小学英语四年级下册 - 资源中心


Unit 4 It's warm today Part A Read and write

讲课人:费县大田庄乡中心小学 齐磊


1. 掌握单词jeans, pants, socks, shoes的拼写。 2. 会应用、书写句型It ’s warm today, Let’s play football. 二、教学重点、难点分析:

1. 本课时需要学生能准确理解Read and write 部分的内容,并重点掌握上述句子的拼写。

2. 难点:They are on your feet. 三、课前准备:

本课时教学ppt 课件、相关单词卡片、太阳和足球卡片、磁带等。


如图,在黑板上以简笔画的形式画出playground ,目的是让学生能够联想到到操场去踢足球,跑道的四条分道线恰能表示四线格,为教学过程中的单词板书创造

条件。上边写两个单词,下面写两个单词。操场下面的四线格是为了板书本节课的句子。通过简笔画形式能够激发学生的学习兴趣。 四、教学过程: Ⅰ.Preperation

1. Free talk T: Now class begins!

S: Stand up!

T: Good morning class! S: Good morning teacher! T: Sit down, please. S: Thank you.

T: Boys and girls, I'm very glad to meet you here. First, let me introduce myself, my family name is Qi, so you can call me(此处放给学生,有学生能够知道如何称呼老师)Mr Qi. Who can say "Good morning" to Mr Qi? S: Good morning Mr Qi.

T: Good morning, very good, sit down please.(后略)

2. Chant

T: Class, it's warm today, I want to take off my jacket.(做暖和的动作,想要脱掉夹克)Boys and girls, stand up, let's chant together!

学生全体起立,教师播放Let's chant(P47)录音,师生一起带动作做。 做毕。 Ⅱ.Pre-reading

T: (手拿本节课四会单词卡片)It's warm today, can I wear(出示jeans 卡片,让学生说出) ? S: Jeans!

T: Look it carefully. (让学生仔细记忆,约两秒,将卡片收起)Spell it! S: J-e-a-n-s !(教师趁机在黑板上板书) T: Can I wear jeans? S: Yes, you can!

T: (播放幻灯,投出牛仔裤)They are not my jeans, they are Johnny's jeans.(领读)

T: Can I wear(出示pants 卡片,让学生说出) ?

S: Pants!

T: Look it carefully. (让学生仔细记忆,约两秒,将卡片收起)Spell it! S: P-a-n-t-s !(教师趁机在黑板上板书) T: Can I wear pants? S: Yes, you can!

T: (播放幻灯,投出长裤)They are not my pants, they are Tommy's pants.(领读)

T: Can I wear(出示socks 卡片,让学生说出) ? S: Socks!

T: Look it carefully. (让学生仔细记忆,约两秒,将卡片收起)Spell it! S: S-o-c-k-s !(教师趁机在黑板上板书) T: Can I wear socks? S: Yes, you can!

T: (播放幻灯,投出袜子)They are not my socks, they are Teddy's socks.(领读)

T: (惊恐状)Where are my socks? S:(笑)They are on your foot!

T: Not foot, one foot, two feet! They are on your feet.(领读) T: Can I wear(出示shoes 卡片,让学生说出) ? S: Shoes!

T: Look it carefully. (让学生仔细记忆,约两秒,将卡片收起)Spell it! S: S-h-o-e-s!(教师趁机在黑板上板书) T: Can I wear shoes? S: Yes, you can!

T: (播放幻灯,投出鞋子)They are not my shoes, they are Jack's shoes.(领


T: (惊恐状)Where are my shoes? S:(笑)They are on your feet!

T: (指着衣物组成的形状,像单词balloon )Look at them, they look like the word "balloon", (切换至气球的幻灯片,教师跑过去要摘气球)oh, so many balloons! I like them! Oh! I get it! I get it!(从口袋中掏出事先准备好的太阳和足球的卡片,先亮相太阳)What can you imagine? 你能联想到什么呢?(播放幻灯,出示太阳)

S: It's warm today! (让学生输出句子) T: Very good! (播放幻灯)Spell it!

S: I-t-'-s w-a-r-m t-o-d-a-y.(把太阳贴在黑板上,板书)

T: (领读)Pay attention to big latter "I". And "It's" is short of "It is". (板书并领读It is warm today)

T: (亮相足球)What can you imagine? 你能联想到什么呢?(播放幻灯,出示足球)

S: Football/ play football/ Let's play football.(让学生输出句子) T: Very good! (播放幻灯)Spell it!

S: L-e-t-'-s p-l-a-y f-o-o-t-b-a-l-l. (把足球贴在黑板上,板书) T: (领读)Pay attention to big latter "L" Ⅲ. In-reading 课文内容如下

Z: It's warm today. Let's play football. J: Great!

