】

摘要:腐殖质和膨润土是土壤的重要成分,拥有复杂结构和多种功能基团,对农药具有强烈的吸附作用。本文采用平衡法研究腐殖质和膨润土对毒死蜱和三唑磷的吸附性能,探讨单一吸附剂与两种农药在不同pH值、温度下的吸附规律及其机理,深入研究混合吸附剂与两种农药的吸附动力学及吸附热力学,寻求最佳吸附条件及混合吸附剂最佳混合比。结果表明: (1)吸附能力表现为腐殖质>膨润土,吸附强度表现为三唑磷>毒死蜱。两种农药在腐殖质上的吸附行为用Freundlich模型和Langmuir模型描述均适用,膨润土对两种农药的等温吸附线可用Langmuir模型拟合。 (2)pH对腐殖质吸附两种农药影响较大,对膨润土吸附两种农药的影响较小;温度对腐殖质和膨润土吸附两种农药的影响较为复杂。 (3)两种农药与腐殖质和膨润土形成氢键而被吸附,它们还会在吸附剂的一定部位通过范德华。


【英文题名】 Research and Preparation of the Combined Wettable Powder of 44% Bentazon-Quinclorac

【作者】 马超;

【导师】 何林;

【学位授予单位】 西南大学;

【学科专业名称】 农药学

【学位年度】 【论文级别】 2008 硕士

西南大学 【网络出版投稿人】

摘要:李善林报道,我国草坪杂草的种类很多,有近450种,其中主要杂草有60种之多。杂草以其极强的竞争力同草坪草争夺水分、肥料、光照和空间,导致草坪迅速退化,而且还严重影响景观,传播病虫害。在导致草坪迅速退化的原因中,杂草是其中的主要因素之一。传统的人工除草成本高,效果差,对多年生杂草的地下部分没有作用。农药的合理混用在延缓有害生物的抗性、扩大防治谱、提高防效、降低成本、延长使用寿命、减少农药对环境的污染等方面均起到了重要的作用。所以采用除草剂混用或者施用混剂将是控制草坪杂草有效的手段。 本研究选择了2种高效、安全的草坪除草剂苯达松和二氯喹啉酸,在室内生测的基础上确定了二者的最佳配比,经过相关助剂的筛选,配制出了44%苯达松·二氯喹啉酸可湿性粉剂,产品质量分析合格,最后对该产品进行了草坪药效实验。现将主要研究方法及结果摘要如下: 1最佳配比的筛选 以稗草、刺苋、苘麻、狗尾草为试材,



【英文题名】 Research on the Water Dispersible Granules of 30% Beta-cypermethrin and Thiamethoxam

【作者】 袁立博;

【导师】 邓新平;

【学位授予单位】 西南大学;

【学科专业名称】 农药学


【论文级别】 2009 硕士

西南大学 【网络出版投稿人】

摘要:农药一直是防治农业有害生物的不可或缺的生产资料。近年来,由于有害生物的日益猖獗、环保要求的不断提高和研发难度越来越大等各种原因,农药新化合物的研发速度有所减缓,农药新品种的开发滞后于市场对农药新品种的需求,农药的合理混用是解决这些问题的重要途径,在延缓抗性,提高防效、降低成本、延长使用寿命、减轻农药对环境的污染等方面都起到重要作用。 本研究根据高效氯氰

菊酯和噻虫嗪的理化性质,以交互测定法进行试验设计,采用共毒因子法确定两药剂增效区间,进而用共毒系数法确定高效氯氰菊酯和噻虫嗪的最佳增效配比,在此基础上进行水分散粒剂的助剂配方筛选和造粒条件的研究,建立产品的质量分析方法,并就该产品对甘蓝蚜虫进行田间防效试验,现将主要研究方法及结果摘要如下: 1高效氯氰菊酯和噻虫嗪的最佳配比的确定 采用叶片浸渍法,以甘蓝桃蚜为试虫对高效氯氰菊酯和噻虫嗪进行毒力测定,结果表明高效氯氰菊酯和噻虫嗪的致死中浓度分别为76.0226±5.6237mg/L和16.8274±1.2354mg/L。通过交互测定试验,以共毒因子法确定出高效氯氰菊酯和噻虫嗪混配增效区间在38.00:8.50-15.20:13.60...

Springerlink数据库 检索式:Bentonite AND pesticides

1、Effects of polyethyleneimine adsorption on rheology of bentonite suspensions(聚乙烯亚胺吸附对膨润土悬浮液流变性质的影响)

Author: A. Alemdar, N. Öztekin, F. B. Erim, Ö. I. Ece and N. Güngör

Journal: Bulletin of Materials Science

年(卷)期:Volume 28, Number 3, 287-291, DOI: 10.1007/BF02711262 Abstract:The influence of the cationic polymer,

polyethyleneimine polymer (PEI) on the flow behaviour of bentonite suspensions (2%, w/w), was studied. XRD, zeta potential and adsorption studies were done together with rheological measurements. The addition of PEI at concentration ranges of 10-5-4.5 g/l and their rheological properties and stability of bentonite suspensions were studied. The adsorption rates for the bentonite suspensions are very fast. The XRD results showed that the PEG molecules did not intercalate into the layers of the clay.

