
unit 3 A taste of English humour

1. up to now(常与现在完成时连用) 直到现在

E.g. He has made three mistakes up to now.

拓展:up to now 直到现在 Eg:Up to now he's been quiet.

be up to sb 由某人决定 up to date = up-to-date adj. 最近的, 最新的

be up to sth 胜任 up and down 上上下下 What ’s up ? 什么事?

2.content adj. 满足的, 满意的 n 满足

feel/be content with sth. 满足于某事 be content to do sth. 愿意做某事

be content that 满足…. be satisfied /pleased with满足…. e.g. She is content _______the job.

She is quite content to stay at home looking after her children.

她待在家里照顾孩子, 感到非常满足.

3.badly off

1). 贫困的

He is quite badly off recently. 最近他经济上很拮据。

2). 缺少的(for) The school is badly off for teachers.

worse off ( 更穷的)( badly off的比较级) well off 富裕的(badly off 的反义词)better off (更富的)(well off 的比较级)


be badly off for sth. 需要(某物)(某物) 供应不足 worse off 境况更差;更穷困

well off 富裕;处境好 (比较级:better off境况更佳)

Eg :His health is worse off than before. 他的身体状况比以前更糟糕了。

Eg: The refugees are badly off for blankets, and even worse off for food. 难民需要毯子, 更需要食物。

Eg: Capitalism can make you well off. 资本主义可以让你变得富裕。

4. entertain v.

(1) 使娱乐,使欢乐

We were all entertained by his humorous stories.


2 ) 款待, 招待.

entertain sb.with sth. 用…使某人快乐

entertain sb. to sth. 用…招待/款待某人

I often entertain friends to dinner on Sundays. 我常在星期天请朋友们吃饭。

联想拓展: entertaining adj. 使人愉快的;有趣的 entertainment n. 款待;请客;娱乐;消遣an entertaining story/guest 一个有趣的故事/客人

5. overcome v. 战胜, 克服 overcame-overcaome

Eg:We should try our best to _________ the difficulty.

He overcame a bad habit. 他克服了一项恶习。

be overcome with / by…被(悲哀、恐怖等) 打倒; 因为…崩溃/垮掉 She was overcome with / by grief. 她因为悲伤而崩溃了。

6. pick out

a. (从同类当中) 挑出 Eg:She picked out a pink dress from all her clothes.

b. (在许多人当中) 辨认出… Eg:Can you pick out your mother in this crowd?

pick up 捡起; 改良; 进步; 增加; 获得; 收听

7.cut off

1). 切下, 割下, 剪下

Eg:Her finger was cut off in an accident at the factory.

2). 切断(电力/煤气/自来水等), 停止…的供给

Eg:Our water supply has been cut off . 我们断水了

cut off the water 断水 cut off the supply of electricity 停止供电

3). (在通话中) 切断电话

We were cut off in the middle of our telephonge conversation 我们电话打到一半就断线了

4). 使分离, 使隔绝

The country once cut itself off from the rest of the world. 这个国家曾一度与外部世界隔绝

The village was cut off by the heavy snow.


cut down 砍倒;消减,降低 cut in 插嘴

cut across 取捷径;走近路 cut up 切碎

8.convince v. 使信服

1. convince A of B 使A 相信B

Eg:He wants to convince me of his sincerity. 他想使我相信他的诚意。

2. be convinced of sth./that 相信…… Eg:I am convinced of his honesty. 我对他的诚实深信不疑。

常用结构:be convinced/sure of sth./that确信;坚信

convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事

convince sb. of sth./that 使某人相信……

联想拓展: convincing adj. 有说服力的;令人信服的 Eg:This is a convincing story.


(1).vt.导演; 指示; 指挥; 命令

Eg:The film was directed by Zhang Yimou. 这部电影是由张艺谋导演的。

(2 ).指导

Direc sb.to do sth.

He directed the students to answer.


The driver directed us to the airport.


拓展: director n 导演 direction n 方向

10. star in (在电影中)主演,由……主演;以……为主角 如: E g: The director wants to star Jim in his new film.

She has starred in a lot of good films. 她曾主演过许多部影片。

11.slide vt &vi (使) 滑动;(使) 滑行n 滑;滑动;幻灯片

Eg:The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister. 孩子们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。

The car slid into the ditch. 汽车滑进了沟里。

She slid out of the classroom. 她从教室里悄悄地溜走了。

The car went into a slide on the iced road. 汽车在结冰的路上打滑。

12.whisper n 耳语;低语vt &vi 低语;小声说

1.whisper to sb.

