

( 国和校区特优班)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)

26. Which of the following word matches the sound /maɪl/?

A)mile B)meal C)mail  D)mall

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

28. We should give ________ blind a hand when they cross the busy crossing road.

A) B) a C) an D) the

29. It was reported that a 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Sichuan Province _____ November, 2014.

A) in B) at C) on D) of

30. Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was disappeared, but ________ flights had come back on Saturday, March 8.

A) the other

C) another B) others D) the others 31. A: Would you like to have some tea or coffee?

B: ________. Thank you. I’ve just had enough water.

A) Either B) Neither

C) Some D) Both

32. The modern fashion in education is to let the child ______ everything!

A) design B) designs

C) to design D) designing

33. Johnson looked quite ______ because his son didn’t tell him the truth.

A) angry B) gently

C) funny D) quietly

34. The organization is considering ________ some money to victims of the natural disaster.

A) donate B) donating

C) to donate D) to donating

35. The movie Lost in Thailand is ______ one that I’ve ever seen these years.

A) funny B) funnier

C) funniest D) the funniest

36. Generally speaking, a computer works _____ a human brain.

A) more accurately than B) more accurate than

C) as accurate as D) so accurately as

37. He plans to have a good rest ________ he’ll have enough energy to continue his work.

A) so that B) in order to

C) as soon as D) now that

38. When the detective interviewed the man, he denied ______ the expensive earrings.

A) to steal B) stealing

C) steals D) steal

39. Mr. King doesn’t know what time _______ back home yesterday evening.

A. does his son come B. his son comes

C. did his son come D. his son came

40. The climate is getting warmer. Maybe it’s natural, ______ maybe it’s caused by us.

A) or B) but C) so D) for

41. The citizens in Shanghai _____ the highest building, Shanghai Tower, in the near future.

A) is going to see B) will see

C) sees D) saw

43. You won’t feel happy at school ______ you get on well with your classmates.

A) though B) when

C) unless D) because

44. A: May I have a look at your new iPad mini?

B: ________

A) Sure, here you are.

C) Hold on, please.

B) You are welcome. D) I agree with you.

45. A: Would you book us two tickets for the film “Interstellar(星际穿越)” ?

B: ________ I’m busy at the moment. Can I do it later?

A) Not at all.

C) Good advice.

For the first time, Zhang Shengyu, a student at Laiyang Middle School in Shangdong, didn’t ask her mother to buy her a new schoolbag or any new pens for the beginning of the school term. “My old schoolbag can still be used, so there is no to buy a new one,” Zhang said. “I’ve decided to be thrifty (节约的) from now on.”

As the centre of the family’s attention, many of the one-child generation do not know about the hardships of life. They sometimes have no idea of the value of things. Many students would throw away pens and erasers that haven’t been used up and buy new ones. Some like to each other to see whose clothes and school things are more expensive.

The Ministry of Education released a notification (通知) on its website on Jan 20, 2013. It called on students to form good habits such as diligence and thrift to avoid wasting food and to famous brands (品牌).

Many schools consider teaching the value of money to be an important lesson and encourage their students to be thrifty.

Students at No 44 Middle School in Heibei planted many fruit trees on their campus. The students learned how to cherish (爱惜) things taking care of the trees. “With everyone’s work, we can make a difference,” said Li Dong, a student at the school.

(B) B) Sorry! D) I agree with you.

For most of us in China, we only have to turn on the tap to get clean water. We seldom think twice about where it comes from.

Day after day, thousands of children in poor countries have to hours walking for miles to collect water. What’s more, the water is dirty and can cause serious diseases, such as diarrhea (腹泻). It’s hard to believe, but every 20 seconds a child dies as a result of a water-related disease.

The international water-aid charity called Just a Drop clean water for some of the poorest areas in the world, by building wells, pipelines (水管) and toilets. The charity has helped about 1.5 million people

Betty, from Uganda, is just one of the people who have been helped by Just a Drop. 11-year-old Betty had to walk two miles every day, carrying two heavy cans dirty pond water before Just a Drop placed a well in her village. “I used to get sick from the water. Now, I don’t have to walk long distances and I feel much safer with this clean water.”