2、Salt effects on the adsorption of a pesticide on modified bentonites(盐在改性膨润土对农药的吸附作用中的影响)

Author: Y. Z. El-Nahhal and Gerhard Lagaly

Journal: Colloid & Polymer Science

年(卷)期:Volume 283, Number 9, 968-974, DOI:


Abstract:Adsorption of the herbicide linuron on organo-bentonites was measured in the presence of several salts. The bentonites had been modified by cation exchange with hexadecylpyridinium and hexadecyl tributylphosphonium ions. The organo-bentonites adsorbed distinctly higher

amounts of linuron than calcium bentonite and desorption was also reduced. The binding coefficient K (derived from the Freundlich adsorption isotherm) was several times higher than for calcium bentonite. The adsorption isotherms of linuron on the organo-bentonites from salt-free aqueous solutions were of S-type but of J-type from saline water. In the presence of many salts, the amount of linuron adsorbed decreased with increasing salt concentration. These salts reduced the linuron adsorption (at a salt concentration of 20 g/L) in the order NaClO4 KClO4

3、The Adsorption of Herbicides and Pesticides on Clay

Minerals and Soils. Part 1. Isoproturon(粘土矿物和土壤对除草剂和农药的吸附作用)

Authorz: J. Eric D. Davies and Nusrat Jabeen

Journal: nclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 年(卷)期:Volume 43, Numbers 3-4, 329-336, DOI: 10.1023/A:[1**********]36

Abstract:The adsorption of isoproturon and two model compounds, N,N-dimethylurea and4-isopropylaniline, on clay minerals (bentonite,montmorillonite and kaolinite), organic matter (humic acid) and soil (with and without organic matter) has been studied using FT-infrared spectroscopy (IR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).N,N-dimethylurea interacted with bentonite and montmorillonite by the coordination of the carbonyl group, directly or indirectly through water molecules, with exchangeable cations. Adsorption on humic acid was due to hydrogen bonding with the active sites of the adsorbent. The amino group ofN,N-dimethylurea appears tobe relatively inactive during adsorption. The mechanisms involved in the adsorption of 4-isopropylaniline were hydrogen bonding and protonation. No adsorption of 4-isopropylaniline was

observed on kaolinite. The investigation of isoproturon suggested that both the carbonyl and amino groups of isoproturon were involved in interactions with the active sites of the adsorbents. Both the clay minerals and organic matter of soil contribute to the adsorption of organic compounds on soil but the clay minerals bentonite and montmorillonite play a major role in their adsorption on soil.

4、Calorimetric aspects of adsorption of pesticides 2,4-D, diuron and atrazine on a magadiite surface(表面对农药2-4d,敌草隆和莠去津的吸附热量方面的测量) Author: Alテゥcio R. Nunes, Aline O. Moura and Alexandre G. S. Prado

Journal: Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

年(卷)期:DOI: 10.1007/s10973-011-1333-zOnline First Abstract:H-magadiite was applied to remove the pesticides 2,4-D, diuron, and atrazine from water. The H-magadiite containing herbicides adsorbed were investigated by FTIR, DRX, N2 adsorption and desorption isotherms, and surface area. Calorimetric studies were carried out to determine the heat of

interaction between pesticides and magadiite. It was possible to ride the cycle of interaction of magadiite–pesticide for a better understanding of the process involved. From the results of the thermal effect of the interaction of magadiite–pesticide, the thermochemical parameters can be determined by using the relationship between the data obtained from adsorption and calorimetry results. The interaction of pesticide–magadiite follows the sequence of adsorption: diuron > atrazine > 2,4-D. The ΔH values for the interactions were determined to be −20.62 ± 1.08, −24.04 ± 0.86–26.34 ± 0.93 kJ mol−1 for 2,4-D, diuron and atrazine, respectively. All the interactions were spontaneous, enthalpically and entropically favored demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of the method.

5、Adsorption studies on pesticide/cationic surfactant/bentonite systems(对农药/阳离子表面活性剂/膨润土吸附系统的研究)

Author: T. Rheinländer, E. Klumpp, M. Rossbach and M. J. Schwuger

Journal: Trends in Colloid and Interface Science VI

年(卷)期:Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 1992, Volume

89/1992, 190-193, DOI: 10.1007/BFb0116309

Abstract:Surfactant-bentonite complexes (organo-clays) with different amounts of adsorbed dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) were prepared. The adsorption of the pesticides paraquat and biphenyl from aqueous solution on clays was studied by the batch method with radiotracers. — On organo-clays the preferentially adsorbed di-cation paraquat only partially replaces the mono-cationic surfactant. This result was supported by investigations with microcalorimetry and x-ray diffraction. — On the contrary, the adsorption of the hydrophobic biphenyl is enhanced with an increased amount of adsorbed DTAB by hydrophobization of the bentonite.

6、Bentonites: adsorbents of toxic substances(膨润土:对有毒物质的吸附作用)

Author: G. Lagaly

Journal: Surfactants and Colloids in the Environment

年(卷)期:Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 1994, Volume 95/1994, 61-72, DOI: 10.1007/BFb0115705

Abstract:The use of bentonites as adsorbents results from

the reactivity of montmorillonite which is the main mineral in this clay-like material. Montmorillonite, a 2:1 clay mineral, impresses by a diversity of reactions in the interlayer space and at the external surfaces, which are the cause of strong adsorption of heavy metal ions and organic compounds. Bentonite adsorbents are used as crude bentonite, in soda-activated form, after degradation to bleaching earths, after modification by organic cations, or in form of polyhydroxometal or polyoxometal derivatives (“pillared clays”). The ease with which the bentonites are modified allows an optimization of the properties so that the requirements of numerous practical applications are fulfilled.