Z: Where are my shoes? Johnny's jeans , Tommy's pants , Teddy's socks , Jack's shoes .

J: Come on, Zoom. It's time to go. Z: Wait, Johnny. Those are my shoes. J: Oh, where are they? Z: They are on your feet! J: Oh, sorry.

T: Class, Zoom and Johnny are want to play football, too. Do you want to know what happened? S: Yes.

T: OK, open your book, and turn to page 48. Before you read this dialouge, look at the“Ture or False”, read it fast and do them.(点击出示课件内容) 附:课件内容如下:

1. It's warm today.( )

2. Zoom and Jacky are talking.( )

3. Zoom and Johnny are on the playground. ( ) S: (快速阅读短文,寻找答案) T: Have you finish? S: Yes!

T: Who can try?(让学生回答,教师出示正确答案,第2题要鼓励学生找) T: Well done everyone! I also have some new question, do you want to try? S: Yes.

T: Read the dialogue again, and find the answers.(教师出示课件内容) 附:课件内容如下:

1.What are they going to do? 2.What's Zoom looking for? 3.Where are they?

T: Have you finish? S: Yes!

T: Who can try?(让学生回答,教师出示正确答案) Listen to the tape. Read aloud Follow the teacher. Ⅳ. Post-reading

Read the dialogue in roles (T-Ss; Ga-Gb; Sa-Sb)

T: Class, look at the dialogue, I want to remove some of the things(出示残缺课文对话,让学生补充完整) ①.………

s. …… ②………

Z: Where are my shoes? , , . ……

③Z: . . J: Great! ……

检查书写情况。在展台展示。 Ⅴ. Progress 教师小结:

This lesson, we learned(出示课件,领读四个单词和两个句子)

T: Do you like “Xiyangyang and Huitailang”? We can make a new dialogue like this.(出示课件内容) ,I need a student.(和一名学生完成范例对话) 对话内容如下: 喜羊羊:It ’s warm today. 沸羊羊:Let ’s play football.

喜羊羊:Come on, Xiyangyang, it’s time to go! 沸羊羊:OK, let’s go 学生表演新对话。

做基础训练31页第八题连词成句。(没时间可以不做) Homework:

1. 和你的伙伴再次表演对话。 2. 替Zoom 写一个小建议。 3. 接下来会发生什么事情呢? 五、板书设计:

jeans pants socks shoes

It ’s warm today. Let ’s play football.


Unit 4 It's warm today Part A Read and write

讲课人:费县大田庄乡中心小学 齐磊


1. 掌握单词jeans, pants, socks, shoes的拼写。 2. 会应用、书写句型It ’s warm today, Let’s play football. 二、教学重点、难点分析:

1. 本课时需要学生能准确理解Read and write 部分的内容,并重点掌握上述句子的拼写。

2. 难点:They are on your feet. 三、课前准备:

本课时教学ppt 课件、相关单词卡片、太阳和足球卡片、磁带等。


如图,在黑板上以简笔画的形式画出playground ,目的是让学生能够联想到到操场去踢足球,跑道的四条分道线恰能表示四线格,为教学过程中的单词板书创造

条件。上边写两个单词,下面写两个单词。操场下面的四线格是为了板书本节课的句子。通过简笔画形式能够激发学生的学习兴趣。 四、教学过程: Ⅰ.Preperation

1. Free talk T: Now class begins!

S: Stand up!

T: Good morning class! S: Good morning teacher! T: Sit down, please. S: Thank you.

T: Boys and girls, I'm very glad to meet you here. First, let me introduce myself, my family name is Qi, so you can call me(此处放给学生,有学生能够知道如何称呼老师)Mr Qi. Who can say "Good morning" to Mr Qi? S: Good morning Mr Qi.

T: Good morning, very good, sit down please.(后略)

2. Chant

T: Class, it's warm today, I want to take off my jacket.(做暖和的动作,想要脱掉夹克)Boys and girls, stand up, let's chant together!

学生全体起立,教师播放Let's chant(P47)录音,师生一起带动作做。 做毕。 Ⅱ.Pre-reading

T: (手拿本节课四会单词卡片)It's warm today, can I wear(出示jeans 卡片,让学生说出) ? S: Jeans!

T: Look it carefully. (让学生仔细记忆,约两秒,将卡片收起)Spell it! S: J-e-a-n-s !(教师趁机在黑板上板书) T: Can I wear jeans? S: Yes, you can!

T: (播放幻灯,投出牛仔裤)They are not my jeans, they are Johnny's jeans.(领读)

T: Can I wear(出示pants 卡片,让学生说出) ?

S: Pants!

T: Look it carefully. (让学生仔细记忆,约两秒,将卡片收起)Spell it! S: P-a-n-t-s !(教师趁机在黑板上板书) T: Can I wear pants? S: Yes, you can!

