

They say “Happy Mother's Day!” Mrs White is very happy.

1. 1. Mrs White has a ________ and a daughter.

Andy, Peter, Jack and Lucy are my good friends. We’re in the same class. We like different kinds of sports. Andy likes football, Peter likes basketball, Jack likes volleyball, Lucy likes tennis and I like ping-pong. Look!We are having a good time today. 1. I have ________ good friends. 2. We’re in the ________ class. 3. Andy likes ________. 4. ________ likes basketball. 5. We are ________ a good time today.

Everything is very cheap in a store today. The store opens at eight o’clock. It is seven in the morning, and many people are standing in front of the door. It is a long queue (队). At seven fifty-five, a small man tries to push his way(挤) to the front of the queue. But he can’t. He tries many times but he still can’t go to the front. And everybody is angry with him. A strong man says, “If you try again, I will hit you.”

The small man says, “I just want to open the door for all of you.” 1. What time does the store open?

2. Are there many people in front of the store at seven o’clock? 3. Who tries to push his way to the front of the queue? 4. Is everyone angry with the small man? 5. What does the small man want to do?


Mrs White has a son and a daughter. On Mother's Day her son wants to buy a nice dress for her. But the dress is too expensive. He hasn't got enough money. So he buys some chocolates. Mrs White's daughter picks some beautiful flowers from the garden for her.


2. The dress is too ________ for the son. 3. Her son buys some ________ for her.

4. Her daughter ________ some beautiful flowers for her. 5. Mrs White is very happy on ________ Day. 3.

Joe is a student of Class Two, Grade Four. This morning he is late again. He gets to school at8:20. He says to his teacher,“Sorry, I am late.”“Oh, you are late again,” says the teacher.

“It's not my fault(错), Miss Li,” says Joe. “My grandma doesn't put books in my bag. There are some apples, bananas and oranges in it. On my way to school, I remembered(想

到) this. So I went back home and get my books.” 1. What class is Joe in? 2. Is Joes late this morning? 3. What time does Joe get to school? 4. Who is Joe's teacher? 5. Does Joe's grandma love him?

Ben thinks he is clever, but he always does foolish things.

One day he sees a beautiful bell (门铃) at the top of a door. “Oh! How nice! I will take it home,” he thinks, “What can I do?” After a while he has a “good” idea. “Aha! I have an idea now. I can plug(堵) my ears. Then I will not hear the ring when I take off

(拿掉)the bell.”

Then Ben does that. But as soon as he takes off the bell, the owner opens the door. “What are you doing?” the owner says angrily. 1. Is Ben a clever man? 2. Does Ben

6 第2页,共6页

want the bell?

3. Where is the bell? 4. The bell rings as soon as Ben takes it off, right? 5. Who catches Ben while he is taking off the bell?


The sun, the moon and the stars are all in the sky. We can see the sun in the day. We can see the moon and the stars at night.

The sun is much bigger than the moon. It gives us light and heat.

The moon looks bigger than the stars. Because it is much nearer to the earth. The moon has no light of its own. The light on it comes from the sun.

The stars shine with their own light. They look smaller than the sun and the moon. But most of the stars are bigger than the sun. They look small because they are very far away from us.

1. When can we see the sun? 2. What can we see at night? 3. What does the sun give us? 4. Is the sun bigger than the moon? 5. Does the moon have its own light?


Hello, I am John. I am in Class Two, Grade Five. I am good at English and Chinese, so I like the English and Chinese classes very much. I have two good friends, Kate and David.

Today is Sunday. The weather is fine. I go to Hong Kong Park with my friends. First we go to the Bird House. The birds sing happily. We can stay in the Bird House, but we mustn't catch the birds. Then we go to the Children's Playground. It is opposite(相对的) a snack bar. Kate and I play on the swings. David doesn't play. He wants to watch us. At noon, we are very hungry and thirsty, so we buy some bread and orange juice from the


snack bar for lunch. In the afternoon, we come back home.

We all feel tired and I go to bed early. But it's really a very happy day. I hope I can have more holidays like this. 1. What day is it today?

2. Do John and his friends go to Hong Kong Park? 3. Who goes with John?

4. How many places do they go to play today? 5. What do they have for lunch?


My name is Cathy. I often help my mother do the housework.

Today is Sunday. My parents want to go to visit one of their friends in London. I stay at home by myself.

I think I must do something for them, and they will be very happy when they come back. So I finish my homework first, then I begin to do the housework. I feed the dog and water the plants. By eleven o'clock I still need to make the bed and wash the clothes. There are also many other things to do. But I don't worry, because I can finish all the things before five o'clock in the afternoon.

1. Does Cathy often help her mother do the housework? 2. Where do Cathy's parents want to go? 3. What does Cathy do first today?

4. How many things does Cathy do before eleven? 5. When will Cathy finish the housework?


1. Are you thirsty? Do you want to drink some w ________ ? 2. I'm so tired. I would like to have a r ________ . 3. It's nine o'clock in the morning. I'm late for s ________ .


4. The zebra is black and w ________ . 5. I always help my mum sweep the f ________ . 6.I'm a nurse, I work in the h________

7.My mother is a teacher,she works at s________.

