
Hello, girls and boys:

The handsome man who is just standing here is me. I'm very glad to be here and be with you. My name is XXX. My mobile telephone number is XXXXXXXXXX; my fixed-line telephone number is XXXXXXX. My E-mail is . I will be your English teacher for 2 years if nothing special happens. I’m glad to meet all of you here. I hope we could enjoy these 2 years together.

As for teaching and learning, I like an old saying by Benjamin Franklin “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” So I want all of you to get involved in my class as much as possible, instead of just being a listener. To make sure that you are involved, I have some rules for you to follow for these 2 years. And your final score will be decided on how well you follow these rules.

Final score: Class attendances 15% (application for leave is effective only with the signature of your tutor; Being late for more than 5 minutes would be treated the same as being absent)

Vocabulary test 15% (after each unit, you will take an vocabulary test)

Final exam 70% (at the end of each semester, you will have

an examination)

You have to do four things: well preview before class; take good notes in class; tidy up notes after class; finish review on schedule.

The method of learning English well: plenty of reading, not to understand it thoroughly.

My advice: Vocabulary is the basis of English, most important, you must put most of the energy on words and phrases.

Next, I’d l ike to know something about you. Introduce yourself briefly (your name, hometown, school, hobby, expectation for college etc.)

Hello, girls and boys:

The handsome man who is just standing here is me. I'm very glad to be here and be with you. My name is XXX. My mobile telephone number is XXXXXXXXXX; my fixed-line telephone number is XXXXXXX. My E-mail is . I will be your English teacher for 2 years if nothing special happens. I’m glad to meet all of you here. I hope we could enjoy these 2 years together.

As for teaching and learning, I like an old saying by Benjamin Franklin “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” So I want all of you to get involved in my class as much as possible, instead of just being a listener. To make sure that you are involved, I have some rules for you to follow for these 2 years. And your final score will be decided on how well you follow these rules.

Final score: Class attendances 15% (application for leave is effective only with the signature of your tutor; Being late for more than 5 minutes would be treated the same as being absent)

Vocabulary test 15% (after each unit, you will take an vocabulary test)

Final exam 70% (at the end of each semester, you will have

an examination)

You have to do four things: well preview before class; take good notes in class; tidy up notes after class; finish review on schedule.

The method of learning English well: plenty of reading, not to understand it thoroughly.

My advice: Vocabulary is the basis of English, most important, you must put most of the energy on words and phrases.

Next, I’d l ike to know something about you. Introduce yourself briefly (your name, hometown, school, hobby, expectation for college etc.)


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