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共8分)

54. A friend of _______ is going to visit us during the Spring Festival. (we)

55. We _______ the question so excitedly that we couldn’t go to sleep last night. (discussion)

56. It rained so _______ that they had to change the date of their outing. (heavy)

57. The elderly woman is living a busy and _________ life in the countryside. (colour)

58. Children are fond of reading __________ stories in their free time. (excite)

59. PM2.5 is __________ caused by air pollution in some parts of the country. (main)

60. The woman purchased a ________ of items at the market near her house. (vary)

61. The doctor is ready to __________ on his broken leg. (operation)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,第62—67 句每空格限填一词) (共14分)

62. You need to pack your clothes now. (改为否定句)

You ________ ________ to pack your clothes now.

(对划线部分提问) What ______ Tony ______ when his mother came home?

64. The flats in that housing estate are rather expensive. (改为感叹句)

________ ________ the flats in that housing estate are!

65. The government will rebuild more old buildings in the coming years. (改为被动语态) More old buildings will ________ ________ by the government in the coming years.

66. Add an ending to your story, and you’ll find it more attractive. (保持原句意思不变) You _________ find your story less attractive _________ you add an ending to it.

67. “Can earthquakes be exactly predicted?” Dan asked. (改为宾语从句)

Dan wanted to know ________ earthquakes ________ be exactly predicted.

68. electricity, for, be, water, used, producing, can (连词成句)


A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) ( 12分)

In the 1920s and 30s the airlines were just beginning. It was unusual for people to travel by air because it was dear and dangerous. In those days, there were no flight attendants to look after the passengers. Young men, or “stewards (空乘)” helped the passengers onto the airplane and carried the passengers’Ellen Church was born in 1904 on a farm in Iowa. She was a different child. She didn’t want to work on a farm or marry a farmer —she wanted a more adventurous (冒险的) life. Ellen studied to be a nurse at the University of Minnesota and then got a job in a hospital. For the next few years she stayed at the hospital but she also took flying lessons and got her pilot’s license.

Ellen was twenty-five years old when she first got in touch with Boeing Air Transport. She loved flying but she understood that airlines were a man’s world. Although women like Emelia Earheart were becoming famous, she realized it was impossible for a woman to have a career as a pilot. But she had another idea. Most people were frightened of flying because flying was still an unreliable way to travel. There were often delays, many crashes and the bad weathers made many passengers sick. Ellen thought nurses could take care of passengers during flights and B.A.T. agreed.

The young woman from Iowa and seven other nurses became the first air stewardesses. At first pilots were unhappy because they did not want stewardesses on airplanes, but passengers loved the stewardesses. In 1940 there were around 1000 of them working for different airlines. The early “stewardesses” had to be under twenty-five-year-old, single and slim. When a woman joined an airline, she had to promise not to get married or have children. It was hard job and not well paid. They worked long hours and earned $1 an hour.

In the 1970s, stewardesses were unhappy in their job and airlines had to make some changes. Since the 1970s, “stewardesses” have been called flight attendants. They are well paid and work fewer hours than in the past.

69. The underlined sentence in the first paragraph suggests that Ellen was the first woman to


A) invent the new word “stewardess” B) flew a plane

C) work on a plane D) travel by plane

70. From the second paragraph, we learn that ________.

A) Ellen did not behave in the same way as most as other girls

B) Ellen’s family was not rich enough to support her education

C) Ellen was fond of working on a farm.

D) Ellen has an unhappy childhood that changed her completely.

71. Ellen ________ when she was young.

A) didn’t work as nurse in a hospital B) didn’t want to marry a farmer on a farm

C) didn’t take flying lessons D) failed to get her pilot license

72. The main reason for Boeing Air Transport offering Ellen the job was ________.

A) her flying experience B) her university education

C) her nursing experience D) her life attitudes

73. According to the passage, in the 1940s, a woman had to _______ if she wanted to be a


A) be a nurse B) be married C) be a mother D) be young

74. The passage mainly talks about _______.

A) the background of early flying pilots B) the experience of flying passengers

C) the history of early flight attendants D) the development of airplanes

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

School uniforms have been around for hundreds of years, and even perhaps longer. They are usually used in grade schools, but some high schools, particularly those in England and Europe often have some kind of uniform or dress code requirements. In general, they are used to keep students in line for many different reasons.

