


1.-What's your name?

2.-How old are you?


3.-What colour is it? -It ’s yellow and white.

-They ’re green. -My name is Amy. -I ’m 12. 4.-What colour are they?


5.-How many kites can you see?

6.-How many crayons do you have? -I can see 12. -I have 16.

7.-How many people are there in your family?-Three.

8.-How much is this dress?

-it ’s ninety-nine yuan. -They ’re thirty-five yuan. 9.-How much are these apples?


10.-What time is it now?

11.-What day is it today? -It ’s nine o’clock.It ’s time to go to bed. -It ’s Monday.

-We have Chinese,English,math... 12.-What do we have on Mondays?

13.-When is your birthday? -It ’s October 1st ,our National Day.

14.-When do you do morning exercises? -I usually do morning exercises at 8:30.


15.-Where is my toy car?

16.-Where are the keys? -It ’s here,under the chair. -They ’re in the door.

-It ’s near the post office. 17.-Excuse me,where is the library?

18.-Where are you from? -I ‘m from China.

19.-Where does he come from? -He comes from America.


20.-What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

-Milk and bread.


21.-What ’s the weather like in Beijing?

-It ’s rainy today.How about New York?

-It ’s sunny and hot.


22.-How do you feel? -I feel sick.

-I have a sore throat. 23.-What ’s the matter ?


24.-What ’s your father/mother? -He is a doctor./She is a teacher.

25.-What does your father/mother do?

-He is a teacher ,he teaches English./She is a reporter.

26.-Who ’s that man/woman?

-He ’s my father./She’s my mother.

27.-Who ’s that boy/girl?

-He ’s my brother./She’s my sister.

28.-Who ’s your art teacher?

29.-What ’s he like?

-Miss Wang. -She ’s young and thin.



1.-What's your name?

2.-How old are you?


3.-What colour is it? -It ’s yellow and white.

-They ’re green. -My name is Amy. -I ’m 12. 4.-What colour are they?


5.-How many kites can you see?

6.-How many crayons do you have? -I can see 12. -I have 16.

7.-How many people are there in your family?-Three.

8.-How much is this dress?

-it ’s ninety-nine yuan. -They ’re thirty-five yuan. 9.-How much are these apples?


10.-What time is it now?

11.-What day is it today? -It ’s nine o’clock.It ’s time to go to bed. -It ’s Monday.

-We have Chinese,English,math... 12.-What do we have on Mondays?

13.-When is your birthday? -It ’s October 1st ,our National Day.

14.-When do you do morning exercises? -I usually do morning exercises at 8:30.


15.-Where is my toy car?

16.-Where are the keys? -It ’s here,under the chair. -They ’re in the door.

-It ’s near the post office. 17.-Excuse me,where is the library?

18.-Where are you from? -I ‘m from China.

19.-Where does he come from? -He comes from America.


20.-What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

-Milk and bread.


21.-What ’s the weather like in Beijing?

-It ’s rainy today.How about New York?

-It ’s sunny and hot.


22.-How do you feel? -I feel sick.

-I have a sore throat. 23.-What ’s the matter ?


24.-What ’s your father/mother? -He is a doctor./She is a teacher.

25.-What does your father/mother do?

-He is a teacher ,he teaches English./She is a reporter.

26.-Who ’s that man/woman?

-He ’s my father./She’s my mother.

27.-Who ’s that boy/girl?

-He ’s my brother./She’s my sister.

28.-Who ’s your art teacher?

29.-What ’s he like?

-Miss Wang. -She ’s young and thin.


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