7、Thermal analysis in environmental studies(在环境研究的热分析)

Author: W. Smykatz-Kloss, A. Heil, L. Kaeding and E. Roller Journal: Thermal Analysis in the Geosciences

年(卷)期:Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, 1991, Volume 38/1991, 352-367, DOI: 10.1007/BFb0010275

Abstract:Thermal analysis offers suitable methods for

environmental studies. Impurities of toxic elements in minerals, rocks, and raw materials can be determined by DTA, TG, CSA-CWA or EGA techniques (S in clays and coals, Cr or Cd in oxides and sulphides etc.). The DTA of the illite or smectite crystallinity shows to be a good controlling measure for barrier clays around waste disposals. The DTA/TG investigation of organo-clay mineral complexes contributes to the estimation of erosion tendencies in agricultural environments. This is discussed for several pesticide-bentonite complexes.

8、Sorption of methyl-parathion and carbaryl by an organo-bentonite(改性膨润土对甲基对硫磷、西维因的吸附作用)

Author: Qing-ru Zeng, Bo-han Liao, Bo Yang, Hong-xiao Tang and Nan-dong Xue

Journal: Biology and Fertility of Soils

年(卷)期:Volume 42, Number 5, 457-463, DOI:


Abstract:The modification of bentonite clays by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTMAB) surfactant via

cation-exchange produces materials (“organo-clays”) with an increased capacity for sorbing organic compounds such as pesticides. The sorption from solutions of two nonionic pesticides, methyl-parathion and carbaryl, by an organo-bentonite has been investigated. The pesticides are partitioned into the surfactant. The distribution coefficients, K ss, show a strong dependence on surfactant loading of the bentonite. The surfactant configuration at the clay surface has a marked influence on the effective volume and density of the bound surfactant. At low surfactant loadings, the K ss values increased, reached a maximum, and then decreased as the extent of loading increased. At low loading levels, the surfactant appears to form a monolayer (organic film) that effectively adsorbs the pesticides, resulting in very high K ss values. At high loadings, the sorbed surfactant appears to form a bulk-like medium that behaves essentially as a distribution phase. As a result, the K ss values decreased appreciably, and became less dependent on the CTMAB loading. Moreover, when the surfactant concentration in water was greater than the critical micelle concentration, the surfactant uptake on the clay reaches a plateau and an increasing fraction of the

micelles remain in solution, together with the pesticides which bound to them. The competition for the pesticides between the aqueous micelles and the sorbed surfactant leads to a decrease in distribution coefficients.

9、Removal of molecular weight fractions of COD and phenolic compounds in an integrated treatment of olive oil mill effluents(在一个橄榄油厂对去除COD和酚类化合物的分子量的废水综合处理)

Author: M. Beccari, G. Carucci, A. M. Lanz, M. Majone and M. Petrangeli Papini

Journal: Biodegradation

年(卷)期:Volume 13, Number 6, 401-410, DOI: 10.1023/A:[1**********]52

Abstract:Previous works (Beccari et al. 1999b; Beccari et al. 2001a; Beccari et al. 2001b)on the anaerobic treatment of olive oil mill effluents (OME) have shown: (a) apre-treatment based on the addition of Ca(OH)2 and bentonite was able toremove lipids (i.e. the most inhibiting substances present in OME) almostquantitatively; (b) the mixture OME – Ca(OH)2 – bentonite, fed to amethanogenic

reactor without providing an intermediate phase separation,gave way to high biogas production even at very low dilution ratios; (c) theeffluent from the methanogenic reactor still contained significant concentrationsof residual phenolic compounds (i.e. the most biorecalcitrant substances present inOME). Consequently, this paper was aimed at evaluating the fate of the phenolicfractions with different molecular weights during the sequence of operations(adsorption on bentonite, methanogenic digestion, activated sludge post-treatment).The results show that a very high percentage (above 80%) of the phenolic fractionbelow 500 D is removed by the methanogenic process whereas the phenolic fractionsabove 1,000 D are significantly adsorbed on bentonite; the 8-day activated sludgepost-treatment allows an additional removal of about 40% of total filtered phenoliccompounds. The complete sequence of treatments was able to remove more than the96% of the phenolic fraction below 500 D (i.e. the most toxic fraction towards plantgermination). Preliminary respirometric tests show low level of inhibition exerted bythe effluent from the methanogenic reactor on aerobic activated sludges taken fromfull-scale municipal

wastewater plants.

10、Amendment-Induced Immobilization of Lead in a Lead-Spiked Soil: Evidence from Phytotoxicity Studies(修订诱导固定的尖状土壤:药害的研究证据)

Author: Wouter Geebelen, Jaco Vangronsveld, Domy C. Adriano, Robert Carleer and Herman Clijsters

Journal: Water, Air, & Soil Pollution

年(卷)期:Volume 140, Numbers 1-4, 261-277, DOI: 10.1023/A:[1**********]65

Abstract:Lead immobilization was evaluated on soils spiked with increasingconcentrations of Pb (as Pb-acetate) using the following soilamendments: bentonite, zeolite, cyclonic ash, compost, lime,steelshot, and hydroxyapatite. The immobilization efficacy of theamendments was evaluated according to the following criteria:Ca(NO3)2-extractable Pb as an indicator of Pbphytoavailability, morphological and enzymatic parameters of beanplants (Phaseolus vulgaris) as indicator of phytotoxicity, and Pb concentration in edible tissue of lettuce (Lactuca sativa). The lowest reductions in Ca(NO3)2-extractablesoil Pb occurred when

bentonite and steelshot were applied. Phytotoxicity from application of steelshot was confounded by toxic amounts of Fe and Mn released from the by-product which killed the lettuce seedlings. Addition of zeolite induced poorplant growth independent of Pb concentration due to its adverseeffect on soil structure. Substantial reductions in Ca(NO3)2-extractable Pb were observed when cyclonic ash, lime, compost and hydroxyapatite were applied. In general,these amendments reduced Pb phytotoxicity concomitant with reduced Pb concentration in lettuce tissue. Cyclonic ash, limeand compost further improved plant growth and reduced oxidativestress at low soil Pb concentrations due to soil pH increase mitigating Al or Mn toxicity.