One of the of wearing school uniforms is that there is no need to what children are going to wear every day, and there is more concentration on class. One of the benefits of school uniforms in this case is that there is no with others. Everyone is wearing the same clothes every day. This way, instead of competing over who is wearing what, there is more focus on the daily school work. Not always, but in many cases, girls try to dress provocatively (挑逗地), whether it’s to impress the boys, or to outdo (超越)one another. Using school uniforms takes away these distractions (使人分心的事).

Many times, kids are because of the clothes they wear, and it seems that no matter how hard parents try, kids know who is poor in the school. One of the advantages of school uniforms is that there is nothing to tell the difference between who is poor or well off. The benefit of wearing school uniforms is that everyone wears the same thing, whether you are rich, or poor.

There are some other things that make the idea of school uniforms more . There is no need to buy designer clothes that so many kids demand these days, and this can be very for parents who are constantly being asked by their kids to buy the next latest and greatest fashion. Some other advantages of school uniforms is that there is less likelihood of kids wearing gang color and clothes and this can reduce incidents of violence in schools greatly.

75. A. disadvantages B. advantages C. points D. questions

76. A. think of B. try on C. think about D. take out

77. A. contest B. match C. game D. competition

78. A. laughed at B. worried about C. relied on D. surprised at

79. A. attractive B. awful C. correct D. changeable

80. A. easy B. convenient C. helpful D. dull

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

Air pollution, as we know it today, started with the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 19th a serious problem for our environment.

When harmful elements get into the air, they may cause health problems and can also the environment, buildings and soil. They make the ozone layer (臭氧层) much thinner and the climate more changeable.

Our modern lifestyle has led to dirtier air over the years. Factories, all kinds of vehicles, the for air pollution today. But not all air pollution is caused by people. Smog, forest fires, dust storms and volcanic eruptions can also lead to the pollution of the atmosphere.

Smog (雾霾 of smoke and fog. It occurs when gases from hurt fuel get together with fog on the ground. When heat and sunlight get together with these gases, they

A) the background of early flying pilots B) the experience of flying passengers

C) the history of early flight attendants D) the development of airplanes

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

School uniforms have been around for hundreds of years, and even perhaps longer. They are usually used in grade schools, but some high schools, particularly those in England and Europe often have some kind of uniform or dress code requirements. In general, they are used to keep students in line for many different reasons.

One of the of wearing school uniforms is that there is no need to what children are going to wear every day, and there is more concentration on class. One of the benefits of school uniforms in this case is that there is no with others. Everyone is wearing the same clothes every day. This way, instead of competing over who is wearing what, there is more focus on the daily school work. Not always, but in many cases, girls try to dress provocatively (挑逗地), whether it’s to impress the boys, or to outdo (超越)one another. Using school uniforms takes away these distractions (使人分心的事).

Many times, kids are because of the clothes they wear, and it seems that no matter how hard parents try, kids know who is poor in the school. One of the advantages of school uniforms is that there is nothing to tell the difference between who is poor or well off. The benefit of wearing school uniforms is that everyone wears the same thing, whether you are rich, or poor.

There are some other things that make the idea of school uniforms more . There is no need to buy designer clothes that so many kids demand these days, and this can be very for parents who are constantly being asked by their kids to buy the next latest and greatest fashion. Some other advantages of school uniforms is that there is less likelihood of kids wearing gang color and clothes and this can reduce incidents of violence in schools greatly.

75. A. disadvantages B. advantages C. points D. questions

76. A. think of B. try on C. think about D. take out

77. A. contest B. match C. game D. competition

78. A. laughed at B. worried about C. relied on D. surprised at

79. A. attractive B. awful C. correct D. changeable

80. A. easy B. convenient C. helpful D. dull

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

Air pollution, as we know it today, started with the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 19th a serious problem for our environment.

When harmful elements get into the air, they may cause health problems and can also the environment, buildings and soil. They make the ozone layer (臭氧层) much thinner and the climate more changeable.

Our modern lifestyle has led to dirtier air over the years. Factories, all kinds of vehicles, the for air pollution today. But not all air pollution is caused by people. Smog, forest fires, dust storms and volcanic eruptions can also lead to the pollution of the atmosphere.

Smog (雾霾 of smoke and fog. It occurs when gases from hurt fuel get together with fog on the ground. When heat and sunlight get together with these gases, they

in the summer time. When it is very hot, smog stays near the ground. It causes lung diseases and breathing problems and in smog areas, we can’t see well.