Eg:She whispered something in his ear. 她在他耳边低语。

The children were whispering in the corner .那些小孩在角落里说悄悄话。

2.:in whispers=in a whisper 耳语;低语

They spoke in whispers. 他们在交头接耳。

13.react v 做出反应;反应

搭配: react to 对…作出反应

The dog reacted to the loud noise by barking. 那声巨响引来狗的叫。

拓展:reaction n 反应;反动;对抗

1 4. outstanding adj. 突出的;杰出的。

例如:显著的例子 an outstanding example

杰出人物 an outstanding person

15.throughout prep.

1) (表示地区)遍及, 整个 如:The company has branches throughout the country./the world.

2) (表示时间)整个,从头到尾 如:

It rained throughout the day./throughout the night. /year/month.

He led a poor life throughout his life.

16.worn-out adj. 不能再穿(用) 的,穿旧的;筋疲力尽。

He often wears a worn-out coat. 他常穿一件破烂不堪的大衣。

a worn-out coat 一件穿破的大衣 a worn –out automobile 一辆破旧的

17..fortunate adj. 幸运的,吉利的

1. be fortunate in doing 在……方面幸运


She is fortunate in having a good husband.

2. be fortunate to do sth. 幸运的能做某事


Im fortunate to have good health.

3. It is fortunate that… ……是幸运的


It was fortunate that he was saved by the passing boat.

18. particular adj./ n.,“特定的”,“特别的”

❀in particular (particularly) 尤其,特别

❀be particular about 过于讲究的,对…挑剔的

☆ She's very _________________ what she wears.

☆Among all the goods, I was interested in the mobile phone

_________ .

19. occasion

❀on occasion 有时

❀on no occasion 决不


He only wears a tie on special occasions.



On no occasion wil l he keep his word/promise.

13. amuse amusing amused amusement

1.amuse sb. with sth./ by doing sth.

2.be amused at

3. to one’s amusement


I amuse myself by reading on weekends.


He could amuse us for hours with his stories.

His _________ performance caused a roar of laughter in the audience. After he heard the good news, there was an _______ look on the President's face.

20. humour (n.)

a sense of humour

humourous (adj.)

①He has a good sense of humour.

②We found Mr White very humourous.

We found Mr White was very humourous.

unit 3 A taste of English humour

1. up to now(常与现在完成时连用) 直到现在

E.g. He has made three mistakes up to now.

拓展:up to now 直到现在 Eg:Up to now he's been quiet.

be up to sb 由某人决定 up to date = up-to-date adj. 最近的, 最新的

be up to sth 胜任 up and down 上上下下 What ’s up ? 什么事?

2.content adj. 满足的, 满意的 n 满足

feel/be content with sth. 满足于某事 be content to do sth. 愿意做某事

be content that 满足…. be satisfied /pleased with满足…. e.g. She is content _______the job.

She is quite content to stay at home looking after her children.

她待在家里照顾孩子, 感到非常满足.

3.badly off

1). 贫困的

He is quite badly off recently. 最近他经济上很拮据。

2). 缺少的(for) The school is badly off for teachers.

worse off ( 更穷的)( badly off的比较级) well off 富裕的(badly off 的反义词)better off (更富的)(well off 的比较级)


be badly off for sth. 需要(某物)(某物) 供应不足 worse off 境况更差;更穷困

well off 富裕;处境好 (比较级:better off境况更佳)

Eg :His health is worse off than before. 他的身体状况比以前更糟糕了。

Eg: The refugees are badly off for blankets, and even worse off for food. 难民需要毯子, 更需要食物。

Eg: Capitalism can make you well off. 资本主义可以让你变得富裕。

4. entertain v.

(1) 使娱乐,使欢乐

We were all entertained by his humorous stories.


2 ) 款待, 招待.

entertain sb.with sth. 用…使某人快乐

entertain sb. to sth. 用…招待/款待某人

I often entertain friends to dinner on Sundays. 我常在星期天请朋友们吃饭。

联想拓展: entertaining adj. 使人愉快的;有趣的 entertainment n. 款待;请客;娱乐;消遣an entertaining story/guest 一个有趣的故事/客人

5. overcome v. 战胜, 克服 overcame-overcaome

Eg:We should try our best to _________ the difficulty.