膨润土是以蒙脱石为主的含水粘土矿,公学分子式为:Nax(H2O)4 (AI2-xMg0.83) Si4O10) (OH)2,由于它具有特殊的性质。如:膨润性、粘结性、吸附性、催化性、触变性、悬浮性以及阳离子交换性等等,所以广泛用于各个工业领域。国外已在工农业生产24领域100多个部门中应用,有300多个产品,因而人们称之为“万能土”. 膨润土也叫斑脱岩或膨土岩。它最早发现在美国的怀俄明州的古地层中,呈黄绿色的粘土,加水后能膨胀成糊状,后来人们就把凡是有这种性质的粘土,统称为膨润土。其实膨润土的主要矿物成分是蒙脱石,含量在85-90%,膨润土的一些性质也都是由蒙脱石所决定的。蒙脱石可呈各种颜色如黄绿、黄白、灰、白色等等。可以成致密块状,也可为松散的土状,用手指搓磨时有滑感,小块体加水后体积胀大数倍至20-30倍,在水中呈悬浮状,水少时呈糊状。蒙脱石的性质和它的化学成分和内部结构有关。





膨润土组成:1898年美国地质学者Knighl在美国怀俄明州落基山河附近发现了一种绿黄色吸水膨胀的粘土物质,由于产地为:“ Fort Beton ”,因而取名膨润土(Betonite)。膨润









1、严锐;赵华;胡永祺 《农药控释技术研究发展》 网址:

2006-07 百度

2、许烨;周春晖;谢华丽;李杰;徐益斌;邵丽华;林世军;葛忠华 《粘土矿物在肥料和农药控释技术中的应用综述》 网址: 2006-10-11 百度

3、《高附加值膨润土深加工及应用研究》 网址:

2010-12-27 百度

4、《农药剂型---控制释放技术及缓释剂》 网址:

2011-02-23 百度

5、《几种重要的缓释剂简介》 网址:

2010-01-09 百度

6、杨蕾;叶非 《农药缓释剂的研究进展》 网址:

2009-10-30 百度

7、许艳玲 《农药微胶囊剂用高分子囊材的研究进展》 网址: 2009-09-24 谷歌

8、仇德朋 《农药一类水滑石纳米化物的合成及性能研究》 网址: 2009 谷歌

9、崔立莉 《膨润土的改土机理与应用研究》 网址: 2004 谷歌

10、凌世海 《从农药液体制剂中的溶剂谈农药剂型的发展》 网址: 2010-05 谷歌

11、韩秀山 《蒙脱石粉体热点产品透析》 网址: 2007-11-16 谷歌

12、《Compositions having sustained-release insect repellency 》 网址: 2011-4-19 YAHOO

13、《Agent for imparting a sustained release property to a pesticide, a pesticide having a sustained release property and a process for the production thereof》 网址: 2011-04-20 YAHOO

1、《Sustained release, solid pesticidal compositions comprising water insoluble alginates 》

网址: 2011-04-20 YAHOO


2011-04-20 YAHOO

3、《Compositions having sustained-release insect repellency 》 网址: 2006-02-01 LYCOS

4、《Microencapsulated pesticide 》 网址: 2011-04-19 LYCOS



》 网址: 2011-04-20 LYCOS

20、《Mobility of isoproturon from an alginate–bentonite controlled release formulation in layered soil 》 网址: 2011-04-20 EXCITE




学号: 材控081 0801100201





万方数据库 检索式:膨润土 AND 农药


1. CTMAB-膨润土对水溶液中4种农药的吸附特性

作者:曾清如; 周细红; 杨仁斌; 郭正元; 铁柏青;

文献出处:农药学学报, Chinese Journal of Pesticide Science, 编辑部邮箱 2000年 03期

摘要:用溴化十六烷基三甲铵 (CTMAB)制得改性膨润土 ,研究了 CTMAB-膨润土吸附水中甲萘威、甲基对硫磷、克百威、多菌灵的性能和适宜条件。结果表明 :CTMAB-膨润土对水溶液中 4种农药有较强的吸附能力 ,且与 CTMAB在膨润土上的实际交换量有关 ,随着表面活性剂浓度的增大而增大 ;但 CTMAB浓度≥ 4 %时 ,实际发生吸附的农药就不再随着加入量的增加而增大。 4种农药的吸附等温线呈线性 ,表明分配模式是主要的吸附形式。有机膨润土对 4种农药的吸附很快 ,大部分农药在 10 min内被吸附。 p H值变化对吸附有不同的影响 ,并与农药性质有关 :低 p H值会降低有机农药的吸附量 ,4种农药在 p H4~ 10时吸附量较稳定 ,高 p H值导致多菌灵的