Today, cities with a large have the biggest smog problems— Los Angeles, Mexico City or Cairo. The smog often stays over the cities for many days. Thousands of people die in London every year.

to drive on smog days in some cities. Factories use coal that doesn’t have much sulfur (硫磺) in it. So cars are much environmentally friendly today.

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题) ( 12分)

Flynn McGarry, a 14-year-old American boy, controls the kitchen easily. He is now crowned as(被誉为)“the country’s hottest chef(厨师).”

McGarry began his cooking career four years ago and said it was something he was soon drawn too.

He wanted to cook as much as he could. Before he tried cooking at home, he looked at all these cookbooks and surfed the Internet, He thought he could achieve that one day. McGarry said. “Every time I try it, I hope to keep getting better and better. I just fell in love with it.”

He said his mother’s cooking was another reason for him to cook. He didn’t quite like his mother’s food, so he decided to try something simple, and cook for himself. Every day after school, he began practicing his knife skills. That’s important to cooks. Then, he started creating dishes for a few of his mother’s friends. Soon after, he created more complicated (复杂的) and expensive dishes for famous restaurants in America.

The real “I want to be a chef” moment came when McGarry decided to create his own dishes. When his skills in the kitchen got better, he worked in top restaurants all over the country. His accomplishments(技艺)may seem like the work of an experienced chef, but this cook is only 14 years old.

The young man has a strong passion (热情) for cooking. He even turned his bedroom into an experimental kitchen lab. You can't see any video games, basketballs or movie posters there.

McGarry’s mother is proud of him and she fully supports her son. She said, “He showed such passion for this that it was an obvious choice to allow him to do what he loves to do.”

When Flynn McGarry was interviewed him, he said, “Focusing on your passion and hard work certainly pays off in the end, your dream will come true.”

88. How old was Flynn McGarry when he began cooking?

He began cooking when __________________________________.

89. When did McGarry try cooking at home?

He tried cooking after __________________________________.

90. Garry didn’t like his mother’s food, did he?

________, he _________________________.

91. Who did McGarry cook for at first?

For ____________________________________________________________________.

92. What did McGarry do when his skills in the kitchen got better?


93. What do you think of McGarry? And what can we learn from him?


( 国和校区特优班)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)

26. Which of the following word matches the sound /maɪl/?

A)mile B)meal C)mail  D)mall

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

28. We should give ________ blind a hand when they cross the busy crossing road.

A) B) a C) an D) the

29. It was reported that a 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Sichuan Province _____ November, 2014.

A) in B) at C) on D) of

30. Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was disappeared, but ________ flights had come back on Saturday, March 8.

A) the other

C) another B) others D) the others 31. A: Would you like to have some tea or coffee?

B: ________. Thank you. I’ve just had enough water.

A) Either B) Neither

C) Some D) Both

32. The modern fashion in education is to let the child ______ everything!

A) design B) designs

C) to design D) designing

33. Johnson looked quite ______ because his son didn’t tell him the truth.

A) angry B) gently

C) funny D) quietly

34. The organization is considering ________ some money to victims of the natural disaster.

A) donate B) donating

C) to donate D) to donating

35. The movie Lost in Thailand is ______ one that I’ve ever seen these years.

A) funny B) funnier

C) funniest D) the funniest

36. Generally speaking, a computer works _____ a human brain.

A) more accurately than B) more accurate than

C) as accurate as D) so accurately as

37. He plans to have a good rest ________ he’ll have enough energy to continue his work.

A) so that B) in order to

C) as soon as D) now that

38. When the detective interviewed the man, he denied ______ the expensive earrings.

A) to steal B) stealing

C) steals D) steal

39. Mr. King doesn’t know what time _______ back home yesterday evening.

A. does his son come B. his son comes

C. did his son come D. his son came

40. The climate is getting warmer. Maybe it’s natural, ______ maybe it’s caused by us.

A) or B) but C) so D) for

41. The citizens in Shanghai _____ the highest building, Shanghai Tower, in the near future.

A) is going to see B) will see

C) sees D) saw

43. You won’t feel happy at school ______ you get on well with your classmates.

A) though B) when

C) unless D) because

44. A: May I have a look at your new iPad mini?

B: ________

A) Sure, here you are.

C) Hold on, please.

B) You are welcome. D) I agree with you.