He overcame a bad habit. 他克服了一项恶习。

be overcome with / by…被(悲哀、恐怖等) 打倒; 因为…崩溃/垮掉 She was overcome with / by grief. 她因为悲伤而崩溃了。

6. pick out

a. (从同类当中) 挑出 Eg:She picked out a pink dress from all her clothes.

b. (在许多人当中) 辨认出… Eg:Can you pick out your mother in this crowd?

pick up 捡起; 改良; 进步; 增加; 获得; 收听

7.cut off

1). 切下, 割下, 剪下

Eg:Her finger was cut off in an accident at the factory.

2). 切断(电力/煤气/自来水等), 停止…的供给

Eg:Our water supply has been cut off . 我们断水了

cut off the water 断水 cut off the supply of electricity 停止供电

3). (在通话中) 切断电话

We were cut off in the middle of our telephonge conversation 我们电话打到一半就断线了

4). 使分离, 使隔绝

The country once cut itself off from the rest of the world. 这个国家曾一度与外部世界隔绝

The village was cut off by the heavy snow.


cut down 砍倒;消减,降低 cut in 插嘴

cut across 取捷径;走近路 cut up 切碎

8.convince v. 使信服

1. convince A of B 使A 相信B

Eg:He wants to convince me of his sincerity. 他想使我相信他的诚意。

2. be convinced of sth./that 相信…… Eg:I am convinced of his honesty. 我对他的诚实深信不疑。

常用结构:be convinced/sure of sth./that确信;坚信

convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事

convince sb. of sth./that 使某人相信……

联想拓展: convincing adj. 有说服力的;令人信服的 Eg:This is a convincing story.


(1).vt.导演; 指示; 指挥; 命令

Eg:The film was directed by Zhang Yimou. 这部电影是由张艺谋导演的。

(2 ).指导

Direc sb.to do sth.

He directed the students to answer.


The driver directed us to the airport.


拓展: director n 导演 direction n 方向

10. star in (在电影中)主演,由……主演;以……为主角 如: E g: The director wants to star Jim in his new film.

She has starred in a lot of good films. 她曾主演过许多部影片。

11.slide vt &vi (使) 滑动;(使) 滑行n 滑;滑动;幻灯片

Eg:The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister. 孩子们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。

The car slid into the ditch. 汽车滑进了沟里。

She slid out of the classroom. 她从教室里悄悄地溜走了。

The car went into a slide on the iced road. 汽车在结冰的路上打滑。

12.whisper n 耳语;低语vt &vi 低语;小声说

1.whisper to sb.

Eg:She whispered something in his ear. 她在他耳边低语。

The children were whispering in the corner .那些小孩在角落里说悄悄话。

2.:in whispers=in a whisper 耳语;低语

They spoke in whispers. 他们在交头接耳。

13.react v 做出反应;反应

搭配: react to 对…作出反应

The dog reacted to the loud noise by barking. 那声巨响引来狗的叫。

拓展:reaction n 反应;反动;对抗

1 4. outstanding adj. 突出的;杰出的。

例如:显著的例子 an outstanding example

杰出人物 an outstanding person

15.throughout prep.

1) (表示地区)遍及, 整个 如:The company has branches throughout the country./the world.

2) (表示时间)整个,从头到尾 如:

It rained throughout the day./throughout the night. /year/month.

He led a poor life throughout his life.

16.worn-out adj. 不能再穿(用) 的,穿旧的;筋疲力尽。

He often wears a worn-out coat. 他常穿一件破烂不堪的大衣。

a worn-out coat 一件穿破的大衣 a worn –out automobile 一辆破旧的

17..fortunate adj. 幸运的,吉利的

1. be fortunate in doing 在……方面幸运


She is fortunate in having a good husband.

2. be fortunate to do sth. 幸运的能做某事


Im fortunate to have good health.

3. It is fortunate that… ……是幸运的


It was fortunate that he was saved by the passing boat.

18. particular adj./ n.,“特定的”,“特别的”

❀in particular (particularly) 尤其,特别

❀be particular about 过于讲究的,对…挑剔的

☆ She's very _________________ what she wears.

☆Among all the goods, I was interested in the mobile phone

_________ .

19. occasion

❀on occasion 有时

❀on no occasion 决不


He only wears a tie on special occasions.



On no occasion wil l he keep his word/promise.

13. amuse amusing amused amusement

1.amuse sb. with sth./ by doing sth.

2.be amused at

3. to one’s amusement


I amuse myself by reading on weekends.


He could amuse us for hours with his stories.

His _________ performance caused a roar of laughter in the audience. After he heard the good news, there was an _______ look on the President's face.

20. humour (n.)

a sense of humour

humourous (adj.)

①He has a good sense of humour.

②We found Mr White very humourous.

We found Mr White was very humourous.


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