第5页,共6页 6 第6页,共6页


They say “Happy Mother's Day!” Mrs White is very happy.

1. 1. Mrs White has a ________ and a daughter.

Andy, Peter, Jack and Lucy are my good friends. We’re in the same class. We like different kinds of sports. Andy likes football, Peter likes basketball, Jack likes volleyball, Lucy likes tennis and I like ping-pong. Look!We are having a good time today. 1. I have ________ good friends. 2. We’re in the ________ class. 3. Andy likes ________. 4. ________ likes basketball. 5. We are ________ a good time today.

Everything is very cheap in a store today. The store opens at eight o’clock. It is seven in the morning, and many people are standing in front of the door. It is a long queue (队). At seven fifty-five, a small man tries to push his way(挤) to the front of the queue. But he can’t. He tries many times but he still can’t go to the front. And everybody is angry with him. A strong man says, “If you try again, I will hit you.”

The small man says, “I just want to open the door for all of you.” 1. What time does the store open?

2. Are there many people in front of the store at seven o’clock? 3. Who tries to push his way to the front of the queue? 4. Is everyone angry with the small man? 5. What does the small man want to do?


Mrs White has a son and a daughter. On Mother's Day her son wants to buy a nice dress for her. But the dress is too expensive. He hasn't got enough money. So he buys some chocolates. Mrs White's daughter picks some beautiful flowers from the garden for her.


2. The dress is too ________ for the son. 3. Her son buys some ________ for her.

4. Her daughter ________ some beautiful flowers for her. 5. Mrs White is very happy on ________ Day. 3.

Joe is a student of Class Two, Grade Four. This morning he is late again. He gets to school at8:20. He says to his teacher,“Sorry, I am late.”“Oh, you are late again,” says the teacher.

“It's not my fault(错), Miss Li,” says Joe. “My grandma doesn't put books in my bag. There are some apples, bananas and oranges in it. On my way to school, I remembered(想

到) this. So I went back home and get my books.” 1. What class is Joe in? 2. Is Joes late this morning? 3. What time does Joe get to school? 4. Who is Joe's teacher? 5. Does Joe's grandma love him?

Ben thinks he is clever, but he always does foolish things.

One day he sees a beautiful bell (门铃) at the top of a door. “Oh! How nice! I will take it home,” he thinks, “What can I do?” After a while he has a “good” idea. “Aha! I have an idea now. I can plug(堵) my ears. Then I will not hear the ring when I take off

(拿掉)the bell.”

Then Ben does that. But as soon as he takes off the bell, the owner opens the door. “What are you doing?” the owner says angrily. 1. Is Ben a clever man? 2. Does Ben

6 第2页,共6页

want the bell?

3. Where is the bell? 4. The bell rings as soon as Ben takes it off, right? 5. Who catches Ben while he is taking off the bell?


The sun, the moon and the stars are all in the sky. We can see the sun in the day. We can see the moon and the stars at night.

The sun is much bigger than the moon. It gives us light and heat.

The moon looks bigger than the stars. Because it is much nearer to the earth. The moon has no light of its own. The light on it comes from the sun.

The stars shine with their own light. They look smaller than the sun and the moon. But most of the stars are bigger than the sun. They look small because they are very far away from us.

1. When can we see the sun? 2. What can we see at night? 3. What does the sun give us? 4. Is the sun bigger than the moon? 5. Does the moon have its own light?


Hello, I am John. I am in Class Two, Grade Five. I am good at English and Chinese, so I like the English and Chinese classes very much. I have two good friends, Kate and David.

Today is Sunday. The weather is fine. I go to Hong Kong Park with my friends. First we go to the Bird House. The birds sing happily. We can stay in the Bird House, but we mustn't catch the birds. Then we go to the Children's Playground. It is opposite(相对的) a snack bar. Kate and I play on the swings. David doesn't play. He wants to watch us. At noon, we are very hungry and thirsty, so we buy some bread and orange juice from the


snack bar for lunch. In the afternoon, we come back home.

We all feel tired and I go to bed early. But it's really a very happy day. I hope I can have more holidays like this. 1. What day is it today?

2. Do John and his friends go to Hong Kong Park? 3. Who goes with John?

4. How many places do they go to play today? 5. What do they have for lunch?


My name is Cathy. I often help my mother do the housework.

Today is Sunday. My parents want to go to visit one of their friends in London. I stay at home by myself.

I think I must do something for them, and they will be very happy when they come back. So I finish my homework first, then I begin to do the housework. I feed the dog and water the plants. By eleven o'clock I still need to make the bed and wash the clothes. There are also many other things to do. But I don't worry, because I can finish all the things before five o'clock in the afternoon.

1. Does Cathy often help her mother do the housework? 2. Where do Cathy's parents want to go? 3. What does Cathy do first today?

4. How many things does Cathy do before eleven? 5. When will Cathy finish the housework?


1. Are you thirsty? Do you want to drink some w ________ ? 2. I'm so tired. I would like to have a r ________ . 3. It's nine o'clock in the morning. I'm late for s ________ .


4. The zebra is black and w ________ . 5. I always help my mum sweep the f ________ . 6.I'm a nurse, I work in the h________

7.My mother is a teacher,she works at s________.

第5页,共6页 6 第6页,共6页


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