45. A: Would you book us two tickets for the film “Interstellar(星际穿越)” ?

B: ________ I’m busy at the moment. Can I do it later?

A) Not at all.

C) Good advice.

For the first time, Zhang Shengyu, a student at Laiyang Middle School in Shangdong, didn’t ask her mother to buy her a new schoolbag or any new pens for the beginning of the school term. “My old schoolbag can still be used, so there is no to buy a new one,” Zhang said. “I’ve decided to be thrifty (节约的) from now on.”

As the centre of the family’s attention, many of the one-child generation do not know about the hardships of life. They sometimes have no idea of the value of things. Many students would throw away pens and erasers that haven’t been used up and buy new ones. Some like to each other to see whose clothes and school things are more expensive.

The Ministry of Education released a notification (通知) on its website on Jan 20, 2013. It called on students to form good habits such as diligence and thrift to avoid wasting food and to famous brands (品牌).

Many schools consider teaching the value of money to be an important lesson and encourage their students to be thrifty.

Students at No 44 Middle School in Heibei planted many fruit trees on their campus. The students learned how to cherish (爱惜) things taking care of the trees. “With everyone’s work, we can make a difference,” said Li Dong, a student at the school.

(B) B) Sorry! D) I agree with you.

For most of us in China, we only have to turn on the tap to get clean water. We seldom think twice about where it comes from.

Day after day, thousands of children in poor countries have to hours walking for miles to collect water. What’s more, the water is dirty and can cause serious diseases, such as diarrhea (腹泻). It’s hard to believe, but every 20 seconds a child dies as a result of a water-related disease.

The international water-aid charity called Just a Drop clean water for some of the poorest areas in the world, by building wells, pipelines (水管) and toilets. The charity has helped about 1.5 million people

Betty, from Uganda, is just one of the people who have been helped by Just a Drop. 11-year-old Betty had to walk two miles every day, carrying two heavy cans dirty pond water before Just a Drop placed a well in her village. “I used to get sick from the water. Now, I don’t have to walk long distances and I feel much safer with this clean water.”

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共8分)

54. A friend of _______ is going to visit us during the Spring Festival. (we)

55. We _______ the question so excitedly that we couldn’t go to sleep last night. (discussion)

56. It rained so _______ that they had to change the date of their outing. (heavy)

57. The elderly woman is living a busy and _________ life in the countryside. (colour)

58. Children are fond of reading __________ stories in their free time. (excite)

59. PM2.5 is __________ caused by air pollution in some parts of the country. (main)

60. The woman purchased a ________ of items at the market near her house. (vary)

61. The doctor is ready to __________ on his broken leg. (operation)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,第62—67 句每空格限填一词) (共14分)

62. You need to pack your clothes now. (改为否定句)

You ________ ________ to pack your clothes now.

(对划线部分提问) What ______ Tony ______ when his mother came home?

64. The flats in that housing estate are rather expensive. (改为感叹句)

________ ________ the flats in that housing estate are!

65. The government will rebuild more old buildings in the coming years. (改为被动语态) More old buildings will ________ ________ by the government in the coming years.

66. Add an ending to your story, and you’ll find it more attractive. (保持原句意思不变) You _________ find your story less attractive _________ you add an ending to it.

67. “Can earthquakes be exactly predicted?” Dan asked. (改为宾语从句)

Dan wanted to know ________ earthquakes ________ be exactly predicted.

68. electricity, for, be, water, used, producing, can (连词成句)


A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) ( 12分)

In the 1920s and 30s the airlines were just beginning. It was unusual for people to travel by air because it was dear and dangerous. In those days, there were no flight attendants to look after the passengers. Young men, or “stewards (空乘)” helped the passengers onto the airplane and carried the passengers’Ellen Church was born in 1904 on a farm in Iowa. She was a different child. She didn’t want to work on a farm or marry a farmer —she wanted a more adventurous (冒险的) life. Ellen studied to be a nurse at the University of Minnesota and then got a job in a hospital. For the next few years she stayed at the hospital but she also took flying lessons and got her pilot’s license.

Ellen was twenty-five years old when she first got in touch with Boeing Air Transport. She loved flying but she understood that airlines were a man’s world. Although women like Emelia Earheart were becoming famous, she realized it was impossible for a woman to have a career as a pilot. But she had another idea. Most people were frightened of flying because flying was still an unreliable way to travel. There were often delays, many crashes and the bad weathers made many passengers sick. Ellen thought nurses could take care of passengers during flights and B.A.T. agreed.