吸附量增加 ,而甲萘威、甲基对硫磷和克百威有分解现象。

2. 腐殖质存在条件下膨润土对两种有机磷农药的吸附研究

作者: 朱丽珺汪学金卜晓莉宰德欣

文献出处: 第五届全国环境化学大会会议论文集

会议名称: 第五届全国环境化学大会会议


3. 无机/有机复合改性膨润土对除草剂的吸附作用研究

作者: 李建法王杰薛琴李益民

母体文献: 第五届全国环境化学大会会议论文集

会议名称: 第五届全国环境化学大会会议

摘要:由于农药施用不合理、农田管理粗放且片面追求快速灭杀效果,农药施用量中 90%以上的活性成分未作用于靶标生物,而是通过各种途径进入环境或在环境中迁移,成为土壤和水体污染问题



4. 膨润土对农药悬乳体系流变学特性的影响

作者: 杨代斌黄启良袁会珠齐淑华

母体文献: 中国化工学会农药专业委员会年会论文集

会议名称: 中国化工学会农药专业委员会年会


5. 茚虫威悬浮体系中触变性物质的筛选

作者: 杨春华欧晓明马俊凯裴晖梁骥

母体文献: 中国化工学会农药专业委员会第十四届年会论文集

会议名称: 中国化工学会农药专业委员会第十四届年会



1. 微波改性膨润土处理含磷废水的实验研究




2. 四种有机改性膨润土在农药悬浮剂中的应用初探


文献出处:山东农业大学 硕士




作者: 曾清如 周细红 杨仁斌 郭正元 铁柏青 期 刊: 农药学学报 ISTICPKU


年,卷(期): 2000, 2(3)

摘要:用溴化十六烷基三甲铵(CTMAB)制得改性膨润土,研究了CTMAB-膨润土吸附水中甲萘威、甲基对硫磷、克百威、多菌灵的性能和适宜条件.结果表明:CTMAB-膨润土对水溶液中4种农药有较强的吸附能力,且与CTMAB在膨润土上的实际交换量有关,随着表面活性剂浓度的增大而增大;但CTMAB浓度≥4%时,实际发生吸附的农药就不再随着加入量的增加而增大.4种农药的吸附等温线呈线性,表明分配模式是主要的吸附形式.有机膨润土对4种农药的吸附很快,大部分农药在10 min内被吸附.pH值变化对吸附有不同的影响,并与农药性质有关:低pH值会降低有机农药的吸附量,4种农药在pH4~10时吸附量较稳定,高pH值导致多菌灵的吸附量增加,而甲萘威、甲基对硫磷和克百威有分解现象.


作者: 李改枝

作者单位: 内蒙古师范大学,化学系,内蒙古,呼和浩特,010022 期 刊: 烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版)


年,卷(期): 2003, 16(1)



作者: 胡巧开 杜冬云 王代芝 余中山

期 刊: 环境保护 PKUCSSCI


年,卷(期): 2004, (5)




作者: 潘淑颖 刘传林 刘延贵

期 刊: 山东农业科学 ISTIC




作者:卜小莉 黄啟良 王国平 李凤敏 折冬梅 张春华

期 刊: 农药科学与管理



CNKI数据库 检索式:膨润土 AND 农药



【英文题名】 Adsorption Laws and Mechanisms of Chlorpyrifos and Triazophos on Humus and Bentonite

【副题名】 以毒死蜱和三唑磷为例

【作者】 张维;

【导师】 朱丽珺;

【学位授予单位】 南京林业大学;

【学科专业名称】 环境科学

【学位年度】 【论文级别】 2010 硕士

南京林业大学 【网络出版投稿人】

摘要:腐殖质和膨润土是土壤的重要成分,拥有复杂结构和多种功能基团,对农药具有强烈的吸附作用。本文采用平衡法研究腐殖质和膨润土对毒死蜱和三唑磷的吸附性能,探讨单一吸附剂与两种农药在不同pH值、温度下的吸附规律及其机理,深入研究混合吸附剂与两种农药的吸附动力学及吸附热力学,寻求最佳吸附条件及混合吸附剂最佳混合比。结果表明: (1)吸附能力表现为腐殖质>膨润土,吸附强度表现为三唑磷>毒死蜱。两种农药在腐殖质上的吸附行为用Freundlich模型和Langmuir模型描述均适用,膨润土对两种农药的等温吸附线可用Langmuir模型拟合。 (2)pH对腐殖质吸附两种农药影响较大,对膨润土吸附两种农药的影响较小;温度对腐殖质和膨润土吸附两种农药的影响较为复杂。 (3)两种农药与腐殖质和膨润土形成氢键而被吸附,它们还会在吸附剂的一定部位通过范德华。


【英文题名】 Research and Preparation of the Combined Wettable Powder of 44% Bentazon-Quinclorac

【作者】 马超;

【导师】 何林;

【学位授予单位】 西南大学;

【学科专业名称】 农药学

【学位年度】 【论文级别】 2008 硕士

西南大学 【网络出版投稿人】

摘要:李善林报道,我国草坪杂草的种类很多,有近450种,其中主要杂草有60种之多。杂草以其极强的竞争力同草坪草争夺水分、肥料、光照和空间,导致草坪迅速退化,而且还严重影响景观,传播病虫害。在导致草坪迅速退化的原因中,杂草是其中的主要因素之一。传统的人工除草成本高,效果差,对多年生杂草的地下部分没有作用。农药的合理混用在延缓有害生物的抗性、扩大防治谱、提高防效、降低成本、延长使用寿命、减少农药对环境的污染等方面均起到了重要的作用。所以采用除草剂混用或者施用混剂将是控制草坪杂草有效的手段。 本研究选择了2种高效、安全的草坪除草剂苯达松和二氯喹啉酸,在室内生测的基础上确定了二者的最佳配比,经过相关助剂的筛选,配制出了44%苯达松·二氯喹啉酸可湿性粉剂,产品质量分析合格,最后对该产品进行了草坪药效实验。现将主要研究方法及结果摘要如下: 1最佳配比的筛选 以稗草、刺苋、苘麻、狗尾草为试材,