T: (播放幻灯,投出长裤)They are not my pants, they are Tommy's pants.(领读)

T: Can I wear(出示socks 卡片,让学生说出) ? S: Socks!

T: Look it carefully. (让学生仔细记忆,约两秒,将卡片收起)Spell it! S: S-o-c-k-s !(教师趁机在黑板上板书) T: Can I wear socks? S: Yes, you can!

T: (播放幻灯,投出袜子)They are not my socks, they are Teddy's socks.(领读)

T: (惊恐状)Where are my socks? S:(笑)They are on your foot!

T: Not foot, one foot, two feet! They are on your feet.(领读) T: Can I wear(出示shoes 卡片,让学生说出) ? S: Shoes!

T: Look it carefully. (让学生仔细记忆,约两秒,将卡片收起)Spell it! S: S-h-o-e-s!(教师趁机在黑板上板书) T: Can I wear shoes? S: Yes, you can!

T: (播放幻灯,投出鞋子)They are not my shoes, they are Jack's shoes.(领


T: (惊恐状)Where are my shoes? S:(笑)They are on your feet!

T: (指着衣物组成的形状,像单词balloon )Look at them, they look like the word "balloon", (切换至气球的幻灯片,教师跑过去要摘气球)oh, so many balloons! I like them! Oh! I get it! I get it!(从口袋中掏出事先准备好的太阳和足球的卡片,先亮相太阳)What can you imagine? 你能联想到什么呢?(播放幻灯,出示太阳)

S: It's warm today! (让学生输出句子) T: Very good! (播放幻灯)Spell it!

S: I-t-'-s w-a-r-m t-o-d-a-y.(把太阳贴在黑板上,板书)

T: (领读)Pay attention to big latter "I". And "It's" is short of "It is". (板书并领读It is warm today)

T: (亮相足球)What can you imagine? 你能联想到什么呢?(播放幻灯,出示足球)

S: Football/ play football/ Let's play football.(让学生输出句子) T: Very good! (播放幻灯)Spell it!

S: L-e-t-'-s p-l-a-y f-o-o-t-b-a-l-l. (把足球贴在黑板上,板书) T: (领读)Pay attention to big latter "L" Ⅲ. In-reading 课文内容如下

Z: It's warm today. Let's play football. J: Great!

Z: Where are my shoes? Johnny's jeans , Tommy's pants , Teddy's socks , Jack's shoes .

J: Come on, Zoom. It's time to go. Z: Wait, Johnny. Those are my shoes. J: Oh, where are they? Z: They are on your feet! J: Oh, sorry.

T: Class, Zoom and Johnny are want to play football, too. Do you want to know what happened? S: Yes.

T: OK, open your book, and turn to page 48. Before you read this dialouge, look at the“Ture or False”, read it fast and do them.(点击出示课件内容) 附:课件内容如下:

1. It's warm today.( )

2. Zoom and Jacky are talking.( )

3. Zoom and Johnny are on the playground. ( ) S: (快速阅读短文,寻找答案) T: Have you finish? S: Yes!

T: Who can try?(让学生回答,教师出示正确答案,第2题要鼓励学生找) T: Well done everyone! I also have some new question, do you want to try? S: Yes.

T: Read the dialogue again, and find the answers.(教师出示课件内容) 附:课件内容如下:

1.What are they going to do? 2.What's Zoom looking for? 3.Where are they?

T: Have you finish? S: Yes!

T: Who can try?(让学生回答,教师出示正确答案) Listen to the tape. Read aloud Follow the teacher. Ⅳ. Post-reading

Read the dialogue in roles (T-Ss; Ga-Gb; Sa-Sb)

T: Class, look at the dialogue, I want to remove some of the things(出示残缺课文对话,让学生补充完整) ①.………

s. …… ②………

Z: Where are my shoes? , , . ……

③Z: . . J: Great! ……

检查书写情况。在展台展示。 Ⅴ. Progress 教师小结:

This lesson, we learned(出示课件,领读四个单词和两个句子)

T: Do you like “Xiyangyang and Huitailang”? We can make a new dialogue like this.(出示课件内容) ,I need a student.(和一名学生完成范例对话) 对话内容如下: 喜羊羊:It ’s warm today. 沸羊羊:Let ’s play football.

喜羊羊:Come on, Xiyangyang, it’s time to go! 沸羊羊:OK, let’s go 学生表演新对话。

做基础训练31页第八题连词成句。(没时间可以不做) Homework:

1. 和你的伙伴再次表演对话。 2. 替Zoom 写一个小建议。 3. 接下来会发生什么事情呢? 五、板书设计:

jeans pants socks shoes

It ’s warm today. Let ’s play football.


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