The young woman from Iowa and seven other nurses became the first air stewardesses. At first pilots were unhappy because they did not want stewardesses on airplanes, but passengers loved the stewardesses. In 1940 there were around 1000 of them working for different airlines. The early “stewardesses” had to be under twenty-five-year-old, single and slim. When a woman joined an airline, she had to promise not to get married or have children. It was hard job and not well paid. They worked long hours and earned $1 an hour.

In the 1970s, stewardesses were unhappy in their job and airlines had to make some changes. Since the 1970s, “stewardesses” have been called flight attendants. They are well paid and work fewer hours than in the past.

69. The underlined sentence in the first paragraph suggests that Ellen was the first woman to


A) invent the new word “stewardess” B) flew a plane

C) work on a plane D) travel by plane

70. From the second paragraph, we learn that ________.

A) Ellen did not behave in the same way as most as other girls

B) Ellen’s family was not rich enough to support her education

C) Ellen was fond of working on a farm.

D) Ellen has an unhappy childhood that changed her completely.

71. Ellen ________ when she was young.

A) didn’t work as nurse in a hospital B) didn’t want to marry a farmer on a farm

C) didn’t take flying lessons D) failed to get her pilot license

72. The main reason for Boeing Air Transport offering Ellen the job was ________.

A) her flying experience B) her university education

C) her nursing experience D) her life attitudes

73. According to the passage, in the 1940s, a woman had to _______ if she wanted to be a


A) be a nurse B) be married C) be a mother D) be young

74. The passage mainly talks about _______.

A) the background of early flying pilots B) the experience of flying passengers

C) the history of early flight attendants D) the development of airplanes

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

School uniforms have been around for hundreds of years, and even perhaps longer. They are usually used in grade schools, but some high schools, particularly those in England and Europe often have some kind of uniform or dress code requirements. In general, they are used to keep students in line for many different reasons.

One of the of wearing school uniforms is that there is no need to what children are going to wear every day, and there is more concentration on class. One of the benefits of school uniforms in this case is that there is no with others. Everyone is wearing the same clothes every day. This way, instead of competing over who is wearing what, there is more focus on the daily school work. Not always, but in many cases, girls try to dress provocatively (挑逗地), whether it’s to impress the boys, or to outdo (超越)one another. Using school uniforms takes away these distractions (使人分心的事).

Many times, kids are because of the clothes they wear, and it seems that no matter how hard parents try, kids know who is poor in the school. One of the advantages of school uniforms is that there is nothing to tell the difference between who is poor or well off. The benefit of wearing school uniforms is that everyone wears the same thing, whether you are rich, or poor.

There are some other things that make the idea of school uniforms more . There is no need to buy designer clothes that so many kids demand these days, and this can be very for parents who are constantly being asked by their kids to buy the next latest and greatest fashion. Some other advantages of school uniforms is that there is less likelihood of kids wearing gang color and clothes and this can reduce incidents of violence in schools greatly.

75. A. disadvantages B. advantages C. points D. questions

76. A. think of B. try on C. think about D. take out

77. A. contest B. match C. game D. competition

78. A. laughed at B. worried about C. relied on D. surprised at

79. A. attractive B. awful C. correct D. changeable

80. A. easy B. convenient C. helpful D. dull

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

Air pollution, as we know it today, started with the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 19th a serious problem for our environment.

When harmful elements get into the air, they may cause health problems and can also the environment, buildings and soil. They make the ozone layer (臭氧层) much thinner and the climate more changeable.

Our modern lifestyle has led to dirtier air over the years. Factories, all kinds of vehicles, the for air pollution today. But not all air pollution is caused by people. Smog, forest fires, dust storms and volcanic eruptions can also lead to the pollution of the atmosphere.

Smog (雾霾 of smoke and fog. It occurs when gases from hurt fuel get together with fog on the ground. When heat and sunlight get together with these gases, they

A) the background of early flying pilots B) the experience of flying passengers

C) the history of early flight attendants D) the development of airplanes

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

School uniforms have been around for hundreds of years, and even perhaps longer. They are usually used in grade schools, but some high schools, particularly those in England and Europe often have some kind of uniform or dress code requirements. In general, they are used to keep students in line for many different reasons.