【英文题名】 Research on the Water Dispersible Granules of 30% Beta-cypermethrin and Thiamethoxam

【作者】 袁立博;

【导师】 邓新平;

【学位授予单位】 西南大学;

【学科专业名称】 农药学


【论文级别】 2009 硕士

西南大学 【网络出版投稿人】

摘要:农药一直是防治农业有害生物的不可或缺的生产资料。近年来,由于有害生物的日益猖獗、环保要求的不断提高和研发难度越来越大等各种原因,农药新化合物的研发速度有所减缓,农药新品种的开发滞后于市场对农药新品种的需求,农药的合理混用是解决这些问题的重要途径,在延缓抗性,提高防效、降低成本、延长使用寿命、减轻农药对环境的污染等方面都起到重要作用。 本研究根据高效氯氰

菊酯和噻虫嗪的理化性质,以交互测定法进行试验设计,采用共毒因子法确定两药剂增效区间,进而用共毒系数法确定高效氯氰菊酯和噻虫嗪的最佳增效配比,在此基础上进行水分散粒剂的助剂配方筛选和造粒条件的研究,建立产品的质量分析方法,并就该产品对甘蓝蚜虫进行田间防效试验,现将主要研究方法及结果摘要如下: 1高效氯氰菊酯和噻虫嗪的最佳配比的确定 采用叶片浸渍法,以甘蓝桃蚜为试虫对高效氯氰菊酯和噻虫嗪进行毒力测定,结果表明高效氯氰菊酯和噻虫嗪的致死中浓度分别为76.0226±5.6237mg/L和16.8274±1.2354mg/L。通过交互测定试验,以共毒因子法确定出高效氯氰菊酯和噻虫嗪混配增效区间在38.00:8.50-15.20:13.60...

Springerlink数据库 检索式:Bentonite AND pesticides

1、Effects of polyethyleneimine adsorption on rheology of bentonite suspensions(聚乙烯亚胺吸附对膨润土悬浮液流变性质的影响)

Author: A. Alemdar, N. Öztekin, F. B. Erim, Ö. I. Ece and N. Güngör

Journal: Bulletin of Materials Science

年(卷)期:Volume 28, Number 3, 287-291, DOI: 10.1007/BF02711262 Abstract:The influence of the cationic polymer,

polyethyleneimine polymer (PEI) on the flow behaviour of bentonite suspensions (2%, w/w), was studied. XRD, zeta potential and adsorption studies were done together with rheological measurements. The addition of PEI at concentration ranges of 10-5-4.5 g/l and their rheological properties and stability of bentonite suspensions were studied. The adsorption rates for the bentonite suspensions are very fast. The XRD results showed that the PEG molecules did not intercalate into the layers of the clay.

2、Salt effects on the adsorption of a pesticide on modified bentonites(盐在改性膨润土对农药的吸附作用中的影响)

Author: Y. Z. El-Nahhal and Gerhard Lagaly

Journal: Colloid & Polymer Science

年(卷)期:Volume 283, Number 9, 968-974, DOI:


Abstract:Adsorption of the herbicide linuron on organo-bentonites was measured in the presence of several salts. The bentonites had been modified by cation exchange with hexadecylpyridinium and hexadecyl tributylphosphonium ions. The organo-bentonites adsorbed distinctly higher

amounts of linuron than calcium bentonite and desorption was also reduced. The binding coefficient K (derived from the Freundlich adsorption isotherm) was several times higher than for calcium bentonite. The adsorption isotherms of linuron on the organo-bentonites from salt-free aqueous solutions were of S-type but of J-type from saline water. In the presence of many salts, the amount of linuron adsorbed decreased with increasing salt concentration. These salts reduced the linuron adsorption (at a salt concentration of 20 g/L) in the order NaClO4 KClO4

3、The Adsorption of Herbicides and Pesticides on Clay

Minerals and Soils. Part 1. Isoproturon(粘土矿物和土壤对除草剂和农药的吸附作用)

Authorz: J. Eric D. Davies and Nusrat Jabeen

Journal: nclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 年(卷)期:Volume 43, Numbers 3-4, 329-336, DOI: 10.1023/A:[1**********]36

Abstract:The adsorption of isoproturon and two model compounds, N,N-dimethylurea and4-isopropylaniline, on clay minerals (bentonite,montmorillonite and kaolinite), organic matter (humic acid) and soil (with and without organic matter) has been studied using FT-infrared spectroscopy (IR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).N,N-dimethylurea interacted with bentonite and montmorillonite by the coordination of the carbonyl group, directly or indirectly through water molecules, with exchangeable cations. Adsorption on humic acid was due to hydrogen bonding with the active sites of the adsorbent. The amino group ofN,N-dimethylurea appears tobe relatively inactive during adsorption. The mechanisms involved in the adsorption of 4-isopropylaniline were hydrogen bonding and protonation. No adsorption of 4-isopropylaniline was

observed on kaolinite. The investigation of isoproturon suggested that both the carbonyl and amino groups of isoproturon were involved in interactions with the active sites of the adsorbents. Both the clay minerals and organic matter of soil contribute to the adsorption of organic compounds on soil but the clay minerals bentonite and montmorillonite play a major role in their adsorption on soil.