One of the of wearing school uniforms is that there is no need to what children are going to wear every day, and there is more concentration on class. One of the benefits of school uniforms in this case is that there is no with others. Everyone is wearing the same clothes every day. This way, instead of competing over who is wearing what, there is more focus on the daily school work. Not always, but in many cases, girls try to dress provocatively (挑逗地), whether it’s to impress the boys, or to outdo (超越)one another. Using school uniforms takes away these distractions (使人分心的事).

Many times, kids are because of the clothes they wear, and it seems that no matter how hard parents try, kids know who is poor in the school. One of the advantages of school uniforms is that there is nothing to tell the difference between who is poor or well off. The benefit of wearing school uniforms is that everyone wears the same thing, whether you are rich, or poor.

There are some other things that make the idea of school uniforms more . There is no need to buy designer clothes that so many kids demand these days, and this can be very for parents who are constantly being asked by their kids to buy the next latest and greatest fashion. Some other advantages of school uniforms is that there is less likelihood of kids wearing gang color and clothes and this can reduce incidents of violence in schools greatly.

75. A. disadvantages B. advantages C. points D. questions

76. A. think of B. try on C. think about D. take out

77. A. contest B. match C. game D. competition

78. A. laughed at B. worried about C. relied on D. surprised at

79. A. attractive B. awful C. correct D. changeable

80. A. easy B. convenient C. helpful D. dull

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

Air pollution, as we know it today, started with the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 19th a serious problem for our environment.

When harmful elements get into the air, they may cause health problems and can also the environment, buildings and soil. They make the ozone layer (臭氧层) much thinner and the climate more changeable.

Our modern lifestyle has led to dirtier air over the years. Factories, all kinds of vehicles, the for air pollution today. But not all air pollution is caused by people. Smog, forest fires, dust storms and volcanic eruptions can also lead to the pollution of the atmosphere.

Smog (雾霾 of smoke and fog. It occurs when gases from hurt fuel get together with fog on the ground. When heat and sunlight get together with these gases, they

in the summer time. When it is very hot, smog stays near the ground. It causes lung diseases and breathing problems and in smog areas, we can’t see well.

Today, cities with a large have the biggest smog problems— Los Angeles, Mexico City or Cairo. The smog often stays over the cities for many days. Thousands of people die in London every year.

to drive on smog days in some cities. Factories use coal that doesn’t have much sulfur (硫磺) in it. So cars are much environmentally friendly today.

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题) ( 12分)

Flynn McGarry, a 14-year-old American boy, controls the kitchen easily. He is now crowned as(被誉为)“the country’s hottest chef(厨师).”

McGarry began his cooking career four years ago and said it was something he was soon drawn too.

He wanted to cook as much as he could. Before he tried cooking at home, he looked at all these cookbooks and surfed the Internet, He thought he could achieve that one day. McGarry said. “Every time I try it, I hope to keep getting better and better. I just fell in love with it.”

He said his mother’s cooking was another reason for him to cook. He didn’t quite like his mother’s food, so he decided to try something simple, and cook for himself. Every day after school, he began practicing his knife skills. That’s important to cooks. Then, he started creating dishes for a few of his mother’s friends. Soon after, he created more complicated (复杂的) and expensive dishes for famous restaurants in America.

The real “I want to be a chef” moment came when McGarry decided to create his own dishes. When his skills in the kitchen got better, he worked in top restaurants all over the country. His accomplishments(技艺)may seem like the work of an experienced chef, but this cook is only 14 years old.

The young man has a strong passion (热情) for cooking. He even turned his bedroom into an experimental kitchen lab. You can't see any video games, basketballs or movie posters there.

McGarry’s mother is proud of him and she fully supports her son. She said, “He showed such passion for this that it was an obvious choice to allow him to do what he loves to do.”

When Flynn McGarry was interviewed him, he said, “Focusing on your passion and hard work certainly pays off in the end, your dream will come true.”

88. How old was Flynn McGarry when he began cooking?

He began cooking when __________________________________.

89. When did McGarry try cooking at home?

He tried cooking after __________________________________.

90. Garry didn’t like his mother’s food, did he?

________, he _________________________.

91. Who did McGarry cook for at first?

For ____________________________________________________________________.

92. What did McGarry do when his skills in the kitchen got better?


93. What do you think of McGarry? And what can we learn from him?


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