4、Calorimetric aspects of adsorption of pesticides 2,4-D, diuron and atrazine on a magadiite surface(表面对农药2-4d,敌草隆和莠去津的吸附热量方面的测量) Author: Alテゥcio R. Nunes, Aline O. Moura and Alexandre G. S. Prado

Journal: Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

年(卷)期:DOI: 10.1007/s10973-011-1333-zOnline First Abstract:H-magadiite was applied to remove the pesticides 2,4-D, diuron, and atrazine from water. The H-magadiite containing herbicides adsorbed were investigated by FTIR, DRX, N2 adsorption and desorption isotherms, and surface area. Calorimetric studies were carried out to determine the heat of

interaction between pesticides and magadiite. It was possible to ride the cycle of interaction of magadiite–pesticide for a better understanding of the process involved. From the results of the thermal effect of the interaction of magadiite–pesticide, the thermochemical parameters can be determined by using the relationship between the data obtained from adsorption and calorimetry results. The interaction of pesticide–magadiite follows the sequence of adsorption: diuron > atrazine > 2,4-D. The ΔH values for the interactions were determined to be −20.62 ± 1.08, −24.04 ± 0.86–26.34 ± 0.93 kJ mol−1 for 2,4-D, diuron and atrazine, respectively. All the interactions were spontaneous, enthalpically and entropically favored demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of the method.

5、Adsorption studies on pesticide/cationic surfactant/bentonite systems(对农药/阳离子表面活性剂/膨润土吸附系统的研究)

Author: T. Rheinländer, E. Klumpp, M. Rossbach and M. J. Schwuger

Journal: Trends in Colloid and Interface Science VI

年(卷)期:Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 1992, Volume

89/1992, 190-193, DOI: 10.1007/BFb0116309

Abstract:Surfactant-bentonite complexes (organo-clays) with different amounts of adsorbed dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) were prepared. The adsorption of the pesticides paraquat and biphenyl from aqueous solution on clays was studied by the batch method with radiotracers. — On organo-clays the preferentially adsorbed di-cation paraquat only partially replaces the mono-cationic surfactant. This result was supported by investigations with microcalorimetry and x-ray diffraction. — On the contrary, the adsorption of the hydrophobic biphenyl is enhanced with an increased amount of adsorbed DTAB by hydrophobization of the bentonite.

6、Bentonites: adsorbents of toxic substances(膨润土:对有毒物质的吸附作用)

Author: G. Lagaly

Journal: Surfactants and Colloids in the Environment

年(卷)期:Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 1994, Volume 95/1994, 61-72, DOI: 10.1007/BFb0115705

Abstract:The use of bentonites as adsorbents results from

the reactivity of montmorillonite which is the main mineral in this clay-like material. Montmorillonite, a 2:1 clay mineral, impresses by a diversity of reactions in the interlayer space and at the external surfaces, which are the cause of strong adsorption of heavy metal ions and organic compounds. Bentonite adsorbents are used as crude bentonite, in soda-activated form, after degradation to bleaching earths, after modification by organic cations, or in form of polyhydroxometal or polyoxometal derivatives (“pillared clays”). The ease with which the bentonites are modified allows an optimization of the properties so that the requirements of numerous practical applications are fulfilled.

7、Thermal analysis in environmental studies(在环境研究的热分析)

Author: W. Smykatz-Kloss, A. Heil, L. Kaeding and E. Roller Journal: Thermal Analysis in the Geosciences

年(卷)期:Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, 1991, Volume 38/1991, 352-367, DOI: 10.1007/BFb0010275

Abstract:Thermal analysis offers suitable methods for

environmental studies. Impurities of toxic elements in minerals, rocks, and raw materials can be determined by DTA, TG, CSA-CWA or EGA techniques (S in clays and coals, Cr or Cd in oxides and sulphides etc.). The DTA of the illite or smectite crystallinity shows to be a good controlling measure for barrier clays around waste disposals. The DTA/TG investigation of organo-clay mineral complexes contributes to the estimation of erosion tendencies in agricultural environments. This is discussed for several pesticide-bentonite complexes.

8、Sorption of methyl-parathion and carbaryl by an organo-bentonite(改性膨润土对甲基对硫磷、西维因的吸附作用)

Author: Qing-ru Zeng, Bo-han Liao, Bo Yang, Hong-xiao Tang and Nan-dong Xue

Journal: Biology and Fertility of Soils

年(卷)期:Volume 42, Number 5, 457-463, DOI:


Abstract:The modification of bentonite clays by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTMAB) surfactant via

cation-exchange produces materials (“organo-clays”) with an increased capacity for sorbing organic compounds such as pesticides. The sorption from solutions of two nonionic pesticides, methyl-parathion and carbaryl, by an organo-bentonite has been investigated. The pesticides are partitioned into the surfactant. The distribution coefficients, K ss, show a strong dependence on surfactant loading of the bentonite. The surfactant configuration at the clay surface has a marked influence on the effective volume and density of the bound surfactant. At low surfactant loadings, the K ss values increased, reached a maximum, and then decreased as the extent of loading increased. At low loading levels, the surfactant appears to form a monolayer (organic film) that effectively adsorbs the pesticides, resulting in very high K ss values. At high loadings, the sorbed surfactant appears to form a bulk-like medium that behaves essentially as a distribution phase. As a result, the K ss values decreased appreciably, and became less dependent on the CTMAB loading. Moreover, when the surfactant concentration in water was greater than the critical micelle concentration, the surfactant uptake on the clay reaches a plateau and an increasing fraction of the

micelles remain in solution, together with the pesticides which bound to them. The competition for the pesticides between the aqueous micelles and the sorbed surfactant leads to a decrease in distribution coefficients.

9、Removal of molecular weight fractions of COD and phenolic compounds in an integrated treatment of olive oil mill effluents(在一个橄榄油厂对去除COD和酚类化合物的分子量的废水综合处理)

Author: M. Beccari, G. Carucci, A. M. Lanz, M. Majone and M. Petrangeli Papini

Journal: Biodegradation

年(卷)期:Volume 13, Number 6, 401-410, DOI: 10.1023/A:[1**********]52

Abstract:Previous works (Beccari et al. 1999b; Beccari et al. 2001a; Beccari et al. 2001b)on the anaerobic treatment of olive oil mill effluents (OME) have shown: (a) apre-treatment based on the addition of Ca(OH)2 and bentonite was able toremove lipids (i.e. the most inhibiting substances present in OME) almostquantitatively; (b) the mixture OME – Ca(OH)2 – bentonite, fed to amethanogenic

reactor without providing an intermediate phase separation,gave way to high biogas production even at very low dilution ratios; (c) theeffluent from the methanogenic reactor still contained significant concentrationsof residual phenolic compounds (i.e. the most biorecalcitrant substances present inOME). Consequently, this paper was aimed at evaluating the fate of the phenolicfractions with different molecular weights during the sequence of operations(adsorption on bentonite, methanogenic digestion, activated sludge post-treatment).The results show that a very high percentage (above 80%) of the phenolic fractionbelow 500 D is removed by the methanogenic process whereas the phenolic fractionsabove 1,000 D are significantly adsorbed on bentonite; the 8-day activated sludgepost-treatment allows an additional removal of about 40% of total filtered phenoliccompounds. The complete sequence of treatments was able to remove more than the96% of the phenolic fraction below 500 D (i.e. the most toxic fraction towards plantgermination). Preliminary respirometric tests show low level of inhibition exerted bythe effluent from the methanogenic reactor on aerobic activated sludges taken fromfull-scale municipal

wastewater plants.

10、Amendment-Induced Immobilization of Lead in a Lead-Spiked Soil: Evidence from Phytotoxicity Studies(修订诱导固定的尖状土壤:药害的研究证据)

Author: Wouter Geebelen, Jaco Vangronsveld, Domy C. Adriano, Robert Carleer and Herman Clijsters

Journal: Water, Air, & Soil Pollution

年(卷)期:Volume 140, Numbers 1-4, 261-277, DOI: 10.1023/A:[1**********]65

Abstract:Lead immobilization was evaluated on soils spiked with increasingconcentrations of Pb (as Pb-acetate) using the following soilamendments: bentonite, zeolite, cyclonic ash, compost, lime,steelshot, and hydroxyapatite. The immobilization efficacy of theamendments was evaluated according to the following criteria:Ca(NO3)2-extractable Pb as an indicator of Pbphytoavailability, morphological and enzymatic parameters of beanplants (Phaseolus vulgaris) as indicator of phytotoxicity, and Pb concentration in edible tissue of lettuce (Lactuca sativa). The lowest reductions in Ca(NO3)2-extractablesoil Pb occurred when

bentonite and steelshot were applied. Phytotoxicity from application of steelshot was confounded by toxic amounts of Fe and Mn released from the by-product which killed the lettuce seedlings. Addition of zeolite induced poorplant growth independent of Pb concentration due to its adverseeffect on soil structure. Substantial reductions in Ca(NO3)2-extractable Pb were observed when cyclonic ash, lime, compost and hydroxyapatite were applied. In general,these amendments reduced Pb phytotoxicity concomitant with reduced Pb concentration in lettuce tissue. Cyclonic ash, limeand compost further improved plant growth and reduced oxidativestress at low soil Pb concentrations due to soil pH increase mitigating Al or Mn toxicity.





膨润土是以蒙脱石为主的含水粘土矿,公学分子式为:Nax(H2O)4 (AI2-xMg0.83) Si4O10) (OH)2,由于它具有特殊的性质。如:膨润性、粘结性、吸附性、催化性、触变性、悬浮性以及阳离子交换性等等,所以广泛用于各个工业领域。国外已在工农业生产24领域100多个部门中应用,有300多个产品,因而人们称之为“万能土”. 膨润土也叫斑脱岩或膨土岩。它最早发现在美国的怀俄明州的古地层中,呈黄绿色的粘土,加水后能膨胀成糊状,后来人们就把凡是有这种性质的粘土,统称为膨润土。其实膨润土的主要矿物成分是蒙脱石,含量在85-90%,膨润土的一些性质也都是由蒙脱石所决定的。蒙脱石可呈各种颜色如黄绿、黄白、灰、白色等等。可以成致密块状,也可为松散的土状,用手指搓磨时有滑感,小块体加水后体积胀大数倍至20-30倍,在水中呈悬浮状,水少时呈糊状。蒙脱石的性质和它的化学成分和内部结构有关。





膨润土组成:1898年美国地质学者Knighl在美国怀俄明州落基山河附近发现了一种绿黄色吸水膨胀的粘土物质,由于产地为:“ Fort Beton ”,因而取名膨润土(Betonite)。膨润









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2010-12-27 百度

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8、仇德朋 《农药一类水滑石纳米化物的合成及性能研究》 网址: 2009 谷歌

9、崔立莉 《膨润土的改土机理与应用研究》 网址: 2004 谷歌

10、凌世海 《从农药液体制剂中的溶剂谈农药剂型的发展》 网址: 2010-05 谷歌

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2011-04-20 YAHOO

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